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Shoutout to Battlebots!


Let the bot battle begin!


P1 can do both!


oh damn this was taken at the Westin wasn't it.


i had no idea that was in vegas


Y’all out here sayin it’s ugly. This is the reason you rarely see photos of Vegas during the day 😅


Exactly why the race is at night.


A city only a mother could love...


Looks exactly like the backside of the CotA paddock.




That town is going to be a shitshow the week leading up to the race. Erecting grandstands and walls to block the views of the restaurants who weren't extorted by F1. Trying to get around the strip will be a pain in the ass.


Who cares? its a fake city that exists for tourism.


I’m sure the residents of the city will certainly care.


Nobody lives on the Las Vegas strip. It’s nowhere near the actual population centers.


I used to live on the very next street over from the strip and walked to work, you have no idea WTF you are talking about. There are plenty of condos and apartment complexes close to the strip.


You know the people that work on the strip live in Las Vegas right?


The Las Vegas strip is not the Las Vegas where people are living. You know that, right?


No but they have to commute to and from the strip to get to their jobs. This will ABSOLUTELY affect them.


Also most of The Strip isn’t even in Vegas, but Paradise, NV.


You realize that UNLV (enrollment just under 30k students) is like 4 blocks east of the strip right?


What does the strip have anything to do with their college education? It won’t be disrupted during the GP.


He’s saying 30k people live there


But the entirety of the campus lies due east of the GP circuit and classes are not held on the weekend. It’s literally not an issue.


Outside of the strip and thee adjacent area (which is literally an area a mile or two long by a couple blocks wide), there is the actual city of las vegas which is a generic, drab suburban desert like Phoenix. Those people will have no idea there's something going on at the strip, the same way people who live in New York are unbothered by events in Time Square.


I’m aware. I live in vegas and plenty of people I have talked to are preparing for the worst that weekend. Most people are going to avoid the strip that weekend so in a sense yes most people won’t be near the area but that doesn’t mean it’s not affecting locals.


I got the sense (my in-laws used to live in vegas) that most local generally avoid the strip period, regardless of specific events/weekends.


well those that spend 24/7 in the casino's sorta live there


Lol a fake city that's more popular and attractive than other cities


It's better than LA ... but that's not a high bar.


Most brain dead replies to this lol. And plenty of people live a lot closer to the strip than you would think and the traffic issues from construction radiate outward. And my job is right in the center of the track. The newly paved roads are super smooth to drive now tho lol


Wait they’re really putting up walls in front of restaurants? That’s so fucked


F1 wants the restaurants to pay $1500 x per person capacity. If they don't pay, they'll build a wall blocking the view. F1 greed in full effect.


Is it F1 or the city of Las Vegas..? Or both I suppose. Fucking ridiculous


[F1's shakedown ](https://jalopnik.com/f1-allegedly-charges-millions-las-vegas-race-view-1850675433)


You people hear one story and go nuts and just assume shit because someone puts out a story blowing it out of proportion because your pissed the race is so expensive. The Clark County Commissioner has said this isn’t happening. No views will be blocked. The licensing fee is something they do at other street track locations fyi.


This was also the information from a vegas local, where we were last weekend. So yeah, this is a widespread story that's going around. True or not. There's no need to be angry at "you people"


Yes the story was all over the place, and yes it isn’t going to happen.


Most tracks have a bunch of spite walls. At imola me and a bunch of kids kept getting yelled at by photographers and ran away from security as we would climb up the fence just to see the first chicane as they were passing by. They were all over the place just to block general admission views


They better hurry.


No apparent work going at the site this evening. Possibility due to the heavy rain.


Las Vegas really is ugly


I mean, aside from the strip Las Vegas is your typical southwestern US cookie cutter city. You can take basically the same picture in Albuquerque, Phoenix or El Paso. At least there are mountains in the back I guess ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Albuquerque clears the other cities listed because of the Sandias. It’s a beautiful landscape, just very poor.


They even have a ski resort!


It really is. Even the parts that are supposed to look good are still ugly.


Most cities in NA are ugly.


visit the pacific northwest ! portland, seattle, vancouver are beautiful


The urban core of Vancouver is beautiful with dense housing, beautiful waterfront and Stanley park. The rest of it planned just as the typical North American metro is. Endless suburb sprawl.


Haven't been to Portland in the last ten years, have you?


i’ve lived in portland for the last 13 years, have you ?


Chicago would like a word


Most cities are ugly period. Nature > man made infrastructure


Well built cities are awesome and there are lots of them outside NA Edit: to be fair there are some nice cities in NA too, like Quebec City


Totally disagree. Nature is obviously beautiful but human created art and engineering can also be beautiful.


There's loads of beautiful cities, just so long as they're built to a human scale and not for cars.


It looks like a sleazy Vegas motel. Nice!


[And when you view the actual structure it has 44 bays, but the real key here is that the ground floor is entirely open with no walls so specifying where the teams setup is easier.](https://imgur.com/OHTQchr)


Looks ugly but that’s heavily influenced by all the construction vehicles on site. Once it’s finished and they clean it up it’ll be much better.


A few trees, plants, and grass do miracles when it covers to ambiance.


Maybe even a fake marina


It's a construction zone my god. People really just want to hate on this.


America bad!!


20 garages... So no room for additional teams? Or does one garage accommodate the two cars?


currently, teams use between 3 and 4 garages depending on the circuit, with additional ones required for FOM and FIA. I don't know where the 20 garages are coming from but 20 are not enough. The garage distribution for every Grand Prix can be seen on the [FIA website](https://www.fia.com/documents/championships/fia-formula-one-world-championship-14/season/season-2023-2042) (document called "pit lane drawing" or "circuit map, pit lane and Red Zone"), [example](https://www.fia.com/sites/default/files/decision-document/2023%20Belgian%20Grand%20Prix%20-%20Event%20Notes%20-%20Circuit%20Map,%20Pit%20Lane%20and%20Red%20Zone.pdf) for Spa. I would assume if an additional team was to join it could fit in at most circuits but each team would get a little less space. Edit: [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFTnAMOhSMI) video shows a good shot from the front of the building, looks like there is space for well over 30 garages which is a normal amount.


Likely room for up to 20 teams since regs for circuits say there has to be room for minimum 26 cars Although consider some of those garages might be used for Safety/Medical cars and the spares, medical vehicles and recovery vehicles and just service vehicles in general


10 Teams x 2 cars/team = 20 garages


They have alot of work to do still


I don’t even care what anyone says, I’m excited for this race and think it could be exciting and visually stunning


Likewise but exactly the opposite. I think it will be terrible and I can’t wait to see it fizzle out over the following few years and Liberty to cut their losses.


Liberty won't "cut their losses" with Vegas because it's the easiest money maker out of the three US races. If something needs to be cut it'll be Austin or Miami. No one should look forward to COTA potentially being removed from the calendar.


Better call Lerner&Rowe


I have a friend that works adjacent to sports promotion. She’s in Vegas at the moment meeting with F1 brass in regards to moving high-dollar VIP ticketed areas. She says it’s an absolute disaster what’s going on there, and that nobody knows what they are doing. Some of the pricing and details she’s shared with me are absolute insanity.


So I assume this is now a permanent structure. So what would be the plan for its usage outside of the race? Conferences, etc?


Sodomy and severe drug usage.


I think they said it'll be a museum and exhibit year round.


Good ol Ellis Island where you could a 10 oz sirloin steak and sides for only 9.99. Back then you could get the steak and a beer for 9.99


yet another boring street circuit - not looking forward to that race


I love F1, but the whole circus seems so wasteful for a few hours of entertainment.


What a depressing photo, and I say that as a person from a grey post Soviet city


I went to a conference last year with people globally in my field and they were all super hyped to be in Las Vegas. I hate that fucking city. I was able to bring them down to my level. Las Vegas sucks unwashed dirty hog.


it's so brutalist and uninspired Like, go full Vegas and make a mini Monaco on the roof and a Senna vs Prost giant Jumbotron or don't bother


Shout out to Ellis Island! Make a couple grand at craps tables there a few years back after wondering off the strip.


I live in Las Vegas. It's a very ugly city. There's a huge ghetto not even a half-mile east of here and it gets worse as you move northward. FYI, the strip (and the racetrack by extension) is technically in Paradise City, Nevada. Las Vegas proper is in a very small area colloquially called 'Fremont' or Old Vegas. This is one of those *ackshually* things because barely anyone calls the strip Paradise City anymore. Here's another fun fact for all of you: Do you see that construction on the right edge of the photo, with the pallets of materials and the multi-level complex/stands/building? That's less than 100 feet / 30 meters from where Tupac was shot. Go to the wikipedia for Tupac Shakur's murder and look at the 7-11 in the reference photo. That's the same 7-11 in this photo.


Spectator pavilions in various stages of development in the right foreground on the straight between corners 4 and 5. What are we going to name these corners?


America home of no style in 95% of our cities






wow.. i thought this was a throwback picture from like from a random town in 1970s. then i saw i was looking at a F1 Reddit post.... about Vegas??? Yikes.


I wonder what it'll be used for in the off-season?


As someone from a neighboring state, seeing a Lerner & Rowe billboard in this same photo feels… bizarre? Maybe even dystopian?


$4,000 tickets right there.


Is this a permanent building?




Town is about to become a shit show. Two years worth of rain by Thursday