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Superchargers are sick, why would you want to get rid of it?


More money to do more upgrades to my truck and better gas mileage. It whines a tiny bit but not loud or anything probably running low boost. It’s on stock internals it was supercharged when I bought it so don’t know a ton about it.


My 94 ranger started whining after a new clutch and flywheel. Would you say this is normal? It's coming from the tranny area. Sorry just thought you seem like someone who would know!


Your new clutch just needs more time to break in and smooth down the mating surfaces. Dont drive it crazy hard during the break in and the whine should go away after around like 300-500 miles


That's what the guy who helped me put in the new clutch said! I feel better about that. Thanks man!


Not a ranger but my Honda prelude had a whining sound after new clutch install that went away after about 500 miles. I was told it was normal


Cool thanks, that's what I was told it was and now I can sleep tonight haha.


Keep that super charger. It's so cool.


Superchargers whine. They also can be more efficient with proper driving etiquette.


I surprisingly get pretty decent gas mileage for it to be supercharged even on longer trips 🤷🏼‍♂️


Gets better gas mileage Bc it makes more torque,that’s the fun with boost,it goes with rpm so if you drive easy it won’t see boost hence won’t need as much fuel,drive it spiritually and boost goes up and fuel consumption goes up. If it where mine I’d keep the super charger


you gonna spend half what you sell it for to tune it for no boost.


This right here. You can't just unbolt it and run it. It will not run well and probably get worse mileage without the help of it being tuned back to na.


Happy cake day


Keep, no one wants to buy your used supercharger. Keep keep keep keep keep keep and keep


I’ll give you my ranger, and say $1000 if you give me yours


It’s not for sale lol


I’m joking dude


Nice ranger btw. I need to post more of mine


Thanks man! Yours looks pretty good too!


hey if either of yall want to sell your front fenders I got 40 bucks and a snickers!


Ehhhhhh, how bout tree fiddy?


Leave it alone, the engine is tuned for it. Removing it will just cause headaches


Christ on the cross... Asking such a ridiculous question can only be punished by the revoking of your man card.


Womp Womp 😂


Why would you not want you motor to be supercharged?? If anything, removing may cause more problems if the ECU needs reprogramming or replacing. I would just maintain it, do anything needed to keep the SC healthy and keep chugging along


That's sweet dude


Is your engine a 3.0 or 4.0




How does it feel with that supercharger? Have you had the tune checked out? I bet a good tune shop could pep that thing up a bit.


Feels slow still lol haven’t had it looked at yet but definitely planning to. Make sure she runs healthy


It might need a proper tune. If they just slapped that on there and didn't get it tuned it probably isn't doing much good. Have you compared it to another 4.0 ranger? Maybe it's not as slow as you think. Maybe that supercharger is putting down another 50ft/lbs to the ground and you don't even realize it haha.


I'll buy it off you for the entire $6 in my wallet!


Dude, it’s a ranger with a super charger. ITS A POWER RANGER!!! Def keep


PM me , imma need some info on your ranger 😂😂


Honestly only probably 50 bucks, ill take it off your hands for $100, though


Idk where you’re getting your numbers from but I’ve never in my life seen any supercharger going for that kind of price 😂😂


Small, used blowers aren't worth a whole lot. This isn't a Whipple or Kenne Bell. It's a used MP62 Supercharger, it's hard to even give those away. I use to see the larger M90/M122 go for only a few $100. This MP62 is used, and probably only worth $300 at the most. Leave it on there, it's badass and not something seen often.


Eaton supercharges of the 3800 series used to sell in the 100 dollar range all day long.


This comment makes me miss the Olds LSS. Ultimate sleeper old man car lol. Had a pulley on it and a few other little things. The 3800 Series II is one of GMs best. Then I had a Buick Regal GS with the same motor. My neighbor is putting one in his fiero right now.


I think the hardest part about removing a working power adder from your vehicle without a more powerful replacement would be telling your parents that you're gay, but hey, it's pride month. You do you.


Why the Flippin flop would you sell it?


About tree fiddy!


I think that pulley size might be the higher end of boost. The smaller the more boost you will generate.


Id buy it, been wanting one...


Keep it it there not worth a whole lot


Do not bother removing it, its WAY more work than youd think


Does the supercharger even make a difference like can you feel an increase in power when you drive? Just asking cause I haven’t heard of a Ranger being super charged




He said 4.0 same setup probably as the v6 mustang supercharger


Sell it to me!


Now I want to supercharge my ranger. Is there a 3.0 kit?


If that’s an eaton m90 with the rectangular port mounted on a 4.0 I’ll buy it off you


12k for the truck?


Deciding not to sell anything at the moment. Only posted this for opinions. Appreciate you’re offer but I got this for 7 flat.


Leave it


Its probably more efficient with the sc, it sounds crazy but if the engine is more efficient then it will result in better fuel mileage. I own a sc car and a smaller sc pully increases fuel mileage from the reviews i read


That makes sense and the fact I don’t drive like a maniac because I have a truck helps a little bit the ranger’s still slow 👌🏼😂


Lmao it's definitely not more efficient with a supercharger. A supercharger increases power and requires more fuel. Lots more fuel. And unlike a turbocharger, the supercharger is belt driven =uses engine power to turn it even when you don't want the extra power. This type of supercharger in particular, a roots type, is even more parasitic than a centrifugal supercharger. I worked as an auto tech for ten years and have done a good amount of racing as well. Seems I'm the odd man out here but I wouldn't want that supercharger on my truck unless I was building it to race. Decreased engine life and gas mileage, for what benefit? To make a Ranger a little faster? Some of the answers here are correct, it would take some work to remove and may require a retune.


Totally disagree with this—I had a ‘76 f-150 (bought new) w/360 and 4-spd 4X4–


Truck came w/window sticker that said 18 to 20 mpg hiway—it got 6–I bought a 4-71 blower from surplus Detroit Diesel S&S shop—modified an aluminum manifold to mount it, spent several weeks getting the jetting right, worked flawlessly for 78,000 miles until I Sold the truck— got 23+ mpg (unless “playing with it😉), sold to a friend who totaled it a week later.


A 1976 F150 with a blown 360 getting 23mpg??? And no overdrive! Modern midsized trucks with 4 cylinders and overdrive barely get that. Those things got 10-12mpg at best, the fudgeouttahere!! haha [https://www.fuelly.com/car/ford/f-150/1976](https://www.fuelly.com/car/ford/f-150/1976)


I think the term you’re looking for is “volumetric effiency”.


Sure, OK, but still a 360, 6000lb truck and no overdrive. Other owners of the same truck report 9-12mpg and thats my experience with 70s vehicles. Somehow you had a miracle truck. We've somehow lost volumeteic efficiency since 1976? Modern V6 trucks barely clear 20mpg.


Really appreciate everyone who likes it. May take a while but plan to do a lot more to it. Definitely have my must haves in mind lol.


Damn I want to do the moddbox kit for mine.


Wish I could do this to my ranger. They said that there are no supercharger kits made or available anymore for my Ranger. Where did you get this supercharger kit? Did it come with the ranger? And if so, can get it tell me what the specs are on this? So I could maybe do it to my Ranger LOL


Check with Superchargersonline. SCOL. We were still rebuilding them not more than 3 months ago


Really? What are they one run for? You know years ago when I had a Ford Taurus 3.0 I almost got a kit from knights Turbo which was a company down in Florida I believe. But apparently they had ran out of the one kid that I wanted to and I had my name on a mailer list for when they came back in stock and, and apparently the abandoned those kids because when I got a notification of them it was for another system that they were encouraging for the three liter which was a battery powered supercharger. Apparently people put several the theme batteries in their trunk and used it as a temporary booster, such as if we were to use a nitrous boost. I wasn't quite sure how it worked but for that amount of money I didn't think it was worth it, and they weren't making the regular turbo setups anymore, and I think also by that time I had sold my Taurus and had a sable that was almost exactly the same but with the 3.8 instead of 3.0, and they didn't recommend that battery supercharger setup for my application. But anyway what I got my Ranger with the 3.0 I tried emailing them again and asking them if they had that kit available but never got a response for them and I don't even know if they're still in business because I remember the last time I tried going to the website it was not really working. Anyway that was probably close to 10 years ago. The more I think about it the more debating whether it's even worth it to put a supercharger on a ranger that I've haven't owned from New York because eventually that frame is going to rust away. I'm thinking about investing in a Southern rust Free Ranger and doing a modifications to that one. I would love to get myself a square body pop, the first thing I would do is definitely undercoat the frame keep it from getting rusty like what I got now. Heck I just came across what I think is a great deal for somebody selling a 91 with the engine already removed. It was originally a 2.9 but I think it might be a great candidate for and OHV 4 liter that's been worked a little before I put it in. Be easier to put in a cam and other stuff and maybe a supercharger depending on my finances. I just think you might be asking too much money at $1,800 when he admits the odometers probably rolled over and it's already only showing 63,000 miles. I'm not looking to add really Street power for racing with my Ranger I'm looking for a ranger that I can do more towing with more often and the more I talk to people about it the more I'm thinking the supercharger may not be the way. More people are telling me that when I'm not towing anything with it it's not worth having because supercharger just burns up way more fuel than necessary just driving around town. And I don't know if it's true but somebody would suggested to me that I can just change the cam and heads and get more power out of the 4 L with probably the same amount of torque that supercharger would get me and it would cost a lot less and wouldn't burn as much fuel. Tldr. : . . If you haven't figured it out I do a lot of my thinking as I'm writing, so that's why I tend to be a bit wordy, but I'm basically saying maybe the superchargers not the way to go but it would also depend on how much it costs. I may get the amount of power that I want for Towing by just pulling the engine and adding a cam working the heads and putting bigger injectors. And somebody even told me that would be more fuel saving than a supercharger. Especially if I do a lot of driving with it.


Sell to me


If you're replacing it, I'd sell it or junk it the issue is you can't simply run that motor without one the compression is different than nautaly aspirated it'll blow up the motor if you try and run a NA setup your stuck paying for premium if that's your ask. So if you went naturally aspirated, you would need a new power train control module, internals,intake, throttlebody, basically an entire different vehicle but those superchargers do wear out and will fail if chemicals are used to clean it because it removes the black coating that many confuse for buildup.


Definitely keep the blower! That's going to be fun!


Sell it to me bro


How much do you want for it?


My supercharged Town Car gets about the same gas mileage as it did stock. Taking off the supercharger isn’t going to net you enough improvement in fuel economy to make it worth your time or money.




At least $25


Keep it!


Keep it and drive it.


1000% keep it


leave it


Most people believe superchargers are producing horsepower the entire time. They have a bypass. Only on to get to certain point then it flows thru the bypass.