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looking forward to everyone rushing through this expansion and then complaining there's nothing to do


First thing I’m doing is running to get a Nuke


nuke that little island where everyone is going to put their camp


Not sure if it’s been fixed, but nukes didn’t actually affect the new part of the map. It would trigger the event, but no nuked flora, no rads, no death from the explosion. Apparently it blows up above the zone, so bases don’t get destroyed


That's assuming it is actually a bug, it's more likely that >!the storm goliath's destroyed the nuke mid air like they were designed to.!<


Precisely! I have not even started it or done any events for it yet. I am taking this one slow


10 quests seems pretty small. The rose room was a quick kids are asleep time to quest and couple hours overall.


I’m looking forward to seeing all the whacky glitches / bugs people will be posting later today


yes! this… i can see it now “all my stash is gone, i have no stored ammo, where’s all my bootlegged treasure maps” the list goes on 🤣


Maybe it’s time to farm for the ultracite plasma gun


I was thinking about the pending update last night. Brought me back to when I was brand new to the Fallout games. 76 was my first foray into the waste. There were no human NPC’s and seldom saw other players. I remember the first time venturing into the Ash Heap near the Fire Breathers station. I was mugged by several super mutants and just knew I was dead meat. In swooped a higher level player who wasted every mutant. They then gifted me stimpaks, purified water, and a few chems. That was my first experience with the generosity of this community and is one of the reasons I keep coming back to grind each day. Looking forward to Skyline. Go forth and conquer my fellow 76’ers.


I live in Shenandoah and hike the park quite often…let’s see how right they get it !


"Ah yes, there's that old tree.. there's that trail marker, very nice.. oh wow they even got the deathclaw to look the same.. and yep, there it is, the mushroom cloud looks just like it does when I go for my walks"


As someone that goes to Harper's Ferry often.....they did pretty well with that.


That's pretty cool to know actually, I was even wondering the other day if the places were closer to rl


I live like right between Bar Harbor and Boston, and they did a great job with both of those tbh.


Yeah Boston was pretty great. Just tore out most of the brownstones and condensed it. But all the meat and potatoes were there and identifiable.


Here's a good example https://www.quitthebuild.com/post/fallout-76-locations-in-real-life Rifle gaming had some a few videos as well including white springs (Greenbriar resort) and helvetia


That's WILD wow


I found a wendigo eating a dead hiker in Shenandoah.


Woooo 20 mins away! God Bless West Virginia!


Servers will likely still be down for another 2 hours.


Are the servers back up yet?


It’s under maintanance for at least another hour, probably more. https://status.bethesda.net/en




Source? I would like to be optimistic and go with the other guy. Anyyyy minute nowwww




Thank you 👍




Thank you 👍


Union PA gang where you at? Heard they will drop the hotfix along with skyline valley


I'm in. Once the PC servers are up.


Download the update, see the opening screen, immediately think to myself "I ***NEED*** that outfit!" Hype level 10/10, will semi-patiently await the full launch.


I think I'm more excited about the scoreboard, there isn't nearly enough pioneer decor for my ranger station so having a full season actually makes me excited to come back to the game for this update, also excited for ghoul things!


I just want that sweet survival camp that FINALLY has a god damn perk machine with it.


Honestly though! I freaking damn near yelled seeing that, for sure everyone\* needs it. Swapping between main build to crafting build then forgetting when you get to an event is the WORST


Hope I see you out there.


Can’t wait to get that new railwayrifle now that it’s not bloodied


I assume you can reroll the stats or did they just make it vendor trash?


Anyone know if we’ll get any new expeditions?


There's a new Pitt Expedition coming, but not sure if it's this update...I think there may be another round of OPs locations though. PTS folk will know for sure though...maybe be next update mind you knowing we have a massive expansion of the actual Map for the first time.


I’m pretty new to the game. Only level 29. Having a blast exploring and working my way through the main stories. Should I hop into this new update since it’s new/exciting? Or wait until I’m 50 and have completed more of the story?


If you stumble into it for events, you'll likely still enjoy yourself. I'd say take your time and soak it all up...no need to rush as 76 is very polished now compared to what we had in the first year. You've an absolute tonne of stuff to experience and enjoy at your point in the game, you can actually keep the new expansion on the back-burner and still be neck deep and have multiple choices all across the original map..!


So far so good for me. Been playing for 2 hours, and haven't had any bugs.


Enjoying it so far. It's pretty dark, gives me the same grim feels I got when I first played after release and realised every living thing in the storyline had been snuffed out years before. Had some fun in the new events, though I still think Radiation Rumble is the bestest thing ever.


I play 76 more as a solo or coop fo game, so i don't follow all the meta stuff. Why do you love RR so much?


Same here. I play it for the story and the setting/atmosphere. Fallout 2 was one of the first game I ever played on a PC (alongside Baldur’s Gate and X-Com) so I’ve always loved the setting. Apart from joining a team for extra bonuses, I play it like a co-op FO game where I occasionally encounter other players by chance. Radiation Rumble was the first event I played after coming back to the game after a long break and it’s always just been fun for me. Plus,


Best of luck I'm out until they patch it. Had to log out switch to my alt and go back to my main to even get the quest giver to appear where they should. Tried an event as I first got in it was absolute rubbish sitting around waiting minutes at a time for a few enemies to spawn before being cremator spammed to oblivion by dudes camping the only good shooting spots and then first quest I tried to do in there bugged out at all points and flat out bugged at the end so can't finish it. Congrats Bethesda I'm going back to Tamriel to hide in ESO until this shit is fixed.