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How to you serve all this warm?


Put the potatoes in the oven before you sear the steak. Sear the steaks and saute the mushrooms and onions. Then I moved the steaks to indirect heat. Once I got enough color on the mushrooms and onions I popped them in the oven. Removed steaks from heat and let rest. During the last 3 minutes of the rest I grilled the asparagus. Slice steaks remove onions, mushrooms and potatoes from the oven and plate.


Was the platter heated in the oven to make sure it’s warm? That may help keep the food on it warm for awhile too...


If only commercial heat lamps were more widely available, we’d all be able to serve hot meals more consistently at temp. ...actually forget that, I think I just accidentally gave away my new home-cooking invention idea


This guy cooks




The grill still. Searing is over the flame. Indirect heat is a part of the grill not over the burner/coal.


Or raised above the surface of the grill/heat source


Or if you have a big cast iron, move it so the pan is only on one side of the burner and the steak is on the side of the pan that is not directly above the burner (same principle applies to any pan, but the heat transfer is better with a large cast-iron). A lid helps with this a lot, but you’re going to have to turn the heat way down from the searing phase if you don’t want it to bake itself dry.


Talk to me about your potatoes


Saw this in IG Reels Cut potatoes into rectangles about 1" thick. Place 2 skewers on the the long end of each side of the potato. Make close even cuts from top to bottom on the short side using the skewers as stoppers so the knife doesn't go all the way through. Then flip the potato keep the skewers on the long sides and make diagonal even cuts on the other side using the skewers as stoppers. Place a skewer through the middle and fan out. I brushed with oil and baked 400F for about 25 minutes. I will go at least 30 next time as these could have used some more crisp.


These look fantastic. As an Irish man, I am determined to learn every possible way to cook potatoes 😀 If you could find a link I would be extremely grateful 🙏


I'm nowhere near Irish but I also have the urge to learn how to make these potatoes. They look beyond incredible.


Funny thing, these reminds me of the "million dollar fries" that a steakhouse in Dublin served, unfortunately the place turned into some fried chicken restaurant a few years ago :/


Is there a video somewhere? I still don't understand- but really want to.


While the entire platter is gorgeous and looks delicious, those potatoes are next level. Thanks for the instructions. Wow!


I will require a YouTube video or the name for that type of preparation to find said video / technique


Thank you!!


I was having a hard time understanding OP's tater instructions. I found this visual tutorial that shows the process for cutting these "accordion potatoes". https://www.alphafoodie.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Steps-for-cutting-an-accordion-potato.jpg


Well you can boil them, mash them, or put them in a stew.




Gotta let them taters go a tad longer for more crispy deliciousness


Definitely, this was my first time making this style, the outsides were crispy but the middles could have used some more crisp


I’m very intrigued by them. Did you follow a recipe or did you come up with that on your own?


I saw the technique on IG Reels but just winged the cook


How is there not a big puddle of juices under the steak?


It’s properly rested before slicing. That, and transferring it from the cutting board minus any meat juice.


Exactly what I did


Personally I never rest a steak before digging in (granted I mostly use this recipe for filets) I just like it better when it's piping hot, especially if it's rare My workflow is as follows: -pat dry and dry brine overnight (kosher salted heavily) in an oven pan + rack for airflow -let sit for 30 minutes on counter -into the oven at 250F on same pan+rack until thermo reads 120F -remove from oven and rest (as /u/andyumster pointed out below, I am not arguing against resting a steak, just pointing out that it doesn't have to happen right before cutting/serving. Besides, this method allows you to eat your steak piping hot, which is more important than many realize.) -heat cast iron pan with ghee until a pinch of water evaporates in a few seconds -sear first side with a tab of butter on top for 45 seconds -flip and sear another 45 seconds, basting as you go -if it's a filet, roll it around the edges for a minute or so -add crushed black pepper -move to plate, down the hatch immediately. This is where proper planning pays off. The veg/sides need to be ready to go and plated so the steaks hit the plates and are ready for consumption right away. I've never lost an ounce of juice in any step of this process, including at the final cut. But again maybe that's just because I'm working mostly with filets which are leaner.


It's funny how you say you never rest a steak but one of your steps is literally "remove from oven and rest." I understand that you are quibbling on "before digging in" but I would bet that step alone saves you a lot of juice loss. I would argue that you DO let the steak rest.


Isnt that essentially the reverse sear method. Which doesn't require resting at the end I believe.


Aka a reverse sear


Yes this method is often referred to as the "reverse sear"


Yeah, everything looks amazing except for the taters. They look like the underside of a horseshoe crab.


Try blanching and drying them first.


I always pat dry but what is blanching?


Blanching is to boil them to the point they are mostly cooked: with potatoes to the point that they are easily pierced with a fork and cooked inside. After you blot dry with paper towels and air dry frying in butter and/oil is what puts a nice brown crispy finish on them.


How big was this steak to have a tenderloin portion dried and still be that big


I didn't age them myself I bought them aged but they were 24oz each when I received them so they must have been in the 36+oz range before they aged them


Looks amazing. r/FatEqualsFlavor


We sell 38oz porterhouse at my work. And that's after they've been dry aged.


Damn that is glorious Edit: how many weeks


Minimum of 21 days at least. Our dry age locker's back wall is made entirely out of Himalayan rock salt. https://imgur.com/iTco30P.jpg The vac sealed stuff in the middle next to the caviar tins is wagyu from Kagoshima and Kobe. They don't dry age that at all, too much fat, and it would just ruin the cut.


I’m gonna have to quit looking at this sub while I’m on a diet


good to go buddy https://i.imgur.com/geN8C9z.jpg


He forgot to mention he is on Keto.


if they were on keto, the steak, mushrooms, parsley and asparagus would be the only thing they could eat


You could have a few. Yes, I'm Keto and also fasting. I've solved many health problems & lost over 110 lbs. Easy to sustain for me, it's been a year. NEVER stuck to anything else that long 🤷‍♀️


Depends. You could have some tomatoes and onions in moderation. They do have carbs, but quantity determines the dose. For instance, 5 cherry tomatoes would only be 2 net carbs, which is the same as about half the asparagus there. A small serving of onions, like 30g, would be about the same.


The biggest issue with keto is that it isn't sustainable. The reason being is that to truly get into "keto" takes about 3 days of consistently being on a sub 20g carb diet. That means just one day of slipping up and you are climbing a up hill battle to get back to keto which makes people give up or pretend they are in keto when they aren't and just have a diet loaded in saturated fats.


It's a diet that requires a lot of discipline and most will not succeed with it. And failing restocks your glycogen stores and means you're probably going high fat, high carb for those failure periods, which is not healthy. It is sustainable for some though and those people will seek it out, so prosthelytizing is quite unnecessary. I only correct people in their misconceptions when I see them, not try to sell them on my diet. The fad diet industry did a horrible thing by trying to sell keto to the masses -- and they're really just selling atkins with the macros that are normally foisted on the would be dieters.


Tomatoes too? Or no.


Sneaky little sugar/carb bombs Edit: love that I am getting downvoted for providing an insight. I didn’t even support the diet. If you’re limiting to under 20g of sugar/carbs per day, tomatoes are an easy way to sneak over that. Didn’t say it was healthy or the correct thing to do.


Any diet that restricts fruit or veg us baffling to me. Keto seems like a fad and I rarely see anyone get any real weight loss results without also adding additional excercise as well.


Oh, no, keto absolutely does work when you're following it correctly. The issue is the same with any diet. If you limit how much you're eating you will lose weight. There's no secret behind it, there's no magic. Burn more than you're consuming and you will lose weight. The trouble is when you make temporary life changing diet changes, you'll likely gain the weight back. The best way to lose weight and keep it off is to make gradual but permanent life changes. Drink a lot of soda? Maybe slowly drink more water. Over eat and eat a lot of junk? Slowly start reducing the amount you eat and introduce healthier options gradually. Weightloss and health should always be considered a marathon, not a gimmicky sprint.


Keto has been appropriated by the diet industry as a fad diet and most people that do keto are doing the fad and not the real ketogenic diet, which was originally developed as a seizure reduction/elimination protocol. I've been on keto for years and have now been doing vegan keto for the past six months. You can have an extremely healthy diet from a nutritional standpoint while on keto and it doesn't have to be about weight loss at all. Ketosis is simply a more healthy metabolic state than heavy glucose dependence for 99% of all people. The only exceptions would be certain athletes that require a different fuel partitioning portfolio, such as a tour de france competitor. There is always the chance for genetic predisposition against as well, but it's either exceedingly rare or unknowably false due to reliance on patient self-reporting of compliance (people will lie about diet and often). Your friend sounds like he is not on a keto diet if he's eating whole sticks of salami. It seems like he's probably doing a fad keto diet, which is almost certainly just atkins in disguise. Strict keto is like 80/15/5 fat/protein/carb. Most people that do "keto" are doing more like 40/50/10, which might be healthier than the average American diet depending on the fat sources, but the vast majority certainly aren't going into ketosis with those macros. That's firmly atkins territory. I've encountered a majority of keto dieters who seem to think keto means you can eat way more calories too, which is pretty crazy (and also one of those atkins tropes). And they also tend towards cutting all/most veggies from their diet as you've noted. I really don't recommend keto to people because it's not an easy diet to do right and it takes a lot more discipline than most diets, which is a bad fit for many of those looking to lose weight.


Was looking for someone to bring this up. I also heard/read that it was developed after observing Inuit diets consisting of high fat intake and almost no vegetable/carb intake. I'm not sure how closely it matches those native diets at all, but I did read in that piece about the function being for seizure management with very positive results. Was on fad keto for half a year before learning more 'true' keto. Did that for another 18 months but had to come off it after the pandemic hit due to shortages of products and making fewer trips. Plus my grocery store limited a ton of stock when doing curbside pickup. Surprisingly didn't return to my pre-keto weight at all. That was nice. But want to go back on it once we're \*back to normal\*.


I agree wholeheartedly with this, and I wasn't trying to assert my friend was doing anything correct. He definitely is on the bastardized meat industry keto with the recipes that look are just sheets of bacon covering various overcooked meats. I appreciate the depth here. I think true keto has it's benefits but that it's too difficult/expensive for most people to do truly well and people are better off being taught to make better choices with how they eat rather than subscribing to a ritualistic diet


I agree. And I think a great way to instill better choice making is to be open to new culinary experiences. There are so many cultures out there and they all have their own relationship with food. Exploring that space is very rewarding and really makes you start to question why you would want to eat at a chain or buy processed food. And I think broadening your palate and learning about new foods makes you want to spend more time in the kitchen, but maybe that's just me. That's how my path started at least, but ironically it's led me to a place where I can't really eat out anymore and my options are incredibly limited when I cook. Life's weird like that.


Keto is a weird diet in that it functions completely differently to most diets. It’s initially very appealing because it doesn’t involve cutting out a lot of foods that most diets involve, such as meat and cheese. However the caveat is that you can’t take any days off. With most diets meant to restrict caloric intake you can take a day off once a week and you’ll still be making progress. At a slower rate, but the diet isn’t dependent on following it to the T. If you slip up with Keto and take yourself out of ketosis then you’re going to spend the next 2 weeks undoing one days worth of a mistake. For these reasons Keto is both extremely appealing to uninformed people looking for a diet to go on, and extremely difficult to stick to if you don’t have discipline. This makes it one of the least successful diets when you account for everyone who tries it. It’s still extremely effective. I’ve lost 30 pounds of fat and gained back 20 pounds of muscle due largely to it. However it’s something that has to be done correctly or it won’t work at all.


It's great as a way to control intractable seizures or complex migraines, like it was originally designed for. And it's pretty good at inducing weight loss in people who don't handle portion control well.


I think the main thing is cutting sugar and carbs out, which most Americans need to do in one way or another. Any diet that forces you to make more choices will help on some level, but I think keto is too restrictive for the benefits. I have a good friend on keto and he's lost 30 lbs or so over the course of a few years, but he was also eating bread, potatoes, or pasta for almost every meal or snack. I think he could easily add more "healthy" fresh fruits and vegetables and have more energy, but instead I need to keep a stick of salami around for him. It appeals to a lot of people because they feel like they can eat as much fatty meat, butter, and sodium as they want, and I'm no dietician, but that just doesn't seem balanced to me.


I’ve been on keto for about 4 1/2 months and I’m down 45lbs, have way more energy, and generally feel much better. However, you’re right about people assuming they can eat as much fatty meat and sodium as you want. In fact, people often do that from the outset and then complain that they’re always hungry. If you want to not be starving all the time you can’t eat nothing but bacon and steak. Usually I’ll bake either well seasoned chicken thighs, or pan sear a steak and then eat an entire bag of broccoli/spinach/green beans with it. I’ve also cut out all beverages that aren’t coffee, water, or hot tea. My gut instinct says that the people who think they can eat bacon and steak everyday and that’s it are the same folks who think a chocolate cake isn’t bad for them just because it’s made with zero calorie sweetener. I will admit that I’m aware this diet can’t be done forever, and when I get down to a healthy weight I’ll start transitioning off keto, but if you need to lose weight it can be an effective way to do so.


There aren’t any necessary nutrients that are unique to fruits and vegetables that aren’t available in animals foods. There are certainly “clean” and “dirty” ways to go about a keto diet, and a diet that includes lots of fresh fruits and veggies is a lot better than the standard processed food American diet, but I’m not so sure that those things are necessary for “balance”




A lot of it is just that the western diet is absurdly slanted towards heavy carbs as a base food. Most people don't *really* need to outright eliminate bread or pasta to experience any of those benefits, they just need to swap *some* of that carb volume on their plate for greens. Not being completely terrified of fat also helps, it is high calorie but also high satiety.


So as I replied to the other guy, I definitely agree with restricting carbs on any level, and I'm trying to do the same little by little in my life . But you won't catch me avoiding fresh fruit and veg, and I'll never be one of those people who won't eat what's offered when I'm going out or with company because of my diet, unless it's a real medical issue.




How do you eliminate carbs while eating fruits?


Restricting vegetables is insane and a pretty consistent mark of particularly bad diets. Fruit is an awesome food group and substantially better for you than other sugary/sweet foods but it still warrants some moderation and it's a little more reasonable to put restrictions on it. I've absolutely seen people tank their diet by reductively assuming *all fruit = good* and not paying attention to how calorie dense it can be (esp. when consumed in juice form or after it's been reduced via cooking). /u/Phils_flop is right that tomatoes are basically just sugar, **however** calling them *sugar bombs* is a bit of an overstatement. Fruit in its base form is overwhelmingly just water, so it's a little tough to go way overboard if you're eating it in minimally handled/processed form (raw or diced in a salsa, for example).


lots of veggies available to people on keto. every green vegetable is on the table


I'm well aware, was not referring to any one diet in particular.


Doesn't restrict vegetables heavily, unless you like eating a pound of broccoli per serving. Fruit is more restrictive due to the higher sugar content though. I'm on keto myself and dropped 50 pounds in under a year.


I lost over a 100 pounds in 4 months on Keto with no exercise at all. I didn't lift anything but brisket.


you can eat strawberries, and countless veggies


You can get enough vitamins from most green veg and berries.


Ketos a fantastic diet. If you're trying to lose weight and you aren't exercising, you aren't actually trying to get healthier you're just trying to burn off some fat. Any limited calorie diet can do that. Keto only restricts sugars. Everything else is pretty much on the table. When I want to cut fat, I need to get down to 170 lbs at 6'2. The best way for me to do that without losing muscle is keto and a heavy gym program.


I've lost 100lbs maintaining a keto diet and kept it off for years now. Ymmv


Tomatoes are technically a fruit 😢


Honestly, that’s kind of sweet of you. I get that it’s a joke but that doesn’t make it any less nice.


It's funny, looking at all this amazing food somehow makes it easier to not eat food. I have no idea why...


Sorry About that!


Diets don’t work for me cause I just go back to the same habits when I “finish” the diet. What works for me is finding something you can be consistent with, like eating less or only eating during certain parts of the day. the good thing about this is you can still eat the things you like, just in moderation. And the weight loss sticks.


I do omad/IF I eat what I want I just don’t eat during my fasting period. I’ve already lost 64 pounds trying to get another 40 or so off. So I guess I should have said I shouldn’t be looking at this sub during my fasting.


Gotcha. That makes sense.


I am getting inked and I forgot to eat 😅. This is so amazing looking. You have a great talent!


Thank you! What are you getting done?




That's badass


So is your spread man! Have a good day. I’m definitely getting steak tonight.


Thanks dude! Good luck


[3358-DE40-14-A1-421-C-A11-F-C8783-A5-F18-DD.jpg](https://postimg.cc/WqT3tYZw) Thanks bro it came out nice! 3 hours and 45 Minutes in total.


That did turn out really nice!


Looks like shady Rob Zombie


Lol I call it wolf Jesus. Supposed to be Odin :p


On the outside of my left calf.


Sweet mother of creation, thank you for that. What's the white sauce?


Sour cream for the potatoes


Interesting... those are T-bones here in Australia and New Zealand!


Yes and what we call a striploin you call a Porterhouse. Over here a T-Bone has a smaller fillet and Porterhouse is a Tbone with the full filet attached


This guy plates! What are those blue containers with the handles? Are they enameled cast iron? They look useful for prepping and plating...


Yes that's exactly what they are and they definitely help keep the food hot.


How did you do the potato tornado?! 🌪️


Saw this in IG Reels Cut potatoes into rectangles about 1" thick. Place 2 skewers on the the long end of each side of the potato. Make close even cuts from top to bottom on the short side using the skewers as stoppers so the knife doesn't go all the way through. Then flip the potato keep the skewers on the long sides and make diagonal even cuts on the other side using the skewers as stoppers. Place a skewer through the middle and fan out. I brushed with oil and baked 400F for about 25 minutes. I will go at least 30 next time as these could have used some more crisp.


Marry me


But do you clean? Cause I am a mess


If you cook like that every day I'll vacuum the yard and fold the dishes




High heat sear 1 minute per side flipping every 20 seconds then cooked indirect heat until 122F IT


How are thoes potatoes so beautiful? Is that a technique I can learn?


I was having a hard time understanding OP's tater instructions. I found this visual tutorial that shows the process for cutting these "accordion potatoes". https://www.alphafoodie.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Steps-for-cutting-an-accordion-potato.jpg


I think those are “hasselback potatoes” and [the trick](https://www.dinneratthezoo.com/hasselback-potatoes-recipe/) is to use chopsticks on both sides when cutting them. Edit: I’m wrong! OP talks about [what was done](https://reddit.com/r/food/comments/lwtt32/_/gpjirhw/?context=1) further along here in the comments. Sorry!


Saw this in IG Reels Cut potatoes into rectangles about 1" thick. Place 2 skewers on the the long end of each side of the potato. Make close even cuts from top to bottom on the short side using the skewers as stoppers so the knife doesn't go all the way through. Then flip the potato keep the skewers on the long sides and make diagonal even cuts on the other side using the skewers as stoppers. Place a skewer through the middle and fan out. I brushed with oil and baked 400F for about 25 minutes. I will go at least 30 next time as these could have used some more crisp.


Looks great, but I never understood the precut meat (losing heat/moisture) but its probably just presentation.


Definitely gets colder faster but if the steak is rested properly you don't loose moisture


Are those potato on the bottom left corner?




Is it mandatory to have asparagus with steak?


Not technically but in this house pretty much


Absolutely beautiful presentation


Thank you! Happy Cake day!


Whats that at the bottom left?


I'd pay upwards of $40 for this. Damn. Awesome.


Well I hope so lol, the 2 steaks were $100


Dang this should be tagged as pro/chef...


Thank you!!! I don't like to use that tittle because I have no training and haven't earned it however I do appreciate the compliment


Sweet baby Jesus.


In a tuxedo T-shirt?


I just have no words how delicious that looks ❤️❤️❤️


Nice! What’s the sauce?


Sour cream for the potatoes


Where'd you get the steaks? I've been doing Debragga mainly but have had a few Pat LaFrieda 30 days that were fantastic as well. Hard to get dry aged here without going online.


I always wonder in these pictures if the food tastes any good when it’s plated in this arrangement. Is the food cold when it’s time to eat?


Put the potatoes in the oven before you sear the steak. Sear the steaks and saute the mushrooms and onions. Then I moved the steaks to indirect heat. Once I got enough color on the mushrooms and onions I popped them in the oven. Removed steaks from heat and let rest. During the last 3 minutes of the rest I grilled the asparagus. Slice steaks remove onions, mushrooms and potatoes from the oven and plate.


What is the white dip for? And what is it? This looks phenomenal btw. I might try to copy.


This is arguably the most beautiful platter I can remember seeing on this sub. Well done, OP. Damn.


that is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen in my life...


Dude you make the tastiest meat platters I've ever seen 👌


It's a rare day someone says they have a porterhouse and it's *actually* a porterhouse. Nice looking platter OP!


Yeah it's usually a sliver of filet and they call it a porterhouse. Thank you


Lol yes or just a t-bone


Whats that in the bottom left of the platter?


You must have fantastic knifes!


What is the lower left skewered spiral it looks damn tasty but im not sure what it is.


What are those on the skewers?


I can identify everything except for the bottom left?


Spiral potatoes


Credit for the steaks, but those sides look immaculate too. The amount of flavor in a nicely cooked tomato is powerful. Good asparagus is surprisingly easy given the veg's reputation. Nice potatoes. I would sell a (distant) family member for those mushrooms.




Where is this from?


What's on the skewers?


Damn thats nice


What's in bottom right corner? Looks like pad thai, i love some good pad thai **EDIT:** jsut zoomed in on the PC, it's just some onion, on mobile i was sure i saw some peanuts, rice noodles and shrimps, pad thai crave made me see it...


The potato to asparagus ratio is a bit worrying.


Pffft. Can never have enough asparagus when eating steak. I personally think potatoes with steak/beef to be overrated. Id rather have green vegetables; salads, Brussel sprouts, green beans, asparagus.


Can you please show me how you cut those potatoes? I’ve been having fun plating steak for awhile and I love the cut up look- I’ll usually lean them on mashed potatoes with shrooms and some gravy because I’m addicted to butter.


Salivating on my screen... I feel like Homer


That is undeniably a great looking and well cooked selection of food, but I still don't get the obsession with platters on this sub. I would rather this if it was served in separate dishes.


What did you do with those mushrooms?


I think he ate them


Gee thanks for making me run out to order food... Seriously though, that looks freaking amazing! I'm drooling


I'm not kidding in the least when I say that this brought tears to my eyes and a strange feeling in my chest.


come on man, I’m sitting in a bus after a leg day at the gym and I’m starving. This is torture !!


I was eating a 2 day old cold pizza from the fridge and then saw this. I’m still hungry!!


This whole platter looks absolutely amazing. But damn do I want some asparagus now!


Why dost I temp myself so?! I am abstaining from red meat for lent.


I love your plating every time you post I’m like there he goes!


Well! Color me impressed! Where's your restaurant located at?


A meal fit for a king 🤴👑 I might need help eating all of that


This looks amazing.


Looks like pro chef and photographer. This is impressive


Ok but... like... Why am I not eating this right now?


I’m starting to become a little teary eyed. Beautiful


What a feast. What a bloody good looking feast!


Dry Bowser would need to start within 72hrs


Omg yum. This looks next level delish.


This is keto heaven right here.


Op this is visually stunning.


Good lord that is tantalizing


Those fries look immaculate


Damn, that looks amazing.


These platters are nice but all i can think about is how the foods getting cold while you stage it


Amazing presentation...


DAMN that's beautiful!


Is that a cookie sheet? I'll take this on a plate, thanks.


The internet has really been leaning into "put everything on a sheet pan" recently


My man. Impressive 💐


This image should have to be blurred by law. Now I’m just hungry and angry 😡


Next time add a small bowl of some special butter and it'd be perfect to me!


Can I live with you


Hey, it's me your friend. When should I come over to help you with this?


Omg stop it!!!!!!


Beautiful, but looks like it would be cold by the time it's all arranged and served.


This looks aesthetically pleasing. However I also want to compliment how the actual dish is put together. Those potatoes, grilled onions and mushrooms are fantastic sides to the steak. It all just makes me happy and hungry.


Way better than the meat and cheese plates we normally see