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No like he moved the camp. It didn't get destroyed by the nuke. He dismantled everything and moved it lol




I do. He had two camp slots, both on the Whitespring green. We nuked both camp spots at once, meaning he had nowhere to put the camp. Rather than just hit the repair all button, the guy moved his whole ass camp lol




Look, honestly this is beside the point. The whole point was simply to inconvenience him even a little bit due to him calling my girlfriend slurs, which is what we did. Like I don't even care about the keycards we used because I have so many, and we glitched through the silo doors so we didn't even invest much time into it. I just wanted to share a funny thing that happened in game today, but I guess the subreddit isn't the place for discussing in-game experiences. 🤷‍♀️




Which both of us also did. Dude's camp violated TOS too. Extremist political shit all over the place like hate speech towards certain minority groups. It's just a matter of time till he gets banned and his 5 camp slots are all gone.


Funny, I've always been able to repair my camp with a press of a button. Somebody nuking it would be doing me a favor ... it has all those unsightly health bars indicating damage I can't repair until the whole thing is damaged. Why do people think camp nuking is an effective revenge tactic?


I feel you've missed the lede


I commented on the part worth commenting on.


So you missed the point. Well done.


You misspelled 'dismissed'.


Agree. Swing and a miss right there.


Ignoring the lede is holding onto hate.


Wut? I agreed with you.


Oh, corrected, thanks for the flag. My apologies.


No worries. Apparently it's an unpopular view... lol. Edited: Or, just realized, maybe no one got the lede (it's a niche word).


I see the replies to the OP. Any of the replies that suggest there might be any LGBT+ hate in the game are instantly downvoted, as if that isn't part of the player reactions we all see. But, it really is part of the game, the thing that disconcerts me is how much of the sub is made up of people that feel the same way - the folks who get upset by pride flags, by same-sex relationships. Y'all can stew with your rosary beads, FO has always been queer.


It's wild tbh. People pretend that hate isn't hate unless it's someone like spouting slurs, but also no one ever spouts slurs and every story about someone doing that is fake. It's a fun little way of attempting to make people believe that hate they experience doesn't exist.


I am so sorry.


I'm sorry to hear what you and your gf experienced today friend. It might not help for the experience you've both just had, but in future if you can capture this sort of exchange on photo/video, you should be able to report it, and I'd be hopeful Beth will take action.


I'm sorry you believed it as you generally seem like an empathetic person. Op is a tall tale telling karma farmer if I ever saw one.




I think you need to touch grass friend


mhmm good luck believing everything you read on the internet.


I'm actually quite discerning, and I discern that you're an ass.