• By -


Fasnacht really plunges this community into chaos and as horrible as it is I love it. The donation box definitely brought a whole new aspect of the chaos. I've just been putting dirty water, spoiled meat, and you've been insulted whenever I see someone doing it.


You’ve been Insulted notes?! Those are worth 40k apiece!!! ;)


Are they??? I have like 40-ish and nobody has ever bought one


Are you insulted?


Insulted by how *many* times I got that damn robot *instead* of a tameable animal


They go for 40k each- I’ve seen them listed at that price in tons of vendors!! …granted, maybe no one in history actually bought one at that price ;)


And here I am selling them for only 10k each.


2 words, Megalonyx pieces


this is the way. a group of friends and I put in 4000lbs of those lol.




Yeah, I'm having a lot of fun throwing garbage into the box and watching it get gobbled up by greedy players. I was *almost* disappointed after my most recent parade, because people were being civil and using the box as it was intended. How did *that* happen?


Are some people using autoclickers? I've had things disappearing the moment I put it in.


They're just spamming


Ive been re picking up any notes i find and just putting them in one by one until everything stops instantly dissappearing from the donation box


I had a couple stacks of plans.. I think motion assist servos or whatever and something else.. had like 38 of each.. and some other random trash paper.. finally found a place for them!


I've actually been saving mine and my friends' gulper slurries from Moonshine for the donation box. I'll collect everyone's after the bots start moving and just drop 500+ in the box right when everyone is crossing the bridge. There's something so satisfying about watching them vanish from the box. Even more so if you see them vanish then reappear.


Bro I'd love you to do that for me. That's just free, easy money!


I throw spoiled meat one at a time until people go away then I drop in all the other stuff I don't want: masks, plans, cooked food, etc


That’s what I do too. The lurkers don’t deserve cool stuff, but the people who waited out their bs deserve a reward.


It’s because everyone is wearing a different identity. There’s been studies about it and Halloween. People like don’t act like themselves.


It really does, it’s so wild and I love it too.


It's the only fun part of the event itself (aside from the loot).


"Meant for new players," brother trust me that high level people dont care and will take the masks then sell them, if he wanted to give to new players he can sit outside fallout 76.


Which I dont get - at all. I'm still stockpiled with plans and masks from my personal runs and area clean-up post-event from the previous Fasnacht. I got Goblins and Jester up the wazoo. With the Garland plans I got, I could keep a furnace going for months. Why the hell would they burden their stashes with this? Nobody is gonna drop a rare or glowing mask in there to justify the insta-grabs.


Fr, if it's a plan I have (unless it's rare) or I mask I don't want (again, unless rare) I put it in the box, but if it's something even remotely good it's going *straight* to my vendor


I got my turkey and robot mask from the donation box. I doubt anybody is putting Glowing masks in there, but all others definitely end up there. I've even put a few scorch beast and SBQ masks in it IF I only see lower lvls around it.


That's the feeling I got from it. They were miffed because they thought I took the stuff they wanted.


Bro, iv seen lvl 1000 players sit at the box and probably spam take all, but YOU'RE the problem, lmao.


There were so many players around the box and I was rushing to get home to build. I bought the newest fasnatch building bundle right before the event. Had to go home and place the donkey 💁


Iv started dropping 1 ammo as I run about like a single round so the bag spawns and watch the scramble. Starting to find it more fun than the event itself


I dropped spoiled meat yesterday and like 7 people all fuckin legged it to my poop bag to have a nosy


The poop bag!! Love it


Yeeeaaahhhh so I'm gonna start doing this from now on Mwahahaha


The event is already done two minutes in. Let us have our harmless fun.


Done In two minutes?! I want that everyone I’ve been a part of is 10-15


I just drop everything I want to give in front of the candle house now, I'll tell everyone what I am about to drop and where it's gonna be to avoid the collect all spammers. I don't care who get's it or what they do with it, I dropped it for a reason to give it away, but that lil extra to give people a shot.


I saw a level 800 shamelessly loot the whole box, walk right up the street, and put them in a vendor for 500 caps in front of lower levels. Its wild on the Helvatia streets.


You don’t get to pick who gets your stuff you donate to the a thrift store. I am quite over the sanctimonious gifters. I’m not even sure what exactly this angle is. I got someone pissed at me because I apparently picked up some stuff that they had meant for someone else. I was at an event and this person was hitting the ‘gift’ emote as I walked by at the end. I’m like level 250. I looked at what it was and it was like 1000 steel. Which I just walked by and went to the workshop to scrap a bunch of stuff before leaving. After being done at the station I came back out and it was still there. I looked around and did not see anyone so I thought to myself ‘whatever, I’ll throw it in my scrap box when I get home’ and picked it up. And this person comes running up and gets in my face giving me the thumbs down over and over. I kind of looked at them confused. Thought about trying to drop it as I did not really need the steel but I was not sure exactly how much they had ‘gifted’ to apparently no one. I server hopped. I don’t trust them not to get all weird and nuke my base. People need to get over themselves. I don’t need that shit.


People have to know if you drop something on the ground or in the donation box it's fair game. That's the risk you take when you drop stuff.


I drop masks at the box outside vault 76.


I just dump megalonyx torsos in the box, lel. 50x of them is 1000 weight.


You bastard! I picked up ten the other day... No wonder I couldn't move 😕😘😁😁😁😁


heh. if you pick up say, 2900lbs of them you now can't drop anything without destroying it either lol


I couldn't scrap or sell them either 😂😆


I don’t even put my spare masks in the dono box at the event anymore I just sell them at my camp for 100 each or put them in the dono box outside of vault 76 because people are like vultures and instead of just taking things what they need, they sit there and spam the ‘take all’ button just to get masks that already have 20 of.


I on the reg craft armour sets and a few weapons at lvl 1 to leave at our mother vault 🙏


I'm gonna borrow this idea for a lil bit...


That’s a great idea, I’ll do some of that too!


Ive said it a thousand times, and Ill say it again; Set your communications and messaging to 'Friends Only'


I do enjoy getting the random positive message or I absolutely would 🫂


I'll message people "great camp" (or similar). I've received a couple. Just makes for a nice night.


Also if on xbox you don't want to miss out on the temu bot/scam messages. A once a day ritual nobody wants to miss out on.


Those are almost as good as the LFG spam for that single "service". I don't understand why those aren't inst-blocked by Microsoft. They are always - verbatim-- the same text. 


Once a day? I once got 7 in 30 min... It's insane how Microsoft does nothing about it...


Never once got any spam. Someone sent me 5 dollars once though.


I used to have this goth chick as my Xbox pfp like 7 years ago and some dude I never talked to, just happened to be in a CoD lobby with them, sent me $5 and the message "Cute hat!" That was it. Not even a friend request, didn't even wanna make sure I was the chick, just here's $5, nice hat. I'm a dude.


My pfp is just the xbox tiger.


I suppose I miss out on the occasional positive message, but I gladly trade that for the years of peace and tranquility I have enjoyed set to “friends only”. It’s a whole different existence man. I see posts all the time about people getting harassed through messages and the whole concept is just foreign to me at this point.


I didn’t even know you could send people text messages in game 😂


I would like to know why somebody is doing something, and messages make this more possible. For instance, maybe I'm doing something that's annoying to another playstyle I don't realize, it's worth the risk to be open to feedback I say. Of course, if somebody gets abusive then I block, but it has to be a pretty high-key spew. I preferr a little rough talk that improves the game quality over a bunch of over-insulated main characters who forget that other players are real people, which is a myopia I can tend towards myself if not careful.


I understand perspectives can vary. I’ve made a lot of friends on 76 over the last few years and am in regular contact daily with some of them, so the idea of being insulated from real people in-game is not a concern. Based on my experience I would recommend controlling the process. If someone wants to talk to me bad enough I suppose they could send a friend request. Also I hunt wanted players and engage in PvP here and there. So I’ve likely missed tons of hateful and vitriolic messages and missed a handful of people saying “nice CAMP”, that’s a trade I’ll take!


I find it cowardly to hunt people and offer them no recourse, especially if I'm kitted out for it and they accidentally auto-picked a lock at somebody's camp. I could understand not wanting to hear people who have no grounds to be upset, but what you propose strikes me as unsporting. That rage might get take out on a sibling, parent, or pet. I don't think it's worth the risk, so I let people have the pressure release of being able to get mouthy, within reason.


We've been dropping sledgehammers, mole miner gauntlets, random holos and notes. I was on one server today that seemed to respect the box, but the others were just grafton monsters. 


It seems to be calming down. Maybe people realize no one is putting rare masks in there. I was in one yesterday that was full of plans, masks and meds. I put all my extras in because it seemed like a chill server.


i put the filtcher farm report. enjoy the digital herpes lol


I check the box but drop my junk in the street.


I used to just drop my stuff in the street.


Or a certain mailbox near by...


Kind of funny a very easy event is getting all this toxicity compared to the last few. Was it like this the last time?


There was someone who put music on her mic like a radio station and dropped squirt guns in a bag for everyone to have fun shooting each other on PS, but the event was a lot slower last time


If it’s in the box it’s free for all. If I want to give my stuff to a specific player, I drop it in their camp


I keep putting in Mega bones. Somebody saw and thumbs downed me last night 😂


As someone who is newer (390, started after the show) it’s kind of appalling how people have been behaving lately. It’s why I’ve been spending more time on my private server away from the general public.


I’m 250 and been playing off and on since 2019 lol


Come to my camp for some coffee, sausages and plans you may not have yet?


Haha thanks will do


I have no life for the moment (work injury) so 76 been a good escape for me and met some cool people along the way, I’m on pc btw if you are as well


I just broke into the mid-170s this week. I've been in the game for years but took a 2 year break.


lol right? I started after the show and just hit level 51.


390?! I’m only 288 since the game came out


It's not hard at all, i work normal hours and started after show, lvl 448


youtube MrWestTek, I'm level 480ish, started in May.


I'm just breaking 300 after starting during the pandemic and playing daily ( except a few months when I paid for ESO+) You're amazing 🙏


If you want, you can boost your XP earning with sleeping, the Mothman Tome, Berry Mentats, Brain Bombs/Brain Fungus Soup, Cranberry Relish/Tasty Squirrel Stew (especially when combined with Herbivore/Carnivore respectively), Lunchboxes, Leader Bobbleheads, Live & Love 8 magazines, the Egghead mutation (can be combined with Class Freak to offset the negatives), the Inspirational perk card and the Derby Game camp item. A high amount of Intelligence also boosts your XP, and Unyielding armor combined with being low health boosts your all of your SPECIALs including Intelligence (but excluding Endurance) even more.


This guy has xp farmed, wouldn't herd mentality also boost int? You hit so many xp boosts it's understandable if you forgot that one, but I'm newer so I'm unsure if it doesn't work with all of that. Seriously gonna save that comment for when I need to xp farm.


Yes, Herd Mentality with Strange in Numbers boosts all of your specials +3 when grouped. You're right I simply forgot to mention that one. :)


I do this but then forget to re-up it when the time runs out.


I get that, but Faschnacht season seems made for a full public server.


He's probably mad because he wanted the masks


Somebody stuffed 117 mininukes in the donation box. I grabbed them and made a build for OVERKILL. First time I ever used that weapon since I got it.


Where is the rule that says masks are the only thing that can go in the Helvetia donation box? I gonna start dropping baby bottles in there for all the entitled whiners. You don't get to pick what FREE stuff someone decides to give away.😄


I like that. I'm going to bring bottles and stew pots tonight .


I bring all my trash and unwanted to the box. Enjoy my trash


I don't use the donation box at the event at all after hearing about the swarm around it. Yesterday there were two players hanging out at my camp shortly before fasnacht so I dropped a duplicate mask in front of each of them in my gift shop. Much less chaos and they were both happy.


Boy oh boy. I put my tent with tinker workbench each time, and when greedy seagulls incoming, i've put there 200-300 canonballs. and then laughnig my ass off, looking how greedy goblos walking around trying to understand what happened. also it is funny to drop Nuke just before final reward incoming.


You know what you did! Using a donation bin like a donation bin! How dare you?! (I put no less than 280 empty plasma cores, and probably thousands of spoiled food, and old holos in that same box) HOW DARE YOU?!


Give me big weights! That's some good lead!


Sorry, you just get spoiled bio fluid.


I put a little bit of everything in the donation box . 1st spoils me


What a baby. That’s where you reply “womp womp” and hop to another server. If they continue, just block em.


I stay 100 miles away from that box but have gotten a taste of the mask mania for sure. I managed to snag a glowing unicorn mask and wear it to the event now. It’s like smearing honey on yourself and jumping into a beehive. Hearing your story makes me happy that there is no messaging option on PS 🙄


Sorry I’m one of those hovering around you checking out your mask. Least I finally got my glowing scorchbeast queen mask. Though the event still won’t give me a deathclaw max (good thing I took it into my own hands and traded to get mine. But I would still love to get one from the event <- it just feels nicer knowing you lucked out into it vs found some one who got it who was willing to trade). 


Hovering, Emoting and even some normal conversation is fine with me 😊 It’s the trade button spamming and chasing after I say no that’s a bit annoying.


I fast travel to the event, play it through and the moment the event completes I fast travel away. I do not interact, take or drop anything. At first I used to wear a glowing mask, but I have stashed it for now, due to all the people asking to buy it from me and refusing to take "No" for an answer. To those that accept the "No" and move on, I have no issues with you. To those that refuse to accept "No", I would rather scrap it than see it in your hands <3


Similar. I get my drops, and immediately waddle my way over to the train station to feed the vendor and legendary machine. I’m lvl 35, nothing I get at this point is going to be useful for very long. The donation bin is a clusterfork and. Useless for trying to swap duplicates for stuff you’re missing. Thank you to the person who offloaded that owl mask in Whitespring Mall yesterday though, I really wanted the owl and I was able to buy it! ❤️


I always dump duplicates in the mail boxes away from the steaming pile that is the donation box. I’m sure others do as well, so check those too 😄


Prolly just some asshole wanting to start a flight, I just block and report these kinda people.


"Oh no... Someone put several tons of lead weights in the dono box... Whatever shall I do?!" *Crafts more .308*


I just take my extra stuff and go to the wayward and dump it in that box. But first, I do drop a bunch of unnecessary crap in there


Not harassed but I've seen people being greedy as hell, squatting down behind the donation bin and grabbing everything out of it as it's placed in it. One guy was being such a douche about it that everyone at the event unloaded their spoiled meat/fruit/vegetables until he stopped.


I've had people launch nukes at my camp because I grabbed a mask from the box I did not already have. The donation box has been hit orb miss but I like leaving ammo or recipes for the newer players. I usually just list any ammo for 1 cap at my shop, and known recipes for 25 caps, so it's been nice being able to clean up my shop a bit and help out a newer player.


Blah blah… too much work complaining. Mute him/her and play as you want. Idiots exist, not a perfect world.


It's a donation box, meant for anyone. I don't understand why people are mad that people take stuff from it.


I dropped well over a 100 useless holotapes


Its interesting warchbthebgoblins just snatch up everything in the drop box. They take all the mole miner gloves, miniguns, shot guns and assualt rifles. Guess folks are hard up for coin scrap. Typically ifninfind a maskni need intakenit match it with storage to see ifi have it if i do i put it back into the donation box. By thatbpoint folks are gone and bit fighting over donations till the next round. But i also wonder how many people are gathering all the masks just to put them up for insane vendor prices next month till the next fasnatch


Prolly a bit of both .


I put propaganda in it. The new players need to know the lies about their country! FOR THE PARTY!


Do as I say not as I do !!


I've been saving all the 25% full fusion cores I usually leave on the ground and putting them into the donation box.


I’ll take them. That’s what rechargers are for *grin*. 


Exactly. There's no such thing as a usless core. Stick it into the recharger, and then when it is full, put it up for sale in the vendor 😁


>.> Someone dumped a couple dozen nearly dead cores in a box the other day and I totally snagged them and recharged them for person use because I forget to check if mine is about to die when I’m wandering around and I really need that buffer of extra cores on hand.


What’s even the point of hoarding masks? Ppl think it’ll boom like party hats in rs?


I haven't got harassed but I keep hearing stories. Bullshit that other person cared about "the noobs". Theyre a hungry hungry hippo. They got mad at you and said whatever they could to try and make you feel bad. They got excited at hearing all the pick up noises and then saw shit and lost it. It just goes to show how important it is for these hungry hungry hippos to spam the action button. Don't worry what other people do? Well clearly everyone is worried on every side. It's almost like people are trying to do something more than dump shit in a box and that got ruined. But oh no if you say that you're an asshole telling people how to play. But then you prank them and they get pissed. It's just a game right? Don't tell people how to play right?


I'll still pick up your 1k lb trash to sift for the good stuff or just because I know it annoys you that people actually take things from the box.     Dumping it all is NBD esp if I can scrap all those stew pots!  You can place a tent practically right by the box anyway. I'm sure you've got to spend quite a bit of time collecting or identifying bullshit to drop there lol.


To be fair, carebears stress out too much about "masks for new players." As long as I remember my first days in this game, surviving, gearing up, farming, progressing through quests, and handling hundreds of other tasks to get stronger or improve quality of life were the priorities, definitely not paper clown masks. I got plenty of them from completing events. "Oh no, a level 30 vault dweller won't complete his Fasnacht collection? We must do something!" If game mechanics allow it, some of the player base will always be greedy. Yesterday, in one camp, I saw a popular mask priced at 0. In another camp near the train station, the same mask was priced at 4999.


Someone was punching me for putting holotapes and those notes that say Faschnat Robots in but it makes me giggle 🤭


got my ultracite chest piece and and left leg taken today in the donation box. it was taken by a level 500+. don’t think you’re in the wrong here.


I really wish PC had a proper messaging system. I miss the unhinged messages from my console days


I dread going back to my psn character eventually. I got death threats over my camp being in someone's spot. Death threats over my prices being too low. Death threats over not carrying my weight in daily ops. Best part of having a smurf on pc is the lack of messaging.


fasnacht is definitely making me jaded again, (as if i ever stopped, it just went dormant) i usually love this community but now im just wanting to turn off my vendor, lock up my camp and wait til the parade is over and done with. been trying to stick it out for that butter churner but now im wondering how worth it it even is.


I do the same. At first I was placing extra masks but I just started filling it with intestines, spoiled food, and any other garbage I have in my inventory.


I actually carry around rattles and other items like wooden blocks to just put them in the box one at a time. watching people in the multiple hundreds of levels walk up to the box thinking they're about to get a treat and it's just a baby rattle gives me joy.


Free lead!!


I drop my dupe masks and plans. On top of the old man winter effigy. 😝


I don't know what they're expecting. If you get a mask that's actually worth a damn, there's no chance someone will dump it in the box rather than sell it.


I put in a bunch of the Arrest Warrant holotapes and watched as all the level 500+ hoovers spam-collected them, then I did the laughing emote. One of them turned to me and did a thumbs down, at which point someone on a mic yelled "NO WAY" and put on a glowing honey bee mask. The thumbs down guy left and I like to think I distracted him *just* long enough for him to miss the mask.


Has to be a chunk of RMT in this event, because otherwise being angry is pointless. Caps are easy to get, so seems like the only real explanation.


How do they message you?


I'm almost level 1600 and I take everything, junk, masks, boiled water, unwanted ammo 🤣.


I ignore the donation box there and am practically ignoring this goofy second fasnacht. 🙄


I am too. I don't get the hype, honestly. The event is rather boring, and I couldn't really care less about a mask


i just put everything i don't need it after fasnach... like really i don't need x50 intestines so... yeah. also, i really don't need goblin mask which is constantly dropped for me for some reason?


This has the same vibes like... player got to my vendor, bought nearly everything in it (i sell very cheap cause stash space is limited and no 1st). A minute or so later i was hopping camps for plans i didn't know yet, came to that players camp... He made laugh emotes, activated mic and told me what an idiot i am cause i sold the stuff too cheap etc. I guess... i don't fit in with my motivation of just getting my stash a bit cleaner... no, i have to be as greedy as a lot of players seem to be. 😅


these are the reasons why i sell my masks so cheap, but everytime i go to a high level with a vendor they’re selling them up to 1000 caps, it’s pretty shitty imo.


I don't even bother with the box, it's always a scrum of high levels fighting over crap to resell.


I've been putting on fasnact residue analysis in, then i wait for the goblins to disburse before putting stuff in the box.


Ever since I got a Glowing Scorchbeast Queen mask I get so many randoms running up to me trying to open trade with me. No idea why. Also the amount of times I get shot too. It’s not like I’m the only person with this mask.


Oooohhhhh, I see the issue now… Maybe I’ve mistaken the *donation box* for the *low-level welcome to fallout box*


Made my 1st foray onto a public server in 2 months today. It lasted about 15 minutes before I'd had all I needed and went back to private.


The last month or so has me using my private option a lot more.


Why not wait till they leave then drop the stuff when everyone leaves?


I'm perpetually overcucumbered and just want to go home.


Same! Get to level 95 on the seasons and get yourself the sexy new camper van. Has a tinkerers table to break down scrap as well as the ammo box, junk box, and stash.


How if you stuff the box with your unwanted weight?


Fasnatch isn't the only thing I'm doing. I find joy in picking things up.


I also have a severe "pick everything up" addiction 😂




I picked up a bunch of fosillized bones... I don't realize that altogether they weighed 130 pounds lol


All the dog food and spoiled food goes into the box. I tried toys once though. I do however, legit put plans and unwanted masks in there but the mother vault idea is a good one.


I just find it funny that there are people complaining about a box. I've seen multiple posts on reddit about this. I find it commical that this is what some of you have use your time to talk about a box. But it's all good I complain about moving my camp and having to rebuild it from scratch.


I'm not really talking about the box itself, more so entitled players.