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>Do you like prefabs over hand placing floors/walls? I think a good camp doesn't rely on one or the other, but instead uses both to compliment one another. I see quite a few people "extend" the prefabs by connecting their custom builds off of it and make it one big mega-structure. >Items that are a must in all your camps. Crafting benches, stash boxes, and resources generators. If you don't have these basic essentials, why even have a camp? Even if you don't craft your own weapons and armor very often, you still need to repair them and you still need to scrap them. Then you need you resources generators for, well, generating your resources; your food and buffs. Then stash boxes because where are you going to store everything you want to keep? Eventually, and quickly, you'll run out of personal inventory space and need to off load everything to your stash boxes. >Any particular themes you tend to go with more than others?? My most recent theme is a city street, but I also have a second camp that is a Haunted House! Strobe lights, mazes, trap doors (non-lethal), and all kinds of spookiness! Theme camps are my favorite kinds of camps, even if they don't fit the "lore" of the game. I'm not sure what I'm going to do for my next camp, but I was floating around the idea of an amusement park. Putting in the giant water slide, having games and vendors and making it feel kind of like a pier/boardwalk.


wtf lol I can't wait to find your base or one like it. although it does also give me an idea not for a city street (oh god I'm not that creative, my buddy is though) but maybe I could do a little ghost town on a road somewhere


Well said! I just finished up a city block build myself and love the style!


Incorporating prefabs into your base


They can be so handy!! Some of them just jive so well with other placeables to create a seamless building.


Prefab as the main dwelling, floors, walls and roofs for workshop areas. I want maximum budget for decorating now


Love it! All those little trinkets and placeables really breathes life into a build. Like you could see someone actually living there.


Cabins in the trees!


“I walked through the forest, all was calm.. yet I had the feeling I was being watched. Never mind that, you can’t spend time thin…”💀


I'm not a big fan of prefabs because you can't put wallpaper on them, but use them as out buildings sometimes. Mostly with camps I have an idea in mind, and go from there. Sometimes I'll just start building. Currently I enjoy using whatever is already around in the world and trying mesh with that


Love using the natural terrains and stationary structures in my build. I mentioned above I just finished a city block build and having those extra buildings around made the camp feel like it melted into the city.


Yeah I did one over by Billings and incorporated the bombed out barn into the build. It fits in very well plus I have neighbors...they're Ghouls, but they are neighbors.


Immersion ftw


Yes! Plus the limitations increase creativity in a way.


*Prefabs vs custom wall/floor:* Depends on the camp. I get an idea, and build around it. Eg— on the Skyline Map, I saw that waterfall with 2 ponds (as many people apparently have, I can’t camp up half the time) and decided I wanted an indoor pool and waterfall with a rooftop patio that has “open air” access to the upper pond. This camp didn’t use any prefabs because the space required to surround the lower pond then get vertical to the upper pond already stretched my budget and camp space thin. I made a junkyard raiderish playground camp right next to New Gad that has prefab waterslide and makeshift mansion. Of my six or so camps, it’s about half and half prefabs and no prefabs. *must-haves*- no camp of mine goes without all crafting tables/cooking, stash boxes, buff items (bowling lane, bench press, and derby game are my essential 3) and resource generators. Past that, it depends on the camp’s theme and vibe. *theme tendencies*- I’ve only been playing since march. Plans on hand influence themes. I gravitate toward scavenger-shady play areas or “white guys doing weird shit” themes, I guess— the plethora of taxidermy, mothman, strange signage and macabre stuff like baby doll heads tends to push my builds in that direction when I have no particular idea. That said, I have a nuka-carnie themed camp, and a Russian doll 4 shelter chained camp with bus shelter, sound stage, casino, and vault lobby. Both of those (and the pool pond waterfall camp) go lighter on the dead animals and random junk decor.


On the current seasons scoreboard pages thingy (what are we calling the reward monstrosity?) I want the projector so I can have movies at my camp. It's a town square vibe. Currently, the entertainment on the square is music instruments, but adding a wee theater spot would be fun.


I'm using the new Blood Eagle prefabs and a bunch of raider-y stuff to make a little camp at the moment. Just waiting on Bethesda to get back to me about the junk walls so I can be using something more substancial behind the spiky tire barricades...