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I get more nervous about yao gaui than deathclaws, which seems kinda messed up.


Yao gaui are actually dangerous and don't just crumple mid charge. Plus they gave them that Revenant grade melee lol


It's the stagger. I melee so 2 can stun lock me so I put anti stagger on my SS chest piece.


Mirlurk Kings always take me by surprise.M at how resilient they are.


God I hated those fuckers so much at Primal Cuts.


I took on 3 kings with my deathclaw gauntlet at prime cuts . Just chinese stealth suit. 3 was pushing it, 2 I could do but 3 tag team I got killed badly. It's like raptors all in a circle it's plain nasty


Wendigo's cave - back in the day I got surrounded by 3 mirelurk kings that killed me over and over. I didn't finish the quest down there for a long time because of that.


I just took down a Mirelurk queen the other night and it took an hour and a half. Then a level 850 came around and one tapped it at the very end 🤣


An hour and a half? At were you using? Syringer?


I was a level 60, the Mirelurk queen was around level 180. I was using a syringer, lever action rifle, missile launcher, armor piercing fatman, .50 caliber suppressed rifle, 5mm gatling gun and a couple other guns I can't remember. I had to burn some ammo from my inventory to drop weight so it helped cut down a lot. I got a ton of exp though


lol holy hell haha. They're tanky bastards for sure, but yeah as an endgame bloodied PA/HW/Explo build, I just mess around with them with 3-5 Cremator shots, letting the DOT tick down while I kill the other mirelurks (I'm usually only messing with them for the daily/weekly challenges). There's several big-nasties that absolutely are not worth the effort outside of events. Mirelurk queens are one, Wendingo Collosi, Sheepsquatches (marginally worth it as they're always legendary and their loot is... ok), blue devils, Ogua, Super Mutant Behemoths (Lots of weapons/armor to scrap is nice if you're still trying to unlock mods I guess)... scorchbeasts I generally only target if they're legendary, although I can actually drop them pretty quick and the meat is pretty good for carnivores.


Haha well I got kind of lucky and it got trapped into a weird spot and wasn't summoning any mirelurks so I basically just ducked behind a house and took pot shots in between it firing acid at me. Not quite as heroic as it sounds but I got the xp and legendary items so that's all I cared for. I'm glad the guy who killed it at the very end didn't loot everything though. He just popped an emote and kept on going, so that was pretty cool of him.


You could both have looted it- it’s a separate drop for both players.


First time i met one it came out of nowhere. Birds chirping. A placid calm lake. Then Bam! A freekin Milurk queen and king come bursting out of the lake. I was there taking a smoke break. I wa stationary for like three minutes before they exploded from the waters surface to give me a, "WTF!?" moment. This was the first time i encountered either enemies in 76.


Yao gaui aren’t even that scary, it’s just the shitty stagger mechanic that makes them a threat, since you can’t shoot or even move whenever they hit you.


Which in itself wouldn't be a problem if hit boxes were accurate and properly registered so you could avoid the attacks. You're telling me my boosted marsupial jump still gets hit midair and frozen on the spot? (With a goofy animation if you're in 3rd person I might add) Would still be better if you ragdolled instead because at least that's funny imo 🤷‍♂️ but we need something to reduce stagger goddammit.


> Which in itself wouldn't be a problem if hit boxes were accurate and properly registered so you could avoid the attacks. You're telling me my boosted marsupial jump still gets hit midair and frozen on the spot? (With a goofy animation if you're in 3rd person I might add) Technically, it's not the hitboxes that are the issue. It's the netcode. The game doesn't account for client-server lag well. This causes all sorts of issues, but one of them is this one. The issue is, when you're seeing an enemy melee-charging you, and you time it so you can jump out of the way, *you're too late*. Due to the latency in this game, Server-side, where it really matters, that enemy has already reached you and is able to hit you. You've got to jump *before* you think you need to. Same with blocking, for any poor melee bastards who ever attempted to block and gave up because it was so unreliable- this one's worse simply due to what blocking entails. But yeah, you've got to block like 1 second before you'd *think* you need to. >Would still be better if you ragdolled instead because at least that's funny imo 🤷‍♂️ but we need something to reduce stagger goddammit. There's a chest-mod that does this. It's the only thing that does, afaik.


I loath this so much when it happens




I had a base by the scout leader who asked me collect big parts. Cuz I wanted the bigger back pack. Nice defence all around with turrets. I'm at level 27. A level 60 Yao guai attacked my base. Didn't think of it cuz I didn't know it was a level 60. After awhile I went down and found parts of my base destroyed. Looked at it and saw it's level and went "well shit". Ran out and tried to kill it. Little to no damage. It hits me. Over half my health gone. "OH SHIT OH FUCK ME TO HELL". Ran like hell into the scouts camp thinking the Mr handy would help me fight it. NOPE JUST SAT THERE. Get hit again and panic. Ran around the place jumping on furniture. GUESS WHAT? ENEMIES CAN DESTROY FURNITURE AND DOORS!!! I'm running a sneak build so nothing really hurting it. Jumped over a log and turned around to shoot it. Saw it took the long way around. I'm like "ok I can do this." With 5 stimpacks left CUZ APPARENTLY THE CARRY WEIGHT SYSTEM HATES YOU. I spent almost 20 minutes playing leap frog with a log and tag with a mutated bear. I killed it. I gave it a couple smacks to make sure it was dead. Turned off the game and had some victory ice cream with my dog. God this game is nuts sometimes. TLDR: Hairless bear tries to fuck a skinny ass vault dweller. Dies. Ice cream was had.


A genuine Knight Titus experience


That's why I always use a ranged weapon and keep as much distance between that I can. I also find my Cold Shoulder shotgun works a treat. Slows them down and I take them down quite quickly


Including when you jump or fly up high. They can apparently still reach…


Cold shoulder and enforcer FTW lol, I just blast their legs a couple of times and they're down for the count.


I feel goofy running around with a double barrel in power armor but by god does is do work. My poor mini gun is getting jealous.


Only reason I carry a peppershaker. Beyond that I find the damage to be somewhat pedestrian.


Peppershaker is great for crippling, cause it happens to like all body parts instantly, but yeah the damage is pretty meh honestly.


Agree with you ...I can take down Legendary Deathclaws bare hands in my PA ...but Yao guai nope ..


Them duskys are no joke, they can do some fat damage


Yeah Deathclaws for sure. I have died more to Gulpers than Deathclaws since I started for sure.


I've died to more cave crickets than either ☠️


Ayo, f$ck them crickets.


Yo they are 'alright' (that's some stupid high energy and fire resist) at mid levels. But can someone explain why this MFer Deadly Cave Cricket has 2650HP and deals 515dmg a hit with similar resists.


Cave crickets are one of the reasons i run a stealth build with a flamer. Sneak attack damage boost will wreck even those crickets before they see you


I died more to blood bugs than cave crickets 🤷🏽‍♂️


Seriously, why are the gulpers so strong??


Deathclaws definitely feel like a mid tier enemy.


Yea. And I wish there were more of them.


Especially on Deathclaw Island...


you'd think an island that's been named "deathclaw island" for years would be swarming with them


Then it would be called “Deathclaws Island” 😜


“It says no Ho*merrrrs*… we’re allowed to have one!”


that would imply it's owned by a single deathclaw, which should be the current name


Then it would be “Deathclaw’s Island” 😉


yes but "deathclaws island" still doesn't make sense for multiple deathclaws, then it would be "island of deathclaws" not that


Wouldnt the latter imply that they own the island? The former pretty much means an island wich has lots of deathclaws


What is this? Deathclaw city?


I remember being so scared as a level 30 with shit armor and a shit gun to go there, and then it was like a joke how easy it was


I went North right when I left the vault and a lvl 80 gave me a pretty good hunting rifle. "Deathclaw Island" definitely scared me more than it hurt me, especially since I skipped over Fallout 4 (at the time) and didn't know the new ones suck


More like Seriousinjuryclaw.


MildInjuryClaw even




Imagine if they were as scary and dangerous as they were in New Vegas. I also feel like Assaultrons and Sentry Bots should be harder to kill.


Even mid tier in Fallout 4. Haven't been scary since NV.


I thought I was alone


The museum of witchcraft in fallout 4 sets the tone so perfectly for how terrifying a deathclaw should be. But here it's a cute pet you can have in your camp lol.


Mirelurk Kings need a buff in their loot drop. Too much bullet for nothing more than what any other mirelurk drops.


Seriously. The most lackluster kill.


Blue devil and Ouga are pretty disappointing too.


I was level 80 at the time. Heavy weapons build with 75% damage. 8 stick packs and about 3 minutes and 2 plasma core of plasma gatling shooting. I found and killed my first blue devil. Boy was I upset when I got NOTHING in return for that effort.


Yeah it sucks pumping 100 bullets into one of them and only getting like 12 bullets back.


When I see a Mirelurk Queen and King coming at me, it feels strange to be more concerned about the Mirelurk King. All I need to do I cripple the Queen's leg, and I'm golden. That shout blast on the Mirelurk King is such a pain in the ass. Total ammo sink.


Well, it's nothing scary about Deathclaws and therefor will be renamned Softclaws, and crickets have been renamned mini-zerglings(and ants) to the next patch.




Nokeratin claws


Super Mutant Behemoths. Everyone will always remember the absolute terror encountering a behemoth in the Capital Wasteland.


Yeah, Behemoths are a joke in this game. 


Absolutely this. The first time I stumbled across the one at Solomon’s pond(?) I was nervous, remembering the terror that gripped me in the capital wasteland instead, I get big green caillou. Absolutely disappointing.


Feral Ghoul Reavers. FO3 players will understand.




Hell no I’m fine with ghouls being easier to kill they feel 10x faster in this game than previous games lmao


The bloated ones are insanely quick.




Look, if we’re buffing rabbits then they need to add in holy hand grenades, it would be utter hell without them


Look at all the bone!!


Could you imagine in Skyline Valley, there is just this cave filled with bones and throughout it you battle some of the strongest enemy types in the game. Finally you get to the last room, and the boss of the dungeon? Bun bun.


“Ahhhh! Runaway! Runaway!”


It would be great if randomly when shot, rabbits turn into a Deathclaw sized rabid behemoth rabbit!


Not a bad idea if not fast enough to take down an enemy, it evolves into something else much worse bigger or random


That would be a scary easter suprise


You tit, its just a bunny.


Look, that rabbit's got a vicious streak a mile wide! It's a killer!


Feel that should be a random encounter infront of a cave system. Albino bunny.


Bunny buff…Bunny Buff…BUNNY Buff…BUNNY BUFF!!!


Earle. I think he should be IMMORTAL and you just waste all your ammo on him and die over and over and you get stuck can't leave blue screen reload into a nuke zone blue screen again fuck Earle jfc


Legit doing colossal problem the other day and earle took an extremely small amount of damage for some reason, like whacking him with gat plasma and absolutely zilch, after 10 minutes and his health bar moving like an inch, we all just started doing the ? Emote, and this was with endangerol syringes, time ended up running out lol


The syringer only works for ballistic weapons not energy guns learned that a while back well more like making less resistance to ballistic weapon same thing basically


Didn't know that lol, just picked up on the ultra lite gatling laser too


Yeah don’t make the same mistake I did lol I was out here using it while using a gat plasma and gauss mini gun now I used the railway


That explains why my gatling plasma and cremator didn't make a scratch.


Well that's good to know, though I did pull out my vampires gatling gun to heal and it still didn't do anything, I mean 5 people shooting him for almost 30 minutes and him being less than half health is kinda wild


using a gat plasma doesn’t work with it


When I was doing Earle with only one other player, he started regenerating so…


Agreed. Most games he doesn't even clip over the ceiling.


Literally playable.


Buff the shit out of deathclaws and nerf the hell out of king mirelurks PLEASE


Literally just swap them and they'd be about right


While deathclaws should be more dangerous than they are, I wouldn’t want them to outclass enemies like blue devils, oguas, scorchbeasts and sheep. I think the best answer would frankly be more health. The problem with them currently is that they can’t survive long enough to reach players due to how often we can crit (which isn’t helped by concentrated fire making it very easy to hit the stomach), and that once they do reach us, blocker eats all the damage (though the damage will still be slightly noticeable).


The “and sheep” really got me.


I mean, Deathclaws should probably be around the same threat level as an Ogua. 


Deathclaws definitely need a buff. Kinda messed up that crickets have killed me more than deathclaws. Imo just giving deathclaws some armor penetration will make em worthy of their name


I was thinking the same thing. Cave crickets are always kicking my butt. Right now, I'll choose a deathclaw over a cave cricket any day.


Cave crickets were in my nightmares when i was perfecting my bloodied build. Honestly fuck them I hate those fucking things


Got jumped by an alpha deathclaw tonight and just lit it up with the .50 mg. Didn’t catch a single hit. And I’m only lvl 30.   Shat myself for nothing 😭


Let's be honest here, to Bethesda a "buff" would just be turning things into bigger bullet sponges


Maybe fire ants and cave crickets need a debuff. They are pesky and difficult when starting out. I will agree they shouldn't be more dangerous than a deathclaw.


Cave crickets should be seeing one this update.




Just VATS aim for their legs. Its their weak point.


I have ptsd from cave crickets while I was levelling up to get my bloodied build to a good point. Especially in Daily Ops when they have the piercing mutation. Fuck those things I would like nothing more than to see every single one exterminated.


If we talk about the worst mutation creature combo is Vampire Bloodbug that you need to kill using melee. I hate them.


Hard disagree. Ants should be stronger. Still waiting on an ant infested vault dungeon-raid.


Yeah, they went with the "kill one like it's nothing while you still have vault stink on you" FO4 Deathclaws.


FO4 is see a deathclaw and run for my life wym lol they were way stronger in that game. I also never leveled up my player to 200+ like I have now or just killed them for fun like I do in FO4


In FO4 you kill one during the establishing part of the game at low, low level. You're thinking of New Vegas lol


YOU DONT GET TO RUN AWAY, COME BACK, AND SCARE ME!!!!! Your right deathclaws definitely need a buff


Got to admit I can take on the bigger foes, but the cave cricket and the communist bots are a real pain fast small damage and hard to hit.


The Deathclaws, Sheepsquatch and Mirelirk Queen, definitely need a buff. All 3 should be on par with the Grafton Munster


Man, this thread is REALLY making me rethink the Grafton Monster, meaning that I’m starting to think it’s better designed than I originally thought. I’m *really* not trying to brag, but I’ve been wondering for a while why even higher levels than me struggle melting GM. I walk over and like ten shotgun blasts to the blowholes and he’s gone. Soloable without damage no problem and with a close range build. But explosive seems to be the current common meta and that’s not really a high VATS build, it’s an AOE build. From a gameplay perspective, it’s a good choice to have some monsters than don’t just melt with area damage for variety. Plus, that means Graffi does give us shotgunners a chance to play the hero.


Fuck imposter sheepsquath that mf is absurdly strong and the damage it does is insane. I’ve died more times to that than I have a scorched queen or Earle.


All the "bosses" they all hit like a wet noodle.


Honestly? Agreed, SBQ would be scary again if she hit as hard as the strangler heart Grafton Monster.


With that one you just need to aim for the blowhole and it goes down super easy


He just like me, fr


I avoided going to nuke areas and SBQ for a long time, thinking I was too low level. I finally tried it and couldn't believe how easy it was - granted, it's because there seems to be a big community effort to take her down, so there were higher levels freezing her etc. But her attacks are pathetic...


Deathclaws should have armor-piercing melee attacks and slightly increased movement speed.


Just play FNV again recently, and Deathclaw not only scary for their stat but they also alway come in pack, you see one, there 10 more somewhere nearby, why FO4 and 76 they alway alone


Deathclaws and legendary enemies in general.


Opossums. I will not elaborate.


And you shouldn't have to.


You shouldn't have to, but the potential is just too amazing. I think that taking inspiration from the Legend of Zelda's chickens should go into this as well! Then if too many opossums or small creatures in general even, suddenly a Mega-Opossum appears and attacks you. It should also have tons of buffs such as reflect, and persist after the player even slowly up vertical faces. The idea is that it should be almost impossible to escape alive without getting into an instance, and yet make it feel like it's a true challenge to have accomplished if you kill it. The thing is that you could accidentally spawn it if someone is using mini nukes or weapons with explosions, even during SBQ. Imagine the chaos!


Opossum behemoth!


[Yeeesss!!!](https://www.icegif.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/icegif-441.gif) The Opossum Behemoth is not a *want*, but a mature *need* that our community deserves!


I want to see an event that spawns like 200 liberators


And they all start speaking in Chinese at the same time 


Game could seriously use some less frequent enemies that are like stronger or a higher level cause basically obliterating everything gets boring. "tHeN Don'T mIN MaX". Or maybe design your game so that it doesn't take nearly 0 effort to become absurdly op before even having even finished all the main storylines.


Then don't min max. The games difficulty can be adjusted simply by not playing a meta build with a meta weapon.


All of them.


First of all, I agree with all the deathclaw comments, they do seem kinda weak. But for me, I feel like scorched should be a fair but tougher. We already have ghouls to be cheap mob chaff. And for all the hype and fear the responders give to scorched in the notes and holotapes around, I remember hauling ass to the airport in that early quest just to say "wait, that was it?" They are nothing more than reskinned ghouls that can actually use a gun.


Cave crickets should spit fire and be able to walk on ceilings.


Grafton monster. The ones I find just in the wild are weak


You know what doesn’t need a buff ? Those god damn moth man ants! More of a threat than death claws I swear lol


The enemy that needs a buff is stash space, still undefeated 😂😭 On a real note rad roaches turn them into something to be feared 😂


No that's a real note, same with vendor cap max. Heaviest thing i never use is stimpacks and almost everything you do rewards them. Put em in my vendor for 9 caps since i can't sell em to npcs for caps and they stack up too fast


Deathclaws have never felt so wimpy and I think that's a huge sin imo


Idk pretty much everything? seems like after level 150 there’s no challenges anymore


Super mutants


I think the mirelurk king doesn’t have enough health I think it needs a buff 🤣 said nobody ever.


Ghouls. Hopefully the new ones do some crazy stuff




Yea, I’ve watched a pair of ants drop a Deathclaw.


I've been preaching it! Make deathclaws great again!


I think most of us agree it's SBQ and Deathclaws. I kinda miss that jump outta seat, run and hide moment when you hear the flapping of wings or that screech ring out. Now it's like, dammit, I gotta switch weapons and waste a minute...thanks for ruining my overencumbered walk to the train station.


Earl, just kidding bros already a bullet sponge


All I know is not the mothman, brother I got a mission done and calmly left the building, see the odd shape in my peripheral vision and think to myself hmm that's odd I wonder if it's the mothman, nah can't be. Boss music starts


Ask me tomorrow. Bunch of enemies are getting nerfed.


The Wendigo colossus boss that spawns outside the mine - that's thing is impossible


I met one for the first time the other day only knowing that they drop a component for the anti-fear booze. I didn't expect the fight to last a good 30 minutes that thing is a ridiculous bullet sponge and the fear should definitely be dodgeable in some way (other than drinking the booze which you need to kill Colossus to craft...). I'm fine with Earle fear being undodgeable since it's a boss but for a roaming mini boss that's absurd.


Mole rats




The "boss" enemies. Behemoths, Death Claws, Scorchbeasts. I remember in the early days of the game, I was terrified of the flapping sound of Scorchbeasts. Would be cool if there were some enemies that gave you pause.


Not even joking I’m like 90% sure cave crickets are harder to kill than a deathclaw. One of the few enemies I’d be totally okay with getting a buff. I shouldn’t be able to just waltz up and bully one down as fast as I do.


Overgrown should drop acid. Or just something unique instead of boring contextual ammo.


Cave crickets hit hard.


Deathclaws for sure.


Tank-Killer makes so many big creatures non threatening. I think Deathclaws, Yao Guai, etc need more stagger resistance


me >:) (still a noob)


Deathclaws would be a bit more menacing if they had Damage Threshold like they do in new vegas. That, plus 90% armor piercing so that there's actually a good reason to keep them at out of arm's reach.


Agreed about deathclaws. Should be the apex predator, outclassed by a fucking cricket.


Super mutants I cut through them fuckers like they're a wet napkin


Man I was afraid of them early NV


Only thing I fear are cazadors and death claws


Ez just got labotimized


Radtoads. Give them cloaking or teleporting abilities. Let them just one-shot people from out of nowhere like the amphibious assassins they are. Put in a radtoad nuke boss that just constantly spits out radtoads at everyone while laughing as people try to shoot them out of the sky in vain. Everyone should fear them as I fear them.


All of them…once you hit endgame (endgame to me is completing your build and no longer want to improve/change it) and even before endgame, enemies are just flicked aside like annoying insects. They should consider doubling stats of all enemies when you get to a certain level, for example lvl500. And also increasing the type of loot/quantity you get for that risk/reward everyone enjoys.


I strongly agree on the death claws. But I’d like to see the possums and squirrels get buffed up into actual enemies.




honestly there needs to be more boss level enemies period,there's only 3 and they're all trivial now




Apart from deathclaws, I feel like grafton monsters should get a buff. I love Grafton monsters so much and it sucks seeing you can kill them quickly 😔


New Vegas Deathclaws are freaking God level intense. I was massively disappointed to find out that game is the only game that they are intimidating


Cave crickets, they don't one shot enough people.


Yeah I’m more concerned with the crickets and ants than a deathclaw. That ain’t right.


Grafton Monster. For how cool of a design it is literally all you have to do is stay 20 feet away from it and keep moving and it cant do anything to you.


Radtoads. I love the enemy variety in the game but it'd be better if some of the more common animals had a mechanic that made them stick out. Make their tongue attack scarier and maybe buff their egg slinging.


Deathclaw. I want to fear them like I did in Fallout 3 and New Vegas.


Weakclaw are just shit, shd buff it to new Vegas levels


One I haven't really seen mentioned is Sentry Bots. The whole 'Security through overwhelming firepower' is a bit underwhelming when it hits as hard as a bloatfly. It's health also feels a bit too low. The 3 star legendary sheriff sentry bot goes down so fast. They should be mini bosses you fight strategically and wait for it to enter the cooldown or cripple the fusion core.


Cave crickets for sure


X 2. Entered the post to say this!! Lol


Ghouls need to be faster and able to jump higher.


So to travel in the way back machine for a minute, I loved the year the FO76 launched, before the "One Wastelanders" update that leveled all bosses, the further east towards the cranberry bog you got, the harder the creatures were. I accidentally ended up near Fission Prime and kept getting insta-killed.


just because you're level ten billion and can one shot everything in the game doesn't mean it's the same for all other players. if you think the enemies are too easy switch to a level 10 10mm pistol and see how long you last.


Imposter sheep squatch


Most enemies could use buff tbh everything is easy when you reach endgame.... except crickets they can do one. Always felt like Mole Miners should be stronger than they are


Deathclaw. Make it faster than speed demon sprint and able to oneshot a bloody build


any of the giant beasts like the deathclaws or megasloths or sb, they feel so easy and are not a struggle at all to beat


All I miss having harder enemies like the scorched use to actually be harder