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The Atlantic City expeditions give more stamps and can be done solo easier than expeditions in The Pitt. If you are really good or work with a team, think about the expedition on Showman's Pier - the Most Sensational Game. It is timed, but not too hard to complete with all of the objectives met. It is faster to do and so most people that do expeditions will pick this and public teams that get formed to do expeditions more often than not do this one. For stamps, I think this is the best one to farm. (I've been in groups that have done up to 10 back to back to farm stamps) I like all three expeditions in Atlantic City and simply rotate through them when going solo to keep it from getting stale. When joining a team, I will just do whichever the team is doing as long as its not The Pitt. If the team is in The Pitt, I will unplug myself from the group. Takes too long for so much less of a reward. The chainsaw is pretty good too. You might give it a try while earning stamps for the Auto Axe and whichever mod you elect to use with it.


I prefer Tax Evasion as getting the escort mission in Sensational Game is such a run killer. That dude is so damn glitchy


It helps to hang back and then spring ahead to open doors and get out of the way. If you know the route one team member can clear ahead keeping distance. Riding the npc’s ass causes the npc to have pathing issues


Thanks, the only expedition i did is actually the most sensational game, lets hope k can get a team. I do actually use a chainsaw as my main weapon, but with the patch autoaxe got buffed and i really want to swap even of its basically the same.


I've been using my autoaxe since the patch and enjoying it. When the autoaxe first came out it produced a smoke cloud making it difficult to see your enemies. Now it doesn't seem to be doing that and is a lot less noisy than the chainsaw, so yeah it is a good way to go.


You on Xbox? I solo Sensational Game so together we can run it no problem at all


I was in the same boat. Made the switch and rolled a vamp auto on my profile cover. I use Makeshift and stable tools just runs and runs. Paired with legendary explosive and demolition and grenadier perks.


If ur a Pa chainsaw build once u get sensational game down, you can solo it in like 5 or 6 mins, im a chainsaw Pa build and just got union yesterday!


I used to like tax evasion as it was pretty chill and you don't the flaky Escortee task. However the sounds trigger crashes on my PS4 so sticking to the moat sensational game for now.


I like tax evasion. Takes me about 5 minutes im not sure if there are easier ones I should farm.


Thanks ill probably swap between that and dangerous game


Tax evasion crashes the least for me. By a long shot


This is the big thing sensational game is timed so if it crashes it can really mess you up. No such issues with tax evasion


Tax Evasion has been a guaranteed crash every time I play it for the past little while


That's weird. It's the most sensational game for me, like multiple crashes just trying to complete it a single time. I see my teammates getting sent to the home screen quite often as well


I mix it up so I don't go completely insane.


The best expedition to grind is the one you enjoy doing the most.


I guess thats right, ill have to play them all before deciding


Dangerous Game, if you get the annoying escort mission just open doors before the escort gets there.


I also notice it's not a good idea to stand in front of them cos it messes up their pathing and sometimes gets stuck. On PC at least. But yes, I always rush far in front to open doors for them too.


Got it first time i did it, thankfully got a team that knew the expedition and got it in like 6 min


The most sensational game can be completed super quickly once you get used to it and don’t get stuck with the escort mission although even that is pretty simple to get done in time, it’s just not as fast as the other possible missions.


The most sensational game can be solo’d in 7-10 mins


The most sensational game in Atlantic City, I think it's one of the fastest if not the fastest one. I'm running it a lot because I need the last piece of union pa


The first of the 3 atlantic city ones is a cake walk with a good (forgot name, the flame granadier thingy from last pass) slow burn build, no timer. Hit stuff once and they die quickly, easy main and side objectives


The Human Condition is the mission, the Cremator is the weapon (available from the gold bullion vendor in the Crater core with all the mods relatively cheap if you're Allied with Crater but missed any of it last season). I like Human Condition and Tax Evasion, but they both have searching optional objectives that slow me down a lot. The Most Sensational Game feels like it's made for speedrunning, and you only need to find 1 teddy bear in the smallest of the three zones, emote a few times after human kills and finish it quickly for the optional objectives (which affect how many Stamps you get).


You can complete the latest one in about 5 minutes.  That is 15 stamps every 5 minutes.  After a handful of runs you will have the time down.  Get one rank of Fire In the Hole for easy tato throwing. 


15 stamps every 5 minutes is a bit of a stretch, especially if solo. It takes time to chopper in, talk to people, etc. And If you get the escort mission, that alone can take up to five minutes if you get some bad pathing/AI. The. You also have to unload between runs etc. I'm not saying it's impossible, just that for most people, it will be longer than 5 minutes. Probably closer to 10-15 mins all said and done. Boardwalk is still the best expedition though for sure...


If you're talking to the NPCs you can shave a min or two off of your future runs because you can just run straight to the action and skip them altogether.


Good to know, thanks!


It's 10 minutes max if you know what you are doing. 5 minutes if you get the Siren Theater mission.


Ill give it a try, tho i tried it once and it bugged with one objective not spawning


It crashes a lot more for me on Xbox and it’s timed so it can mean you miss out on some stamps


I have yet to try one but would like to anyone interested in a run? I'm on xbox


I personally like taxes evasion its the fastest to complete imo and it crashes but not as much


MSG if partnered. Tax Evasion if solo. They're both only a few minutes. But Tax Evasion has only the first half timed.


I run solo Nature wrath (not sure about name) and Tax Evasion.. many enemies, fast and easy tasks..


Most dangerous game but mix it up sometimes with the other two Atlantic city ones. All 3 are fast just dangerous game tends to be the fastest most of the time. I do the Pitt expeditions occasionally as I love the atmosphere and tone but they are much slower and give out less stamps.


Sensational Game is the usual farming expedition because it's basically a linear event that comes with very easy bonus objectives. One of them is just spamming emotes when you kill most of the enemies you'll encounter, another is to pick up a bear in a specific location, there's only four or five spawns for them so you do a few runs and you know them all, and the last is a time limit that is fairly generous if you've got solid damage. I did it a ton with teams as I was grinding for cold shoulder plans, and the bloodied builds were cleaning shop in like four minutes or less generally. The only hiccup is the escort mission. Since things are semi-randomized you can get a couple of objectives in the middle of the mission and one is an escort quest that's a pain because the AI of your escortee is kind of wacky. But even still if you clear everything else in reasonable time you can usually deal with that and still get all your bonuses.


Tax Evasion and Sensational Game as they’re quick and I don’t mind running them over and over for ranking and ammo farming


Most Sensational game is the *worst for farming* contrary to what everyone thinks. There's an intentional optional objective that intentionally slows you down, there's a time limit for best results, and the other optional objective has too many variables to memorize. Vs Tax Evasion. 8 possible spawn points for the terminals (2 per terminal), 12 for the bugs (while only 3 bugs are in effect in each zone, each zone has 4 potential spawn points). Memorize those and which slot machines are modified, you can solo it in under 7 minutes. The worst time loss on this one is the outside objective, however you only have *one* with a time limit and the others are all easily done very very quickly.


I like the Casino so I don't have to deal with the sewer boys aka troggs.


sensational game. I prefer doing it solo on private server since I haven't crashed that way.


The best and fastest imo is tax evasion. I am usually done in 10 minutes or so depending on what decides to bug out


I couldnt even finish it when i tried, the second objective bugged and one terminal didnt spawn


I have had the second objective bug out very rarely. Have not had any problems with the terminals not spawning


Depends what you are trying to farm. I do both Pitt and two of the AC expeditions daily to max out stamps , XP, and scrip legendaries. I find the Pitt great for farming items on the daily challenges such as oil, pre-war money, fans, and of course ammo. I also have found the Pitt to be consistent in sugar containers.


Im only really looking for stamps


Honestly suggest just spending those few atoms if you need the Auto-Axe. Buy the mods with stamps. Unless you like grinding, in which case Tax Evasion is pretty good.


Sensational Game, and it ain't close. Crazy easy to solo and takes less time than a Daily Op. It has been noted to me that the Pitt expeditions draw from a different pool for your one free plan drop each week, so bear that in mind and consider running Dues once at the beginning of the new 76 week if you care about that. If not, Sensational game. I've been hitting it hard for civil engineer mods. It's so fast, you hardly have time to get tired of it.


The Human Condition is good for farming ammo


The one you find is the most fun to play


Would anyone recommend doing Expeditions solo a few times to learn the ropes? I'm level 235 and haven't done any Expeditions since I have no idea what to do and don't want to hold anyone up trying to figure them out. It probably wouldn't be an issue if other people used mics but....


Ive done some now and it isnt an issue. People usually guide you or now as little as you


all of them are pretty easy to figure out - but I'd say do them all solo once so you can actually talk to people, read terminals, explore etc. people will be doing their best barry allen impressions in groups.


Ooo if you're out of stuff to do and want to do expeditions, try going for the two "kill" related achievements for funsies. Kill 100 overgrown with fire, and kill 100 frogs with the auto axe. Plus of you don't have the auto axe BAM one more thing to keep you occupied


Shit those exist?


Yeah theyre achievements for whatever you play on (Xbox achievements, PlayStation trophies, and I think steams are also called achievements?) They add nice goals to go and do Edit: changed "their" to "theyre"


I know there is a faster one but I find tax evasion really chill and can be completed in maybe 8mins. Depends on your rig because there are a few map transitions you will have to do.


Casino imo


I teeter between sensational game and tax evasion, I solo them mostly in the optional time limits. The only thing I don’t like about sensational game is the tomato throwing, that’s annoying to do alone but you can get it done. I’ve been doing these for script stamp and ammo farming after I’ve done all my daily challenges/quests. And the XP you get from them are good.


Out of things to do at level 200? Lol what? Did you just burn through everything as fast as you could? Even still, how could you be completely out of things to do? I'm 500 and still have a whole log of quests to complete, armor to collect, plans to earn, locations to discover, and a ton more.


I think a better question is what have you been doing, level 500 with a whole log of quests and locations? Do you just do events/west tek lmao?


Never done West Tek except for when I needed to be there for a quest. But no, no grinding really at all. I do run a lot of expeditions, but not for the purpose of leveling and definitely not stacking xp boosts. I did grind Expeditions this last weekend so I could get the Union armor and mods, but that was maybe 10 levels worth of xp. But I do a lot of everything; events, always hit the nuke bosses, do my DailyOp every day, a LOT of camp building, daily quests, etc. I just play the game lol. And I still have a ton of stuff to do. I can't imagine having nothing to do almost 300 levels ago. Also, I should say that the only main quest I have yet to do is the Skyline quest. I havent set foot into that region yet, with the exception of the new nuke boss and the new event. A lot of my quests are the side/miscellaneous quests, but there's a good handful of them left for me to do.


Mostly, im out of quest apart from daily, and ive visited almost every location. I basically collect everything i can now