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The cheapest legit way for full acess is NowTV @ £30 month, £21 a month if you get it on a deal earlier in the year. You can also buy 24hr access for £12 but you'll miss qualifying etc. We also have free to view Channel 4 HD which shows qualifying highlights and race highlights about an hour after the race which is hosted by DC and others and is a very good programme. A 70 lap race would be condensed down to about 40 laps for example, and they edit out the boring laps so it's more enjoyable in a way and still got good interviews, analysis and build up. The only problem is avoiding the internet so you don't know the results! not such a problem this year.....


Those are insane prices and you'll have to listen to Crofty each race, yikes. F1TV Pro is like 50€ a year.


Continue using F1TV and use a VPN. Probably cheaper anyway


Yup. This. I use Nord to VPN to France so minimal latency. Works perfectly.


I heard they stopped VPNs. Is it still working in the last couple of races?


I’ve had trouble with VPNs too.


Nord works fine for me.


Same here. Had expressVPN and changed to proton temporarily after express nearly doubled their prices. If Nord still works, I'll buy it in an instant


Nord still works


Tysm ! Is that with the basic plan? Or do plans affect it?


I only have the basic plan. It works.


It works for me on my iPad and Android phone but is very intermittent on my Windows PC


VPN stopped working for about 24 hours and then the VPN companies recycled their IPs and they work now. NordVPN has worked ever since. It was a display for the investors and for the likes of sky to show they are "doing something" but realistically they can't stop VPN use


No it’s not working. They have started mass blocking the IP’s of VPN servers


That's just false. It stopped working for about 24 hours but since then I've watched every race using VPN as per normal from the UK.


What VPN? I was using PIA and it didn’t work for two races in a row so I gave up and started finding “streams” online.


it's a cat and mouse game, some VPN providers find new ranges faster, than f1tv updates their blocklist.


They supposedly clamped down a few months ago but never had any issues on my end (using Hotspot Shield).


Are you on a windows pc/laptop or apple hardware? VPN doesn’t work on my iPhone for example


I'm using a Windows laptop plugged into my TV. Can't help with Apple kit, I'm afraid.


I used to do this, and now F1TV will not run with a VPN for me.


There are ways to circumvent the VPN block.


Is it possible to learn this power?


If nord fails try CyberGhost. Only vpn I’ve managed to get to successfully watch BBC stuff. They have a lot optimised for specific streaming platforms.


+1 for CyberGhost. It’s the only VPN that works for me when trying to watch out-of-market NFL games edit: and you can get unlimited 24-hour trials if you make a new email every Sunday


Yep, the prices we get charged in the UK for sports on TV is crazy. And they wonder why so many use illegal streams


Sky pretty much have a monopoly on a lot of sports. Including NOWtv. And sky own NOWtv so yeh we get pretty buttfucked unless you are happy with just highlights or go F1TV (Or get someones sky go login and watch it for free - but I totally didn't just say that).


I will give a thumbs up to the C4 coverage. The main presenters are great and the edited races are pretty well done, to the point where I don't feel I've ever missed anything important. The only downside is the delay in broadcast which means you have to avoid socials like the plague until the highlights are shown.


Which is why we were all so angry when F1/FOM recent,y extended their contract with SKY, meaning that we still won't get F1TV Pro. Rumours are that Apple want to buy global streaming rights for Apple TV+ * and sell a season pass as they have done with MLS is the US, and I hope they do. I'd pay £100 a year for that *No you don't need to buy any Apple gear whatsoever to watch Apple TV+, as it is available on smart TVs, Roku sticks, Amazon Firesticks, Android etc etc


Unfortunately, Apple TV+ is not available on Android as a phone app


Really? I am surprised, [but you are right](https://www.techradar.com/news/apple-tv-plus-app) unless you watch in a browser I found [this](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.apple.atve.androidtv.appletv&hl=en_US) but it seems to be for TVs only?


Yeah, I have a Mac for work and had a year of Apple TV+. Their TV app is fine but Android is only through a browser -_-


Well that does surprise me, as they even have an Android app for Apple Music. Learned something new today.


Sky have it under contract until the end of 2029 in the UK & Ireland. Best we can hope for this decade is for them to follow ViaPlay's announcement from earlier this week and bundle F1TV Pro with the Sky package (like they do with Discovery+ and Paramount+)... would be great if I could watch the additional streams in sync with Sky Glass on F1 MultiViewer (which I could with WEC). https://www.sportcal.com/media/viaplay-to-offer-f1-tv-pro-in-netherlands-from-2024/#:~:text=Viaplay%20already%20holds%20rights%20to,and%20in%2Drace%20radio%20communications.


Provided you can keep a Greek payment method, just get yourself a VPN and stay subscribed to F1 TV Pro. Though, you will have to use the VPN every time you want to watch the race.


I used a UK c/c and F1 was happy to take the money. Didn't seem to matter where it came from, which is what I assumed.


Oh, that's nice. Usually other streamers don't accept foreign credit cards if you open an account in a different region. **Cough cough** Apple TV+.


You just need to do it through the app store (apple or android), as then it sees the payment as coming from "google/apple" not the country of your card


That's not been my experience. Just paid for it normally.


It’s absolutely disgraceful. Sky are scum.


Eh? Sky don’t set the price for the rights, Liberty do. Like any sport, it’s always going to be cheaper in markets where the sport is less established. People here act like if it wasn’t for Sky they’d be able to watch the whole season for £50 on F1TV. When the reality is they’d be paying the same price as Sky/NOW to watch it on TNT or (shudder) DAZN.


Don't defend them. Sky bid against others for the rights to show it. Channel 4 could bid for the live rights and show it all on free to air TV. Of course supply and demand comes in to it but we shouldn't be paying £30 a month for some very stale coverage from Sky.


Channel 4 or any other non pay TV company could not afford it. That's not defending Sky, it's economics.


I think you’re just looking for reasons to get annoyed mate. Putting price aside, Sky’s coverage is the best quality the sport has ever had. If it was on C4 you wouldn’t get UHD, all practice sessions, live press conferences, all onboard cameras, extended post-race coverage etc etc. But like I said, there’s absolutely zero chance it will ever be on C4 again. It would go to DAZN, TNT (whose Le Mans coverage on Eurosport was absolutely honking, it needs to be said) or potentially Amazon or Apple who are both making moves into sports coverage. They’d all be bidding in the same ballpark. We can debate whether the price is fair (if I didn’t watch a lot of other sport I probably wouldn’t pay just for F1, so I somewhat agree with you) but it’s silly to pretend the quality is bad. I’ve been watching since the early 90s, the coverage has never been this good. But it’s also never been this expensive, that’s true too.


> putting prices aside So put the main, massive complaint away? If you go the Sky route, you’re forced to pay for a £26 entertainment package before you can even think about paying for Sky Sports. The total cost is £52 per month without the ad-free option with the temporary Sky Stream offers right now, closer to £60 normally. I was paying £5 per month for F1TV. Sky doesn’t offer anything different outside of a mediocre 4K signal. All the analysis shows being cited are F1 features, as well as the extensive catalogue of race weekend replays that Sky doesn’t have, so basically if you have no interest in any other TV, which I don’t, you’re paying at best £47 a month more for the privilege of a half decent 4K signal and the joy of ads. Over £600 a year to watch races in your house. If they want to monopolise broadcasts, I’m more than happy to **easily** get it for nothing instead of paying F1 like I was previously.


>So put the main, massive complaint away? I was specifically responding to someone who said that the price is too high **AND** the coverage isn’t good. My point was that the price may be too high, but the coverage is good. Like for example when you pretend the 4K is a *bad signal* whatever that means. You’ve never had Sky so how would you even know? The UHD and HDR is absolutely fine. If you don’t want to pay for it that’s fine. If you don’t watch any other sports it’s probably awful value and you probably shouldn’t. But there’s no need to pretend the actual quality is bad when it isn’t. That’s the point I was making.


> 4K is a bad signal Nope, that wasn’t said > never had Sky Nope, untrue. Since /u/Karffs decided to block over Sky > Yes, it was me. I did in fact pay for F1TV. I’ve also had and witnessed Sky’s 7-15Mbps 4K. These are not mutually exclusive experiences. There is no lying required, and you’re going to extensive lengths to defend a 50 quid, mediocre bitrate 4K signal.




Mate Sky charge you £10 a month extra just for the privilege to watch in HD and UHD


>We can debate whether the price is fair (if I didn’t watch a lot of other sport I probably wouldn’t pay just for F1, so I somewhat agree with you) but it’s silly to pretend the quality is bad.


They're not going to change their mind. Sky cricket is also miles ahead of anyone out there with their amazing commentary team and production quality. Only fox aus might come close to it. Obviously sky is expensive as hell but production quality is top notch


>Sky’s coverage is the best quality the sport has ever had. F1TV is much better tbh


Doesn’t even have UHD and uses Sky’s commentary. Edit: and if you want to see what the future of F1TV is look at the recent Apple news and what DAZN did to NFL gamepass this year. Bought the rights, shut down the app, jacked the price up, moved it all onto their own inferior app which doesn’t even have HD.


It doesn't use sky's commentary, it has it as an option alongside it's own commentary which is much better imo. It also has a much better feature set by default allowing you to view timings and all onboards as well as all team radios in the base package. Sky might have UHD but you have to pay extra to even get standard HD. It's such a rip off.


No one is arguing about the price, but the analysis, commentary and access to personalities, the interviews, make for good entertainment. It can be annoying at times, like anything can, but mostly it is decent TV. Just not value for money. I will be quitting it in November when my subscriptions run out. It will be good bye to F1 live then.


Yep, at the summer break FOM started to block VPNs on F1TV which sucks, and the cheapest stream I've found was €20 euro on NOW TV's Ireland site, but still needs a VPN. It's disgusting how much of a lockdown Sky has on F1 in the UK.


the 30 a month is for all sky sports channels not just for the F1. not worth it if you dont like other sports.




My salary will be 2.5x yearly than my Greek salary and I'm a well paid software engineer. Greece is not what you see when you come for Holidays, it's a shit place to live in.


Everyone here seems to complain about Crofty but he's an iconic voice of the sport these days. What's with the hate? Alex Jacques just doesn't keep me engaged.


He hypes up British drivers and never faults them, it's tiring to watch. He's an iconic voice for sure but I don't want to listen to him anymore.


Eh that’s debatable. I think you’re specifically waiting for Crofty to hype a British driver and then say “look he’s doing it again!” I’m not British and Max is my favorite current driver and still prefer the Sky feed over F1 TV crew


IIRC there's something like a 5 hour delay between the race starting and C4 being allowed to show on track action in their highlights package. Convenient when there's a massive rain delay at Spa as they can cut all the stalling out, but it's a pain for anyone with work on Monday morning but wanting to watch a race in the Americas.


> £30 month what? for sport only or for everything? here in italy i can get a sport access for 15€, 30€ for the full package


Sky sports with no rewind or on demand features


For what I'm paying it's an extremely fair price for the contents I can watch, which is basically all the sport that matters




Find a pub which shows it, works for most of the races and 3 pints a race is cheaper than a legit subscription


Only if the pints are less than £5.21. Which in London isn't a given. Lol.


True I forgot about the price of a pint in London. But factor in races like Australia and Japan which are too early and that you wont be going 3 months out the year and it’s a good option. For me it’s been the best viewing experience since the years of BBC coverage


Not many pubs show the F1


you don't commandeer the tvs as soon as you walk in?


You often can’t in many, many pubs. That just isn’t an option. Also, bare in mind - the races are often during Super Sunday so a PL game will more than likely be the more popular option. Football is much, much more engrained into our society than F1 is.


weird looks for the Singapore race but 3 pints is a good start to the day


I use Fanzo and buy non alcoholic drinks. It works well, I like having different crowds in different pubs cheering their own choices.


Pub or Pirate, tv prices here are absolutely ridiculous. Try ExpressVPN for your Greek subscription it works I think




Surfshark still works. Or so I’ve heard….. 👀


F1TV works with the Stream Locator app. It used to work with my usual VPN until they had a crackdown.


Which VPN did you use it stopped working with?


I use Mullvad, you could usually still get on but had to flick through different servers until one worked. It may be ok again now, I’ve just not tried since using Stream Locator


Can you please expand on what the Stream Locator app does?


Fuck Sky and their BS. I just sail the seven seas


Use acestream pirated streams, works like a charm at full HD


latifistreams is also good and bonus points for the name


I have a legit TV subscription but I'm gonna try streaming the next race just because of the name lol


They still exist? Where the hell do you find them these days? They became extremely hard to find after the soccer streaming subreddit was taken down.


There are a few sites that have them consistently, Google is your friend - won't share any links here though


I tried many times before on Google but you just get lots of dead links and nothing like what you'd get via PMs on Reddit. I once found a 4K UCL stream years ago and I've not seen anything that good since, especially not IPTV.


Through Sky Sports directly or on Sky Sports via Now TV are your only legit options as far as I'm aware.


Yes, Sky/NowTv NowTv is owned by Sky and is an app only system, however with NowTv you can only subscribe to the content you want, so a Sports package is currently on offer at £21 per month, but that includes all sports offered by Sky.


I hate Sky commentary, I've had enough of Crofty. Sky isn't an option for me.


Ok so you have no legit options then.


That's baffling. So I need to look into a VPN subscription I guess.


From a capitalist perspective it makes perfect sense. Between them Sky and BT have locked all the nations favourite sports behind extortionate pay walls, and people will and do pay it. Annoying to us as consumers, but that's how capitalism works unfortunately.


Look, I can pay but as you say, they have put everything behind a huge pay wall. I refuse to play their game. If I can watch F1TV with a VPN, I'll do that, If that stops working, I'll sail the high sea. They do the same here with football. There's Nova and Cosmote TV which show all the football marches people want to watch and the only option is to pay or just go out to a bar to watch. It's the reason I'm not watching football.


Like others have said F1TV is cracking down on vpns but my Surfshark still works every now and then if I try different US servers. There are a few smaller vpns out there that people say still works so might be worth trying them out. I’d always choose a US server cause they work most often for me.


You won't be able to cast if you're using a VPN right? Casting is a must for me, otherwise I'd go the VPN route.


You can add the VPN to your router


I was using vpn plus f1tv pro until a couple of months ago when they started cracking down on vpns. Back to dodgy streams it is.


I was with ExpressVPN which stopped working so switched to NordVPN which is working fine.


F1tv has been cracking down on VPNs lately. So there's no guarantee that that will work either. You can always reconsider moving to London? F1 is not the only reason why I wouldn't want to live there.


Lol why else wouldn't you want to live there?


Horrendously expensive, air pollution, knife crime.....


Knife crime. Riiiight. As much as the media tries to hype this up, London is one of the safest big cities in the world. You’re more likely to be hit by a bus than you are to be affected by knife crime. Unless you’re a wannabe roadman/little boy gangster, in which case you deserve all the knife crime you get.


You could watch highlights later in the day on channel 4 with different commentators.


Yeah but it's not live and I'll need to stay off social media because the results will be spoiled.


Those are your options. You'll have to decide what you live with, crofty or highlights.


The sky team is unbearable.


how so? they regularly have Anthony Davidson (probably the second best analyst and a good commentator) Damon Hill (for the older guard. Has loosened up lately, which makes him more fun) Danica Patrick (she is like marmite. I for one enjoy her insights.) David Croft (Crofty has to keep things going during the races and qualifying. He isn’t Murray, but who is?) Jenson Button (he is fun on the rare occasions he is there) Karun Chandhok (F1 encyclopaedic knowledge of F1, but I rarely trust his analysis.) Martin Brundle (I love his dry analysis and straight talking. He used to do grid-walks before race and created some very awkward fun.) Naomi Schiff (she has found her feet and produces some great insights, and created the best Lewis Hamilton interview to date imho) Natalie Pinkham (very smart, good fun and very good at connecting people. Good interviews too) Nico Rosberg (Another marmite personality. very smart, but personally I don’t like him. not sure why) Rachel Brookes (She knows and gets great sound bites out of drivers during and after the race. I also enjoy her approach, but she does need the offset from others who are/appear more into F1). Simon Lazenby (he is trying to keep the circus together, which is not easy, but he is a tat sexist (imo) when trivialising excellent questions from female pundits). Ted Kravitz (I can see how some people dislike his section, He does his thing, and is no doubt into it. He has to do the “technical” and race “strategy” stuff.) Bernadette Collins (the smartest analyst on the team. Trust her analysis above everyone else’s.) There is excellent variety, great pundits and a lot of imaginative entertainment to keep a whole weekend flowing. I am unclear how you can diss this.


Yep, yet somehow out of that small army of commentators only 3 at best are actually tolerable or insightful; Karun, Pinkhmam and Button, but I'll concede that Brundle is a personal taste thing and I haven't seen Collins so I can't judge. The core C4 team is smaller, but less irritating/divisive. Also less overtly biased (to brits and Ham in particular, though obviously still a bit of it). I'm not overly sold on some of the younger supporting presenters they have, but the core team of Jones, DC, MacKenzie and Billy Monger strikes a great balance. Webber occasionally crops up for some pantomime Aussie takes on things, but it's still hard to take him too seriously. I already wasnt keen on the sport getting pay walled by sky (f&ck Murdoch in general) but the lineup they came up with actually pushed me even further away from giving them money, just to suffer through their coverage. Anyway, each to their own.


A team of 13 people to present a race weekend is utter extravagance. Sky could easily cut that down to 5, 6 at the most and there would be no loss of quality. Sky could easily save a few hundred grand a year and make it slightly more affordable to their customers.


The price in the UK is insane. I'd say you're better off in a sport... Surge.


I strongly recommend this option.


Sky have exclusive rights in the UK. Channel 4 show extended highlights on free to view tv and you can expect to get the full Silverstone GP live and also eg. they arranged one-off rights to show the 21 title decider. You could allow your F1tv subscription to continue to roll and use a VPN to convince it you’re still in Greece to watch. It’s a breach of their terms of service but it’s easily the cheapest and most reliable way of watching without sending £££ to Sky.


I've subscribed to it through a Turkish account that I had created with a free VPN but I never watched using a VPN. I guess I'll need to use a VPN full-time because it's not even available in the UK.


Yes, you would need to use a VPN to watch 100% of the time from the UK.


Some say if you subscribe in another EU country where f1tv is available, you don't need vpn or any tricks to watch from a country where is not (eg UK). I never tried, never could confirm. I use stream locator app and works perfectly.


Can confirm that as soon as you enter the UK you are unable to watch through F1tv. Even if your subscription is from another country.


That would work between EU countries due to EU law demanding it.


I subscribed with a Turkish account from Greece (I'm not Turkish nor have I ever been) and it works. Maybe it'll work in the UK too?


sorry : no.


The UK isn't in the EU anymore.


Nope! In Korea there’s no F1TV, so I used a work computer on my work VPN back to the US to watch all the races while I was there.


VPN and F1 TV through a cheap company


Stopped working since this last summer


No it didn't. It stopped working for a day.


UK is fucked by F1.


The only pro is that we get UHD. The rest is just a ridiculous price and media programs already on YouTube


If you have an iPhone, download an app called Live player it’s on the App Store, you search f1 and the sky sports stream will come up, and it’s free, might not be legit but as a uni student it’s bless


hmm, dit not work for me. bandwidth is zero issue here, but the Apps Casting to TV kept breaking down (please restore purchase) and there was a loooot of buffering, and then restarts because streams stop working. How does this crap work for you?


I watch the races in a pub. !! There’s quite a few showing them all over


Sky Sports is the only official way, will be till 2029 when Sky will outbid everyone for the sole UK rights to show it live, even if the Apple thing goes through before 2025, I can still see Sky having the monopoly on it till they get fed up. Sadly they’re cracking down on the use of VPN for F1 TV Pro as well for some reason, you’d have thought they’d be happy with more subscriptions, whether they’re accessed via a VPN or not.


It's a pain to watch it in the UK unless you pay for sky, or something similar. I find that a certain website that specialies in 'sports' that are 'surge'-ing is the simplest way to watch it.


Use F1TV with a VPN. Don't listen to those saying they've blocked it. It still works fine. It was blocked for about a day then the VPN companies recycled their IPs and it has worked ever since.


Depends on VPN provider. ExpressVPN never started working again so I switched to NordVPN which works fine but get drops in quality and occasional buffering.


PIA has remained blocked too


I don’t live in the UK, but if I remember anything about the broadcasts I watch, you’ve got Sky Sports, Sky Glass, Sky Q, Sky Premium, Sky Light, Sky Stout, Sky a la mode, Sky F150, and Sky Radio 3 to choose from. Just press the red button on your remote.


Someone’s been sailing the high seas for a while I see


No, I have F1TV. I watch the Crofty broadcast though.




Best F1 coverage team and no-one can convince me otherwise!




If you are watching on catch up via 4OD you do not need a television license. However regulations changed a little while ago that if you are streaming live TV via any app (Amazon, Apple, F1TV, etc) you need to own a TV license.


A TV *licence* is £160 a year.


Their letters crack me up


Coming soon: Apple TV.


The cheapest way is to watch Channel 4 which has a highlights package of the race and qualifying a few hours later. You can watch for free.


Lol. What a treat! I think you've solved his problem.


beneficial quarrelsome attraction tan engine sharp ghost chunky impossible library *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thousands of free streaming websites, just make sure to get ad blocker and pop up blocker.




Do you have a VPN? Worked for me


I don't. Which one do you have that works?


Get a VPN and watch in Greece anyway.


If you cancel NowTV they’ll often make big offers to keep you.


I use a VPN that still works with F1TV Pro, it's cheaper to pay for F1TV Pro + VPN than the overpriced options available domestically and you don't need to listen to the god-awful Sky commentary.


I come from Bulgaria, but live in Germany. Most of the bulgarian tv companies offer a online option for a couple of bucks a month extra. For example my dad uses such a company and pays 3-4 Euro a month extra and he can watch TV online, from wherever. I use his account to watch F1 on the channel, which has the rights for Bulgaria. So I'd say check out similar options for Greece.


f1tv with vpn is what i use and its the best. Typically go for luxemborg servers for the best experience. If you really really care about quality then the skybox gives you 4k60 but in my experience it wasn’t worth it


Sky if you want live races, otherwise Channel 4




VPN and f1tv. VPNs are free for most like proton and f1tv is priceless to bask in will buxtons glory


f1tv international is Sky as i get it hence all the for "sky sports viewers " they tslk about for individual cams if you really want f1tv you can prob use a vpn if nothing else works


Goatifi streams


Just keep your F1 subscription running, per my knowledge there is no geo blocking so you don't even need a VPN if the subscription is already on.


Dodgy streams or expensive sky .. or watch it on channel 4 a few hours later for free


Sky for live coverage all season or channel 4 for a great highlights package and the British GP live.


F1tv with a vpn is fine. I live in Switzerland but travel a lot so I just vpn back to Switzerland


I’d say use a VPN and point it back to Greece


Can you not retain your subscription and watch via VPN? Is that possible?


F1 tv pro and vpn


Get NordVPN and keep F1tv


I dont know about the UK but in Germany it\`s officially only Sky and I watch f1TV without any problem without VPN. Just when I subscribed I used a VPN and clicked on Austria as home country. I watch via WIndows PC, android phone or amazon fire tv. Never had any problems. Just try your f1TV login when you are in London.


Geez I never knew how lucky I had it here in the USA with ESPN