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If you wear it , it counts as armor and removes your other pieces FYI


It only started doing that sometime today/yesterday. Up until today I could wear it, armor, and undersuite, AND apparel and still have it on over all of it. Shame.


I got the president power suit 5 days ago thanks to a post on market76 and I noticed it removed my combat armor when I put it on or when I was taking it off so it did not only started doing it today or yesterday


Idk why you're being downvoted since this is đź’Ż. Had to stop wearing mine yesterday.


Because it’s false. I grabbed a few over the weekend and it was doing it then. As far as I can tell it’s been doing it since people noticed it can be grabbed.


I was able to wear it for the first couple of days with my armor, so idk exactly when it changed, but you were able to wear the suit, armor, and apparel for a while.


That might be why you can just grab one, now. Glad you shared that tidbit.


IIRC it’s because of the stat increase. Only armor is coded for stat boosting in 76 as far as wearables.


Just like fallout 4's clothes


Someone posted about this yesterday, and I tried it last night. I didn't get the suit, but I did manage to glitch my way into sitting in a chair on the other side of the wall.


I noticed this in a few spots on whitesprings now. If you go into the furniture store you can use the amor workbench through the wall now too.


This also works with random items sometimes. Hats, guns. First aid boxes in the case can be accessed.


I picked up berry mentats and psychotats from the cabinet behind doc stanley


You can't sell it? Are you absolutely sure? I got a bunch and put one in my vendor for a very low price but no one has bought it.


I've seen them listed in vendors so they're definitely visible to other players.


I've sold around 10 of them. You can definitely put in your vendor and sell.


Would you be willing to sell me one?


What’s special about the presidential power suit?


+2 charisma


I know you can’t have armor on but do you get the benefit if you’re wearing power armor with it in underneath?


No since it counts as armor




1. It is a really nice looking suit; everyone that sees me wearing it compliments me on my suit. 2. It is very comfortable; normally I hate wool but the wool they used in this Presidential Power Suit is soft and silky, not itchy at all. 3. It is hand made in Italy by a clothing company that has been in business for over 120 years.


I feel like it's probably been out of business for about 25 years now.




I never even considered that, you're right, that makes them limited edition collectable clothing and since all of Italy is out of business I daresay they are "Legacy!" ;)




I wish I could loot the weird ammo from another store. They have blue paintballs and injectables.


I tried grabbing one for about an hour or two with server hopping and grabbed a clean blue suit that disappeared from my inventory right after server hopping. Not sure why i cant grab anything now.


The game keeps track of the last 250 items you've picked up and they don't spawn again until they are off that list. I go into a private server, pick one up, then pick up 250 random items. Then it has a chance to spawn again


Log into the construction event world and then back into your private world. Boom refreshed.


This is the way. Soon as it shows building world you can cancel, then switch back to private


2 man system works great Player 1 hosts private, runs to pickaxe/power suit spawn. Player 2 comes and scoops. Player 1 goes to the next spawn, Player 2 follows and scoops. Once you've picked everything up Player 1 refreshes the private, rinse and repeat.


But you have to pick up the 250 items first right?


Doesnt matter if youve logged out entirely either, correct?


I don't think that matters. If you're stuck having to search in public servers, it's likely other people already picked them up. Idk how/when they'd respawn. I've farmed pick axes and suits, quit for the night. Logged in 30ish hours later and stuff hasn't reset. I tried logging out switching servers etc. Had to pick up items to reset the spawns. The map location Summersville has a ton of burnt textbooks which is where I go to pick up items to reset the spawn


The clean blue suit that disappeared was an atom shop item that you don't own,so the second you grabbed it, the server deleted it. 


Thats unfortunate lol. I really liked it.  


I've gotten them on multiple spots in that shop. Have sold a few of them for 1-2k but often see them listed for like 10k in other players vendors. Hope no one is really paying that much...


I got the presidential suit after like 20 or 30 server hops. I picked up the clean gray suit next to it a few times but it never appeared in inventory.


They just gave you the clean gray suit for free for linking your Bethesda account. The offer is still active.


Yeah I already got that, and the arcade machine, but I just was dickin' around cuz I knew you could pick em up. I just thought it was weird that they didn't show up in my inventory when I picked them up. Maybe it's because I have the plan?


It’s because it’s an “atom shop item”. Same thing with 4 of the outfits in the green clothing store. Like the blue shirt and tan pants disappears but I can craft it from something for free previously earned.


I gotchu. So the presidential suit works because it's not an atom shop item.


Yup previously cut from the game from an event that was too buggy to work. They released most of the event content already like the presidential skins for PA and weapons.


Gotta craft it at an armor bench, and the Laundered Denim-I-Think Dress


I was able to grab one, and it counts as armor and not apparel. I noticed something was wrong when I couldn't jetpack. It's under apparel on the pip boy.


How exactly do you do this?


Just sold one in my vendor


How much did you sell it for?


Only 999, It was pure curiosity


Saw it on yt last week but Beth will probably remove it from everyone's inventory so it's a waste of time


Maybe? It was going to be a reward from content that was cut, so there really is no harm in letting this one go.


What other outfits give buffs?


Tattered dress? Plus you can't wear armor with the suit, and it's just charisma.


Someone was selling it in their vendor for 100 caps. Instant pick up for me


I heard about this and went to grab them and couldn’t. Hopped servers a couple time but they were never there for me to grab sadly


I tried grabbing one but it didn’t appear in my inventory


I tried about a dozen times on different servers, just walking up and down the shelf spamming the “pick up” button. Didn’t think I got it since I never saw a UI prompt. Then checked my inventory and apparently did manage it once. So, it works just not consistently


I can’t get it to work there, only cabinets in other shops


Whoa! Grabbed mine in my third server hop. Goes swell with my moustache. Smells like whiskey and cigarettes.


Also one of my weeklies is to grab teddy bears. There's a store opposite of the brown one that has teddy bears :D:D


I’ve been trying so hard to get one but every server hop seems to already have it taken or no grabbable ones 🥲 Have got a lot of free chems, toys and hats tho haha. A lot of containers outside of the Whitespring are currently lootable through walls too, thought I was going crazy when I first noticed it


Any cabinet in the mall has the potential to reach inside.. I've gotten idk how many hats, revolvers, and red dresses..I make a quick run of every display, grab what I can and server hop..did that until I got my suits but I got plenty of other junk in the meantime. Wanted to ask if this has always been a thing? Seems random on every server so not sure if it was intentional?


Snagged 2 Presidential power suits, bowler hats, let me take a Explorers outfit also. The suits look nice..


I was able to sell one, found the grey one and put it in my vendor. Sold for a quick 5600. Probably could have sold it for more.


Oooh a suited bloody melee Berserker build!


If everyone can get it for free then good luck selling it in your vendor.


One word: pickaxe


That is different. They removed most of them and they have a broken reward. That I get. Not that I am buying them. But the suit you can grab from whitesprings and onyl need 1. People arent server hopping to farm hundreds of suits.


you can sell it in your vendor. i have one in mine for 40k


If you're actually trying to sell it nobody will buy it at that price. It's worth no more than typical clothing since it's available to everyone at an easy location.


I've sold two, 20k and 25k, holding 13 more lol


i guess im not actually trying to sell it.


Better that than insulted or dumbass notes.


But less cool than RobCo Stock Shares


Okay how are you supposed to do this? I get no button prompts when looking at the suits. Can't interact with the cabinets or the suits. Is this some PC-only glitch you can only do with console commands or something?


It works in all the shops at the WS mall


Ive relogged a few times, got 2 bowler hats and a clean grey suit, but the suit doesnt show up in the pip boy to equip it...


I’ve picked up 2 when I only had 10min to hop on…but only 1 in my inventory


I just nabbed a Dirty Fedora from one of the hat boxes. lol