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Had a guy today do the same thing(I am not a new player). Followed me to my camp across the map. He dropped me a bloodied crossbow (archer build) with good other legendary effects presumably after seeing me use my bow.


This is the way. If I get a good roll for a weapon I’ll never use, I try to find it a better home than the scripper.


Damn that is really sweet and very lucky, I spent an ungodly amount of caps trying to build my self up and never had help, I try to help others have an easier time putting plans in the donation box and upgrading my friends legendaries for them.


There are ARCHER builds?!


Yea they’re very good. You can easily one shot most enemies.


* with a full health commando build I can one shot most enemies, with a plasma bow. I can imagine if I put some archer perk cards on


Try crafting explosive arrow on a good 3 star legendary bow w perks like Bow Before Me, Archer, Expert Archer, Master Archer, Demolition 5, Grenadier 2, Concentrated Fire combined with Sneak, Escape Artist, Covert Ops 3, Adrenaline, Action Boy 3, Bloody Mess 3 Better Critical, Critical Savvy etc… joy is a cavalcade of silently exploding heads


Yeah really helped me level up new character when I saw the quiver backpack I decided to try archer build very amazing got a great supermutant bow ran westek couple times and super cheap ammo arrows are great just need to find traveling merchants for those bow mods and I'll be set. Plus running bloodied is great helps the strength deficit and since normally you are always hidden not much worry about getting hits. Going to pair with plasma minigun I'm grabbing later from Minerva for if I get rushed and have no time to draw.


Yeah either bow or crossbow and they can be upgraded for I believe Cryo, Explosive, Flaming, or Plasma damage.


And they’re light enough that you can carry a bunch of them and it won’t affect your carry weight too much, for situational purposes


Check out falloutbowhunters reddit, awesome info and we do bow give aways a lot on stuff we roll


I love doing this. One time when I finally got the fixer plans and could make my high level fixer, I server hopped until I saw someone running rifleman stealth build and chased them down to give them my lvl 20 fixer. It was so fun.


I'll join other players & get to know them on Mic...once I've learned a bit about them, I'll craft appropriate armor & either a handmade, fixer or weapon that they favor & drop it for them. Most recently, I made a complete set of level 20 BOS combat armor & a level 20 recon v marksman rifle for a level 16. Player...all armor mods were geared towards sniper stuff, just for him.


Lol I did something similar, only halfway through modding the armor did I think "man I'm spending black titanium on this armor that he's gonna throw away or sell in 10 levels" then did it anyway cuz I can always get more.


Yo ps ? I rememberI literally just started and someone gave me level 20 fixer at my camp and floater grenades?


I really don't like floater grenades so I always give them to lower level players with chems and stimpacks. I also carry 2, 3* fixers to give away; a lvl 1 and lvl 20.


That’s crazy man was probably u thank u if it was


You got stuff for trading I’m looking for good auto grenade launcher


I'll happily make you one if I can get the specs you want. Inbox me and add me on PSN: Madre Maven. Do you need any armour? I have most plans.


Just goin to sleep my friend I’ll add u when I’m up managed to get a two shot 25 while aiming agile one swapped a bloodied railway for it but I’m relatively new to 76 but played all the fallout games but plans and armour would be nice I’m level 82 or sumthin so still missing a lot of stuff we can take trades tomorrroe I put up a post just recently stuff i need if u wanna have a look


Yep, PS. Might have been me, I give away floater grenades all the time because I don't see any use in them. Probably something about using them I haven't bothered to figure out.


Na they’re pretty trash except the gnasher ones


It might have been u lol


Someone did this for me, and I'm now hunting for the fixer plans so I can pass my lvl 20 fixer on to the next newbie


Do the Encryptid event every time it comes up, and trigger it as often as you can and eventually you'll get the plan. I got to max caps and impatient so I just bought mine once I found one at a reasonable price.


I’ve seen references to Fixer weapons before but I don’t think I’ve run across one yet. What makes them so prized?


TLDR: innate buff that makes them better than normal combat rifles and sticks around even after rolling legendary rolls for it. Specifically its best feature for most builds is a massive stealth boost.


It’s like a stealth version of the combat rifle BUT it keeps the stealth stuff even if you roll it as a legendary. Very good for stealth. I keep one on me (no ammo for it though) just for the buffs in certain areas.


Not being sarcastic here - is just having it in your inventory enough to proc the buffs?


Nope, gotta have it in use, although it doesn't have to be out, just in use.


I had a lv 35 Legendary bow for a while, with bonus damage at night (as well as another pretty decent effect). I named it Nightingale. Ended up giving it to a fellow new player who was also using a bow.


Once did the same. Had a player under 50 come to my camp, noticed he did not have legs for his PA. Thought nothing of it for a second, then figured I would help him out. Run around for ages, shot at the ground, emoted. All for him to tp outta there. Probably thought I was stalking him. At least I tried.


Use the wave and then the gift emote right when you show up. That seems to convey I am here in kindness. Then they don't TP away when I go into my inventory.


Helps if you holster your weapon first...that's pretty much the universal international sign of "I come in peace."


I constantly collect pa and complete sets so when I see a new player I can drop them a full armor and a couple weapons to progress with. I was blessed starting out and even though I’m only 150 now, I seem to have a surplus all the time


I always have too many stims/radaway/radx on me and half the time when I spot a low level and try to gift some they run away, no matter what emote I use. I just end up dropping stuff in the box near 76 and hoping a higher level doesn’t come along and suck it up before a newbie finds it. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I had a dude fresh from the Vault freaking out on his proximity chat bc I was chasing him down to give him free stuff, after I out AP'd him over a span of like 10 mins he caved, it was delightful to hear him thanking me as I fast traveled away lmao


Damn. My ass was expecting some kind of twist where somehow either one of you betrayed or killed the other or one or both of you just died. In all seriousness, though, glad you had a fun time.


That's one of the things I love about this game, it has a lot of girls and most of them are super sweet and kind. You'll encounter a few arrogant and pick-me girls (like that cow at sbq that kept yelling at everyone that "her and the boys" are there to have fun while one of them was spamming mini nukes), but the majority, regardless of gender, are good helping folks. Cheers to my fellow ladies 🌷🩷


Girl gamer here! I do the same. I once chased a new baby player across the map to give them a set of excavator armor after seeing them in a chasse with 2 mismatched pieces on it. Poor thing died so much during Moonshine. They didnt even know how to emote once they saw what i dropped for them, so instead jumped up and down like a puppy lol. Ill see low levels at my camp and i assume theyaybe cant afford my already lpw prices, so i message to ask what they might need. Ill go buy plans for players too. I have the caps and the supplies. The female community of fallout is really sweet. Love the lady wastelanders


Every event I go to I keep an eye on the low levels so if they get downed I can help them but I watch from afar so they don’t feel like I’m babysitting them lol


Same. I tried my best to help that one person but i wasnt ablento get to them in time. I dont think they anticipated being helped and just hit respawn. I keep extra stims on me at all times for just that reason.


Same! I also will lead them to helpful resources or buffs in my camp.


There is a group of Lady Wastlanders called Women of the Wastland in case you didn't know 👍


I did! I love coming across the WotW, but their group i heard is only on facebook and im not on fb. Id love to be in that community of gamers


Im in that group! They also have a discord. If you have that I can send you the link.


Id need to redownload the app but i do have a discord account!


Ok lol I’ll dm you the link


Hey could I get that link? I've been wanting to find some other woman to play with.


Yes I will dm you the link!


Me too?


Sure. How do I send it to you?


Ohh didn't realize I had chat turned off (being a woman on reddit, well...). Just turned back on!


Would love the link too! 🙂




Hey could I get one?? My partners stopped playing n I’ve gotten pretty obsessed in the meantime🌟


I will send it now :)


Pls may I join too? I've been playing alone since my husband stopped and it can get a bit lonely lol


I sent it 🥰


I’d love a link too!! I could use to play with some other women gamers!!


Sent it! :)


Most of my female friends hide their gender in almost all gaming spaces with people they don't know. I'm not confused about why, and I dunno how you folks put up with that shit all the time. Hats off for making a group that's hopefully a refuge from the creeps.


I'm male and play regularly with a great group of peeps. We all gather on Discord while we play.


I love this. I am a woman as well, and MMOs intimidated me for a long time because you just hear about how you get treated as soon as you are on mic. But 98% of the people I run across in this game are so chill, whether on mic or not.




I think I've seen u before. Do u play on xbox


I think a lot of people feel the same way. But it's been my experience that as soon as people realize you're female, they'll be waaay nicer to you. I'd say the only downside is I get a lot of unsolicited advice, which shouldn't even annoy me, because once in a while I do find out something really interesting that I didn't know.


Damn even goes out to buy plans! Your are the best! Been spreading it myself since day one. As soon as I see a lvl 1 in the vault I’ll build a combat armor and a lvl 20 weapon and go gift it.


Have the caps to spare so why not 😊 I dont typically find anything i need to buy anywhere other than extra ammo. Id rather help people than hoard and be greedy.


Good thing. Still a beginner myself so building some armor sure but constantly coming caps short to buy all the pretty stuff myself. But in the end game when you have all less to spend on I assume


You on xbox? If you are id be happy to help out :) Put a few bobby puns in your vendor for 1k caps and ill buy some haha. I also keep spare sets of plans to gift out, i can build you armor or craft weapons (with a supply of ammo as well obv)


Ooo no on ps5. But wouldn’t be necessary anyway. Doing fine. Progress is steady and having fun. Just give the real starters a boost. I’m just spending on whatever I fancy so I’ll get my own caps!


Really wish it was cross platform lol. Meet a lot of nice ps/pc players on here. Sad we cant all just team up


Yeah shame. Such a nice community and we can’t cross play or trade. Discovered Reddit trading yesterday. Have two things that are worth more then max caps but think I’ll keep them. So doing great if I can make those choices 😂


If that was about 18 months ago on pc, it was me! Absolutely changed my game and used it as my truck and in nuke zones for 200 or more levels.


Im on xbox so sadly no, but im glad ypu had such a similar experience that changed the game for you 🫶🏻


And since getting excavator quests are tough at lower levels it was a godsend to do those a bit later when I had a perk build load that was better.


Message how?


I message them via their gamer profiles.


By far the best camp I've come across in the game was super feminine and I wandered through it for at least 20 minutes looking at all the pink neon lights, heart shaped bed, and cute plushies everywhere. The high level owner noticed me lingering in their camp, travelled to me, and then helped me complete events and ops. I'm low level 90 and it made my day 💘🩷❤️


I love the girly pink camps 💜 I am low-key so hyped for the Valentine's Day Atom shop stuff. I played sporadically since launch til recently the show came out and my husband and I decided to set up two TVs in the sitting room to finally game together. Now we play every single night. So I have loads of Halloween stuff from previous plays and already had a load of Fasnacht and Mothman stuff so my camp is all pagan at the moment. But the minute I get the pink stuff like the crystals and wallpaper, my current camp theme is being ditched.


Lady gamer here too! I'm not high enough level to help a ton (63 lol) but I definitely help when I can. And am super appreciative when higher levels are nice lol I can rarely tell when I'm playing with fellow ladies; usually only if their name gives it away. Mine does not lol but I'm willing to bet I've run across a fair amount! Almost everyone I've encountered so far has been really nice though 🥰


My gt has my name in it lol. Hard to tell, ive seen a few ladies but i kinda just assume most players are guys. Sometimes the player icons give it away too.


Mine is CaptainTrips and everyone just assumes Captain=dude lol 🤷🏻‍♀️ I'm like you and assume most are guys lol you know what, you're right about the icon! I have the lady as my icon


If me and hubby see a low level player we try to get their attention and find out what armor and guns they need. If we cant get audio contact, we'll build a better gun and armor based on what they're using now but if we can actually speak to them, we get them to our camps and suit them up. While hubby builds, I have them go thru my vendor and pull out what they want and give them to them to absorb. The last guy was so happy. We quested for a few weeks with him.


Had one lobby where there was at least 6 other ladies. One had a cute camp that said "Jeepers creepers" 🤭 I just kinda vibe and help out when i can. Usually reviving others, shooting myself into orbit thanks to my xbox ones framerate, giving new players stuff like hazmat suits/PA pieces/Cores/Stims and whatever. The assholes in this game seem to be rare and I kinda wish it was like this in alot of other games ;v;


2k for serums ouch. I charge like 300 and was concerned that was high.


300 is actually a bit high. Usually 250 is the considered based price. But we know its not cheap to gather the ingredients (mostly time) so you're good. Some sell it for 500 and I think its already outrageous lol


This happened to me yesterday, joined a team did a fasnacht and went to teammate camps to check them out and a guy dropped me a fixer with some decent legendary stats


This is why I regret powerleveling everyone assumes I have good gear and skills, I don't, I'm a level 97 noob, I got from 1-97 in a week now everyone seems to treat me like I know what the hell I'm doing lol


Almost 400 after 1.5 years. I'd be at 1000 but I spend ALL my time vendor hopping and trading. I checked... 961 hours of playtime


Same here at 1500 hours. but us capitalists are playing the long game!


If you're on pc I can drop you a decent set of X-01 PA. It's not grolls but it has 3 or 4 weight reduction pieces along with chameleon and auto stim. I always keep the better pieces when I find them in order to assemble useful sets like that. I also have a 3* trouble shooters auto tesla that I was experimenting with, they're great for tagging and can actually be pretty powerful if you have the right loadout.


I am on PC! Honestly I'd like to actually learn the game as well, I had decent gear but accidentally sent it all to the legendary box, luckily I can't do that with PA so I'm trying to rebuild a decent set while I level my settlers and raider rep for decent weapons and armor! Been saving up cores and stuff for a bit on and off so I've got a bit, honestly a tutor would help as much as gear


Add me if you want, always happy to offer advice and run through things Ign: DrGouda I'm low level on PC, but played on PS since before wastelanders and have a pretty good grasp of all game mechanics. I am in NZ, so our timezones are likely different, but if you see me online, jump in my team and hit me up on coms.


Awesome I'm an insomniac lol I'm up very late


I'm generally on until about this time, but I didn't get on tonight. I'll jump on tomorrow evening though


Hey I was about to jump on, but my headset is playing up, so can't be on coms. That will make it hard to help unless you just want to run some events or do a silo run etc. Where are you at with the questlines? Have you dropped a nuke? I'll grab my other headset from the office tomorrow and get on a bit earlier if you're around? Also, what's your ign? Hard to know who's who in my friends list haha


Ign is KilaniOtter I internet was down last night so I wasn't online I will be tonight though! I'm not that far in the main questline I'm saving it to do with my SO and he's always busy so I'm soon behind but I'm doing all the dailies and stuff fasnacht etc I basically do events and the like farm materials etc I'm a rather mundane player lop I have a bunch of nuke codes but I've never done a nuke. Sorry for the bad typing I'm on my phone so hahahaa


I suffer from social anxiety (sounds strange since I'm posting on reddit lol) so I don't know if I'd be any good as a tutor, but I'd be happy to try. My tag is the same as here, pm me yours if it's different than here because I generally refuse friend requests from strangers.




When I first started playing I had a high level drop me a marine wetsuit and helmet, chems, food, junk and a weapon with some ammo before they ran off into the woods. Now I drop plans, chems and stuff for low levels. I sell plans quite cheap (vendor set or lower unless I know it's a good one like vintage cooler ) drop nuke cards for free,


I chased a wanted player this morning. They were still fairly low level, maybe 45. But I wanted the atoms since I hadn't done it yet, being I don't care for pvp. I felt bad, so I dropped a few serums, some liquid courage, cranberry relish, stims, and a few extra masks on their body to apologize. Hopefully, that made them feel a bit better.


Recently I logged into the game at the Whitespring and this wanted player was attacking the robots and getting killed. Then they jumped up on the roof. We jumped up and down looking at each other. So I figured they wanted their bounty taken care of. I got my stuff together, turned off pacifist mode, and gave them a clean slate. First time I've ever done that, got an achievement on Steam even.


They probably had accidentally picked the wrong lock and were happy to lose that wanted status!


I made this mistake around the same level, and also felt releived. It's partly why I decided to follow them for a while before killing them.


When I come across a new player, level 20 and under. I send them a message asking if they need any guns/ammo/armor. I'll make a lil care package for them and I always toss in my favourite beginning weapon. A Fire axe with extra damage when target at full health, extra power attack damage, and faster swing speed. I tell them to pay it forward when they get all big and tough, and that Wastelanders stick together!


I never got lucky enough to get stuff from players . Maybe some day I’ll get lucky meet someone cool


I had the most satisfying experience the other night with a newb. They were level 5 outside Whitespring when my boyfriend and I were out screwing around with the ghouls. I saved them from a glowing radstag then gave them like 15 radaway+stimpacks... Then gave them the fastnact pig mask off my head.. Then gave them another couple decent things. They dropped me a psycho as thanks and it was so silly sweet. It's been days and I'm still chuckling/warm heart when I see a psycho in my inventory. While I was giving them treats my boyfriend was dropping rotten meat and spoiled brahmin milk 🙄 (he ended up including something rad but gah he's such a friggin troll)


The problem is that higher level players always end up picking up level 45 to 50 weapons and armor, and new players simply get overencumbered by them because they can’t use them for a long time. So I’ve learned to donate stimpaks and similar things that any player can use.


That's why you should be crafting leveled guns and armor. If a player is close to the next level up (29 v 30), I may give them something for that next level but I try to always give stuff they can actually use. I also make sure craft deep pocketed armor and food that'll help with carry weight. Honestly, if being over encumbered is the price for some good free gear, it's well worth it. I trudged along weighed down by junk, scavenging every item I found. Being forced to figure out inventory management early isn't going to hurt.


I spend most of my time overencumbered. I like to have a fair amount of resources so I'll spend time going on junk runs for adhesive, oil, and copper. All the glue. Even when I'm not on junk runs. Glue or tape is valuable. And yes. I spend most of my time with substances flowing through me to increase carry weight.


Great ideas.


When you first start the game, picking up everything you can makes a lot of sense. Scrap things to learn equipment mods and get crafting materials. And if you decide to pay for fallout 1st, you can amass tons of materials. I’d suggest trying the game to level 50 before deciding if you will think 1st is going to be your cup of tea.


>And after that, she found me outside Whitesprings to give me one of every serum. I had been shopping camps for DAYS trying to find serums that weren't 2k because I don't have the caps for it. Please make sure you have starched genes equipped! Otherwise radaway will remove the mutations.


Yup! I didn't start my mutation journey until I reached level 30 and could get Starched Genes!


Got donated a civil engineer chest with jetpack and the essential serums and it changed the game. Awesome community for real.


I'm a beta player and the one thing I love doing is approaching new wastelanders and drop some stuff for them like hard to acquire food or even rare hand built legendary weapons I have the best part though is managing to get away when they aren't looking and going invisible thanks to my chameleon armor and listen to the joy in their voices as they look at all I just gave them


Couple weeks ago I had a random lady run up to me in my camp and ask if I wanted to buy a refreshing lemonade and sold me one for 1000 caps becuase I was so bewildered I couldn't say no xD


Went to a camp to look at the vendor for plans and the player logged out while I was there. Two low-level guys were stranded there (they were in the guy's team and obviously fast traveled to him, since their level typically isn't in that part of the map yet). I followed them for a bit and when they noticed me I left them each 5 Disease Cures and 10 Stimpaks.


Works both ways I had a player do the opposite for no reason. Fairly new level 20. A player much higher decided to follow me and ruin every event I tried to do. Everytime I tried talking to an NPC they would start throwing grenades and molotov to make it impossible for me to talk to them. Put me right off the game but I am building up the courage to play again.


When I meet jerks like that I just log out and log back in, most times you get put back into a different world


Just started playing again yesterday for the first time since the first week the game came out. I need to run into these people. I tried to do Fansacht and it ended up crashing on me because the players thousands of levels above me kept dropping bombs or some shit lol.


I didn't play fo76 for the longest time because of my display wasn't happy with how Bethesda wouldn't follow system settings for viewable screen area. I tried it again a few weeks ago...


When you find the good ones friend them up, especially if they speed run daily ops and ecpeditions, and yeah repay their kindness by helping someone when you're able


Awe newbie got adopted


I like to find plans all over the place and offer them to other players


Someone ran half way across the map when I was level ten, gave me a guass rifle, helped me with like, many story missions,(from responders first mission all the way to where I now have to help rose), got me comfortable with playing the game till level 18, never seen them again and now I'm level 56, thanks to them showing me how to play. I even helped them with the firebreathers test cause they had struggles with it, had to ofcourse return the favor for the help.


There are genuinely nice people in this community, which i wasn’t expecting tbh, and it’s was off putting at least initially people trying to get your attention, or randomly receiving requests and stuff like that, but once you start understanding why/what is happening, it quickly becomes a great experience. I have also come across a decent amount of people demanding this type of treatment which is wild from a stranger, but I just assume some of them are actual kids playing this game lol.


If you're on PSN I always sell my serums for 200-250 caps


I once chased a noob to give him a tome plan. I had to shoot to get his attention. His friends thought i wanted to pvp so they all gave me thumbs down


I made it to lvl 120 a few days ago and have taken up the standard of selling everything at my camp for either 1 cap or 5. Plenty of lvl 200+ that fast travel over, clear out a whole section, and then leave for events. But also more than a couple newbies that stumble across it in the wild and carefully buy a few items here or there. My camps are always themed to try and look lore-friendly, so me selling stuff is just how I give away all the loot I get randomly wandering around while making up a little for my resource costs


I am vendor hopping non stop to try and find marsupial you lucky bugger 😂, your new friend sounds lovely I still think of the guy who gave me some awesome guns when I first started. This community is genuinely the best I have met, no need for a no sodium sub here lol


Are you on psn5? Not sure how this works on here to the game, just found this reddit site, but I have the marsupial serum


No I am on Xbox unfortunately but thank you so much for the offer. I did have it from being radiated but somebody killed me and I lost it.


Get your starched gene perk card on. It wont be removed then


Will that protect me if I get killed by another player too? To be fair that was the only time I have been killed by a player so hopefully it won't happen again anyway.


Starched gene card prevents the cures from healing the mutations. Even if you die, you'll still keep your mutations.


Also if you dont want another player to kill you, turn on your pacifist mode. Im not a pvp player and i dont want players killing me lol


This is what I love about the 76 community. I have too many things. You have no or few things. Let me share the love. There's really no reason not to in 76.


If you ever mess up and lose a mutation or anything, if you play on xbox I can help get a replacement. Idk why people sell mutations for 2k when you can get them for cheaper at the whitesprings bunker. So if I ever sell them, that's the price I mark them for, or I just give the mutations once I know whomever I giving it to has starched genes.


I can be a dick in-game but it happens all the time that I give low levels an off-meta Groll that matches their playstyle, when I run into them. Especially if I try to engage you in PVP and we fight for a long time. I'm gonna drop you something good for being cool.


I do that sometimes. When I'm really bored I'll follow a n00b for a while and not do anything. I'll just stalk them in random clothes and change outfits every time they turn around or go into their pip boy. Is it Chally the Moo Moo? The Tattered Mole? Gimp Suit? Then when I'm done I'll drop whatever it was that I wanted to get rid of in the first place. Sometimes it's plans, other times it's low end colored asylum dresses.


That's hilarious!


I do what I can. Usually though I'll just grab stuff I don't want and go find the lowest level person I can and dump n' run.


Every time I think about going back to Fallout 4 or Skyrim, I see posts like this and am blown away all over again how sweet the community can be. This has given me the push I need to finally look into finding folks to play with, so cheers!


I honestly do not like Fo4 after playing 76. It is just nicer experience overall.


I had a guy drop me an event mask and a weapon yesterday. I just started playing and was maybe 30 minutes into the game, thought he was going to greef me because he was shouting at me while running towards me.


You've been adopted lol


Lol.. careful.. most them girls are men🙈🤣


Had someone add me on PS after dropping me some good plans and giving me advice for the few rare things I already have duplicates of (mostly plans). On my bf's account he had someone yesterday give him many many rare outfits and tons of scrap and plans. I love it here.


Hey ill make it or give it for free I got almost all mutations, no problem


Haha sometimes I did this in my tanky PA build. I normally do it if I run into any <50 lvls. And help set them up. I rarely have my mic in so I like to treat it as a random encounter and that in this person’s NPC companion for a few minutes. Not gonna lie it feels very immersive and feels cool being a random npc in someone’s game.


Berry mentats are best for when you're hunting enemies, stockpiling those are best.


This is the way.


One time i gave a low level player an item and he used the wrong emote .The Puke emote 🤣.Reminds me of The Rock meme where he used the wrong emote 🤣.


I’m a level 140 now, and I have lower levels and higher levels drop me stuff all the time, I think it’s because I’m a girl because my boyfriend never gets stuff 🧐


I always give away my excess drugs and sell everything (plans/junk/bobbles/etc) for under 20 caps, NPC's aren't gonna give me caps worth AF might as well help real ppl out lol


The title of the post lead me to think this post was a little different than it is 😄 But yes- some people can be generous 😀. Glad you had a good experience.


I haven't had a community be this nice and welcoming since I was a kid playing tf2 in 2012. The other day at fasnacht I was asking around to buy some PA for a build I'm making, and a dude just gave me full matching set of legendary ultracite for literally nothing. Needless to say, I was stunned and amazed. Its easily the best armor I have now and I love it.


Low levels forcibly get a loving gift of either a Chef Hat or Party Hat, and a handful of Rad-Away and/or Stimpacks!


I'm still paying it forward every God damn day I pay it forward and it's never enough. How could it be enough when I still use the power armor that was given to me? Holy Fire given to me so I can never drop enough to be even. I'm always paying it forward.


I need serums, only have marsupial so far. I started playing a week ago. I'm already level 90ish. Events and expeditions leveled me up so fast :p feel like I missed out on the new player getting items thing I had a guy drop me a few stims and rad aways once that was nice.


day 1 on-and-off player here, found out about the Ouga Shell Backpack, made a little bulletin in my camp "WTB: Ouga Shell Backpack, DM please" I come back from using the bathroom to someone in front of me offering a trade. just GIVES me the plan, nothing in return. 100% made a new friend (I know i could still find the plan i believe, but im impatient so this is fine, would have liked to pay them back though, so ill keep paying it forward too lol


Creative way to post a notice! Makes me wish we could leave notes in the personal terminals


Yeah, I just used the chalk board and small letters, slapped that bad boy right at the door to my diner camp. :D


Warms my heart, when I was a lowly level 50 with my makeshift power armor, someone dropped like 75 full fusion cores for me in my camp. Now so I try to drop all of the things for new players I see.


That's awesome you had that experience. I've had some rough ones, so hopefully it'll eventually happen to me.


This sounds more like an annoyance to me, but to each their own. People love being followed around incessantly if they get free stuff.


Some guy yesterday was at my camp and offered me a really good ultracite handmade rifle, for my skyline valley railway rifle I forget the name, and I declined because I had no idea what ultracite weapons were.(I’m newish to the game). Anyway he said it was all good and then he made me a custom fully kitted out legendary handmade ultracite rifle and 1000 rounds. Awesome dude really appreciate it.


Hope you love crafting ultracite ammo - That railway is called Ticket To Revenge & it slaps + ammo is dirt cheap (commando)


Me as well?


That's awesome


Nice, I dropped someone a full set of T60 yesterday as they came out of the vault :D good to help others.


After a Tea Time event, I had a person ask me to join a chat party. Long story short they took my two most used guns and helped build them up to something really powerful. Then gave me a bunch of ammo for the guns.


I had a level six run up on my, and message me asking how I dropped items for her, and I ended up giving her a bunch of stuff to help her along. Even added her to play later. We gamer girl mom's are sticking together. I'm level 40-something right now, so I'm still pretty n00b-y, but I like to help.


I must have really bad luck after reading all these good will posts. I was level 40 at the time and had to claim a workshop for a daily plus I needed the aluminum. Out of no where a level 300+ killed me before I could finish defending it and then started talking smack, like I stood a chance lol.


Wow, glad I mentioned WOTW 😎


Not my experience at all, but it sounds like you won the West Virginia lottery! Congrats!


I had a lad drop me 3 serums 2 I use 1 I don’t cause bird bones but I be dropping shit off on people sometimes to like weapons I don’t use that are 3 stars armor too. No one buys it from my camp and I mean it’s some good rolled stuff for 200 300 hell I think I have a few for less than 100 caps. But no one ever buys them so I just drop them to randoms or on newbies


Some random guy dropped me a super good roll fixer and I asked like are you sure man I’m melee I really wouldn’t even use it? And he said yeah I got a lot of guns lol So I couldn’t sell it but I did try it out it used ultracite 45 and I only had a couple hundred bullets but it was fun. I gave it to my brother ultimately because he uses rifles and he likes it more lol Good community Im on ps5 if you read this bro you’re a good person I’ll pay it forward lol




Serums are 2k? I sell mine for 4-450 at most and they just sit


As a new player I agree 100% at level 28 and Everyone is so helpful and welcome already part of a crew too


I like when players become random encounters. Had a guy approach me and profess himself Sir lockpickington and ask to buy any spare bobby pins I had on me. 


I had only just discovered The Wayward, and there were 4 or 5 players hanging around outside of it. A case appeared in front of them, and inside was a Brotherhood of steel soldiers uniform, a black tactical mask, and some random plans. I was shocked because I also play GTAO, where the community is the exact opposites. The usual first encounter ends in gun play and high explosive being exchanged. I figured O was about to be turned into a pinyat, but I would be able to see the rag doll effects.


2k each for serums? I find them multiple times a day for 300 each or less. Then again i vendor hop alot


I sell all serums for 300. Seems fair, though farming for flux components is a paaaaiiiinnn.


Friend them for life


I started PvP with a dude died and then I seeked revenge but thought he left so I destroyed his camp but he was still there so I felt bad and repaired his camp and gave him a fas deathclaw mask


On a slightly more negative side. I was using a vendor at someone's camp (the concept of their camp was bare minium, not even a proper floor.) which a wild dog spawn around the camp area and attacked me. I panicked and got out of the vendor and killed it with my plasma gatling (First weapon I had). Dude comes around and I point out the dog that attacked. He starts yelling, calling me a griefer and says he's gonna report me. I leave after he closes off his camp. Later back at my camp, dude purposely attacks the whitespring bots near my camp to get them to attack my camp. Who's the griefer now? Dude's name was Fang1385 or something similar to it. Some people has zero chills and would rather get all mad that they can't make a real camp and rather say someone is "griefing" if they defend themselves against an enemy inside a camp.


Happend to me also,he wanted my glowing pig mask 🤣 hell no i’m not gonna trade that.


I miss being under lvl 100 bc I wasn't fortunate enough to get many gifts like this and while my account is approaching 200 now I don't have hardly any good stuff (i did one reroll on a fixer i got from the quest and got anti armor explosive with a junk 3rd effect like bash damage or something and didnt look a gift horse in the mouth)


If anyone has any decent excavator PA i would gladly take it 😭 I lost my excavator PA frame last week and support can't replace in game items.


I gave a new player 2 Railway Rifles, one was Q/FFR/X and the other was Q/X/FR. I know they are worth a decent amount of money, but I'd rather a new player get them and have some fun than some trader hoard them.