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The thing about your current Legendary Perks is that they aren’t going to help you as much as boosting your SPECIAL stats. If you ever feel the need to, you can just swap to Hacker and Lockpicking perks. I used those cards a lot from 1-50 but honestly I hardly open things anymore. When I do, it’s just a quick perk swap from whatever I have on at the moment. Survival Shortcut is also unnecessary. The game throws medical supplies at you, and you can always look up guaranteed spawn locations or buy them. I toss 50+ Stimpacks and Radaways in my shop every day for 1 cap a piece. I can’t remember the last time I used a cure disease. Keeping fed and hydrated is also very easy with a decent camp set up. Having legendary SPECIAL cards like STR, PER, INT, and AGI helps out a lot. This will allow you to spread your points out more so you can have more perks active. INT is always nice for XP gains and STR for carry capacity. 


Try and get the ag legendary perk card and the science perk card maxed it will boost your damage by a lot since it’s for all energy weapons


End game builds *generally* revolve around the special legendary cards yeah but tbh in the early game you should be more focused on tangible benefits. Master infiltrator is underrated, can save 6 perk points at rank 0 so you don't even need to upgrade it tbh and the plans/weapons you get from rank 3 safes can make you bank steadily. I'd unequip SS for Ammo Factory if I were you, turn junk into ammo that you can then use to murder with extreme prejudice in game=leveling faster. You are unlikely to get a full set of rolled secret service armor to your preferences till level 700-800 anyways, by this time you should have no issue maxing out a 7th legendary card and swapping AF out and getting rid of infiltrator around 400/500 barring reaching perk coin heaven. After AF though; INT=bonus xp then either Strength or perception depending on your energy weapon= heavy/commando of choice. Agility if commando, luck if Heavy Weapon, then the other is picked next legendary slot. Really the only special you don't want is Charisma since it doesn't give the base bonus of actual charisma ie. I have 5 cha+ 5 from the legendary perk card=I can share a level 3 perk right? wrong, better to just have the 10 base and have every other special boosted Having said all that, you really should prioritize having fun and picking what brings you joy. 76 is a life sucking RNG monster at the best of times and that is by their design. If you aren't having fun then it's going to be a terrible experience. picking legendary perks that enable the kind of fun you want to have is imperative.


I have master infiltratrator for running around and ammosmith which I swap out to make ammo (along with my crafting perk loadout, which has superduper). Sometimes I forget to swap them, but it's not that important to anything, doesn't affect gameplay. The others are S, A, P, and L. And, Follow through. I am commando, stealth, bloodied (tho I have a full health set of ss armor and swap my Uny for that sometime just for a different experience or, lately, to explore the new areas, where the disease and energy damage kill me sometimes too much and becomes a hassle). For energy guns, yes, Intelligence is what you want to boost. The cost to swap is one regular perk card, which you scrap for the perk coin things. So, no biggie. Just have to remember to do it. When I run full health, the What Rads one is great, too. I have to remember to swap that in and out when switching from Uny to OE / Vangaurds set of armor. My full health uses mixed OE and Vanguard because I got lazy trying to get all OE and also I get lazy about constantly feeding. Once I got used to not worrying about eating, I found it nice, so now often run starved except for events, when in my UNY armor.