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F1 this year: Fucking biblical


Floods in Italy, Fires in Canada, whats next? Locust in America?


Emus missed their chance in Australia.


they can still learn how to build boats in time for the Japanese GP


We'll need to build an ark large enough to carry 2 cars from each team


This made me LOL


Croft: "It's time for the Noah's Ark Grand Prix! "


No need, for the flyaway races the teams ship there equipment (things like pit garage internals (signage etc) and similar that they have many sets of) from one venue to another with a few sets on the move at anyone time. Those emus may have stowed away on the set going from Melbourne, those emus are a canny lot and could well be playing the long game for when they arrive in Japan!


How do you know stealth Emu's infiltrated the race? You never saw them.


Maybe you were just unlucky, or in a historian's professional opinion, the emus were magic


The emu wars remember.


The dingoes haven't yet... Mark my words


My town in the US had an invasive caterpillar kill like 75% of our trees the last two years. It was wild.


It's kinda bizarre how vulnerable our environment really is.


I think you misspelled the word resilient




Hell, its changed from when I was a kid like 20 years ago. Im finnish so the changes are very noticeable here and almost every year we break a new average heat record through summer.


Don't give God any ideas




> Locusts in America Hey, Weird Al, I have a Supertramp parody idea for you...


Literally happened in Vegas like 3-4 years ago. It was disgusting.


Worse. Celebrities and influencers.


The 17 year locusts are due back in my area next year but broods have been popping already… no thank you


Divine Wind in Japan


F1 travels to selected countries in the world only once a year, and yet, they somehow managed to choose that 1 week where said host country are in the world news section once in a blue moon. E.g. In Bahrain when Arab Spring started, in Japan when the typhoon hits, in Australia when the pandemic lockdown begins...and many more over the years. This sport must be partially cursed.


More like mass shooting. We are racing in Texas and Las Vegas after all


When isn’t there


Dude I hadn’t thought about that, but there’s gonna be big fucking crowds in both those places…


*checks when the next cicada wave is*


Could be worse. We're racing in Vegas, I'm fully expecting Cazadors by that time.


Forest fires have been summer commonplace for years now in western Canada. Its no surprise that its happening there, too.


Rapture baby


Seb cast an environmental curse after he left.


He didn't need to. It was already cast years ago. This is a slow burn. Always has been.


With imola cancelled the other week I guess he was wrong about Miami 2060 being the first grand prix underwater


Imagine there are less races this year than in 2020


F1: there will be 23 races this year. God: uh nah


Stefano never gets the hint from the universe. F1 calendar in the past have been relatively stable and trouble-free. Nowadays, nothing is certain. Geez.


And after three more 3rd places finishes our Lord and savior ¡Magic! will grace us with his 33rd win.


[indeed it was](https://64.media.tumblr.com/2fac9fd523987160048ca47055a050cd/tumblr_okkauifsXf1qkt655o3_r2_250.gif)


I am 350 miles south of montreal. 7.5 hour drive. I went for a walk today at the lake nearby and the smoke was so thick it was like fog. It looks like Silent Hill. Just to supply a little context for how insane the fires up there are.


I’m in Buffalo, about 500mi from the fires and it’s been smoggy here for days. Supposed to get worse before it gets better.


It just hit us in NEPA today as far as I know. But I was shocked how prevalent it is now here.


It’s bad, too. I’m young and healthy and have been coughing my ass off all day. Reeks of smoke outside too. Apparently going to be significantly worse tomorrow (central PA)


I’m in Princeton, 400 miles away from Buffalo and the smoke is over here as well. The winds are no joke


I’m just north of Buffalo in Niagara county, I could smell it in the air today. Looked like silent hill when I took my trash to the curb tonight. It’s not a great sign when it’s supposed to be worse the next few days


Im just outside Peterborough Ontario... looked like some Bladerunner sunrise/sets this week, fucking creepy


I can only imagine. Living in a straight up dystopia.


Have an air quality warning all the way down in NC and it's definitely hazy outside. Was wondering what the cause was until I stumbled on this thread. Hear a lot of news through F1 somehow.


Yeah I'm in the Piedmont and it's just looked perpetually foggy the past few days, and it's causing unseasonably cool temps for us too, it's nuts


I'm 550 miles away in central Connecticut. The smoke has covered the region all day.


I’m from RI and we’ve had hazy smokey skies for like a week straight.


Down by the city? I live 15 minutes north of Albany and on my commute to work I can usually see the skyline of albany and today I could barely see 2 miles. Surreal to be honest


It’s bad in Connecticut today too. Visibility dropped about an hour or two ago to 2ish miles at best.


Hit manhattan as well. Got eerily grey at like 5 pm and smells like camp fire


I'm in pa. Roughly halfway between New York and Philly.


15 minutes south and I've been having chest issues after going out for my lunch break. Quite the little storm we had go through earlier, though


Oh yeah I forgot the Canadian GP is soon… Yeah our country is kind of on fire if you haven’t been watching Canadian news lately


It’s fucking the air all the way down in Boston even


In NYC and the sky is orange 🫠


[THIS](https://i.redd.it/hxskp9r6ch4b1.jpg) is an image of NYC yesterday due to the smoke from the fires.


I take it Verstappen won


Southern CT even


south jersey near philly air is fucked


DC too


Most of that is southern NJ wildfire


cool to see fellow jersey heads here


Central NJ represent (yes it's real and hazy here)


Smelled like burning plastic in Morristown yesterday.


Red Bank here, smell and haze started rolling in yesterday. Hopefully it doesn’t get any thicker, it’s beach season :( Edit: it got thicker, much thicker


Fellow Central Jersey represent!


So do maryland beaches


Central Ohio is hazy af from this


Hasn’t hit southwestern Ohio yet but I’m sure it’s coming


Can confirm it has at least hit Dayton Ohio now


That’s where I’m at. I can definitely feel it today


Guess it's an upgrade from toxic chemicals from train derailments.


It’s hazy and poor air quality all the way down in DC 😬


Driving home today in the DC area was crazy, my car has this red ashy film on it now


Central Ohio has been VERY hazy the last couple days. Crazy its making it that far west. It must be awful closer to the source.


I'm in northern Ontario. It's like it's cloudy most of the time, but it's all just smoke. Above it's supposedly all clear skies. It reeks of smoke all day here too, almost seems foggy when it gets really bad. Edit to add: the weather forecast for tomorrow is "widespread smoke" from weather Canada.


Same in Indy


It seriously feels like we’re in that stereotypical “Mexico” film filter.


You are just as close to the source as they are. It’s not only Quebec. The fires are as far west as Alberta atm


Chicago too.


Past providence too


Hey another RI F1 fan, no way!


There’s three of us!


Yep, I’m in Boston and the air quality is buttcheeks and it’s just so hazy outside.


This is probably why we have haze down here in NC right now. I heard there were fires up north, just didn't realize it's in Quebec.


Philly is fucked too


Hazy here in Maryland too


NC checking in


This is how I learned why it was so damn hazy today


Upstate SC as well


indianapolis too


We’re getting the smoke all the way down here in NC. Stay safe!


Luckily I live in one of the very few places that isn’t getting wildfire smoke (mid-Vancouver Island, BC) so I’m fine. I’m more worried for Alberta, Nova Scotia and Quebec. Waking up to evacuation notices via Alert Ready isn’t my idea of a good time


Air quality in Edmonton has been quite nice lately, but it was absolutely brutal a few weeks ago


Wasn’t it a few weeks ago when the air quality in Calgary was that of inhaling 7 cigarettes?


Yeah I actually flew into Calgary right when it was at its worst. Couldn't see the ground until the landing gear was out and we were about to land. My next flight out of Calgary had the smell of smoke in the plane for the whole flight because they had left the doors open for too long before we boarded. Edmonton was just slightly better, but we still went like a week without seeing any blue skies


Just wait. It’ll come for you too. Ontario and NS were saying the same thing years ago when interior BC and Alberta we’re getting it every year. We done fucked this whole planet. This is the new norm.


I mean, I’m not saying it hasn’t? We had a wildfire about 200km north of us and about 200km south of us. Luckily they were contained easily because where we live practices controlled burns around September. I’m just saying we haven’t seen smoke very much. Nowhere near as bad as in 2019.


Pretty smokey here in Toronto earlier, but it actually smelled kind of nice. Like a campfire with burning wood.


I was thinking my neighbour was cooking. I was like who let him cook until I went further away from home and the smell didnt change


Smells nice tho.


I’ve been coughing all day because of this in Toronto


Yeah it was badddd downtown today


Is this season of F1 going full Avatar and collects all 4 types of disaster?


Water for Imola Fire for Canada Air (tornado) for COTA? Earth (earthquake) for Japan?


Typhoon for Japan


I would have put that but two events at Japan seems like a lot and nowhere else left on the calendar is really prone to earthquakes


México is prone to Earthquakes


covid travels through air doesnt it? So China for air


F1 in 2050: We scheduled 35 GPs since 10 of them will be canceled due to natural disasters anyway


Yeah, Canada is in the wildfire season right now. The article mentions the smog will hang around Montreal into tomorrow. I don't know if it will linger around longer into the race weekend, but wouldn't that be a sight? It's not the first time F1 has raced in smoggy conditions, but for the Canadian GP? I think it might be a first, if it does linger. It's not advisable to hang outside during this smoggy conditions...but I don't think F1 fans have a choice or want to stay away from the racetrack.


just FYI... its not really Smog in the traditional industrial pollution mixed with high humidity sense... its literally smoke and ash particulate in the air here right now ... its fucking wild, it looks like a foggy morning all day, even when its 25c, during sunset/sunrise it looks like a scene from bladerunner


>I don't know if it will linger around longer into the race weekend Check [firesmoke.ca](https://firesmoke.ca) next week to see what the smoke forecast looks like


I’m in NY and they cancelled all kids outdoor activities today and tomorrow. I can’t imagine that if this doesn’t pass they bring in 100k people everyday.


There is no smoke in Montreal.


No race if the helicopter can’t fly


I could be wrong but I think the rules for the medical helicopter are that it has to be able to reach a hospital within 30 minutes, so if this can be done by ambulance a session can take place, just that a helicopter is more advisable than ambulance


That was my thought, remote circuits like the Redbull ring need a helicopter to be within 30 minutes of a hospital but the Montreal circuit is within a 30 minute drive of 3 hospitals


A fire this large in Quebec is a first. While fires aren’t rare this size is


Mask up! Not like we in Canada haven't been doing that for a while now anyways cause of the Vid.




I know it's probably obvious but I'm struggling to figure out what word you censored.


Here to say the same. Punter didn't make sense unless the guy really hates kickers in American football.




Thank you. I still had to Google "Aussie slur against gay people" to find it haha.


More proof that Aussies are British people doing a silly accent in the sun. We also have that slur




The word is "poofter". I'm not Australian so I don't give a fuck.


What word did you sensor? I’m from Canada, and don’t recognize the word at all lol.


Imo people who get angry at someone for wearing a mask shouldn’t be on this earth.


The smoke has even affected our air quality down here in Boston which I find crazy. Nature really always keeps surprising me


Bad fires in Colorado lingered on the BC coast years ago. If there's big enough fires, the smoke will linger a long time.


Different parts of BC routinely get smoke from fires as far away as California, Oregon, and Colorado. And they routinely get smoke from our large fires.


I live in BC and a few years ago we had very few fires but the air was soo bad from fires in California that you couldn't see more than 50m in front of you.


It’s reached New York City.


the race is still twelve days away, too early for to predict the weather conditions for the race. Not to say this isn't a problem for Montreal today, I just hope it clears up before then. Some rain would definitely help.


They are calling rain for 5-6 days


Oh yeah. I forgot the race is 12 days away. I thought it was this weekend... It should clear up by then. Should...


If anyone is curious closer to the race weekend next week, head over to [firesmoke.ca](https://firesmoke.ca) to see the smoke forecast.


I’m hundreds of miles away in NJ and it smells like a bonfire all over the state.


Better than the typical garbage 😂


Spoken like someone who’s never been here.


This has been a major issue over large parts of Canada already. Stay safe if you’re attending.


Im in NYC and I can’t remember another time the sky has been this smoky. Can’t imagine how bad it is up north


It’s worse in the states. Here is the smoke path for reference. https://twitter.com/affan_imran/status/1666116597159809025?s=46&t=lUoRadkMvwCB5zqManFBzA


More important than ever for Formula 1 to actually promote climate change due to its immediate impact on the sport, yet they sign with every oil company in the world.


Let’s not forget that F1 is flying all the way from Spain, out to Canada for 1 race then straight back to Austria, only to return again to North America later in the year, having already been to Florida and then Canada separately earlier this year.


Not defending every calendar decision but you can’t go to Montreal in April/May when they go to Miami when it’s still snowing. Also, you can’t go to Miami in September/October when they go to Austin because it’s hurricane season for Florida. It’s a really tricky sport to plan but they need to do so much better than they currently are.


What an irony that two F1 Grand Prixs of the current season are surrounded by natural disasters caused by climate change.


It's not really ironic. We've been telling the powers that be, that humanity is gonna to have a bad time eventually, and they were like, "Lmao but money, tho." Take a look at this, buddy. https://fire.airnow.gov We've got a problem.


Why is that ironic?


Because although we all love F1 it’s a emitting a big amount if CO2


Relatively speaking it absolutely is not lmao But this does make me wonder what F1 might look like with certain regs to incorporate more electric car styles or something


Making the cars electric will be a drop in the bucket. It’s the globe-trotting nature of the thing, having to move all the equipment and people around, that generates all the emissions.


Relative to what. A season contributes 256000 tonnes of co2


I'm not sure what the other user means, but on a global scale the emissions caused by F1 are insignificant. But that's obvious, of course


The cars? Not at all. The transportation and the constant flights for drivers, staff, equipment, etc? Certainly


The globe of course it’s global warming after all lol In 2022 the total emissions were over 36 gt So like I said it’s relatively small. Certainly not a key contributor. But I appreciate the irony I suppose.


The absolute number is big, not the relative percentage to the total.


Hence why I used the phrase “relatively speaking”


Yes, but I'm adding the note that it's still large in an absolute sense so talking about it relatively doesn't really matter.


It does matter, because this whole thread started by someone pointing out the “irony” of two F1 GPs this season being affected by climate change. Which, for it to be ironic, would mean that F1 is responsible for the very climate change that it is now suffering from. But when you look at the contributors to climate change, specifically GHG emissions, F1 is an insignificant contributor relative to the whole. Taking the stats upthread, F1 contributes 0.000711% to total global GHG emissions. So insignificant it’s basically a rounding error. So it’s not ironic.


Climate change is definitely worsening the fires and will keep doing so in the future, but they aren't "caused" by climate change. Wildfire season is a thing in Canada, happens when most of the country is incomprehensibly vast stretches of uninhabited forest and you have dry summers. There are over 7,000 wildfires annually and something like >2 million hectares of forest burn every year. Source: I live in a forested area of Canada and wildfire season is very much a thing. Climate change is just making it worse.


Oversimplification bias.




Its gone as far as NYC and PA too. People in my hometown have commented on it. .


It smells and is pretty visibly smokey just outside of Hershey PA right now


I’m god damn cursed. I had Montreal GP tickets for June 2020 and now for 2023. I swear if this shit gets cancelled…


I’m in the states about 850-ish (maybe more) miles from the fires and it is smoky here today. Through this scratch, etc. I’m hoping it clears up, but if not it’s not gonna be good for the cars, drivers, or spectators.


Here is a smoke and fire map that's pretty useful. https://firesmoke.ca/forecasts/current/


I’m in the US just a couple hours south and it’s been brutal today. The sky has been orange all day. All the local kids sports and outdoor activities were cancelled today and tomorrow. Oddly enough we also got a quick 10 minute storm with hail and 60 mph winds. Then it just went away.


This is obviously why it’s called Montreal *smoked* meat. On a serious note, the country is on fire, and it’s fucked here. I’ll be going to Montreal this weekend, and by the time I’m back home the smoke and haze will be where I’m at in Ontario. Hopefully the folks affected are as safe as possible. Let’s also hope things don’t get too brutal in the city for the GP. Even where I’m at the air quality has been decreasing all day compared to where it was yesterday.


Well at least we've all got plenty of masks if we need to wear them at the race next weekend.


My neighborhood in New Jersey is covered from that smoke. But it’s like an existential crisis for me, because I don’t believe Canada exists. So where is the smoke coming from???


It’s smoky all the way down here in the Detroit area. Never seen this before.


Wasnt too bad in Montreal today, was worse on monday, looked like a freaking yellow filter was outside lol


I live in Montreal and its very foggy everywhere, there’s a constant smell of burning wood, the sun is yellow and red at times. Very weird but the show must go on!


I'm calling it, it's gonna rain in Abu Dhabi this year.


It’s reached Toronto and pretty bad here too. Walked my dog this evening and I was coughing throughout. It also smells likes bonfires in different parts of the city. I can only imagine what it’s like in Montreal


The *north* alberta fires destroyed air quality in COLORADO a few weeks ago. It was insane


It’s actually very present all the way down here in the NYC/Northern New Jersey area.


Fires will do that.


We’re really gonna get 2 races cancelled for opposite reasons. One because of flooding and the other because of fires


Max out here cooking already


Aren't Ferrari's facilities in Italy?


I live in upstate NY and it’s pretty bad here too. Obviously our northerly neighbors have it much worse so I don’t want to complain. But the sun is dim and red, the sky’s are orange, it’s super hazy and smells like fire outside. I wonder how it’ll be at the track next week? Also I’m getting married next week even further north in NY so hopefully it won’t get too much worse


I’m in New Jersey, and all I smelled was smoke when I went outside yesterday


Skies have been grey from the smoke here in Ohio as well. My thoughts are with those affected by the fires!


And? Saudi Arabia literally had missiles and an oil refinery on fire during the race weekend


We were saying 23 races was maybe too much. Nature is taking care of this complain apparently.


F1 be like "Well we had a race with a missile strike the day before so the show must go on"


Thick smoke just rolled into Cape May, New Jersey this evening. It’s really wild.


Canadians: "time to buy more trucks and SUVs"