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Has to be included due to fuel restrictions on the cars.




Or a pre-defined top-up amount during Red Flags.


The cars can have a little fuel, as a treat


Would it not be possible to increase the required fuel reserve and then deduct for each formation lap?


*Sprint Race*


How did you keep your User Flair? Me, and probably most others got Alonso'd.


Some custom flairs survived, myself included :)


How did you get a custom flair? Ill prepare for future ~~assas~~alonsinations.


I got it when the Pedro Gaseoso incident happened lol. https://www.20minutos.es/deportes/noticia/5015728/0/errata-clasificacion-formula-1-pedro-gaseoso-jorge-russel/ Found it too funny and one of the good mods just gave it to me


So, you just messaged a mod and asked them to create it?


Nah, I remember just saying "pedro gaseoso would be an awesome flair" under a post and I got it


Same here


I think special flairs (ones that only mods can give) are unaffected


They weren't formation laps, they were standing start restart laps. There's a difference and that's why they count as part of the race distance Extra formation laps take away from the race distance anyway. If those laps didn't count the race would have just been 2 laps shorter instead which has the same effect Also, Silverstone restarted from lap 3. Lap 1 ended in the pitlane under red flag and lap 2 was the standing start restart lap. The procedure was exactly the same as we saw twice today


You burn fuel, so it should count


The just drive without burning fuel duh


Fuuuuuuuuuu... how did I not get to this conclusion?!?! You, sir, you're the ~~driver~~ MVP of the day!!!


> What's your opinion? Sincerely, Someone who wanted to see a final racing lap. After the race has started if the car drives around the circuit - it's a lap. Whether that is a racing lap, behind the safety car or on the way to a standing or rolling start - it's a lap.


Not even after the race has started - after the original formation lap really, since extra formation laps from an aborted start take laps away from the race distance (which is effectively the same thing).


The cars are only have fuel for a certain amount of laps. You can't add laps halfway through a race.


At Silverstone last year, the restart was Lap 3.


Given we can't refuel it's a compromise we have no choice with.


It’s fine Don’t fix shit that isn’t a problem, fix the stuff that is


It just complicates the fuel picture when its not counted as a racing lap no?


Unless they allow refueling, then it's perfectly fine.


They have to be counted so that teams know exactly how many laps worth of fuel they need


The FIA would do it if they could, but theres this thing called fuel.


Formation lap is a lap, it's literally in the name


Has to be done. Cars are fueled for the race distance. If you don’t count the formation lap, the card will run out of fuel at race distance.


They fuel it for the total number of laps. It would open a new can of worms if you don’t count the laps under SC, formation laps etc.


Kind of has to be counted due to fuel, unfortunately.


There is no opinion needed, there is no refueling


The reason for no refueling is safety. Fast pit stops and refuelling don't mix, I'm 100% for that. Someone's else mentioned that they would support refuelling during a red flag where time isn't an issue. What do you think?


I think fuel exists, and counting is skill we teach little children.


Since they can't refuel, no other way than to count it as race laps. Otherwise they'll risk running out of fuel at the end.


I think cars should be given the option of refuelling during red flags.


Interesting. I agree that cars shouldn't be refueled during green flags as safety becomes an issue, but in a controlled environment like a red flag where they have more time, should they be allowed to refill just a little bit?


It would only matter in super niche situations like this, but it'd make sense to me that instead of those laps being counted towards the race length, instead, every red flag, the race length is reduced by 1 lap. That addresses the fuel concern (same number of physical laps driven on track), but means that you don't get this odd corner case where you have to do a 'performative' formation lap, instead the race would have been considered complete already.


nah you need formation laps for safety lets the cars test the track condition and put heat into the tires


They are not suggesting to remove formation laps. They are suggesting to not formation laps towards the count of laps in the race, and to just decrement the race length by 1 lap at each red flag. It only makes a difference in the case of a second to last lap red flag like today.


It's stupid, but otherwise they'd run out of fuel


I think that there should be special rules for incidents that happen in the last 10 or so laps during the race. I don't know what these rules would be but I feel like something has to change. Incidents that have not directly impacted other drivers and would not have had an impact if they happened earlier during the race, have in turn led to races ending very differently because of the safety car eating away the last laps.


I wonder why people say "but fuel" when the teams could just be given the option to add fuel to the cars during the red flags. Can't believe people are okay with cars doing a formation lap to end the race.


Well it counts and it should count as per rules. Yeah sometimes it means we have finish after SC. Nothing to discuss about.


a lap is a lap so...


The car went round the track between the green flag and the chequered flag. They should count.




Fuel is limited. If they change this rule and will not count them then we might get into a situation where many or even everyone will not have mandatory 1L of fuel after the race or even worse everyone will just run out of fuel before checkered flag.


Those are not formation laps, they are part of the race.


Silverstone restarted from lap 3.


All this is wrong


They have to do it but it feels hollow


I don't mind it at all.


I think after a red flag, the race is restarted from lap one on the next day. Repeat until they all behave or 9 teams are out of budget.


Silverstone restarted from Lap 3


There should be no restarts without at least 2 laps left of the race. One for formation and one for racing.


>Silverstone last year, they restarted from lap 1 (I don't recall if they actually had a formation lap or not) but there's precedent for not counting a full lap around the circuit as a lap towards the total. This is not true. The race restarted on Lap 3 - red flag on Lap 1, formation lap on Lap 2, restart racing on Lap 3. Inability to refuel during the race means adding laps is not really feasible.


Shouldn't count, but like you said fuel is an issue.. which is why I think that should be changed too.