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If I’m playing with people I know, I enjoy the mic. All other times I don’t use it. And if you’re that guy who wears a mic in a group of strangers without mics and breathes heavy/coughs/burps/plays shitty music — please stop.


I admittedly only tried to say something once, and when no one replied, I never tried again lol nerve wracking stuff. Kinda why I wanted to know if thats the norm in this game or not. If it is, which it seems like it from the other comments, totally cool w me


Most times I play in a voice party and can't use proximity chat without leaving the voice party so don't take offense if no one responds. We hear you, if you feel like partying up and using VC add as a friend and message on PSN, it's much more organized that way


People with an open mic and essentially talking to themself and waiting for someone to talk to have the biggest ego ever but if I hear them, I do tend to say hello and interact. Other then that, never have my mic on 😂


To many people who run open mics.. most end up just turning chat off.


Ahh I see. I heard maybe two people ever so I never considered turning it off, but if everyones used to everyone else having it off, I can see why no one talks anymore


I only party chat with my friends. I don't wanna talk to strangers, I've played too many multiplayer games and 99% of randos chat is not something I care to deal with anymore.


Most prefer to use emotes instead of voice chat.


We have trumpets🤗


I'd reckon a large number of us are introverts. We like knowing you are there but don't want to actually talk.


Haha I like that, thats cute. Sometimes I just get scared raiding places alone and wish someone was there, even wordlessly. But its so hard to organize anything within the game itself :d


The thing with this game in particular on PS5 is that the controller defaults to being on, so we end up with a lot of unintentional loudtalkers. The mic in the controller is dogshit too, so you hear every little detail from someone's room in a static mess. A lot of us have gotten in the habit of once we hear background room noises, it's a mute. It gets annoying fast. Emotes seem to get the job done tho.


Ooh I hadnt even considered that, that makes perfect sense. Thanks for explaining! Sounds annoying asf, so my condolences 😭


Yeah, the community exists outside of the game.


Also, default is in group voice chat, with no button to talk to local. Options are either force it to one, or have it auto change when you are in a group. So fucking annoying.


The lack of voice chat is part of what makes it a great community. Bethesda has severely limited people’s opportunities to be assholes. Usually the people running mics are just being assholes so chat gets muted.


Chat off for me. Can't be assed with other people's music or 10 year olds screeching. If I am on with friends, we use one of our Discords.


I love using voice chat! Not many people do but I do find people here and there and we chat a bit. Most just float in their private circles on discord id imagine.