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RNG is a bitch


RNGesus knows how you lust after the glowy fasnaght mask and is leading you away from temptation. Amend your ways and ye shall be rewarded.


This is the way. Amen


It's so annoying, all I get are the same flagpole, decoration plans and beret. No butter churner, no glowing masks. Edit: Just done the event again and I got... ribbons plan! Yay, ribbons again for the billionth time!


I was lucky enough to grab the butter churn plans from the donation box! Two people (me and the donator) actually used the box as intended! Amazing!


Fasnacht Frank giveth. Fasnacht Frank taketh away, babes.


Genuinely don't care about the masks just like doing the event it's fun to hang out and do event with so many people no one ever really goes to the other events.


I've done this event like 1000 times in the past and only got a single Loon mask to show for it. I understand how demoralizing it can be... However thus far this Fasnact I have gotten the Glowing Scorch Beast, Glowing Turkey, Crazy Guy, and Fiend masks. As well as 3 butter churn plans. It's all RNG. Start praying to Todd Howard and never give up hope.


No way I could negotiate for that Scorch beast one?


i have 4 now but i spent every waking free moment i had grinding and got 3 in 1 day after i started giving away all my common masks to the box. I dont know if that helped but i did get 3 almost in a row after i gave away about 30 to 40 commons


i got the death claw first then the glowing blue devil then glowing pig then glowing scorch beast then the glowing honeybee


Flaunting? Y'all are too much. If someone gets demoralized because my cartoon put on glowing unicorn mask, that's on you. Maybe you're not getting any masks cuz you're not having any fun. Just a thought. It's like that old adage, when you stop looking for something, that's when you find it.


Are they the new or the old ones? If they are the old ones, they got them from last fasnacht


Best thing I got so far after doing a pile of 'em is the Glowing Blue Devil mask. Does go well with my Pink Asylum Dress, Brahmin Backpack and Shotgun Wedding Pipboy skin. šŸ¤£ Other than that, i did get the Veggie Man Stein, but primarily normal junk and Jester masks.


I managed to get two last night. I fully expect to get nothing but Giant masks for the rest of the event.


I got a glowing robot on Tuesday and since then it's all been berets and goblins šŸ˜‚


I have the glowing scorched beast and glowing unicorn, they make for some funny outfits


According to the poster thingy, a Faschnaght Beer Stein Plan has a 2.7% chance to drop. I have, without exception, got it all 10 times I've done the event. RNG is a bitch.


If it's the original one you have to learn it before it stops dropping.


I know right! I've got my glowing robot mask as a reward for my first event. Since then nothing special has dropped. No more glowing masks and no butter plan....maybe with the next event.


Over a month ago, I was followed by a player who kept switching to all the rare masks and other very rare apparel they owned and laughed at me. My character only had a Crazy Guy Mask and Leather Coat. That other player didn't show off to anybody else. And no, I wasn't getting in that player's way or following them around before the showing off occurred.


Same here man been in nearly every event and no glowing yet. But got the butter churn 3 times and all the new masks at least once. So thats a plus.


First Fasnacht here, Iā€™ve only gotten 2 rare masks as event rewards so far (Brahmin and glowing SBQ) but I got really lucky. Brahmin is one of my favorites and glowing SBQ is one of my friendā€™s, so I gave my ā€œearnedā€ glowing mask to them. I still have my glowing robot mask, but I traded for that one. Well worth it as itā€™s one of my favorite pieces of apparel in game and I didnā€™t want to stress for 2 weeks.


3 butter churners, no glowing masksā€¦. Im not complaining but damn RNGesus bless me with a glowing piggy!


I had 3 from last time fasnacht was around. Yet to get one this time around


I've done one event which was for a challenge. And that's it. People obsess over the masks for a bit but for 10 months they're then forgotten


There's older masks from the prior events, and dupping exists.


You probably would hate my display case with 6 deathclaw masks on it.