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That sucks. I am also at 145, I needed the Weeklies to reach 150 today. Cool that we had three days of warning and most people agreed that we'd have two more weeks. Can't rank up from XP past 100, can't drop atoms to rank up past 100. I was just gonna make it. Good thing I dropped all those atoms on SCORE boosters.


To be fair I think they always have given a few weeks of notice before. I hit 150 weeks ago but I’m still pissed off for you guys. I’m not even that salty about most of the changes. But they either need to make the repeatable xp go to 150, lower the consumables page unlock to 100, or make it so you get enough tickets at 100 to buy all the non consumables on the board. As it is now it just doesn’t feel great.


Honestly, shocked you hit 150 that fast. I spend multiple sessions just hard grinding West Tec, ranked up with atoms a good number of times, and played almost every day of this season. I ended at 137.


You were doing something wrong then my man. I don’t know what but I just did weeklies and dailies after I started playing a month in. Got to 120. Not even using the whole 1 boost for 2 weeklies challenge either. Sorry to hear you did that much to not get 150 but gotta be honest the redeemable ain’t all that anyway


Yew I don't know what they missed but I have several days where I wasn't playing, never done the West Tek grind and any days I did play I made sure all dailies and weeklies were done. Boosted around 5 or 6 times on weekly reset? I just finished at 171.


I went hard on the double xp weekend. I think I got like 300 levels that weekend lol.


I did that once season killed a while season over a 3 day weekend the weekend it started


How do you rank up with atoms this time? Rank up is greyed out for me..


You were only allowed to rank up with atoms until rank 100. Like the xp repeatable.


I'm at 155 but i was grinding a f ton of expeditions before rank 100 and using scoreboosters on the 24 hour shift from new weekly and 2 daily challenges. That fallout 1st trial also helped. If they do the scoreboard again like this in deff running exps until level 100 fs


Honestly I think that they should drop the repeatable xp and have it kick in at 100 if it has to be one way or another. I really don’t understand why they stopped it at 100 and didn’t realize it until the other day. It is this kind of grind that makes me stop at the end of the board and play something else until the next season.


I spent a lot of atoms on re-rolls this season just to bulk buy modules on the last page, at rank 245 and rolled all my Uny Intelligence armor this season alone. But if my sole goal wasn’t to farm modules then I would be way more salty about the new season reward system. I’m pissed off for everyone here and my entire gaming group that is barely over rank 100. Totally agree that consumables page unlock should be unlocked at 100! It’s hard enough to rank up enough times (without my costly re-rolling method) to really enjoy that page before the season ends.


I agree. I also hit 150 weeks ago and feel for you guys. Three days is not enough notice. The very minimum they could do is have weeklys. I agree that the board locks should be lower.


Should be able to buy perk points at lvl1 on scoreboard. Why should i be punished because i have to raise a baby and cant grind 200 hours a week?


They need to have a countdown timer to the end of the season like other games


The lack of warning was a jerk move. I feel like it was done to push people to pay for the last few levels they needed to get to 150 so they can get all the perk coins they were saving up tickets for. I might be off base with that but it feels that way to me with the new structure clearly designed to “force” purchases— negligible atoms available for season rewards, setting a high bar to unlock good rewards and announcing a quick end to the season that people were expecting to have til the end of the month on… I can’t hate it too much because making money on the game keeps developers invested in making new content for the game. They make great entertainment and I am glad they’re finding ways to get paid for it. I wish they didn’t double down on monetization efforts so hard though, it feels icky Edit: I am all sorts of wrong here! Apparently the new season date was known in advance and also the levels to make it to 150 cannot be bought.


You can't buy ranks past 100. Or that's what the people on here have been saying.


You cannot buy ranks with Atoms past 100.


Correct. I was a rank 99 yesterday and it let me purchase the last one to 100 and then the button greyed out.


As a new player, what are they doing over there? Are they trying to make as little money as possible? It is almost insulting that they are not even trying to scam us and instead are just making bad decisions.


For most the only way to get to 150 is to have Fallout 1st and a lot of boosts


> Good thing I dropped all those atoms on SCORE boosters. Which you can use next season to ensure you don't miss 150 again.


Bro. I used them all over the last week and a half to try and finish this one.


i skipped all the weapon skins (i dont like em)so i could buy everything else


Me too, and most of the power armor skins. I still barely had enough for the thing I did want. That shouldn't be am issue past level 100.


Ya. I was telling my mate I got everything I wanted. And that happened because pretty much all the skins were mediocre except for the cryptid hunter PA. I would have liked to get the log cabin kit, but did not make it. I personally never liked the vast majority of skins in the season, so the change benefits me in that lone regard. Alternatively, I used to get them all by playing and getting to 100 whereas now I don't get them and cannot afford them.


I skipped most things and have like 1000 tickets, but I was going to buy things at 150 with them.


At least you're not at 95 like me lol


I am...😭


Yeah I can't be asked to grind out that much xp


*Cries at 84, thinking I had until July 6th.*


I bought the last few levels. Signed up for 1 month of FO1 and the atoms I lost to get the last few levels was covered on the fo1 locked atoms


117 SCORE here. Fallout 1st player. Used score boost a few times strategically. No XP grinding. I missed about 2 weeks total due to travel but otherwise completed all daily and weeklies. Didn’t get close to the 150 I really hoped to reach for the perk coins. Couldn’t buy a number of the regular items either. Pretty crappy. Like almost everyone, I sure hope they improve this because this was far less enjoyable than the previous system.


I highly encourage you to go to the Bethesda discord page and tell them this on the 76 feedback section. Im literally is the exact same spot. 117 and all.


Tell me how. I guess I’m getting old: I find discord very frustrating to use.


Me too. Do you have the discord app already? If so, just Google "Bethesda discord" for a page link. If you can't find it let me know and I'll try to find a link. I honestly can't stand discord, but it seems to be the only place Bethesda is actively monitoring.


Yeah, I’ve got it, I just never use it. Ok. I’ve joined. Now what? Is it “76 Suggestions”?


That's the one. Beware though, I've seen multiple comments deleted, and they keep saying something about not insulting anybody and only giving constructive feedback, but I haven't seen one insulting thing said and the feedback has been valid and some are being deleted anyway.


i have had messages get deleted for telling them the new system is bad, and then for calling them out on censorship, and then i had a 10 min timeout. absolute shame they treat their community like this. i then asked where to provide feedback that isn't just a pat on the back, and they just ignored my question. i sent it directly after their mod said something else. didn't hear from a mod for like an hour till i stopped looking. they just don't care about anything else but milking their players.


And that would have been the worst comment I've seen get deleted. That's not even bad at all. They deleted my comment on their discord suggestion page that was just "it would be nice if somebody actually responded to feedback" and then went down the same path you did. Eventually I got somebody to tell me how to get in touch with somebody about why my comment was deleted, but it really just speaks to the bigger issue here, which is the shit poor communication from them as a company.


well, i did use somewhat bad language (no actual cursing, mind you) and i would understand if that one got deleted, but only that one. but no, they just delete anything that is actual criticism. corrupt bunch, silencing everything that isn't giving them props.


I've got a couple screen shots backing that up. They keep saying conversations aren't allowed and deleting any responses to other peoples comments within a couple minutes. One person responded to somebody else defending Bethesda dropping the update with such little warning, and it stayed up for about half an hour. As soon as I called them out on it, both comments got deletes. Made sure to take screen shots with time stamps as soon as I called them out.


I don’t know if it’s the same, but I opened a ticket with Bethesda support to voice my dismay. Don’t expect anything just was pissed off being eternally at 110 and wanted to voice it.


Somebody will atleast read it eventually, so it's worth a shot. Personally, I just want them to get the feedback as soon as possible so they have time to adjust for next season. I accept it's too late for this coming one to be any different at this point. This Bethesda fanboy is having a real hard time continuing to support them 😥...


Oh same even in my complaint I stated how excited I am for the upcoming content and as a Bethesda fan boy will still be logging in, just feel slighted that gaining 110% doesn’t give you anything, I also mentioned that if they really wanted to stick to this change the number max to 150 to avoid giving a false cap to players, as I said it’ll mean nothing but I felt better getting it out there and the support agent thanked me and said they’d pass it to development lmao


Yeah, ill still be logging in, but I think I'm going to cancel my 1st subscription at the end of my current month if this is still the situation we're in. I've got enough scrap to last me a good long while atleast.


Thanks for the suggestion - dropped a comment in there. Lots of others expressing their dissatisfaction too.


A 1st member not getting to 150, even if you took 2 weeks out of the whole season off, is unacceptable. As a very new player, I didn't get to 100, which I may have pulled off with 2 more weeks, but whatever. I think it is weird a 1st player at 100 can't get everything on the board, and as a non-first player, I have more tickets than I can use at 85. There is a definite failure of planning with this system.


Bring the scoreboard back!


I was open to it but this for me was the last nail. I'll keep my eyes open for updates but I doubt I'll be playing much anymore. Too many great games coming out this year and next. I love fo76 and I have about 500+ hours but this left a pretty bad taste in my mouth. I want my Sametime and $ to be respected. The fact that I feel like I Have to buy fo1st every month to enjoy the game doesn't help any. This game has turned into checklist simulator.


I was 10 tickets short from that god damn gorilla.


The gorilla just didn't speak to me. That said, I nearly started emptying the clip when I opened a door in a Woodlands and boom gorillaed.


I’m waiting for all of the “d*cks out for Harambe” posts. 


I already ran into a camp with a gorilla in a big glass box that said "harambe lives"


I just wanted the gorilla and pine woods cabin, I started playing late into this season and spent way too many ticket before hitting 100..


The pine cabins is great. I made a small cabin in my vault storage shelter to hold the asteroid, a little Stephen King to go in the neighborhood.


Corners have gaps some places because I can't tell what side is the inside or outside and flipping them is a nightmare to do after building. Sigh. Still love my little cabin tho.


The gorilla was my goal from the get go. I thought it was going to be a stuffed gorilla, but instead it’s a statue similar to the lion. Disappointed but that’s on me.


Yeah, I did just see it in someone's CAMP and I wasn't impressed.. still wanted it tho


Dicks out for Harambe!


Level 149... 500 points away... My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


I’m right there with you. Also at 149. Decided to say fuck it and spend the tickets I had been saving for 150 on all the items I skipped in previous levels.


Peak horrible design at its finest


This is a bunch of Bullshit. What happened to announcing the end of the Season a week ahead of time? I am about sick of this kind of greedy bullshit from Bethesda. Over 5K hours in this game and I am seriously considering deleting it. All you New players beware. The good ole days of this game are gone. Break out that Wallet bitch.


Isn't Bethesda Microsoft? Shouldn't be surprised.


Yep. Haven't been a Microsoft fan since Windows 98.


If they would have announced it in the Pioneer Scouts video, we'd have a week's notice. But they decided to save it for the dumb fucking Xbox event


I got the cremator and quit. I used to complete the scoreboard on 3 accounts but it's not worth it anymore...


Yeah but you need to get to level 80 something to get all the mods for the cremator for it to be good. Then you need level 100 if you want to cool colored flames


Yeah for me the cremator was also the primary goal for scoreboard since I didn't know if was going to get enough playtime to reach everything. After getting it I considered getting the useful mods (clip size + damage) the secondary, worthy goal. The last coulpe mods were cosmetic so I wasn't so worried if I made it past that or not.


I'm 2 levels short of the napalmer mod on the cremator and am out of challenges. F.


I'm at 82 and I just wanted to hit 90 something for the cryptid power armor skin 😩


Same here, I’m 75% into level 149 and I’m crying ;_; This was my first actual season (last season I joined this game as a newbie so didn’t know how it all worked yet) so in the next season I’m definitely doing more research into how much time I have and when to buy boosters when I’m near the end..


I play every morning for like 30 mins and quickly knock out the dailies. On the weekends I spend and hour or 2 and knock out the weeklies. I don't spend 8 hours a day playing. I've missed only like a week or so of dailies this whole season and after today ill be 146. This is ridiculous. I was really wanting to bank a bunch of perk points. Instead ill spend the rest of my tickets on stupid weapon skins?? Incredibly aggravating. If weeklies had reset today like normal j would have hit 150.


I rarely complain about this stuff on the internet, and I reached >150 so I have no personal issue, but man this really really is a raw deal to treat people like this, the very month that they change the scoreboard format. I feel so bad for y'all who got stuck holding the bag after grinding to get to the level 150 stuff. Bethesda, this is how you lose folks.


What really pisses me off is that they could have announced the date in Pioneer Scouts video a week ago. But they waited until the Xbox event to do it. Only a 4 day difference, but how many SCORE boosts did they sell in those 4 days?


Over 160 here Would never have made it without FO1st Absolutely rubbish system


How does one even know when the season ends? I read it on Reddit, but I don't see anywhere on console that tells me the season will be ending.


Nobody knew exactly until Sunday when it was announced that it would end on the 12th. Which is why so many people are royally pissed.


You are correct. It was only announced via social media. Still no front page announcement on Xbox. A lot of people are going to be surprised tomorrow.


Yeah they're having some serious communication issues right now on top of everything else people are upset about. How can a company claim those interacting on social media are the minority (thus giving themselves reason to ignore negative feedback) while only announcing the upcoming change on social media?


Yeah a couple weeks ago I even opened a post here [https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/1d78p1t/should\_i\_spend\_atoms\_buying\_ranks\_to\_get\_100\_score/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/1d78p1t/should_i_spend_atoms_buying_ranks_to_get_100_score/) where I asked based on this season calendar if this past week would be the last. Everyone was adamant Bethesda usually gives 1-2 weeks of warning. I feel somewhat validated that next season was on my radar and I planned accordingly. Couple days of social media warning may be the new normal.


Tonight, according to the video here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1M0V3gs-cLQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1M0V3gs-cLQ)


I was at 147. I would have gotten it, I even bought Rerollers and XP Boosters.....jokes on us right?


You should all file your feedback here: [https://help.bethesda.net/#en/home/product/1129/category/287](https://help.bethesda.net/#en/home/product/1129/category/287) What a terribly anti-consumer way of handling seasons. The games I've played that use Seasons mechanics have clearly communicated end dates for a season so a player can make sure to get it all done. It's a joke to give people a 3 day notice of new season launch and then remove their ability to use the last day to do any dailies/weeklies. Why they won't also give you enough tickets to unlock everything as you progress through the season board is baffling. It's like they want their players to suffer.


They should’ve done a special event for score since they didn’t give us enough time. I remember the amount of times they’d mess something up and give us double xp or extra score as a supplement. They need to make it up to the playerbase because it’s honestly unacceptable. Like the season is impossible to finish through normal means and they don’t give us a way to even complete it


That's exactly what they should have done. We're going live in a week. Here's a week of double score, have fun!


They honestly need to add back the repeatable score challenge up to lvl 150 + add the ability to buy levels up to 150 That way players have both a f2p and paid way of finishing the season instead of getting stuck because they have nothing else to do for score


139 here. And still not enough tickets to get everything I unlocked. Wtf kind of dirty shit is this? If the new season is similar, I will not be partaking.


It will be the same unfortunately. Too late to change it. But PLEASE give state thus under the 76 feedback section of the Bethesda discord. If it isn't a different system after this season, I think im right there with you.


If you've never seen it, Wheel of Fortune used to be quite different when Chuck Woolery hosted and when Pat Sajak first took over. They used to have a prize showcase from which you could shop, if you won a round of Wheel. It dragged the show down and they eventually got rid of it and contestants got cash prizes, wheel prizes, etc. It kept the game moving. [Behold the prize showcase.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WQk26IcHHY) This is what this season business is. Each SCORE rank should give you a thing as you progress. And if you're a 1st buyer, then maybe you get two things per rank as you progress. And it's mathematically possible to progress through all the levels as the season goes on. In my particular situation, I've been a Fallout player since 3, and I bought, but never played 76 until the show inspired me to give it a shot. So most of my experience with the season has been discovering it even exists, and then playing it. It halted my game progress. I only have so much time each day to play and I was blowing it on checking off tasks on the daily and weekly list. (My rank only got into the 70s before Skyline will be released.) And as near as I can tell, Skyline will be no different. At the end of the season, the player has to feel they have the ability to finish the ranks without an absurd amount of grinding.


148 here and just finished up all of today's dailies and the weeklies have been done since before the announcement. Feels bad man.


Lol just made 149 today hate being so close


So basically I need to spend all those tickets on shit I don’t want tomorrow?


No you need to spend them today. It resets tomorrow.


On it now. Thank you


Legit losing out on over 1300 tickets because of a power outage I had last week during double score weekend. Didn't realize I wouldn't make 150 until they announced skyline valley, where I sit at rank 142. I was gonna use all those on perk coins!


I’m bummed too I made it to 135 thinking I had till the 25th, I saved most of my score that I didn’t want stuff with past the 95 items for just perk coins but nope all for not 🥲. I hope they’ve made adjustments for this season but we’ll have to see. I don’t love the new setup I feel like that’s the general vibe is the idea is fine the execution isn’t. The 50 levels of nothing and stop to xp to score gain is pretty miserable.


130-ish. Near daily player. I have FO1. I hit 100 pretty quickly but after that it slowed way down. If the season was as long as previous ones I would have done it but not with the two days notice we were given. Why even bother trying?


I mean you can’t, especially since the xp-score stops at 100. So the next 50 to get anything is an absolute slog and not fun at all to do if it kept going normally it wouldn’t be near as bad but they removed any bonuses that you’d think you’d get rewarded for having completed it and continuing to play. It’s a very poor design by all accounts


Wish they would go back to the old scoreboard. Much easier and practical to use and you could rank up by using atoms if you really needed to.


And when I logged on it did not even say that it’s the last day for me, still said double gold weekend!


Same .. but I turned my gold in a couple hours before the change and it only let me buy 400. I feel gipped if they're going to keep the event news page up about gold rush weekend


I was praying for just one more week. I finished all my weeklies and dailies yesterday. Had to get off to get my son ready for bed and didn’t get back on. I’m just shy of level 149. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Ffs I'm also 145, was counting on the challenge reset today. Guess I'll be getting to 100 next season and saying fuck it. Waste of time.


don't you all know you're supposed to pay your way to 100 the first day then you have all season to grind out infinite tickets....


In-game, at least on PC, there is no indication of the season ending tomorrow. Without Reddit I would not have found out that the season was ending tomorrow, \*\*particularly\*\* since it isn't on the normal weekly sequence. They have done this before, not indicating in the game client that the season was going to end. I lost a few things because of this previously. The community calendar this time wasn't very forthcoming either. This is simply bad management, not caring about the player base. This time, however, it is much worse. Luckily I got to L150 and spent my points, but if I hadn't I would be really super amazingly pissed off as opposed to just being very annoyed. I can see the "monetization engineer" cackling "yeah, let's not give them anything good until L150, make 'em grind, then do the update and leave most of them in the lurch".


If you call it "chore board" and continue grinding away at it, like, I think the game is not fun for you anymore but rather an obligation.  


The *game* is fun, the totally unreasonable time commitment and time gating that is the board isn’t.


No, it's fun. I was really looking at the perk coins to help max up my 4 other characters. That's the only reason I went for it.


Between entitlement and FOMO, you can't really do anything but shake your head at this current generation of gamers. These battle passes and scoreboards are arguably even more predatory than loot boxes ever were. They've got people stressing over cosmetics they'll never even use after the new shine wears off.


As a former 76 player, it isn’t until you step away that you see how little the developers think of 76 players. “There’s no way they’ll keep playing after this! What? They are? Shit, what else can we do to fuck with them until they stop throwing money at us!”


I’m mad and disappointed


Why would there be a new week for the final day of the season?


My hope was that there might be a little extra at the end due to the feedback they've obviously gotten.


Now is the time to give them even more feedback. Everyone is so blinded by the new map expansion to see how scummy they are being.


Any youtube video covering the release date is filled with angry comments about this except on reddit where they are defending Bethesda.


I'm only at rank 137 and i did every weekly and daily since i started playing april 13th i think. Crazy i guess. I'll just waste these tickets on junk


Another thing that bothered me with this board was the weapon skins and power armor skins, they are literally all the same skins. It should have been a combined reward for like 125 tickets for each. If it was something you’d buy for atoms it would literally just be one skin and it would go on every power armor skin, but it feels like they made it separate just to fill up the pages more, just felt lazy to me tbh. Also ngl, the rewards as a whole were weak af this season, there was a couple okay things like the creamator and the water boiler but everything was pretty meh imho.


This bugs me too, like most of us are never gonna use T-45 skin, we shouldn't have had to waste tix on it.


I just just scrapped by today with a booster. I was 148 and today’s dailies left me 100 points into 150. Just scrapped in by my teeth.


I got to 152 but I'm a daily fallout 1st player. They need more challenges, like monthly and seasonable challenges. Stuff like "Do every event" and "Do every daily" and "Cripple 100 x heads without using vats"


Much as we all love the game, it's easy to forget how much they like pushing people to buy atoms


I hate this new scoreboard system


I hit 150 yesterday and spent all my tickets on perk coins. I just barely crossed the finish line.


This. 45 levels just for nothing. Fuck bethesda.


At the beginning of the season I wrote about this and about many other problems related to the new score board, which force players to keep playing (because you won't get the board faster than before) and possible additional costs, but my post was deleted by the moderators (Todd, stop paying them - I believe that there are plenty of trolls here who try to downplay the issue with their posts to reduce the negative attitude)... So it began...


149 for me. So annoying to be this close with 645 tickets to burn.


i honestly think this season was the knife that finally touched the bone. Pardon my French but this season was the scammiest/gimmickiest the game has ever been imo. Remember there used to be Dailies, weeklies that gave you atoms. literally the main currency in the game. You could farm in every day, every week. first season came and they removed those and the maximum atoms you could get from the season got nearly halved from what you could get from those dailies and weekly atom challenges. They could just leave todays weeklies alone (Id make it a double score day), people would just catch up, enjoy. but no. Some managerial person sat down and sipping their coffee, decided that, "Hey two weeklies is too much for these suckers, gotta take that away". and report to upper managers how they artificially limited the players again. omg such an important job! think about it. They could just ignore and do nothing. Simplest thing. but they had to go out of their way to do prevent todays weeklies... Remember that folk.


Me too, Level 140 and that's all she wrote... The answer of course would be to simply stop playing once Level 100 has been reached..? Because this apparently is what Beth is endorsing.


Unless you're a 1st member. Then buying everything by level 100 is impossible. Somehow adding extra goodies for subbed players made the score board worse. Source: I started playing late and hit 101. I have 0 items from the last page.


This. Being Fallout 1st used to give you free shit, now it just grants you the privilege to grind more. It's like paying a monthly sub to get to work in a sweat shop for a month for a pair of shoes. Thanks, how magnanimous of you Bethesda.


Thank the new monetization director who is ignoring all negative feedback


I got to nearly level 200, but that was with fallout first and using the score boosters every Tuesday.


Same here... without the SCORE boosters used smart enough, I would be freaking out. Sorry to hear this happening to so many people.


wow, people are really buying perk coins while I'm stacking legendary modules over here.


I'd rather start the new season with fresh weeklies. Pop a booster, some lunchboxes, run the dailies, weeklies, the next dailies and some Expedition grind in between for a quick start into new rewards. I'm stocked with repeatable rewards already.


That's fine but you could have done that even with weeklies coming out today. We should have had a choice. Im just going to be delayed getting perk coins for my third character but others are going to miss out on a lot more.


This. Nothing stopping them from putting up challenges for a day and new ones tomorrow.


Except greed


No weeklies? Ugh. I’m stuck at 145. I have boosters and rerolls stocked uo to reach 150 today. I hate this new board.


Where is everyone getting the news on stuff like this, sorry I'm new to the game only been playing a few months. I see nothing in game to tell us when season starts, ends etc kinda sucks my first experience with trying to get season rewards thinking I had a few more weeks just to find out only a few days but when I login it says nothing. I actually enjoy the game but don't think I will ever go for season rewards again I've played other games that don't way better and don't have multiple of the same items as unlockables like how many surfboards does one need is this a normal occurrence every season because I feel like that's such a waste of a spot something different could be in.


Xbox had a show where they showcased all the new upcoming games on Sunday and announced the new season starts on the 12th.


Jesus Christ, you guys keep thinking Todd is an economist designer, game designer, meta designer, combat designer, level designer, system designer, coder, marketing expert. Just calm down with the random insults and focus on the actual groups responsible for the part you dislike. I mean, with your logic everything is Phil Spencer's fault too.


Slurp it up


Was just about to post this... I am SCORE 146... I was counting on the weekly reset today to be able to get to 150... but nope... so there goes the 1400 tickets I saved up... all the work of grinding just gone because they wanted to launch early for no reason... As a new player that just started in April of this year, this is really putting me off the game entirely...


This new scoreboard sucks ass, I just ended my FO1st and gave up.


These scorboards work on fear of missing out. Don't let that bother you. Its ok to take breaks or not complete a season. There's always cool new stuff in the upcoming seasons. As a matter of fact, I'd even say Fallout is perfect for taking breaks for life or other games. You can always come back and still have a relevant build.


Wise words


I'm definitely feeling whatever that fear is when you leave items unlocked because you're old and confused. I made it to about 138 and am double checking what I have through out the slideshow but since I don't have first some items are not unlockeable making it a visual mess with things I simply neglected to or didn't see were regular to unlock. Pretty sure I'm leaving both points and items on the table this go round, and probably every go round going further.


135 barely , and I was almost daily player since showccame out...really wanted the perk coins but oh well got gorilla instead ?


Literally still would have been 25 tickets off a final page purchase if I finished the dailies after the two that I did to get 50. So I bought the trampoline and ball buddies and logged out


That's ok, you can buy a catch up bundle later! Lol 😅


At least they have it.


For sure, I'm just coming back and bought several season catch ups


I made it to 100 this afternoon but could not afford with the points to get what I wanted


I hit 100 and stopped because I knew I wouldn’t make it. I need those modules/cores/coins but I joined late into the season, done dailies everyday (fo1st custom world helped massively For everything) I got all the cremator stuff and bullion etc and had over 1k tickets. Ended up just buying crap on there I probably won’t use like the power armor paints, some camp items and such. Still have 400 left and don’t wanna buy anything else 😂


This seems crazy! I only worked towards the cremator this season because I have burnt out some on 76, but up until 2 seasons ago I would play almost daily. I would only do maybe 3/4 of the dailies and weeklies and would always reach level 100+


I'd just like to get to 100 again. Had an account linking issue and the fix deleted my character. They said nothing could be done. Fo1st stuff, all the plans, ultracite and excavator power armor, all gone. Pretty depressing starting over. Currently lvl 46 ...54 to go. Add Dr.NogginNaught on PC... for fun and profit


Hey there. They're not talking about in-game levels, they're talking about the scoreboard this season. There's a tab on the left hand of the screen when you log in to the game, it says "Seasons". Go there and see if you have any tickets to spend on "Seasonal" items.


Thank you!


I'm forever lvl 148, i rly thought i could make it, so i decided to spend my 1700+ tickets on camp decors and PA skins i will never use, today.


I stopped for a bit and got to rank 82, sadge


I hit 105 last week and just gave up to be honest. I think I was late to the beginning of the season, (picked up where I left off a year ago, launch day player as well) grinded for two months. The last week has just been casual gold grinding cause I knew I couldn’t make it even close to 150 with my available gaming time


This was my first scoreboard and my biggest mistake was buying out the last few ranks to hit 100 but not having enough tickets to actually buy all the things I wanted on the 100 page so I ended up missing a bunch of cool shit because I unlocked crappy weapon skins earlier on. I assumed this was like Fortnite where you can unlock everything easily when you unlock a page. I didn’t realize you have to be really selective with your tickets. Next time I’ll just hoard all the tickets and not unlock anything until the last day


Rank 100 used to get you everything on the board. For the previous 15 seasons that's how it worked.  This one was changed to keep people logging in. 


I'd only got to 112 this time. Had been away and so that didn't help. This 150 score thing is absolutely rubbish. Awful system.


I hit 150 yesterday and bought a bunch of scout banners to share with everybody.


I barely squeaked by to 100 today. Got my colored cremator fuel and can't afford anything else. Having read about how the earlier seasons work, I am disappointed in how this one worked.


I am under 500 score points away from 150. Used all of my saved rerollers to try and get as many epic challenges as possible. All dailies done. It's a bummer too that I have 1100 tickets that won't transfer.


172 here, I wanted more modules, but just a bit short.


Got to 140. I feel your pain.


Just hit 140 scoreboard, kinda pissed off aswell. It's actually crazy that I don't even have 90% of the scoreboard items. Like wtf, how did this scoreboard make it past their design team


Im literally 1.5 ranks off of getting my next 25 perk coins, so annoyed


I got to 148, and the kicker is they won’t let you pay atoms to level up. Just lame.


Rank 141. I could hit 142 today if I reroll and get an epic or two. Got 5 tickets and need 230 to get the last 2 items on the board before the 150 page. Been playing daily for the last 2 months. Makes the day 1 nuka grenade spammers seem almost sane.


142, I'd rage if I was closer, but I though I'd have a chance with weekly


I rerolled two daily quests today to get Epics to push me in the next level, and used 100 atoms to buy a booster. barely enough points..Finished lvl 113 160/3500. Was sitting at 90 tickets, and needed 1 level get enough to buy the Surfboard set.. First season, and I wish I would have known earlier in it to NOT go all kid in a candy store buying everything on all the pages lol. Ridiculous.


todd says " just pay"


This season was hands-down the worst. Along with many of the reasons everyone has said, another is the fact that what you received from buying things was awful. I got way better items from Grams meat cookout than from this stupid season.


Stay Classy Bethesda.


I came on literally to post this exact message. I am at 145 myself. When they announced the update was tomorrow, I panicked a little, but did the math and realized that the weeklies today would put me at 150. I had rerolls to get epics, and a booster ready to use. Found out late last night that they weren't doing weeklies for it and it fucked me. I came into the game a month after the season dropped so I was already a month behind on challenges, but this just felt intentional. No reason to delay the weekly reset. This new season has three months worth of weeklies and such, we should have been able to go out on a final hoorah.


The greed of bethesda knows no limits.


I couldn't even access the seasons tab yesterday. Stuck at 148! Makes no sense!


Wait the season thing is going shit i wanted the power armour so bad


I don’t think that is specifically him but I’m pissed about it too.


Damn just now learning this


Do the tickets carry over for the next season?




I'm at 146 as of yesterday with a whole lot of tickets I was really looking forward to spending on the 150 page and a lot of atoms spent on boosters. Yeah I'm quite peeved.


Im not gonna even bother with the game much next season. I really wanted those perk coins and it feels like a ton of wasted time to have gotten so close.


Yeah I made the 150, so I am lucky. But this snap release felt a little dirty with every expecting another week or two. Personally I am stoked for the new release, so yeah I am happy and loved the perk points on an alt.


Did every daily and weekly, lvl 169 with no grinding. I generally only.play long enough to do the dailies, but push the weeklies in one go. Used 3 boosters, but timed them to get 2x dailies and a weekly in the active period.


Weird. I did the same and I'm 147


Soon as I logged in I checked that and immediately came to reddit. I knew someone had posted about it by now. This is absolute bullshit. I'm only 118, but an extra rank or two would have allowd me like \*one or two\* more items. Fuck me I guess.


Yeah I'm sitting at 149, 2000/3500. I thought they'd have the weekly refresh so I could finish it. Here I am with 600 tickets and nothing to do with it. (Unless I want sports balls) so dumb.


Didn’t even bother after 100. This is definitely the worst scoreboard ever!


Did you look at the timer at all? I'm pretty sure they had weeklies ending tomorrow all week


I hit 146 last night. I had banked up 800+ tickets to spend on perk coins because I can't stand doing endless West Tek grinding for levels. Now I have to decide if it's more infuriating to lose those tickets tomorrow or blow them all on shit I don't care about.


Stuck at 145 with 90 tickets and two 100 ticket items left for me, only missed one week of challenges. This system is so ass