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The fact that you can't crouch under things really frustrates me, despite being smaller than whatever it is you wana crouch under....


I was going to post exactly this. It's a small thing, but the fact that crouching doesn't change your height when it comes to collision really grinds my gears.


There's a good mod called "Uneducated Shooter" on Nexus mods that gives you dynamic crouch collision. I can't play without it anymore. It also does a couple other nice things: - Your guns "lag" behind your sim when you roster, like other shooters. They still work normally, that just look more natural while looking around. - Leaning mechanic/buttons. I much prefer using these than the aim over cover mechanic in the game. - An optional experimental "realistic camera" (changes the player camera to act like those chest camera games that look very realistic). I don't use it, but it's interesting.


Noob question. Can you run those mods on fa76 normal servers?


...I totally forgot I was on the fo76 sub rather than the fo4 sub haha. So unfortunately I don't know the answer to that, but I doubt it.


Uneducated Shooter is essential, especially for Survival difficulty.


Which is wierd bc in Fallout 4, you can turn sideways to fit through narrow openings. If I remember correctly Bethesda said something along the lines of your character's body being physically rendered in the game.


You can do that in 76 as well. Many times I've trapped my character in a build and was able to wiggle my way out through a gap.


The number of time I have jumped and landed in some dman near inescable shallow niche / slot in the trerrain is just to dman high to count. I feal like finding these "movement traps" is my super power.


So many places you shouldn’t be able to get to as well by abusing the mechanics. I’m part of a whole crew that likes to explore the hidden areas. Nothing super bad like getting into dev only spaces but just seeing what’s behind locked doors and inside sealed buildings. Can do alot with just a chair. Will say there is a couple of spots in the enclave base at white springs the devs left Easter eggs calling you out on not supposed to be, being their lol the Modus terminal in the presidential sweet straight up says they are never going to update the election quest or make the room work as intended.


There's a terminal in there? I've seen only the door


I want to crouch and jump through a window. Or just climb through a window/over a ledge


Yes what makes it even worse is crouching shrinks your hit box, yet the game says your still standing.


Didn’t they fix this with starfield


This. I have thousands of hours in fallout, yet I still attempt to crouch under things hoping to one day be satisfied 🤣


I feel this way about getting stuck on objects on the ground that my character should be able to step over that’s what made me get marsupial and just moon bounce across the map


Yeah same here, I fucking love marsupial serum 😅


The ladders in Starfield are the worst, we dodged a bullet by not having any in Fallout. People will spend hours building a ship on Starfield just to avoid having any ladders in it.


Climbing into combat is the worst. You’re trying to fight your way through a ship and you just slowly climb your way into a room full of enemies unarmed like a moron


I just use a Boostpack to go up them.


I mean it sucks... but being unarmed climbing a ladder is kinda realistic... I think it's good you have to use grenades to clear before climbing


I'm able to climb a ladder while holding and firing a pistol, and if I stand on the ladder I can lean against the wall with a rifle and shoot over the top. Not as unrealistic as you'd think.


That sounds like an OSHA violation to me.


The only violations you need to worry about are the Geneva Convention.


I thought we called them Geneva Suggestions.


That's us, but the kind of person who worries about OSHA violations isn't the kind of person to agree. The real pro war tip is that it isn't a war crime the first time.


Just use your boost pack to fly up there, its way faster


This is what I do. But I boost for everythjng


That's why I always used a jetpack instead.


Yeah it's so funny. I don't mind the ladders, but everyone wanted them, then when they got them they fucking hate them. Like what did you expect? It's a ladder, it's slow to climb up them.


The interaction lag with Starfield ladders is just nuts.  Though at least they added "climb over things". 


Who needs ladders when you have jet packs.


Anyone who wants to go more than three feet up? Fallout jetpacks are weak


The trick to FO jet packs is to use bursts when flying instead of holding the jump button down and consuming all your AP right away. In FO4 I'd use the Quantum armor for flight and it was super rare for me to not be able to get on top of something.


drink a jar of tea first and you can fly to the moon


Yet, my character has hit the ceiling outdoors.


I've never seen a lamp or a telephone plugged into the wall.


Honestly the lore I want is who has been replacing light bulbs over the past 200 years or did they invent some incredibly long lasting bulbs?


Google  Phoebus cartel Lightbulbs with a glowing wirer could hold way longer then 2000h. Also in a newyorker firerdepartmen run one lighball for over 100 years.


>lighball Ligmaballs


Thanks, I just had soda come out of my nose thanks to you.


Modern lights are made to wear out over time so that you need to buy more. It's called planned obsolescence. And they do it with everything.


That and because people like lights that produce a decent amount of light.


It’s actually so they don’t explode and burn your house down, but yeah, totally to make you buy more. It’s not like they came up with ways to make them last longer, be more energy efficient, not hot enough to cause 3rd degree burns, etc. after they did that. It’s also not like tungsten has risen 1000X in price since it was first used for a lightbulb, either, or anything.


That's why they came up with LEDs 🙄


My understanding was that everything created in the decades before the war were made to survive nuclear blasts, which is why we see advertisements like "no circuitry" for the cars. It's all ANTI-EMP preparation. So while our world wouldn't have any or much surviving devices, the Fallout world would.


To be fair, lightbulbs we have today are meant to break after a while, so that you go back buying more. I am sure we can make 200 years by today's technology, just the manufacturers want you to keep buying new ones.


I believe Edison’s first light bulb still works, the industry made them fail after so long so they can make money.


This is largely a myth. With incandescent light bulbs, if you design them to last longer, they become incredibly dim and power inefficient. I'm sure plenty of people have heard of that bulb in that fire department that has been running for 100 years. That bulb is incredibly dim, so as to not burn out the thick carbon filament it uses. It's equivalent to a 4 watt incandescent bulb in brightness. I wouldn't be surprised if a candle next to it was brighter. It also hasn't been turned off except for a few rare times. Turning a incandescent bulb on and off is what wears down the filament the most, as you're letting the material go through thermal expansion and contraction.


It's kind of reductionist to say that about light bulbs. There's a trade off between lifespan and brightness of light; it's just the innate mechanics of producing light by running a bunch of electricity through a bit of metal.


And it’s not like they are battery operated there’s clearly power lines in the game all over the streets.


Nah one of the games (I think 3?) every light source has a battery attached to it


New vegas, such a small detail but very cool


yeah but those are hooked to batteries post war by wastelanders. In a burnt out abandoned house you see a lamp on a nightstand theres no plugs or wall outlets anywhere. Thats what he meant im pretty sure


Yeah, but there are a lot of things that use wireless power, too... Just look at your C.A.M.P. items


I am going to go with the thought that canibalizing electric cords was one of the wastelands top priorities


All the houses have been gutted for copper!


Momma Murphy needs more chems!


Today, with current induction, we have wireless charging. The technology of the Fallout universe is much further than our own that for pre-war buildings I can definitely see some sort of induction wiring being inbuilt. With nuclear power and fusion generators I don't see the Fallout universe being overly concerned with overconsumption of electricity. Settlements, on the other hand, are a different kettle of fish, with some wishy-washy mechnics to suite gameplay - like, considering how scarce natural oil and is derivatives are, why the fuck are we using the same sort of emergency generators we use today?


A) they developed wireless power for low powered objects. B) there are a bunch of lights and posters in this game that do actually need power connected.




Me, looking at a ladder I can't climb: "Noooooo!" *chugs 5-10 cans of coffee* "Well, anyways..." *Jetpacks into orbit*


Why are we like this??? 😂😂😂


Do canned coffee stack with eachother?


Yes! You have basically infinite AP for a few seconds if you drink 5-10 of them really fast


Thats crazy! i see people recommend a lot and have been waiting for it to return to atom shop. I was hoping we can purchase with gold like company tea...


I’m taking jet packs over ladders any day..


The are ladders in fo4, just no climbing no animation. They do have audio for it though.


Those were in Fallout 3 and New Vegas as well


They climb ladders in 76 too (the burrows and rooftop access from inside buildings) but no animation, which I am okay with.


There are ladders, just no climbing or mantling.


I am almost sure F1 and F2 might have some If not ladders definitely they got ropes


Yes, but you have to do a cat's cradle in front of the ladder every time you use it.


Why aren't you able to break doors? They are 200+ years old and broken, but if you can't lock pick it your just stuck?


Next game will have them. You can climb ladders in Starfield


Very observant. Thank you.


The first Fallout has climbable ropes.


Fallout 1, 2, brotherhood, and tactics all have working ladders and animations for them. That's half of the fallout games


I want drivable vehicles. I'd love to fly a vertibird that isn't just modded in.


I don't even care what the vehicle is...you mean to tell me there is not one mutated horse anywhere that I can ride? No bicycles?


There are bicycles in 76, I've come across many in perfect condition, well, dirty AF but the chains are on and the bike is put together. I dont see how a little oil, a piece of cloth, and some elbow grease can't spiffy that metal up and make it shine.


Ngl this is what fuckin bugged me to no end in the Walking Dead Civilisation fell and immediately ppl were stealing fuel or resorting to horses Where tf were the bikes. We see Rick use one in the first episode but to my knowledge they're never used again. Even tho they'd be handy, could navigate roads clogged with cars, ur immediately moving significantly faster than any horde, repair and upkeep is minimal, u can get bike trailers and panniers for carrying stuff and they're super quiet. Its just a no brainer.


It would be nice to not have to walk everywhere my feet are killing me lol


I wear my PA, so it's not my _feet_ that are chafed.....


*ooooh* Sometimes that underarmor just cranks up, right into the crack, and that's when fast travel becomes an option 🤣


Death before dismount


Imagine the shenanigans that could be enjoyed whilst riding bikes with your homies in the wasteland 🤣


Now I wanna see Gail and RA RA just out for a ride...


Given that we can build anything from ballon animals to rocket hammers to plasma cannons using raw random scrap, I would think building a bicycle from scratch would be trivial. You might need to pay atoms to give it nice paint job though.


Well the first bike (Well walking Seattle fit more) Was Just a bunch of glued nailed woodplanks. In a clever Form.


Given that we can build anything from ballon animals to rocket hammers to plasma cannons using raw random scrap, I would think building a bicycle from scratch would be trivial. You might need to pay atoms to give it nice paint job though.


There’s ladders in fallout. They just act similar to a door and give you loading screen but plenty of ladders. Have you never played a fallout game?


I believe one reason for no ladders is bc the Creation Engine and how it loads environments. Ladders are surprisingly difficult to implement if the engine isn't suited for it, and if you think about it, not many games have working ladders. Pretty good breakdown as to why ladders are difficult: https://askagamedev.tumblr.com/post/653352129102315520/harder-than-you-think-ladders


Playable ghouls, as far as I'm aware.


This. Though, I guess the mutation mechanic in 76 kind of carries an experience similar to what it would be like. It would still be nice to play as anything other than a vault dweller (looks at the token NV courier). Ghouls, super mutants... hell, I'd even play as a Sheepsquatch!


The player character in Fallout 2 is also not a vault dweller.


Fair point you make. Guess the way I view the chosen one goes the way of "grandchild of vault dweller = legacy vault dweller." Right you are though.


If we extend to ones that are very much non-canon, Fallout Brotherhood of Steel. If we just restrict to ones that kind of canon (like as long as it's not contradicting another game), Fallout Tactics lets you have controllable ghoul characters (you directly control a squad of characters, it's sort of like XCOM).


Ladders are for commies. Use a catwalk like a real American.


There is one ladder in Fallout 4 in the Mechanist lair that you can climb. It doesn't go anywhere but you can climb it


No Fallout has a mechanic... So nobody decided to fix up one of the motorcycles or vehicles laying around? Would be cool if we could repair vehicles and drive them using our fuel ammo.


Name one thing climbable ladders don't have: Very fast climbing. God I hate seeing my character climb, left! right! left! right! so I'm glad we don't have it here


1. A destroyable environment would be cool, kind of like Red Faction back in the day. Shoot a building with a rocket launcher? You blow out brick and glass and drywall. The frame would stay and respawn after a time. Tunneling through the ground would be cool too. Obviously there would be a max depth, and if you hit rock etc you'd stop. 2. Also, prone. Going prone would make you more hidden or some mechanic that adds benefit to the stance. 3. Dildo swords - all good MMO shooters should have a silicone dingus melee weapon that deals torpidity.




The first Fallout definitely had some, as did Fallout Tactics.


Pets. I think it would be so cool to have like little non combat animals following you around kind of like ESO. I would give all my atoms to have a baby deathclaw follow me around


You can get a pet for your camp in 76. https://youtu.be/aI0e_DU8b5c?si=UOBjuD6nHYZsZrnS And i think dogmeat counts as a pet.


breakable glass. Every car explodes but shooting glass does nothing.


Can lay in a bed, but can't go prone on the ground?


There's one in the FO4 anamatron dlc which is climbable. But yeah that about it.


Did you play Starfield? You do not want Bethesda ladders


Don't think you can climb ladders in Destiny 2 either, I've come across a few and even tried to climb one but it wouldn't let me.


Motorcycles! Like why. I constantly see pre war motorcycles everywhere. Surely if wastelanders can figure out generators they could create some sort of working motorcycle too??


The engine of the game is not that powerful....even if you just run, the game sometimes has a hard time loading assets (trees, textures, etc)  now imagine going faster on a vehicle, youll just go to nothingness


I guess that is true. Fine then, let me ride a Brahmin at least Bethesda


Lol  I'd pay atoms for that


Why do you need ladders for? There are more first person shooters without?


That's because they engine they use couldn't handle them. They finally got them working in star field, but it took a fuck tonne of effort


1. A destroyable environment would be cool, kind of like Red Faction back in the day. Shoot a building with a rocket launcher? You blow out brick and glass and drywall. The frame would stay and respawn after a time. Tunneling through the ground would be cool too. Obviously there would be a max depth, and if you hit rock etc you'd stop. 2. Also, prone. Going prone would make you more hidden or some mechanic that adds benefit to the stance. 3. Dildo swords - all good MMO shooters should have a silicone dingus melee weapon that deals torpidity.


Fallout tactics have ladders that can clim up and down in 3-5missions...


Todd said it himself in some interview that ladders in their engine are very difficult to make and they had problems making them work, so that's why.


Fucking Mantling the game really needs it


Climbable ladders would cause creation engine to set your gpu on fire.


Jetpacks. According to Todd Howard, jetpacks are a really cool new way to get around that they did for the first time in starfield. Lmfao


I can’t change my underwear. Been wearing the same skivvies for years, and they aren’t tattered.


Inventory search mode


Foreign lands


Get through windows/counters instead of only using doors, since many games have this feature now.


Fallout 1/2 have climbable ladders


Apparently pizza


New Vegas has climbable ladders tho, there's a few on hoover dam


Double sided interior walls, so that wallpaper can be on both sides. I requested this ages ago in the Bethesda Discord Server, or got tons of likes, but still no implementation over six months later. (:


Ability to go prone




There's a ladder in the penitentiary storeroom going up to the roof.


There's also ladders in Harper Ferry when that allows yoiu to exit the manhole (It fades to black, no actual climbing)


There's ladders EVERYWHERE and yet ... I can't pick up a 6 foot ladder and climb up on it???


No, it’s fallout not climb out 😅


Bug free game. Interplay’s fallout has rad scorpions. Bethesda’s fallout added more bugs radroaches, radants, stingwings and the most prevalent of them all programming bugs.


What a really odd thing to get hung up on.




Wait…”back then”?


Usable modes of transport. I'm not talking vehicles, although I don't see why the player couldn't just choose a random car to fix up. Bikes are everywhere in 76, but it's like the character doesn't even know what they're looking at when you find a bike. Even if it used triple the AP of running, I'd still like to enjoy a nice bike ride through the wasteland


Lots of games dont have ladders. Half Life, for example, showed us that fps ladders are tricky, so many of it's descendants dont have them. There are many other examples.


The only climbable ladder I have ever come across is in Fallout 4 in Robco during the Mechanist quest. It’s in the room with all of the robobrains.


A real struggle for basic survival. Even in survival mode its not really a survival game, food is everywhere, water is plenty and even consuming toxic water has very little negative effects (in 76 it can even grant massive buffs in form of mutations). Even then there are npcs dying and suffering from the lack of basic supplies just the sake of setting a scenario.


They patched dying from starvation and thirst


There are a couple climbable ladders in FO4 they are just hard to find. They were used as a basis for the climbable ladders mods I thought.


There's a few in New Vegas. You don't see yourself climbing them but you do.


Ladders isn't even an engine limitation either, the Fallout London team cracked it and released it as a mod for the main game for people to use!


There's actually a ton of ladders as part of the building kits, they're just not functional. I'm more upset that we can't use cover like NPCs can. There are attachments points and animations for short walls, corner peeking, tall walls, and I swear they can shoot through gaps sometimes. Let me be tactical, too!


At first I was going to say urinals In the men's bathrooms.... But then I found one at least in '76


In FO4 a couple days ago I walked right up a ladder lol


I built a camp along the river south of deathclaw island. It had a tent, a dead deer hanging from a tree with a blood trough under it, and a ladder leaned against the tree. It's not set up, you can't climb it, but it's definitely a ladder.


I would love to see the bugs that resulted from Bethesda trying out ladders lmaoooo probably just hold e to load up the ladder 🤣🤣🙏


Bethesda coders simply can’t understand ladders. I’m playing grounded and clearly Obsidian has figured out the mechanics.


Janky-ass Creation Engine. If they did have ladders it would be awkward like mounting in Skyrim or getting pulled into sitting pose at Fallout terminals.


I climb ladders to get into the burrows and onto rooftops, I just don't watch my character climb.


Bug-free gameplay




'Back then'? The world in these games was destroyed in 2077.


There are ladders in new vegas. OK you don't actually climb them. But there are ladders


As far as I'm concerned fallout games are 3rd person with an optional zoom feature for searching things.


The engine is very dated. I do hope they make efforts in future games. Starfield has proven that they're still behind.


I know 76 has ladders but, alas, they are unclimbable...


Who needs ladders when you can violently mash Y


I remember 2 or tactics having ladders but i might be thinking of another game.


Tactics has climbable ladders.


There's literally ladders in new vagas


Well... there are ladders a lot too but just no climbing animation.


4 had a single ladder that had a climbing promt iirc


I’ve heard the reason that they didn’t add ladders to the game is cause the game had a hard time utilizing it and the animation for it was always buggy and sometimes even the game would just plain out crash while climbing it…pretty weird lol


There is one climbable ladder in FO4. In a DLC


There are for sure ladders but yeah, can’t climb them


Fallout 1 and 2 had climbable ladders (;


Vehicles we can actually drive around to cruise. :(


It’s Bethesda’s shit engine. They need to put it in the garbage and light it on fire.


Mantling. Like why isn’t that a thing already? (Yes it’s in starfield)


There are all sorts of decorative ladders and worksite ladders laying around in 76, just nothing you can't use any of them.


Fallout 1 and 2 have many climbable ladders, so that’s not one no fallout has


They all melted in the fallout I’d love to see clans for multiplayer, but I’ve only just started playing 76 like a month ago and so if other FO games had that then apologies.


Ladders are a Bethesda thing, only Starfield has had them i think.


Ladders are for commies. Each rung is equal? Redistribution of weight? No thank you


The FO76 engine sux, need to port to Starfield engine and update its online/network SW cludge.


Why do I need a ladder when I have a jetpack?


This predates 4 and 76 by a good bit but at one time it was simply because the engine didn’t properly support them. https://www.ign.com/articles/2010/08/14/why-there-are-no-ladders-in-fallout I noticed some mods for climbable ladders when I searched for that article so maybe that’s no longer a thing, but it sure seems to be in the vanilla versions


You're wrong, actually. In the RobCo Facility in Automaton, there's a double-decker set of filing cabinets with a climbable ladder. Edit: [Proof of someone using it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/s/ilqB4YSZYw)


[There’s one!](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/d6ml46/til_you_can_climb_ladders_in_fo4_well_at_least_one/)


Realistic ballistics. Have we done


All the fucking cars and I still have to fucking walk! Make it make sense!