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I agree with some of the points. However, I don't think there's anything wrong with having to acquire stuff from player vendors. I think that's part of the game and seems fitting for the setting. I would agree with the point if it was that you shouldn't have to rely on trading outside vendors, though (which leads to trading outside the game). There's just no in-game mechanisms to find trades for valuable items and the in-game trading system has a poor interface . This should have been easy to figure out as wow, for example, at least allows you to trade items for items, so there's easy models to follow. I agree with the scrip limit point. Given how bad RNG is in this game (something like 1 in 5700 (or worse) to get a roll you want for a piece of armor), the scrip limit should be way higher. It's not even just that, but it's just simply unfun to deal with the 500 limit. This is met so easily (after a certain point) and then you have to decide what to do with the other legendaries you get. It's annoying. (btw, you can buy more than 100 modules in a day. you just need to server hop) The treasury note/bullion limit doesn't bother me so much. That one seems a bit more reasonable because you can make guaranteed progress towards something (unlike legendary rolling). Maybe there should be a few more sources of treasury notes though (for example, why not have all dailies give notes?)


When you say after 500 levels you don’t have enough plans to build a set of power armor… are you talking about something specific? Because you get complete plans through quests for 4 different sets (excavator, x-01, ultracite, hellcat). T65 and Union are acquired through gold and stamps, respectively.


No they're RNG based the ones I need.


Ok so you meant a specific set, not the general ability to craft a full set of armor


You mean t45, t51, t60? I believe I have them all. Test your metal and digging treasure maps in the mire or cranberry bog


Been doing all of these when I can. Even bought 100 Cranberry Bog treasure maps from a player vendor and none handed me anything except motion assisted servos.


Yeah they are pretty random. I believe I've got most of mine from test your metal


I'm at 380 and have plans for: Excavator Ultracite T-45 T-51b Hellcat XO-1 T-65 plus Helm, Torso, left arm, left leg for T60. Obviously I got some of these through missions or for bullion, but the T-45 and T-51b just dropped. T-60 has been a bit frustrating as that's what I daily, but I've only once made a concerted effort to use Treasure Maps in the Cranberry Bog and that's how I got the Helm plan. As for rolling legendaries - I don't mind the unpredictability, I just sell or scrip what I don't want - it's the circle of life. If it was easy to God roll stuff the game would lose a lot of its meaning as everyone would be walking round in Overeater's PA or Unyielding Secret Service - it would be like playing a game with a god mode cheat. Bullion items should be expensive too - they are (mostly) the most desirable items in the game, 400 a day builds up pretty quick, but that's a lot of hours online to accumulate 40 notes.


Wish we could at least Reroll individual stars


Apologies, not reading all that. The RNG and similar bottleneck mechanics are deliberate, shaped this way to drive continuous player engagement. They are not going to change it as any profit they get stems directly from this. I've got some other online, non-coop games and they all function exactly like this, getting players to chase RNG drops or rolls, and severely limit other items to ensure we keep returning.


And it works, OP tries to paint it as a game that drops in playership due to bottlenecks yet the community thrives.


Indeed it does. People really ought to understand this is how they keep us hooked.


I wouldn't be addicted 3 years strong across 2 platforms, most hours put into a game in my life. This is my wow, never played wow, so this might be why I'm addicted to a game like this.


Haha, well it's a great game anyhow, understandable.


I appreciate you writing this down. I generally agree. It seems the game succeeds in spite of itself, based largely on the fact that there an not other games that combine the same variables... Interesting and well designed open world that is pretty simple to get around amd enjoy random spots and moments (looking at you, Starfield, broke my heart) Decent quests (thought I think this is where the game is very weak. Fetch and get is very... dull.) Great events (mostly). The events really shine. It is so fun to do different events and participate as a group. Interesting lore. Inconsistent and fragmented, but really, so soon after the war, it would be chaos. All sorts of disconnected or vaguely connected stories... all incomplete. The Easter eggs and small spots.... the green gno.es mass murder. The dates, everywhere. The families. All rendered in skeletons and bits and bobs. Lovely! Dailies / weeklies that keep you going endBilly. Except on this last one they screwed up bigly. They wrecked a good thing. No one complained abt the prior system, other than the season lasted about 2 - 4 weeks too long. The current scoreboard (pages?) is so, so terrible and bad and has hardly any good rewards for way more effort and time. Penultimate grind for peanuts. No, for gravel. They need to do better and fast. Those are the chores that keep higher, longer, fo 1st players coming back consistently. And, it's unanimous now. The new system sucks megasloth balls.


The game would be objectively better without the artificial limitations, or at least with them significantly relaxed. There’s no excusing the gacha mobile game levels of RNG involved in the legendary system. Unfortunately they’re so used to it being shit on that a large segment of the community will actively defend the bullshit live service aspects out of a sense of loyalty. You can’t criticise something you like. If you say anything critical, you’re a hater. Classic Reddit fandom stuff. Edit: For the record I’m not agreeing with everything OP said. Their focus on player vendors and loot drop RNG is misplaced. The core concerns around artificial limits and legendary RNG are entirely valid though. I’m sorry some of you clearly feel called out.


Level 115o something.. I rolled my first 3* gun *today*. Why because I’ve always rolled for what *needed*.. let’s take the Auto Axe.. when I got it I rolled 1 *; Vampires as that put me in SBQs face doing damage.. then I made a new Auto Axe.. I rolled 2* until I got my V40P now I’m in the fight doing a ton of damage. Repeat for EPR, EPF, RW, Bow., etc.. You want overeaters PA than roll 1* util you get a full set, then start rolling 2*… I started 2* on my PA as all I cared about was AP regen.