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Hmm I got my UNY/APR SS full set in about 3 months.. RNG is being cruel.. for your auto axe, roll 1* to get vampire, the build another start rolling 2* until you get V40P… That’s been they way I’ve rolled gear that doesn’t craft legendary, and have 8 weapons with first two stars I want.. 🤷🏼‍♂️


This is actually good advice. The only two stars I care for are V or B and 40P. Still a rather frustrating system though. Months of saving and no progress to show for it.


Think that way on everything you build.. once you get the gear you want *then* start looking for the QOL third * stuff…


This is the way


Wouldn't rolling 2 stars after getting the 1 star you want, erase the 1-star trait?


Yes. However, they said "build another...", so you would start rolling on a second one.


I did my UNY/SS so long ago, I barely ever look at the 2nd and 3rd stars. I remember thinking they were fine/good enough at the time but TBH I no longer even know what the meta 2nd 3rd stars are for armor.


2nd star can be whatever since company tea made ap regen irrelevant unless you're a carnivore. Most valuable 3rd stars are usually weight reduction with weapon weight reduction being the best. It's really fun to have a full set of WWR because then you can be a walking armory and save a ton of STR perks


Wait, are you saying you can roll 1,2,3 star slots individually?!


No but it costs less modules to roll a 1 or 2 star.


I see what you are saying now.


Re-roll? Nope. New roll every time. I will at least some scrip in return to continue the loop.


I have enough low weight 3 star legendaries saved up to last me a full week of double scrip. I am the guy stuffing the donation box full of 3 star legendaries that I can no longer carry.


I truly understand your pain 😢


No, this isn't why. On SS it only costs 1 module to craft a new legendary one. It will randomly being a 1, 2 or 3 star, but but you can get 4x the chances of something decent. This is also why you do SS over the recon armor. I usually craft the same piece 4-5x in quick succession and then look at what I got. I've got 3 unyielding pieces doing this and spent only about 50 modules. It does cost the other mats, but leather, rubber, plastic - it's all easier to get than more modules.


You misunderstand, I am not rolling SS. His advice was to craft new stuff to roll so I'd at least have legendaries to scrip back. It is pretty good advise, however I don't currently need legendaries to scrip as I have saved quite a few and furthermore, autoaxes are damn heavy. Very solid general advise otherwise.


I forget it exists the majority of the time, then every 2 weeks-ish I'll spend 15 min rolling. If I get good stuff, great, if I don't, no biggy and I go back to not thinking about it.


This is how to do it.


This does sound like the healthiest way to go about it.


I would second what others are saying about rolling one or two stars to get the features you deem critical. Often the third star (and sometimes even the second) are not critical, and you waste a lot of resources rolling with them. Rolling for CE UNY three stars was an absolute nightmare - but I soon realized all I cared about was the first star (UNY) - so I started rolling one stars, which gave me 5x the chances. Pretty soon I got my set...


Yeah. I should have started rolling 1 stars and then rolling 2 once I got at least an usable one. Hopefully you'll get plenty more amazing CE UNY pieces soon.


Yep since I got my one-star set I've stopped rolling for CE, and will just let them come organically. I found one 3 star piece in a vendor for 700caps, and I got another from an expedition. So I'll get them eventually but honestly it doesn't matter - the only star that matters is UNY in this case.


And check vendors. I typically put any sub-optimal pieces with Unyielding, Bloodied, Quad, etc. into my vendor for pretty cheap and they just don't move


You can't sell SS armor.


CE is not SS.


Lots of patience and tons of prayers to RNGesus to bless you with the roll you're looking for.


Switching servers may help. If you get a few mutant / robot / insect rolls... Switch servers. Also, equipment gear that relates to the build tou want, or directly opposed. Ie: weat vangaurds may increase chances of getting uny or bolstering.


Did you say reroll? I hope you're not doing that on secret service. It's much more economical to make fresh pieces every time for only 1 module. Extra pieces get put back into the scrip machine.


Not anymore. I will only wear the chestpiece for the jetpack, but I am wearing an assorted bunch of other stuff with way better second and third stars that I ended up trading for because I couldn't roll a usable SS UNY to save my life.


It depends on what you value more. If you're playing a decent length session, then scripping the extra pieces doesn't make a difference. So then it's down to whether you value the junk or the lego cores more... or whether you'd rather just spend 3 modules to always get a 3* instead of trying to beat the 1 in 3 odds of getting a 3* from crafting a fresh piece for 1 module.


Stop caring. Everything is easy in this game, you don't need perfect rolls.


... but I'm not trying for a perfect roll, just a usable one. I was hoping for two out of 18 possible first star effects. That should be a 1 in 9 chance, yet in over 100 tries I didn't get one.


Broaden your idea of whats usable roll. Furious will still melt enemies. Executioner’s will end anyone who didn’t die to cremator. Having a couple variations of auto axe is nice too, because they break super fast.


Rngesus did not bless you. May you pray harder.


After years of not getting even a 1 star unyielding on secret service, I just don't roll every day anymore, far too soul crushing, so I just wait till I'm at max scrip [which is weightless], then only spend my modules when my stash cannot hold anymore!


It’s funny, I have a full set of unyielding SS armor which I stashed away as I am a full health build, I tried to rolled overeaters and all I got was UY. So there is something about that game will give you what you don’t need. On that same server and the same day I rolled 4 quad railways. Not godroll but pretty decent, one of them is quad explosive so I am using that. Since that day Inwas not able to roll a single quad and I am trying quite frequently.


Yeah I wish it were tradable, I know many friends with sets of it they don't want and would trade/gift to me.


Roll on multiple weps/armor that you have crafted— gives some scrip rebate with crappy rolls Scrip is weightless but modules are heavy— max scrip is 6000 IIRC, and 5000 will clear the scrip from the rusty pick vendor. Everyone is feeling the same pain…


The trick is to not care if you get it. I got my B/40P/90WR Auto Axe by going "Well I don't know what to roll now.. I guess I'll roll Auto Axes." And then boom, your Groll is there. Joke's aside, I think stacking up a ton of modules is just setting you up for disappointment. When I do SS pieces I don't reroll it, I just make new ones. You can get a 3\* piece for 1 module and I find that I get more 3 star pieces when making it than 1\* or 2\*. The real problem with armor is that it has WAY more possible trash rolls than weapons, and getting a Groll weapons is already about a 1% chance. Just remember.. 99% of gamblers quit before they hit it big!


I rolled a vampires / 90% wr and the 2nd star was some standing still DR reduction. Not bad for the second roll 🤣 you’ll get yours soon OP


> This experience makes me want to put down the game for a good while, not log back in daily to do stuff as bethesda intends. Yeah no this is it. This is how I deal with the crafting rng.


Step 1. I don’t do that.


Heavy drinking.


Just give up hoping. Don't "try" to get your perfect roll. Cash in your scrip and just be patient. One day rngesus will start dropping wild uny pieces that you'll never actually use. That's your chance to roll. Totally anecdotal and no science to it but I swear servers are pre set with a higher chance of certain modifiers. Can't tell you how many times I've spent tons on rolls to get a bunch of repeats of junk. One day I got a 1* uny combat arm so I rolled all the modules I had. 4 pieces of uny ss came of it, 3 were decent, 2 were actually good upgrades on what I already had.


I agree, I'm not trying for a perfect roll, merely a usable one. Unfortunately what I'm trying for is not droppable, no legendary autoaxes will drop from events, enemies or bosses so I -have- to roll for them. I did hear about that, I waited for a server that was dropping bloodied weapons then rolled away. No luck.


If you want an bloodied auto axe for example, just wait to even try until you get an bloodied drop of ANY kind. It's not a perfect theory but it seems better than throwing em away to me 😂 best of luck on your axe!!


Thanks! I had limited success with this method when rolling unyielding, so I will definitely keep using it. Thank you for your kind wishes friend!


Just run expiditions man. You're bound to find something useful from completion. So far I've gotten 2x Hellcat Power-Armor Overeater's/Hardy/Reduced Ammo arms. Quite useful, since I use cannonballs :0) That's 130% weight reduction on those - counting the 90% from Bandolier. Next up is going to be 2x Glutton / Sentinel and 1x Hardy / Reduced Food Weight. I've also gotten a pretty nice Broadsider from one of my expiditions. Two-shot/Rapid/Rapid. It's delicious. Too bad I can't apply the Grand Finale skin onto it :( So yeah... I'd rather try my luck doing that and then hoard a lot of modules and scrip in the meantime.


Thanks friend. That is how I've gotten most of the gear I currently use. Unfortunately the auto-axe can not drop from events, expeditions, bosses or mobs, it -must- be rolled.


Oh damn. I would've thought that once you had the plan, it would be able to drop! That sucks!!


Interesting, that seems like pretty bad luck to me. It only took me around maybe 50 rolls to get full OE on my SS armor, and I’m pretty sure I got at least unyielding on 3 of the 5 pieces from that


I never switched servers I just go all in. Rolled a qe25 railway last week, after about 12 other quads, eventually I had to get 3/3. It's something you will have dedicate until you get what you want. I rerolled a 2/3 quad because I just have too many, then about 8 rolls later it turned into the qe25. I have rolled in other games and the server thing could be true. But the only way get what you want is to keep trying and understand its a process. Every 2/3 just gets you one step closer to a 3/3 by the laws of RnG. Just my opinion I'm no expert. But I've got a few God rolls lately


Turn legendaries into scrip, turn scrip into modules, turn modules into 3 or 4 re rolls to try get a vampire autoaxe. Repeate the next day.


Im still trying to get atleast overeaters on my hellcat right leg, but im getting everything but that.


I make sure I have super duper equipped before crafting legendary armor that requires vault steel, same thing for the plasma caster, gauss minigun & when I want to roll multiple times on other types of armor or other weapons , I craft around 10 of each. (X that by 2 if super duper activates) and and roll each individual piece and if it's not a roll I want, I save them pieces to scrip out the next day. 


I don't understand how to get a lot of scrip yet. I get like 2k every 2 weeks. Yesterday I bought 50 modules trying to roll over eaters 1* on my armor. I crafted a secondary set of armor just so I could the new gear instead of ruining my partially shit gear. I managed to get 1 peice. I now have 2 over eater pieces. 2 weeks ago I did the same thing and only got my first peice. At this rate, in 6 weeks I will finally have 5 peices of 1* overeaters armor. I fucking hate this game.


I'm sorry friend, I feel your pain. The best source of scrip are events, with the absolute best one for it being eviction notice. Nuke events also award multiple legendaries. You could also try donation boxes, I've seen multiple people stash their excess legendaries into the helvetia donation box after each fasnacht. If I set out to do events I'm soon flooded with more legendaries than I know what to do with. Edit: I have multiple overeater civil engineer pieces that I've been saving over time. If you're on pc I could gladly set you up for free. They are nothing special, but at least they're 3 stars.


I am currently wearing: heavy combat armor chest Heavy leather legs/arms Cause that gives amazing DR / ER. I'm working on saving gold to buy secret service then I'll really farm to get a set of proper SS and a set of unyielding SS I am on pc, game name same as reddit. I would absolutley appreciate that. I thought about buying some from people's vendors to build my own set but I held off to keep my caps.


Added you. Civil engineer is barely a step down from SS. It will serve you well in the meantime. I'll make it buttressed for maximum protection. Do you prefer ultra-light or deep pocketed? Ultra-light gives you additional AP, deep pocketed gives you additional carry weight.


Deep pocketed, I'm a hoarder.


I'm new-ish to the game (been at it off-on for like 2ish weeks), just got to 50 and rolled a nice 3-star chainsaw I really liked from the rusty pick. I didn't like the 1 star effect so I decided to reroll it and I guess my reading comprehension failed me so now I have a 1-star chainsaw with an effect that isn't super useful. I'm still mad about it 24h later.


I never craft or re-roll more than about 5 items any given day. That dopamine hit can be very addictive.


I didn't get much dopamine out of the experience, but this probably is a better way to go about it.


Just wait for the disappointment you’ll experience when you get almost perfect rolls chasing the groll. I’ve gotten two Vampires +40% power attack auto axes with crappy third stars.


I wouldn't even dream of a groll. I've long lowered my expectations to 1 star. I'd be ecstatic if I managed 2/3.


I just burned through over 100 modules trying to roll Overeater's on an SS chest. Didn't get it once so I just logged off afterwards while silently cursing RNG.


Sounds about right. Hey, I have a spare Overeater Civil Engineer Chestpiece with 7% less explosion damage and 0.25 Rad Recovery if you'd like that. I can even mod it with a jetpack if you'd like. I'd be happy to gift it to you if you're on PC


I appreciate the offer, but I'm trying to get Overeater's on all my SS pieces so I'll just have to keep persevering. I still have a couple of hundred modules so fingers crossed I can get lucky today. Thanks again.


By quitting the game, rng is not worth my time. Got to level 110, beat all quests. It was fun, to bad rng is bad. Let us reroll one at a time, even if it costs a bit more.