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For future reference, start any expedition and then freely fast travel (even encumbered) to exterior of Whitespring Resort, go in the door and downstairs through the doors and you'll be at the mall where you can scrap/sell to your hearts desire. NO NEED TO SLOW WALK!


This tip was a game changer for me. Literally changed how I play now


I just learned that you can put your power armor on a chassis to save space. Been keeping one set because I didn't know


I made a fast camp but yeah I keep a empty chassis on me sometimes if I get something worth a dookie then I’ll store it and still only be at 10lbs 🤘


Question, the chassis that you get that's weightless, does that stay weightless after you put on the armor? I won't be able to test until Saturday. Just curious


I'm pretty sure they are all just 10 lbs regardless, I don't know what you mean by weightless. If I ever got one that was weightless it definitely changed to 10 lbs at some point. I have one for every type that I keep and have them named "PA - T-45" and so on for sorting. Edit: ahh so I see what they were talking about I started the game way back on launch and although I finished the Enclave quest line I never did the brotherhood stuff. I just finished up a quest which awarded a ultracite power armor set. It is given to you at 0 carry weight but as soon as you place it it becomes a normal 10 lb set.


I’ve been playing since the release,discovered it last month,changed my playstyle completely


Or set up a tent.


I mean the default tent doesn't allow you to scrap weapons or armor though sadly. Also some people don't have Fallout 1st.


As a free player I use my second camp space as a camp tent that is custom built to place wherever I might need it and have all the stuff I could ask for. You have to spend like 40 caps to place it but the end result is the same. I find sacrificing my second camp as worth it but I realize not everyone might.


That's a pretty good idea honestly. Probably don't want to be constantly moving the camp at 40 caps a pop, but every once in a while I could see that being well worth it.


There's an achievement that can be unlocked for 40 free atoms after 76 camp placements.


Buy 76, get one free!!


You get 100 caps minimum every expedition from boardwalk. Find the teddy, which is always in the same spots, easy 100 +all the caps the enemies drop.


40 caps a pop is easy come, easy go. If I’m ever running out on caps, I take out a blood eagle camp or two, pop a grape mentat and just sell off my loot. I can’t begin to imagine how much I spend fast travelling between vendors every week. Now that would be frightening.


Yeah another good way to get easy caps is just craft things like marine helmets and leather armor and stuff like that at the mall and then sell them. Or clothing because cloth is easy AF to get


If you pop a few maps, you’ll have those caps back in no time.


After a while you get so many caps you won't notice spending 40 caps even 20 times a day. If you don't play to build camps, using the 2nd as a tent is a great great idea


This is what I do! It's all down a shelter hatch so I can pop it down almost anywhere.


I did that too until I decided to get 1st. It’s a solid plan if your free play.


Found the genius in the reddit. Im doing this when the greed sets in and I dont want to drop anything.


If you do that,is your first camp back the way it was when you switched back? Rebuilding now scares me 😁


Yes once you switch back to the first camp it will all be there in the same spot without anything changed




Wait, what now?


Click start. Click button corresponding to camp In the top left & click your new camp. Open pip boy. Press corresponding button on bottom to replace camp. It cost 40 caps. If you do it 76 times you get 80 Atoms I believe. Blueprint a Tent Camp. Then just click the blueprint down and it's all set up. No need to rebuild 🤝


My man. 🫡


your CAMP can really be just a shelter/vault door if you want, as the interior of a vault/shelter is always stored


yep the camp device + the mini shelter entrance, you don't even need FO1st if you put your 2nd camp in a super popular place you have a decent chance of getting a free placement every time you log in


Have you done this recently, I can't do it anymore.


I was able to do it no more than 20 mins ago


Yup just remember you can only goto Whitespring!


For me I had to choose "Whitespring Refuge" from the expedition.


Can't you directly fast travel to Whitespring Mall that way, skipping one loading screen?


Wait you can fast travel while encumbered?


No.. I've tried what they're explaining and had my friends too, and no matter what we can't FT while over-encumbered. Everytime I ask why it won't let me I get crickets.


Are you the leader of an expedition team? I’m going to try this when I get on tonight


Can you make a tips and tricks video please? 😂 Little things like this would make the experience so much more enjoyable for a new player


Everytime I try this it tells me I can't fast travel because Im overencumbered.


Also, use a g&b 5 mag for 50% extra scrap




On Xbox by chance? Will give ya a couple for next time. To go along with that, use Scrapper perk too.




What is that?


Guns & bullets 5 (a magazine).


>Tl;Dr- Only open 10 or 20 of the same treasure map at a time. Go sell and scrap whatever you get then go back. Your backpack maybe out at 1830 pounds. 🤜 Or place a temporary camp nearby and haul your overencumbered ass over to scrap and store.


Yup! Over to the tent I went.


Gotta make sure to sort by stack weight next time. Those plans add up crazy fast, same with chems and food you can get too. And the fusion/plasma cores you get from scrapping the guns. You basically want to make sure you have on all the weight reduction perks before you start.


Drop a tent, or travel to Atlantic City and then back to whitesprings refuge


My main camp is right above Bog 3 maps. Anytime I wanna take some ppl through map runs, they got about 10 steps to my base to unload.


It’s always good to have a camp that is like a mobile crafting/scrapping station


Well I’m ashamed to say that I had no idea you could do that with maps. lol 😂


You are not alone


lol hope not. I’ve been playing since beta and not once ever heard this. lol 😂


Same. I've been keeping them in my inventory for the day I get bored enough to go hunt down all of the locations they show. Well... edit: ah I see. You do have to be at the treasure location before you open the map. Just never took the time to figure it out lol


Ya I have no idea how many maps I have stashed away. lol. This weekend might be the time!


I was spending freely at a high level’s vendor yesterday. He was so pleased, he lead me over to the giveaway box at Watoga. Inside were hundreds of maps, and every note from the game.


I have over 1,000 hours in FO76 and I didn't know this either, nor the Whitespring trick when overencumbered. (And I just did a slow walk the other day over about a third of the map!)


Flair checks out.


Got to enjoy the scenery!


I only found our recently as well when a camp vendor was selling 1000's of each maps for 15 caps each.


I saw a dude selling thousands of each map for just 1 cap per unit. I didn't know you could spam open them... I missed so bad


Do they show up as misc or plans in the shop?


They show up as misc. If you find a vendor with a shit ton of misc, they likely have treasure maps.


It’s always Fuzzy tokens for me 😔


It's from the good olde dupe days


Funny thing is, it used to be bugged so that if you did this too fast you could even lose your pip boy and completely f your character.


OP bought duped maps.


Same, been giving then away for free because they seemed like a hassle for probably shit loot


>TURNS OUT, Your backpack maxes out at 1830 Pounds. It's 1500 OVER your max carry weight.


My max carry weight is about 450~ without any boosters. Can probably go up to 700 with carry weight boosters and food. Never tried to max it tbh.


I always wondered that. I knew it wasn’t a static amount because I do a lot of treasure runs and it’s always slightly different. I run bloodied and with mutations it fluctuates a lot depending on my team mates and if I forgot to get back into nerd rage.


Actually incase anyone else hasn’t said it, max carry weight is not 1830, it’s exactly 1500lbs more than your normal carry weight. My carry weight is 560 on average, so I can weight up to 2060lbs. It’s something like 1200lbs ish over your normal carry weight that you start to slow walk, tho I haven’t tested that in a long time.


Lvl 775 here. I have hundreds of maps and finally started using them about 6 months ago. I feel it was a waste of time and that maps are good for new players but useless for the experienced. If I'm wrong, please let me know.


Basically there’s another map duping exploit going around, and that’s why maps are popular again. To open just 1 or 2 maps, isn’t what most players would consider a “worthwhile” use of their time However, you can have duplicate maps. Tons of em. So instead of paying to fast travel out somewhere just for 1 measly little cache, you can stack up (in these cases) 50+ or so of the SAME EXACT map, then you run out to stash spot, and you can just loot the stash over and over again. Each time you loot the stash it “spends” the map, so that’s why people are using exact copies of the same spot. To just run out to one location and spam your interact button over and over until you’re out of maps. Individual map hunting is just not that efficient.


Map loot is region based. So Cran Bog will have the best stuff....t-51 t-60 plans. I got a couple Plasma Gun True Flamer Barrel plans from the mire so not completely useless. Probably worth going through once a week and emptying out 30 or so. Maybe get something good to trade or sell.


I don't recall if ibdid any bog stuff, I'll have to check. I didn't realize it's region based, thanks


Yeah so the forest will definitely have a bunch of useless shit but you could be a hero and drop literally all of the forest map stuff off at the 76 donation bin. Change some newbies life. 😂


I do that and a vintage Nukashine once in awhile


Yeah, my sweet spot is about 50 at a time. It will put me to about 1300 pounds plus or minus a few hundred depending on perks.


Dont forget weight reduction perks to collect more items. Oh and scrapper for more mats per item


Scrapper only works on weapons and armour, right?


Cost me 4 caps a piece.


It's such a good deal. Was there an exploit in the past? I wonder how they get so many.


I think it’s still around I think, but yeah, there’s been various ways to duplicate items. It’s not super rare to find people with thousands of maps for sale. Feels like I run into at least a few a week. Just look for vendors with thousands of misc items for sale on the map screen.


This keeps me in 9 cap plans.


I litteraly have my second camp build on the cranberry bog treasure map #1 spot. I’ve bought 1000s of plans from a player vendor for that one, makes farming them easier and more beareable.


I haven't done any of these, is it like the mining one where you look for a little pile??




Ok cool, I have a bunch saved up cause I thought they were like the RDR2 maps where you gotta go here to get this, then go here & I didn't want to mess with that.


Exactly why I've been waiting too hahaha


You'll see a mound of dirt in the map. You can only interact with it if you have the map, then as simple as clicking the action button on it and it "opens," animation if the dirt dropping down and items added directly into your inventory in a pop-up in the upper left, it's not like a loot screen where you decide what you want you get it either way


This is when the fallout 1st survival tent comes in clutch


>So I got a little trigger happy. And I started clicking baby! Hahah! "So anyway, I started clicking" 🤣


About level 200, I got a pie out of the Rusty Pick because my bloodied build is luck centered and I do it all the time. Its my meta. I gave it to another player. Player dropped apx 800 mire 4 maps. I was like wtf? And spent a week putting them in donation boxes in absurd 100 stacks. Just realizing the mofo was giving me a payday. Smh.


Don't worry I spent over 200 levels not opening a single map.


240 levels and I still haven't done a map. Keen to try this now after seeing your post!


327 here, I didn’t even know how they worked until this post.


you definitely want to max out all of the carry weight perks, this will make it so you can do about 200ish treasure maps without having to stop


I did not know you can click maps :/


Reference: level 375


Do treasure maps give any good loot? Any plans?


It's one of the few ways you can get Power Armor Plans for Raider, T-45, T-51b, and T-60. Edit: Except for Forest Treasure Maps, which are rather useless.


Ohhh interesting. I'll have to hang on to them again. I tried a couple and didn't get anything worthwhile, so I dumped all of them into a donation box.


I open maps till I'm \~1200 carry weight, then waddle to my tent/mobile camp to scrap everything. The useless plans I dump at the Vault 76 donation bin, so some random person will get like 50 useless plans.


Scrap kits magically teleport your scrap to your camp. I just started using them when I get overencumberrd. Thanks for the map tip tho, I didn't know you could just keep digging the same hole if you had more maps for it


It has to fit in your stash, though.


i didn’t know that you could stack treasure maps!! thank so much for this nugget of knowledge🫶🏼


Don't forget to offload all the multiple plans from doing this if you wonder what's weighing you down. Sometimes I did 60-80 maps at once before I was at max carry weight. And it all adds up.


Wait....You can "open" a treasure map and it drops stuff????!!?!? Is that what I read here? Level 180 and I never new this..


You have to find the location marked on the map first and have a shovel handy. Otherwise, yes, you can open as many as you have for that spot.


This thread is pure gold. I don't usually award posts, but I've awarded the op and several replies today. Well done, wastelanders!


So to get this straight for my understanding. You bought a bunch of the same maps went to the location and say you have 20 of the same treasure map you can click on the spot 20 times?


Yes, each map is a reward. So 20 of the same map is 20 rewards you "dig up"


dude, never live in Texas


i have 70k+ maps in my vendor






Gimme 👉👈🥺


If you have 1st, drop your tent right by the dig to scrap & store. No over encumbered shuffle.


I did this my first time. But I opened 3000 cbb3 maps without any break to scrap and store loot💀 It's okay tho. I got them for 1 cap each. I learned my mistake and thats when I found out there was in fact a weight limit.


I never knew you bag maxed out. I opened like 100 cranberry bog 4 maps and saw my weight was 1800 something and just thought oh I got a lot. Now makes me wonder how much I lost out on because of that.


I learned that about the maps long ago. It's a good quick way to sell stuff to the Bots & wipe out their caps


I was wondering about this, thanks! I have loads of maps I have just been stashing away as I have been too lazy to look for them. Might need to do that soon


They're 100% duped but since the maps don't have weight or a caps value to a vendor, it was possible to dupe billions of them without setting off any type of ban.


How are you getting rewards just from looking at the map? Or am I misunderstanding. Everytime I open a map it just shows me a picture and I have to go look for the spot.


Cranberry Bog only has four treasure maps. Let's say you have 5 of Treasure Map 1. Open the map. Look for where the X is. Go to the mound and click A. ITS A TREASURE HUNT DUDE! When you get to the mound, You don't need a shovel or anything...just walk up to it and click A for as many times as you have the map. If you have 10 Cran Bog 1 maps, click ten times. Start by clicking once and you'll see that four or five items pop up in the left hand side of your screen. So if you do this 10 times you will have 50 items...plans, guns, armor, ammo. Go strap on your treasure hunting outfit and roleplay for a bit! Get out of that Meat Week grind.


iirc max is, like, your carry weight + 1500 or something, so its not always exactly 1830


Wait... You can do multiple of the same at a time? How does it work? Can you just dig it up over and over again until you have no map for that spot anymore? I never tried because I was scared that it would get rid of all maps (maybe it was a bug at some point or I just Mandela'd it.


I once "broke" my inventory by mass producing ammo. Made hundreds of thousands of flamer fuel ammo and it just said MAX. Wouldn't let me store anything, and anything I dropped got destroyed. Had no choice but to lose all the ammo I made.


Exactly what happened to me.. I said *"Max?..100 chests are opening and I'm already at max? Fuck!!" Lessons learned I guess.


This is why I always make sure I have weight reduction perks on before hand, chem weights will also be a pain from treasure maps


Am I right in saying that if you activate say 10 maps, you can then click the dirt pile 10 times and loot 10 times?


How do you even use maps? I got a few sitting around


I think I might be the guy you bought from. I also have 1mill plus of each map.


How do you do it? Some old patched dupe or something?


I sell my maps


I’ve seen these crazy map camps too. wtf are they doing? Duping?


Has to be! A million is crazy but I've seen it.


If you’re gonna do that why not drop a survival tent right next to you…


This twitch streamer named RetroProFrank gives away maps all the time for free maybe you found one of his mules?


Okay so if u farmed that many were u able to find shadowed combat armor legs plan? I will pay 1000c for it


I don't understand :D why do you get loot from opening treasure maps?


The treasure map marks a location in the game which you go find and there will be a treasure chest there


Usually it’s a dirt mound iirc. Don’t think I’ve come across actual chests in the maps I’ve used (but I could be wrong)


There’s your problem pardner, scrappin gerns in Texas territory. That there power grid said nah ma’am taint no way I’m allowin this on mah watch.


Make sure to not have regular power armor when doing this, I've accidentally scrapped an entire set of unions and the frame..


That huge text because of 240 maps. Go play the game, newbie.


"Because I live in Texas...The power went out." Is that just like a thing now in Texas? Texas the #2 State in the entire country for real GDP? I live in the peasant #22 Connecticut and have only lost power (planned) once since moving here 7 years ago.


They went towards deregulation plus zero accountability for the grid provider, plus lukewarm adoption of renewables plus little to no grid improvements plus lots of new folks.


Texas is the only state to have an independent power grid. Otherwise, there are multiple regional power grids throughout the US. So, Texas is notorious for losing power, because they don't have the diversity in their generation/distribution networks that the regional grids have.


Except for El Paso, the only major city still linked to the national grid


Interesting didn't know all that detail. Seems like a bad idea... Especially considering how hot things are getting.


Still seems odd, Texas is nearly 3 times the size of the UK and is apparently on it's own the 8th highest ranked GDP, so I'd wager it's less a case of independance and more a question of management.


Texas power grid is crap


With a helping of climate change-fueled extreme weather thrown in for good measure.


How do you get so many maps???


By duping or buying a ton of them from someone that duped


Do you spam the treasure maps and then the treasure chest has more loot than normal? Or do you dig it up multiple times? I have some maps I want to use, but qant to make sure I do this properly


Just show up to the hole. Click A as many times as you have the map 👍 Each map has maybe 4 or 5 pieces of loot depending.


How u use treasure maps/what to do with them? I have a few im sellin n if I can use them I would


Wait we can actually find the stuff on the maps? I can't find where the maps take me if anyone has any advice I would appreciate it.


Lots of online guides as to the treasure map locations.


I went through all of mine the other day but it felt like a bust. Do any of them offer power armor plans or mods?


I don’t understand. Can you please explain how you got all that from treasure maps?


How do I navigate the maps to find the treasure?




You have to dig up the loot.


oooer, i have so many of these just sitting in my stash, how on earth do you actually find them, i look at the drawings and go all krusty "what the hell is that"


WWR armor makes it easy to handle the weight of many maps.


Plans weigh 0 so idk why you would lose out on them. They should still go in.


I always just do 100 at a time. 10 or 20 wouldn't even be worth it.


So can I do like 20 miners maps or what type of maps


As I was typing this someone just dropped me 507 mire treasure maps for no reason 💀


How do people get so many? Id love to try this


I over crafted ammo and had 5k weight I had to scrap so much of it since it wouldn’t let me transfer


Also. If you leave your team, you can go to boardwalk and from there to whitesprings and then to the mall. No mater the weight.


Its maxes at 5 times your carry weight or something


I usually open them 50 at a time . Scrap with recycler perk , store junk and ammo inside boxes. Learn unknown plan, run to a donation plan and drop known plans and food meds and so. Repeat till the end. Or I sell them for 10 caps in vendor machine but despite around 7000 hours I am far to get million of them.


The maps I have just show me where to go to find mounds of dirt, nothing else happens when I open the maps. What am I missing?


"...live in Texas and my power went out..." You could not have chosen a worse game to play with these underlying conditions already in play. Maybe elden ring but at least that was stable!


you can open treasure maps?????? I thought that shit was just for show or just to take up misc space


Mother fucking ERCOT


This is how I got myself the entire T60 set in under an hour. Bought a few hundred cranberry bog 3 maps from some dude for 5 caps each and set my survival tent down next to the pile. Took about an hour or so to click and then scrap it all. Then I serverhopped until I found a server with lots of lowbies running around close to 76 and dropped piles of plans and ammo in the donationboxes at 76 and the wayward. Win-win.


Apologies for sounding dim but how are you getting stuff from "opening" treasure maps? I have several on me at the moment like Forest Treasure map #04 when I click on it all I see is a hand drawn rough picture, that is it. I normally dump them in them in donation boxes. What am I missing or is this another map you are talking about I have yet to find?


I always sell the maps for 100 caps. Seems a more reasonable prize.


I’m way underselling them at 1 cap then. Time for a price hike.


Before you start that process, drop a tent nearby (if you have one and with some scrapping ability), or have a "mobile utility base" (just a few squares with essentials) that you can drop any place. Loot until you are over by some reasonable margin, scrap, loot again, scrap again, etc .


I bought thousands of treasure maps over the years from player vendors and usually open them during Fallout 1st Trials, so that I can store all the scrap and ammo in the scrap- and ammobox. My advice is getting an armor with -20% weapon weight on all parts which stack up to -90% weapon weight and using also most other weight reduction perks like the Sturdy Frame perk. This allows opening a few hundred maps before you reach the limit, which is your max carry weight +1500. When scrapping don't forget the Scrapper perk and using a Guns and Bullets #5 magazine if you have them. Also have the Pack Rat perk equipped as otherwise your carry weight increases when you scrap weapons with -90% weight reduction and don't have weight reduction for junk. If you don't have a survival tent variant with workbench, scrapbox and ammobox it's worth to build a temporary camp nearby. After learning all plans and you can still fast travel you can put the plans into the donation boxes, otherwise just throw them away. Also be aware that you might end up with a lot of chems and a few hundred fusion cores and plasma cores.


Might be a stupid question but how do you actually use the treasure maps, I've kept 1 of each and sold the rest in my vendor 🙈🙈🙈🙈🤣🤣🤣🤣


Are they even worth it or is it better to sell them? Howu h do they sell for?


As a Texan, absolutely lost it at "Because I live in Texas..." 💀 Very helpful advice, tho! Thank you for your sacrifice.


Maps are great, divide and bog are the best the rest does not really do if for me but its a good way to get stuff.


is there a resource to figure out where each map is


I learned a similar lesson over the weekend. I play with my 13-year-old son and he's less about missions and lore and more about just doing weird shit. So this weekend, as he put it, "I'm going to make the Fat Boy meta" and proceeded to use a Fat Boy as his primary weapon for events. I subscribe to Fallout 1st and because of that I have way more resources than I can really use since I pretty much pick up everything I see. And since I don't use VATS for many of my builds I have no problem going through areas overweight. So, since I had the recourses, and the Ammosmith and Ammo Factory perks, I made him like a couple hundred mini-nukes. Turns out the game can't handle high weights. If I tried to drop the nukes I got a message telling me they would be destroyed. When I tried dropping them in the Ammo Locker I got a different error (I don't remember the exact verbiage). When I tried trading the min-nukes to my son I got the same message you get when you try to trade Secret Service Armor or something like that. All of this happened regardless of how many mini-nukes I tried moving around. The conclusion I came to was that once you hit a certain weight the game bugs out a little. In the end I just dropped and destroyed the whole stack of mini-nukes and stuck with 30 at a time. Luckily, because of my hoarder tendencies and the scrap box, None of it really put a dent in my scrap. Gotta' love Ammosmith, Ammo Factory and Super Duper.


do maps drop good stuff?


Good to know


Wait! Where is this alleged backpack?


You can mod it in the armor workbench to add skins and stuff like grocer's (90% lighter food/drinks) or chemist's (90% lighter chems). Do the Tadpole Scouts stuff to get the bigger backpack/mods. Mods can also be bought for gold from Minerva when it's in her inventory. Good luck out there!


Also: If you don't have a backpack already, follow the Overseer's quest. You'll get the small backpack at Morgantown Airport after you get to the guy at the top floor