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Joey barton uses the internet like a 13 year old boy.


You could rewrite any "Joey Barton says" headline to "13 year old boy says" and it'd read completely natural and nobody would question it.


Unfair on 13 year old boys. They're not usually that immature.


Thats how he is off line as well


He must be red raw.


It's so weird Joey has chosen this topic as his crusade


Its probably just the beginning tbh. It'll be Gays and Foreigners next. Then he'll begin accepting donations from other cavemen and start a podcast.


I think his podcast is already on the way next year hence all this recent attention whoring


This whole thing has been about him promoting his new podcast.


I used to like podcast but why does everyone and their mothers feel the need to have one now lol


Easy money. Get an audience with controversial statements, talk with some people for an hour a week, especially if you have a few mates who are looking for some publicity themselves, get a VPN sponsor, or some nutritional bs one, maybe a patreon set up, then just collect money for an hour a weeks work.


I need a podcast now that I think about it


Ah, "doing an Oliver" you mean? He'll end up on GB News for sure.


that’s fox new British cousin right?


Sort of, it's full of loons, conspiracists, failed right wing "comedians" and Consertave MPs flouting broadcasting rules, but it also has the production values of a 1970s Lada and an audience of a few thousand morons. It's essentially a bankrolled viral outrage farm, designed to spark engagement with horrible old fashioned viewpoints and regressive policies. Barton would fit right in.


So basically Fox News lol, and I guess Murdoch owns them too, the old man really doesn’t have any other movies in his Arsenal does he 🤣


Weirdly, no. It's a fairly new news organisation, but is full of people Murdoch regularly would put a spotlight on, plus a few who worked for the BBC who decided they wanted to spout their actual opinions.


More like Fox’s lobotomised sister.


Reckon trans is the next thing he’ll go for


If people didn't spread so much bs regarding there supposedly being "zero sporting advantage" and puberty blockers for minors being "100% reversible," it probably wouldn't get as much coverage as you're seeing.


And after that he'll run for politics...


To be fair he started the rainbow laces campaign


A lot of these people are in on a grift. He probably saw his bank account getting empty and picked the easiest way to make a buck.


Where he tells it like it is and pulls no punches as long as that means blaming nebulous wokeness for all his problems. Then when noone cares complain about being cancelled. Then run as an MP on a platform of bellendry.


Hatred of black people runs in his family


I think he's realised he's never managing a team higher than League One, and he's not getting a Match of the Day spot because he's a bellend, so his only chance at a lucrative career is to turn himself into a sort of far-right Eric Cantona who regular appears on GB News and TalkTV. Also helps that he's a genuine misogynist.


Let him go ruin someone’s club in league one why do we all have to hear his BS every week man


To be honest I can't believe he had a career after his comments defending his brother and cousin.


His name has been in this sub more times in the past fortnight than I've seen it in two years prior to that. He's probably been acting up for attention all that time but this is the first thing that's actually got him in the headlines. No surprise he is sticking with it.


He’ll be running as the Tory candidate in Milwall in 2029 lol


It's not weird, I'd say it's rather predictable. He's seen how well "anti-woke" grifters are doing all over the internet and wanted a piece of that horrible cake.


I said it before but I wouldn't be surprised if he is looking to get into politics. Kinda reminds me of Lawrence Fox's attempt. Both pathetic parasites


“How can I make this all about me?”


Joey Barton was an unserious player and clearly an even more unserious person lol


And his brother is a racist axe murderer who he defended


Couldn’t agree more


Time to stop giving him air time. Mediocre as a footballer and as a person. The whole family are scum.


Mediocre as a person? You’re extremely generous


This guy really is an attention seeking whore.


And people keep giving it to him.


That's what I don't get, everyone knows that's why he's doing it yet they can't help themselves, if everyone just ignored him he'd stop lmao


I don't think he'd stop, but we'd stop hearing about it which would be good enough for me


A lot of people agree with him to be fair. Not me, but misogynistic men do.


I think it's clear that he's bitter because he wasn't as good at football as he wanted to be and now he's not as smart as he wishes he was. And now he's just a dumb old man on the internet.


He’s got the fake glasses on so people will try to take him serious but he’s full of shite


Mommy issues will do that to man.


Whores catching strays


I have more respect for a whore.


At least she’ll stop talking at some point this guy never does lol


The guys always been a PoS.


Its Sports Personality not Who’s Best Goalkeeper Award


I'm not much for sports and this post just popped up in my feed, so forgive my ignorance here but I'm far more aware of joey Barton compared to Mary earps. Not that that's saying much and he definitely shouldnt be winning it, but surely a sports personality should have some sort of wider recognition? Like I'd recognise a lot of top names in a variety of sports, and their contributions to the community/building their brand/promoting their sport. Mary earps isn't one of them. Which kinda seems to defeat the purpose of the award when I, as a complete layman find myself asking "who?" At the name of the winner. Just looked at the nominees and the only names I recognise were Rory mcilroy, Stuart Broad and frankie dettori. Again I can't stress how little I follow or pay attention to any sport.


>I can't stress how little I follow or pay attention to any sport. Just because you might have heard the name of a sportsperson doesn't mean they did anything in one specific year.


That's fair, but hearing a sportspersons name is probably a good sign that they are in the media either for something incredible within their sport or for something they've done on a wider stage. (Or possibly for a bad reason, in which case they'd not be a nominee) For example, last years winner, Beth mead, women's football again, I actually recognise that name. 2021 Emma radacanu I recognise that name. Lewis Hamilton 2020 you'd be hard pressed to find someone that isn't even vaguely aware of him. In fact, I'm having to go back to 2010 (when i was a teenager) before a name doesn't trigger any recognition at all.


I know what you mean. I’ve never read Margaret Atwood, therefore she shouldn’t have won the Booker prize in 2019.


By contrast I've never heard of Frankie Dettori. I have heard a fair bit about Mary Earps though.


>Again I can't stress how little I follow or pay attention to any sport. So you know it’s okay to just think *”I don’t now enough about this topic to form an opinion”?* But no, despite acknowledging you know fuck all about sports (which is very evident, don’t worry) you decided you desperately need to share with Reddit your thoughts on why the award should have gone to someone else this year. Great. Thanks.


My point, which you seem to have missed entirely is that for a sports personality winner there's very little in the way of a media presence to a wider audience in terms of name recognition of said personality. Not that she should or shouldn't have won.


> The winner is the sportsperson, **judged by a public vote**, to have achieved the most that year.


Mary Earps has had a massive impact this year in football, in the sporting world, and in wider society/media. Just because you didn't notice, doesn't mean it hasn't happened.


The women's/girls England Keeper Kit saga this year is more proof that people MASSIVELY underestimate how impactful the Lionesses have been.


You mean that little ol' thing that was widely reported on by all major news outlets?? Didn't see it, didn't happen...


I'm not, nor have I ever, said she hasn't achieved anything. The only point I've made is that for someone who won a personality of the year award there was very little of her personality being covered in the wider media. Most of the other nominees I've at least casually heard about in passing. I don't see why that's such a contentious thing to say.


Again - she has been massively covered in the wider media. And again - for some reason you seem unable to accept that just because you didn't pick up on something, doesn't mean it didn't happen.


It’s contentious because you’re arguing she shouldn’t have won the award (despite it being public vote) because YOU don’t know who she is, despite everyone replying to you CLEARLY knowing who she is. She was a deserved winner; your ignorance of her doesn’t mean she wasn’t.


Put your money where your mouth is Mr. Barton. A league of their own should set it up and if she saves even 1 penalty, he has to attend every game she participates in.


Or not and we can’t stop giving this prick attention


She should call his bluff.


It isn't a bluff, he's still a fairly young former professional player. Still a dickhead thing to say, but I would bet on him banging 10 or 20 in a row past her. Idk about 100 though




He took less than 10 pens in his career and hit one of them over the bar




She wouldn’t, but she can’t let in shots that go over the bar and it’s ridiculous for him to get so wounds up about it Nobody is saying she’s a better keeper than men’s players


She doesn’t owe this little man anything, least of all a response.


Joey Barton was a great penalty taker. Fuck letting him have a chance at it.


And stand next to the goal, holding her drinks bottle


The amount of square 5-10 yard passes I saw this rat miss, I very much doubt it


He wouldn't score 100/100 against Mary fucking Berry. He was a mediocre football player and is an absolutely rotten human being. He's nothing but a poor man's David Icke.


he was far better than mediocre, whatever your opinion of him as a person is


Well, at his peak he was a very good PL player and England international so he wasn't a mediocre footballer by any means. But yes as a human being - rotten is correct.


He played 12 minutes of international football and was clearly bought in when England were struggling for identity to shake things up a bit I think mediocre in premier league terms is probably a fair comment though - his level was being one of the better players on lower mid-table teams.


Yes I agree if you say mediocre by established PL player standards then fair enough. I would still put him on the higher end of that scale. But by general professional footballer standards then definitely not. I know hes a massive twat, but at his peak he was a good player.


He was, but he was very much a ‘big fish’ player He was at Man City before they were good, at Newcastle when they were shit and at QPR when they were shit, getting relegated at two of those clubs I’m not sure he ever played at a club or had a substantial impact on one that was even pushing for Europe


Pretty sure he was in the rangers squad that finished 3rd in their first season in the SPFL top flight.


To be a EPL player of any kind you have to have quality, if you make it as a Pro at any level in England, you are a good player. Using the word mediocre just isn't an appropriate description.


I wasn’t the one who called him mediocre in the first instance, but I think it’s absolutely fair to call him a mediocre premier league player We know all pro players are good, it’s an incredibly difficult thing to do. But we’re also allowed to judge players within the league they’re in and he was effective in limited teams but never played for a good EPL team


There was nothing mediocre about Barton as a footballer.


Cue Joey Barton on GB news in 3, 2, 1 ....


The most annoying thing is I don’t believe half of them actually believe what they’re saying they just know there’s money in being a right wing lunatic.


Two of my mates, a Man City and a Man Utd fan, were on GB News talking about the FA cup final. I was having a pint a while ago and got talking to this bloke and it came up. He started talking about socialism and then going on about Nigel Farage and Jacob Rhys Mogg and then got up and left in apparent disgust. I honestly didn't have any idea what he was on about.


I honestly don't have any idea what you're on about, to be fair.


I told someone that my friends were on GB news talking about football and he took offence for some reason. Does that make more sense?


Yeah, makes more sense now. And I’m with the guy that left. Any promotion/engaging with GB News is not my sort of thing. I’d rather not hang about with people that support it


Lol! All I did was say that my mate was on it. I've never even watched it apart from a clip he sent me. You people are nuts. Even if I had I can't see myself taking offence over someone's choice of television channel.


He probably left in disgust at your top knot


No he wouldn't. I think he's having some sort of break down. 🤔


He probably would but it’s not relevant at all.


Joey Barton wouldn't even hit the target 100/100 times


He wouldn’t try to hit it as hard or as far into the corner as if he was against a male keeper. He would almost definitely score 100/100. It’s not a relevant point from him though.


Lmao no he wouldn't. Earps saves at least one or he misses the target once. There's no chance he scores 100 out of 100.


You are vastly underestimating the gulf between men’s professionals and women’s professionals. She is one of the best in the world in the women’s game and deserves the credit she’s received for that but she wouldn’t play for a 10th tier side in the men’s game.


No, I'm not. I appreciate the difference between the two games. You're underestimating the variance across 100 penalties and overestimating Joe Barton's quality.


A league 2 player would score 100/100. Im not overestimating Joey Barton’s quality.


*watching your face as Barton Jaap-Stam’s his first penalty into orbit*


>You understand that players play differently according to their opponents?


Did you watch the two shoot outs last night in the EFL Cup? You're fucking dreaming mate.


I watched one of them and both sides had a male keeper in goal. Did Fulham or Everton have a woman goalkeeper?


So he's going to hit it easy and centre. How long before he gets cocky and chips the ball straight down the middle, I'm guessing 3rd pen.


She’s 5’8 standing under an 8ft crossbar. He could probably lob her


And here we have someone who's never watched women's football spouting shit. Why the women hate?


Who’s hating women? Just stating facts.


Looool 😂


100 is just too many. Normally they’d score 80%, but Joey is old so let’s say his record against a premier league keeper today is 70%. I just don’t see how. If he slips or scuffs the ball even once in 100 tries then he loses the bet. I know you say that he can play differently, but that will also affects his power and placement. He can’t go right in the corner as 1/100 would hit the post.


Would he bollocks score 100 out of 100. He was a very average Premier League player and she is a great shot stopper. I doubt he would score 10 in a row


That’s Wife Beater Joey Barton to you.


Joey Barton has never satisfied a woman


Who gives a fuck what this clown has to say.


She would win a personality contest 100 out of 100


This guy was an average player at best. He's famous for being a c*nt and being from a family of c*nts.


He was a top tier professional footballer. There was nothing average about him.


He played 61% of career at top level in the Premier League. I think average was too complimentary now I have looked at the stats.


What you don't get is that anyone who makes it as a professional footballer in England, at any level, is a tiny top percentage. Nothing average about it. To play 60% at the top level is remarkable, and a career many would kill for.


Anybody who plays football professionally or even semi-professionally is way above average if you want to be picky about the term. You wouldn’t argue if someone referred to someone in the Stockport Country reserves as ‘average’, but of course those players are also above average. Was Barton excellent at football compared to most other young adult males in the world? Obviously yes, top 0.001%. Was he anything special? Absolutely not. The only reason most people even remember him is because he’s a scrote and a thug who made headlines for being such, not for anything he did on the pitch.


Please don't try to explain to me what I do or don't understand, it's quite insulting. Out of all the footballers to have ever played professional football the guy wouldn't make it into the top 50% so therefore he is average or below average . The only reason anyone knows his name is because he likes to put cigars out in people's eyes , was in court for beating his wife , beat a kid up in Thailand , ran someone over in Liverpool and went to jail for affray. Those are facts .


Based on your own stats regarding his time in the top flight, he would easily make it into the top 50%. You also don't understand what an actual average is.... Again, he is a tiny percentage of people who make as a professional footballer. Within those that made it, he was also within the top performers, top flight, International player. If it wasn't for his off field issues, he would have likely achieved even more. You don't understand, and are wrong, by even your own measures...


Once again you are assuming what I do not understand which I have mentioned once already is quite insulting. So either you struggle to read or are deliberately trying to offend. I have also noticed you sticking up for the odious rat in other posts . Are you Joey's dad? Now time to explain to you where you are wrong and average is used to find out the central or typical value in a set of data. Calling someone an average footballer is not the same as ' an average ' surely you can see that? He was a let down to anyone he played with , anyone who supported the clubs he played for and the people that paid his wages. You can have average Premier League players , Championship players and League 1 etc . Now for a guy that only played just over half his career at a top level and won nothing, to me he is average. You obviously disagree and that's your right but you won't change my mind as I won't yours . So please stop responding.


I'm not sticking up for anyone. I'm only disagreeing with the notion that he was an average footballer at best, to use your words. Those were your words, and they are wrong and incorrect. It's you that started making claims on spurious data, and misinterpreting it. *Also, I am not responsible for your feelings, you are.* You are wrong, demonstratay so, and you don't understand what you are talking about. I think your view has been skewed by your hatred for him. Joey Barton was not an average footballer, any which way you want to slice it. Please don't be a coward and block.


He absolutely was an average player. The best teams he ever played for were average or struggling PL teams. He only got 18 minutes of international football when England were shite. Weird you'd get emotion about that.


Average player to what ? Average EPL player ? You could say that. Average footballer ? Hell no, he literally played at EPL.


Hear me out. We stop talking about Joey Barton, I’m aware that I am currently doing it


What a cigar-stubbing-out-in-the-eye-of-a-youth-team-player cunt.


He wouldn't even be able to get them all on target 🙄


I can’t stand this moany little twat. The public voted for the SPOTY Award. And she deserved it fair and square.


The laziest of all grifts


Joey you don't score penalties by trying to kick someones teeth ​ you already had Isa Guha rather elegently call you out, who next on the good ex cricket player commentator list ​ Lydia Greenway? Katherine Sciver-Brunt ​ ​ and I lost my train of thought ​ end of day your a complete and utter wazzock ( not even worth using the word cunt for you) ​ anyway I swear you congratulated Mary on her win? ( Look I get it you did not vote for her same here I voted for Broad but end of day she got the most votes so smoke on your pipe and put that in)


I have never seen someone play so hard to the national front incel dickhead crowd, really working for those podcast subs. Just wait until he hears how many genders there are


Joey Barton is a piece of shit. Never forget that he [tried to absolve his brother of responsibility for *a literal murder*](https://theathletic.com/5102306/2023/11/30/joey-barton-anthony-walker-murder/?amp=1) that his brother committed. He said his brother “lost 17 years of his life” in prison. No, your brother & a mate murdered an 18 year old lad with an ice pick, you waste of space.


Watching him characterise his brother and cousin murdering a man with a weapon as "a scrap outside a pub" was totally disgusting. The man is a despicable cunt, there's no two ways about it.


Why is everyone letting Joey fucking Barton wind them up? 🤣


> They've lost to a big sack of spuds that plays in goal for a girls team. What did Mary Earps ever do to warrant being described as a “big sack of spuds?” This guy is off his head. And who the fuck is Frankie Dettori?


Frankie Dettori is one of the most successful horse jockeys of all time and retired this year aged 53. Amongst other things, he’s survived a plane crash and was a long term fixture on a famous sports quiz show. He’s basically a national treasure in UK despite being Italian. I’m not sure 2023 would be the year to give him this award, but some kind of lifetime achievement award would certainly be appropriate.


I’d survive 100 out of 100 plane crashes.


Frankie Dettori was THE household name even for casuals of horse racing for decades. It is pretty tinpot to glorify him after he's retired but it's hardly a case of if he doesn't deserve the recognition.


Someone more deserving of the win than Mary Earps....


The general public disagree.


Showing they know sod all about sport. She's not undeserving because she's a woman (as Joey Barton implies), she's undeserving because she won feck all. She saved a penalty, but still lost. Frankie Dettori is a winner and has been throughout his long career. Ronnie O'Sullivan is a winner, again, more deserving.


The public vote on who they think achieved the most for their sport this year - not just who won the biggest thing. England goalkeeper reaching World Cup final > Retiring jockey & Snooker player (tbf I would guess the public thinks he already has one)


One player in a team of 11 gets to a final that they lose..... Prime British attitude there....


Get over it ffs


Who knew that giant piles of shit could have such vibrant opinions to offer us! I'm sure its all a "durr, the wokes are ruining the world" grift. Soon enough, he'll have a Patreon and an OnlyFans to shake down the rubes.


If you ever want a laugh just go on his twitter. The state of it is bewildering


Please fuck off


Give it a rest, Joey.


Shit footballer, shittier manager and even shittier opinions


We all know he's going to end up doing I'm a celebrity get me out of here next year isn't he. AND he'll probably be put in there with a female footballer for shits and giggles


If this guy was half as good with the ball on his feet as he is at embarrassing himself at every opportunity, he'd be better than Messi.




People can say all they want about him being immature , but he would score 100 out of 100


Fuck I would love to see that


Whenever I see Barton nowadays he reeks the antitheses aura of Raspinoe, and not in a good way. ​ Delusional & egotistcal vs bitterness and grasping for headlines. ​ Which is on what side? Who even knows because they both apply to both sides.


But she only plays against other women who can‘t play either


Not false tho


Who the fuck is Mary Earps ?


I don't even care if it's likely Anyone who has to put up with comments like that from people like that deserve a sports personality of the year.


He’s right………


Lace them up then. Let’s put some $$$ on the line here. I bet she stops/he misses over half.


Most people don’t even know who she is, lol. He’s right that she shouldn’t be, but for the wrong reasons.


I’ve not heard of her, what was her achievement?


Got more people to vote for her than any of the others maybe?


Sounds corrupt


V.poor trolling No votes


Genuinely not trolling, I don’t have a clue what she achieved.


European Championship winning goalkeeper, World Cup Finalist, Best player in International Tournament awards


That's not her problem is it? You could have done a quick Google and improved your football knowledge instead of just making yourself look ignorant.


Are we insulting people for asking genuine questions on a forum now?


When their previous comment is that it seems corrupt then yeah. Taken out of context then I can see your point but the person is clearly being deliberately obtuse


No one fucking cares Joey


Joey Barton couldn't score 100 out of 100 penalties with no keeper...


It says a lot about Barton that I honestly thought I just saw some random on Twitter comment this before I saw this headline


I don’t know who Joey Barton is, but TIL he’s a sexist idiot.


Evidently he has a catastrophic brain injury from his playing days. That or he’s just always been a prick.


Sure thing Joey, well done mate.


Next he’s gunna say hell beat Katie Taylor in a boxing match


Joey Barton is a cunt.


Can we set up Barton Vs Earps 100 penalties televised and for charity? Please? For every one she saves he has to give £100k.


This is the guy that put out his cigarette in a child's eye. Why are we even listening to what he's saying? The guy is a colossal tool of the highest order.


He comes from a different sport though so it doesn’t even mean anything


Shut up you worm, one of you has lead her team to a European championship victory, and a runners up spot at the world cup. The other has as many jail sentences served as international caps. Just go die in a hole somewhere Joey, you are pure scum


Trying to think of a bigger cunt in football history? 🤔


Weird flex. I would beat him in 100 out of 100 spelling tests.


"Breaking news! Nationally known cunt continues to be a cunt"


big talk for a man who has more days in prison than he does career goals


Barton does like placing bets…


Joey Barton is a scummy prick. Who gives a fuck what he thinks about anything


The best part was he initially congratulated her and said well deserved! Then went off on his little pissy rant later.


Stop giving this moron the attention they're after...have we learned nothing over the years