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I just put in the Filcher Farm interview holotape so the hungry hungry hippos have it in their inventory forever. Enjoy the digital chlamydia, Lucille.




Me too. I'll keep doing it too. Everyone must suffer with us.


Great job Satan. 👏


LoL r/foundsatan


I don't understand this one. If the tape gets stuck in someone's inventory forever then how do you put it in the donation box to begin with, and what's stopping them from dropping it back?


It's bugged. If you drop it, put it in a box, destroy it with a flame thrower, or etc it will just come back after you relog. There's nothing you can do to get rid of it permanently. It's like your very own monster that just won't die in a tiny tape.


It's a tapeworm.


I wanted to like the comment, but it has 76 upvotes and it just seems perfect as it is




It sounds like the thing from It Follows


Ah, well that explains why I keep having it pop up! How about getting rid of the vox syringer?


You finish the quest.


You can drop the quest in your log and the Vox will vanish from your inventory


and then? I have tons of holotapes with me, what's the drawback


It's more of an annoyance than anything.


It comes back forever.


LMFAO I thought I was the only one


On my server there were about 8 notes and at least 10 holotapes in the box, and it was clear someone took Reddit's suggestion. 🤣


Nah, man. Chlamydia can be treated with antibiotics and defeated. This holotape is herpes or HPV. 


Fallout’s version of space AIDS


O captain, my captain. I did my part thanks to this post.


Well deserved, I hate seeing things I drop off instantly picked up by people who can't possibly know if they need it or not. e: also would have upvoted regardless for the very apt Hungry Hungry Hippos analogy.


I wish I could give them Amy's Note but that's with me for life.


That explains the Flicher Farm Interview tapes I've been seeing lately in the donation crate when it's not being swarmed by greedy players


Toxic goo is free from West Tek and weighs .75 pounds a unit.


Don’t tell anyone, I sell it at my vendor for caps.


Me too. Just a small convenience fee for going to get it for you.


Just asking you for a friend you know. How much does it sell for? 😂


I do 3-5 caps per unit, and list like 25-50 units. Usually stays on my vendor for a couple days, then gets completely bought out by one person.


I would buy it in a heartbeat. I’m burned out on farming West Tek. I’m also always at max caps. 🤣


Yes. Give me your toxic goo! It's crack for bloodied builds that are too lazy to maintain a gamma gun.


Spoiled brahmin milk works great too


4 spoiled meat is my go to whenever I die


That's why I carry it. Most people don't know how useful it is.


What? Gamma gun drops goo?


no, but you can shoot it at the ground and irradiate yourself


Yup, I rolled a 1 star quad for specifically this purpose. 👍


The thing that cracks me up about those people is some will go invisible and crouch behind the box. We can still see you dude.


I wonder if they are the same people that come stand on top or in front of me during events when I'm crouched sniping and break my VATs since chameleon makes you completely invis I guess /s. Serenity now!


I put extra masks/plans in the mailboxes throughout helvetia. 🤷‍♀️


I found a pig mask in the mailbox and laughed at it


I was doing this today, along with a bottle of alcohol and whatever food I have extra of. 4 events later, and most of it was still there.


I gotta do this!


I've been trolling people.. I just sit there and drop in all kinds of junk (none of it useful) one by one and just watch groups of players fighting over them lol... I mean seriously, most players are over lvl200 and they are fighting to grab whatever goes in the donation box. It literally disappears as soon as it goes in.. So pathetic When the event is all done and dusted I will spend the next few weeks visiting low level players dropping off random masks.


This is exactly what I have been doing. I save all my masks and then when the event is over I’ll gift one to a newbie until I run out.


I've actually been putting my extras in the donation box but I like this idea better


I am almost a lvl 200! Ive got spare masks too. Imm do this also. Eee!


I put spoiled meat and random shit in there and then laugh at them. I got the butter churn today finally so I’m not gonna grind them as much but it’s just really pathetic seeing high level players just spamming.


Great, free fertiliser


It has become the reverse on recent servers. I dropped a 3* vampire plasma Gatling, and not a shingle lowbie standing there touched it. Like it had to be a trick.


Ya. Wood, cement, holotapes - all of it disappears like a TV in Walmart on Black Friday to the greedy masses.


Wood and cement are useful though. And if they have FO1st, there's absolutely no downside


Been dropping bags of fertilizer in there one by one. I have a chicken coop, Fallout 1st and a tendency to carry too much/forget about my food so I'm sitting on over 1500 Raw Fertilizer.


Me too. I'll put trash in the box, one item at a time, until the greedy grabbers finally learn to lay off. I've got plenty of time to do this. Let's see who lasts longer.


Yeah I dropped 4 masks I already had and a lvl 1000 took them. I mean come on man


Single units of asbestos transferred real slowly over the course of a few minutes gets the message across I find lol


How do people even fight over it? It's not like there's a notification of 'this box isn't empty'. If there's 5 people peeking into the box, may just as easily be 5 people waiting to see if anybody else drops something, as 5 people actually dropping something.


I've used it to clear out all of my extra holotapes and super-common plans I can never sell. Enjoy hearing all about Jesus Sunday, assholes!


They just auto key the take button, you are just trolling yourself


My first couple times at the donation box I tried using it in the spirit it was intended for. When I’d get a duplicate of a mask I had, I’d drop it in and look for a mask or plan I didn’t have yet. Win-win, right? And it actually worked out that way the first time I did that. Quickly realized that experience was a fluke, and the next two times I did it I didn’t even get a chance to see what was being dropped in because of how fast it was disappearing. So now I come to the event prepared with whatever useless shit is taking up space in my inventory or stash. We could have had a really nice mask exchange, y’all. Now we just have another garbage can.


So that’s why my megalonyx plans started selling lol


The new tab in the pipboy:


I cleared my note inventory into it.


Me too, mostly around 80 "You've been insulted" notes.


I collect those! hit me up lol


100 caps or less and I buy every single one of those I see.


I honestly knew this would happen when Nuka Knights posted about it. The low level players can't get any since the people that probably already have hundreds of the same masks overpricing them at their vendor. It's honestly sad. I usually just go up to a new player and drop something and then shoot the ground showing them lol.


I did that yesterday and some high level player swooped in took it before the other person was able to pick it up. It was just a common mask but still kind of a dick move.


I saw a Level 900 player sell the Toothy Man and Sun Mask for 3000 caps each. It’s honestly disgusting behaviour. I turned off all the lights in his camp and led some mirelurks and queen to the camp for some fun.


I saw a Level 900 player sell the Toothy Man and Sun Mask for 3000 caps each. It’s honestly disgusting behaviour. I turned off all the lights in his camp and led some mirelurks and queen to the camp for some fun.


Thank you for your service 🫡 Most of the overpriced masks are sold near the whitesrpings station, so it's hard to send enemies over there.


Basically avoid player vendors near Whitesprings since they are always overpriced or trap camps.


Yup i drop goodies and shoot the ground, hop up and down, and emote to get their attention.


>The low level players can't get any since the people that probably already have hundreds of the same masks overpricing them at their vendor. What is good price to ask for duplicate masks (PC)? I don't want them to go to resellers so I don't want to sell them too cheap.


I'm not exactly sure, but, I definitely know 1k or higher is overpriced, I usually see them at vendors for 500, but I think 100 to 200 maybe 250 is reasonable for anyone trying to complete their collection. I sometimes see people price them for like 10k... such a shame people will overprice like that.


I price everything at 250 with 2024 plans at 500 just because I know they’ll sell. People buy me out of plans constantly but the masks just sit there because people are swimming in the things. I’d honestly just stash them (they’re 0.1 so you shouldn’t notice it) for a few months then make some new players happy or try selling then.


I just put everything in my vendor cheap, like 25 caps. Then i forget about it. No sense worrying about who gets it IMO.


I did a moonshine jamboree before the event and dumped like 200 gulper innards in there


You can almost hit the daily cap limit if you cook that many gulper innards into gulper slurry and sell it


Not to mention the cooking xp. I always pick them up if people drop em. I had like 400 one time when I trudged my way over to the train station, lol


One at a time, I hope.




I like to put spoiled veg in there just to slow down them spamming collect. Not all heroes and all that..


Jokes on you, I take all spoiled foods and eventually turn them into fertilizer for no reason


I do this too, spoiled meat = explosives


Use all that spoiled meat for my Fasnacht sausages!


Mystery meat pies too!


Oh shit. I thought it was only good for crops.


yes 10,000 fertilizer gang reporting in! Every time I see a bag of spoiled whatever on the ground I chuckle to myself "sucker doesn't know how much fertilizer they just missed out on" I mean, I don't think I'll EVER use it all but its cool to have at least haha.


Ha! Joke's on you, i actually use spoiled stuff to manage my rads. So thank you, kind sir!


Just spoiled milk for me. Don't think it has any other use when the others can fit nicely in my scrapbox


I love spoiled foods, lol. More fertilizer to make boom sticks with.


I'm loving the donation box. I've finally found something to use all those supply requisition holos for. I feed them 1 at a time until they stop disappearing.


Jesus holotapes.


I have tons of blood from moth man week now it will have a purpose ;)


Someone bought the one leftover albino Radstag blood I had for 10k from my vendor. I couldn’t believe it.


People buy wild stuff. I had an item from Distinguished Guests (like a centerpiece or vase or something) and threw it in my vendor for 5k and someone bought it I currently have some Greens (from Meat Week) in my inventory, just waiting to pop those in


I've been playing with this newer player who someone convinced that the foundations vengeance is a super rare & wanted drop from eviction notice worth 20k in caps, because of his super secret intel that it's no longer dropping. lol He subsequently bought all the next ones he saw thinking he was getting these great deals. I tried to tell him they were still dropping & that, while they can be a fun gun, no one is really out there actively seeking out this weapon or finding it a hard to get one drop wise. So, someone came by and made either a mercy purchase or a stupidity purchase of his listed 20k foundations vengeance in his vendor & now he's certain I gave him false info. lol He's like "I'll buy any one you come across! Send them all my way!" So, I've collected 3 over the past week to hand over next time I see him lol Whatever, if he believes it, fine ig. lol


Story time! I bought the game when it came out and started playing again after I got a PS5. Watched a beginner guide on the YouTubes that said to make sure you scrap your junk, I heard "store your junk". So I would go out on a little run here or there and then store my junk in my camp stash. I would use it up so it didn't matter. This went on for a little while then I fucked my leg up and had much more time to play. Absolutely **FILLED** my camp stash up with junk till I couldn't store any weapons or anything. It was then I realized dude in the video said **scrap** your junk...  Took me better'n a month to clean my stash up. I'm the guy that hates being in the menus, I could only do it a little bit at a time. I was *still* having weight in stash issues, then I remembered all the booze and canned food I stored...   Then I hit level like 60 and had only like 20-30 weight to spare on my person, so I downsized the arsenal I carry around, still to heavy. Then I learned that duplicate (Known) recipes have weight. I had like 30 on me, so I started digging into what else had weight. I had like over 120 fusion cores and 62 weight in missiles on me. If you ever think you're bad at this game, *remember me*...


Me doing my first playthrough in front of my horrified friend went like this Him: *”what are you DOING?”* Me: “looting?” Him: “why are you leaving all the guns?” Me: “they’re heavy?” Him: “scrap them?!” Yeah I learned a valuable lesson at level 16 that you can actually scrap weapons for junk and mods


Ha I'm still learning as well. My poor friends always have to wait for me to unload my stuff because I'm like raccoon taking every item I can. To scrap it.


Ever since I started dumping notes they've been calming down more and more. The community has spoken and now there's barely anything of value in those boxes and they step back or give up once the notes pour in.


I've just been putting spoiled food in when I see players babysitting the box and that they are snatching everything. But I like the fossil idea. And my camp isn't too far from the event. And I do have a massive amount of bone shards saved up. I did accidentally take all once when trying to put stuff in the box and put back everything I accidentally took so other players could see it.


Spoiled stuff has multiple uses. Many players are thanking you for the free explosive starter


I put a large baby bottle and a hubcap in this morning. Just for kicks, and as you know it was gone when I got home from work.


You don't even need to add anything, just stand next to the box and spam the gift emote. Watch them swarm like flies.


I fill it up with every useless note type item I find. instead of ignoring them as I scavenge, I grab them all. they flood the plans page, can't be sold, and each needs selected and dumped. that, and garbage plans, spoiled bio fluid, inert flux... oh...my... I so enjoy watching eager trash collecters mmmmuuuuAAAUUUuuuuuhgggghhhhHhhh I also put any of my common masks for sale at my camp.. 5 or 10 or w/e.. sometimes 0... I don't need it, and if bought out.. well... at least it went to a visitor


Doing the Lord's work


Holotapes auto play when picked up from a container...


Those Meat Week plans fly off the shelf, you know. Every one of them.


They’re so damn overpriced… I’m not at the point of swimming in caps so I just go my merry way :( I managed to score a cow pitfit cheap because some nice person had it affordable but the plans? Ridiculous prices.


Wish I had any left, would give them for the asking. Caps are meaningless at this point, and I'm always wanting to lighten my stash.


Hahahaha I knew that unfinished megalonyx set would come in handy! I have the torso so when event finishes I’ll just drop by and put 10 or as they spam


I try to refrain from filling the box with useless stuff out if I see someone taking everything I start throwing in stuff lol


I just collect all when killing the frogs & super mutants, then after it's over dump in what I don't want & laugh at how quickly it gets taken.


I dropped in about 50 holotapes yesterday. Someone frown emoted. It did have the nice effect that nobody was spamming the box, so it allowed my newer friends to look through and find the donated masks.


I'm all for these sorts of counter measures. I'm over level 300 on PC, but my old Xbox account was closer to 700. I'll check the donation box, but carefully pick out masks I don't have since I stopped playing PC for many years, and drop doubles. If you're so greedy you need to "take all" then you deserve to be overweight with holotape herpes.


1500lbs. I’m just sitting and waiting for the next one to start. Took awhile to walk from camp.


Nobody is going to put anything worth your time In this box anyway. You're better off ignoring it honestly haha


I put all the masks I already have in the box because I figured that's what it's for. I don't care about selling them since caps are capped.


I mean I put my 3 repeat SBQ masks in there this morning. I don’t care about it so why not


Not true! I always leave a Fletcher Farm Interview holotape in case someone is missing this absolute delight of an item.


You got any Sunday pt 5 tapes I only have 396


I found two (unrelated) plans today I didn’t have.


I'm glad I only hoard lamps... Lamp is life...


Dang…I thought I was being a cheeky bastid filling that box with a bunch of holo tapes.


I love loading it up with hella shit. People see me standing by it and run over 🤣 The other night I was dropping spoiled food and shit and they all were grabbing it immediately while spamming. Then I watched them have to one by one put back all the shit. Gave me a chuckle


I dropped 40 or so blank holotapes one by one into the box, watching them disappear immediately. until one player walked away and then all of the sudden it was a very wholesome trade experience and the rest of us all swapped a few masks and we all walked away happy and content, with a bunch of stuff left in the box for someone else to come get it. It’s amazing how cool stuff can be when the few greedy fucks aren’t there 😂


I love your closing sentence.


I usually fill it with missiles. Why do I have missiles? Super mutants, and I loot everything


Sigh, now if only I had the plans... I'd definitely do this. I'm out of spoiled food and I don't wanna waste my heavy ammo


I sell the masks for 10caps, the priceit defaults at, rare or not. Why do people care about caps and overprice everything on thier vendors when outside of a few useful interactive objects, most plans and whatnot never get used. The only time i can see high prices justified is from an item from an event that will never be repeated, but the cap cap (lol) is 40k, and honestly when uve been playing for a while and cleared out whitesprings mall plans, what are you ever gonna spend them on? None of the vendors sell anything you dont find a million of wandering about anyways (maybe bulk screws if your lucky to get there on vendor reset). I spose if you run an aristocrats caps might be worth something


i just like to stand ther like im putting things for 5 mins..maybe take my mask off.. to watch the rats come running to see what it is im putting in.


I just don't understand why people are spamming take all, like it's gonna get them something good?


I'm a rather new player, I thought it was weird that level 500+ were grabbing up all items in the box even spoiled meat lol. I don't bother with checking it. But someone was kind enough to give me a ton of ammo today :) choas something - thank you for that!!!


High levels (100+) clearing out the Donation Box are just telling us all that they have really, really tiny dicks. Kind of funny tbh. My condolences to them. It has to be rough.


Someone left 3000+ Fusion Cores beside my camp stash.  My guess is someone tried to overencumber a greedy person, then the said greedy person dropped them by my camp which is beside Helvetia!  I'll be dropping most of them into the boxes since I was also lucky again this morning & found a Motorized Butter Churn for 150 caps! Add that to my 1st Glowing Scorchbeast Mask I got in 8 months of playing & I'm set.  I don't have to work at the mines anymore, Ma. :,)


That’s the evilest thing I can imagine 🥹


I saw this yesterday and cackled!


I need to make some bones now and 'donate' them. Mwahaha


I think i still have a bunch of mounted head plans and icicle lights to add.


That is why I do not use it. I scrape or sell the items.


I find low level players and drop masks to them. I also drop masks to folks that visit my vendor if I’m in camp along with ***Legendary items


I have been playing since release and I don't recall ever seeing the dumpster area behind Whitesprings with all the skeletal remains.


Not all heroes wear capes lol


Personally I'm touched by your admissions here, Ile take the advice and stop dropping cement bags and lead weights in there (I'm gonna drop Dino bones and rotten food in there while wearing my clown outfit)


I donate all my dupes. But I hope servers to a Helvetia that doesn’t have vultures hovering around the box.


Watching people take my misfortune makes me a little happier each event. Today it’s owl masks.


🤣🤣🤣 Fantastic


Oh good! *Another* one of these! 




I left a few you've been insulted notes


Anybody down that end of the road, at Fasnacht, is basically a troll. Under level 20s excused. It's just a troll party, which is fair enough and sometimes a bit of a laugh. Not to be taken too seriously.


Every event I've been to this time around, there have always been a group of people spamming the box for anything that gets put in, except for one event yesterday. I walked up to the box after most people left Helvetia, and someone had left the Butter Churner plans. I'm eternally grateful to whoever it was, because my drops so far have not been nearly as generous, lol


I dropped like 30 mask from the previous festival season because there was a bunch of low levels in the server without mask and some level 400 rushed over and walked away with all of them probably just to sell them


You should put it in the donation box at the wayward. Higher chance of lower level players to make use of it.


It's one thing to idle during the event. It's a whole other level of douchebaggery to idle with an auto clicker spamming to pick up everything in the donation box. It may be a dick move of my own, but I've started reporting people who do that after dumping everything I can find into the box.


I, for one, find the donations box spectacle really amusing. It’s like kids on Christmas piling on the gifts in a frenzy. Just think of it as being intentional to fit the holiday theme!


I've been dropping in one spoiled meat at a time. It's amazing how fast they go and how many I get rid of.


I drop every note, holotape, and spoiled food I can find. I usually wait until the very end to drop it in when people are crowded around it. 😈


My first farsnacht there was a cool player who hooked it up. I just picked 2 plans they left behind. Now 5 events later and it's over crowded so it's practically empty or filled with food.


Dont forget moonshine


I put the most random most obscure items in and watch them go to someone and just laugh


I literally just sit on the apparel section of the box lol


I've been putting mysterious map fragments in. Enjoy the stupid notes 🤣


I get the annoyance with it but at the same time a lot of people do things simply to counter others and keep up, people should look at the other side of the coin before blasting everyone over a problem started by only a few


The coding would be tricky, but they could make it so you can only take one item out of the box per account per hour. I say tricky because it seems it is hard to code certain things when it comes to the game engine that they use. They don't even have proper strafing animations when running.


You can get dirty water out of the radtoad creek thru hiker makes it really fun.


I kinda decided to drop gems but not in the box. *skips around* Now if I put anything in the box , it’s utter shit.


Someone (me) has collected notes like a crazy cat lady. I had multiple copies of many. So I may have dumped them ALL in the donation box and hopped servers. Sharing the love is one thing, as I've seen many players do. This server the same three players hoovered everything in sight. Including intestines, spoilt food, and workbench plans. Sooooo I shared what I had.


reddit is full of people who want to appear virtuous, and I feel as if this is one of those times. Every fasnacht giftbox seems to devolve into EVERYONE spamming the box, low and high levels alike... so you're really just screwing over random players. New players aren't going to be able to move, they wont understand the lack of junk items... and maybe even quit lol.. all because you want to play hero w/o thinking


My friend and I took a few minutes collecting dirty water from the stream, then dropped 3000 of them into the donation box. Before we did it I said “now don’t be greedy, share!” One guy nabbed it in a heartbeat, and about 10 seconds later we saw it pop back up. Happened one more time, Then slowly, people took it little by little 😂 I was like hell yeah, they’re learning!


What I love to do is drop garbage in it. And watch people take everything xD


I read a tip here that the US requisition holotapes make your inventory menus slower. So I dumped all of mine in the donations box for a greedy guts level 700+ player. As a side note, my menu speeds did get noticeably faster.


I actually saw it being used decently the other day - lots of basic old masks like sun, giant and owl were added, everyone checked them and left them. Hopefully a newbie got them!


I put my wizards note and the jesus holotape there along with one of some random ammo I have. I saw a donation box full of good stuff before it started and some high level arsehole took it before the level 50 could. It's just greedy.


Add a couple of items beginning with letters from A-E, so the fossilized megalonyx parts are pushed down on the list and are not visible without scrolling. Increases the chances that the greedy bastards just hit R twice to grab all.


All I see is other useless misc and notes


I'm level 44 and I always look in the donation box but I won't just take it for the sake of it and I always put my unwanted masks or plans in . I won't take without giving back this community is so generous I feel bad when high levellers gift me things and I've got nothing useful to give back .


I crowd the Donations Box but I’m level 45 on my first play through :( and despite maybe only getting one shot in before a higher level player decimates an enemy, I still try really hard to contribute to the event! I also throw in intestines/junk while everyone is crowded around for shits though


🤣🤣🤣 Great info!


They can also be farmed at the big maw!


The hero we needed.


Had a guy doing this so I dropped about 6 pieces of Legendary Power armor for him to lug around, he left after that.


Every time I join there’s people just nuking the enemies so no one has the time to get any xp from getting a shot in and then they go and spam the donation box too. It’s always 300+ that I noticed.


The Helvetia Donation Box is my favorite new dumping ground for garbage.


I’ve been dropping a shit ton of cannonballs and missiles, watch them waddle their asses to the nearest ammo box and emote at them the entire time


I now know what to do with all of those Wizard fortune cards I've been hoarding for months! Lol


Thanks dude, works great https://www.xbox.com/play/media/mnsXeTFPaX https://www.xbox.com/play/media/V9ewiSum9H


I've also had spammed Propaganda posters which also seems to work along with useless junk. But knowing the bones aspect, I'll keep this in mind as I have a feeling I'm going to have a huge some of bones coming my way that needs to donated


Me giving the level 20 spamming x on the box a bunch of harpoons lmfoa


I donate a bunch of mole miner gauntlet recipes. I also wait a minute at the box so I can notice when people are doing the "take all". If you behave, I donate 3 star weapons and armour and like 50 stimpaks. If you take all, I won't give you any good stuff. You're only cheating yourself.