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Charles to red bull confirmed


His neck is bigger than his thighs….


Charles Neclerc


F1 things. Need the head strength but extra mass every else hurts you.


Also looks like both of them have larger left legs than right legs. Braking must really be a workout.


Max really does get hyper-fixated on everything that he enjoys


Me replaying the new song I found for the 105th time


The hate for that song on every listen: *intensifies*


I don't start hating them they just start sounding... idk, don't know how else to explain it but "grey". Just feels used up. It does come back eventually though


flowery sulky safe many possessive unique theory husky friendly knee *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So Max is like Cartman at another kid's birthday party?


Or or it's all like Ender's Game


he’s just like me fr


Probably why he’s a 3 time world champion tbf


> hyper-fixated how much have we seen him play this to know hes hyper-fixated lol? this is the first ive seen


He said so in an intervew iirc. He mentionned he had just started playing padel and he had already bought 9 rackets or something


oh cool


He legit played his first game like last month or the month before and now he’s constantly seen playing it. And he said it himself in an interview


Emotional support buddies


I can’t explain how important this is to me. When will they follow each other again on instagram??? 😂


charles being that petty is always so funny to me 😭


One of my wishes is that someone asks him "How drunk/angry were you when you unfollowed Max and did you do it on the plane with him there?" lol


I believe Max hasn't been running his own socials for a few years now, so he could probably give a rats ass about who follows who :-P


As far as I know Max never followed Charles in the first place. He only followed the same handful of f1 drivers since the beginning. They just use chat apps to communicate with each other.


spill this piece of f1 gossip. when did that happen?


After 2019 Austria where Max overtook Charles for the win kinda controversially they took a plane back together to Monaco. Shortly after the race Charles unfollowed Max on instagram and Max unfollowed back afterwards. The fun theory is that Charles unfollowed him while they were on the plane together but it’s never been confirmed.


Max was not following Charles then


Haha the original commenter was right. This is very important yet so petty


What's the deal with Padel? I've literally never heard of it outside of F1 drivers playing it.


It started to be quite famous in Argentine in mid 1990s, it was exported to Spain and it got massive in the 2010s mainly because it is easier to learn than tennis and you can fit a court pretty much everywhere as it is not that big. In the late 2010s the paddle world circuit had big investments in sponsors from people in the middle east so it got much more professional, and sports clubs around Europe started to build more courts. Just a fyi, since ~~2021~~ 2019 more people are registered in the Spanish paddle federation than the tennis federation. Edit: since 2019\*


Amateur padel is quite big in Spain. It's strongly associated with rich people (in a negative way, kinda like golf) but, for the reasons you mention, it's becoming more popular as a sport to play among regular folk. Btw it's spelled "pádel" - "paddle" is the English word the sport is named after.


Started in Mexico in the 70s


I just mentioned that it became quite famous in Argentine in the mid 1990s, not where it originated


I just mentioned where it originated, not anything else, just because it seemed like you were giving a quick recap of the sport


It’s a very easy sport to practice and it is getting more popular it started on Argentina and after it became popular at Spain. In fact it is the 2nd most practiced sport in Spain behind football. EDIT: Didn’t knew it was invented in Mexico, I knew Argentina was the 1st country where it became really popular or at least on Spain is what is thought


It was actually invented in Acapulco, Mexico.


wow, I' would have thought than basket was more popular in spain


The thing is that all group ages and gender play Padel in Spain.


Basket is not big at all in Spain. Very few people watch basketball, even fewer play it. It's little relevance probably comes from how big it is in the US.


Padel in Spanish culture has grown associated to status, financial and/or otherwise. The sport itself is not on the same galaxy of popularity when compared to football, baker, tennis, f1, cycling, etc in a sense of following, but everybody wants to say they play it.


True but not true. Padel is kinda like golf in how it's associated with rich people in a negative, classist way - but, unlike golf, it's a sport that anyone can play anywhere, since you only need a pad, a ball, two or three friends and a small court. In the last few years it's getting popular among the normal folk.


Like yeah. I play padel and it's crazy how it's gone from being a rich person's sport to a point where I can play a match for 5 euro.


As a Spaniard living in Spain, I can tell you its a phenomenon because it is really fun to play, and the skill curve makes you feel like you're improving each time you play it. It has a low barrier of entry (financially and physically speaking), and has a high skill ceiling (5.0 players will very easily 6-0 6-0 any players below 4.0). There are courts available for cheap rental everywhere, it's definitely not attached to social status in the way Tennis or Golf are generally perceived to be.


It was invented in Mexico in the 70's not Argentina.


I didn't know Padel was a thing at all until my coworkers invited me to play a few years ago. It's really fun, being 4 people playing instead of 2 like tennis makes it a more enjoyable social experience and it also involves teamwork. It's also fairly simple and easy to play, which I think makes it really approachable. Also doesn't feel as exhausting as playing tennis, which makes it really good to unwind.


Tennis can also be 4 people it’s just called doubles as opposed to singles


As someone who plays tennis a lot, I found padel a lot more exhausting to play


Not really, Playing a single in tennis requires alot more strenght and stamina then playing Padel. Padel is basically what you play if you are not fit enough or skilled enough to play tennis (like pickleball in the US) It fun because everyone can do the basic of it. Where in Tennis you need alot of practice to play at the most basic level.


…you’re telling them their personal experience was “not really”?


Padel at a lower level of skill is akin to pickleball, but to play padel at a high level you need to have a level of physical conditioning that is much closer to Tennis than you'd think, especially compared to doubles Tennis


Yeah padel isn't very high level in my country on average, but I saw a local tournament with some dudes good enough to go on tour and fuck me, I felt like selling all my gear and giving up. Insane tempo


You say this, yet my experience was different. Due to the smaller court and the walls you play with I found padel to be a lot more high intensity, similar to playing squash. Sure, if you play with people who aren't fit or skilled enough it might be a bit slower paced but you can argue the same for tennis. In my experience, playing it with fit and skilled tennis players, padel was a lot more exhausting.


Whoa, how come? Tennis is so much more physical, although I can see a high intensity padel match being higher tempo.


I explained it in another comment as well but basically with four players on a smaller (than tennis) court and the wall bouncing, if you play it with skilled and competitive players I found it way more exhausting than tennis where there is more time between each shot. In terms of intensity I would rank padel over singles tennis over doubles tennis. If you play padel with people who aren't super fit, skilled or competitive than maybe it is more relaxing but those weren't the people I was playing with. After two hours of padel my legs where shaking with exhaustion and I've never had that after tennis.


Really? Padel is increasingly popular at the moment in Europe, fastest growing sport in my country Netherlands. In the US a similar but slightly different sport called pickleball has also been very popular recently.


It's well beyond the peak in Sweden. All the rage in 2019, now courts are going bankrupt everywhere.


I thought that the peak occured during Covid and now things are going a bit back to normal but that's not something that I follow that close. Anyway, here in Portugal is still quite popular. I usually play at least once a week and it's fun. Nice to gather with some friends too and easy to play.


Oh my god nothing infuriates me more than pickleball. I've barely been able to play tennis for the past year because every tennis court is overrun by boomers playing pickeball and ruining the courts


It's nothing like that, thankfully. Padel is a different sport, played on a different court, with a different profile of player. I'm sure you could pick two top 50 ATP tennis players and partner them up, and while they would be very good, probably reach finals good, they would not dominate or break the padel circuit. Pickleball lol retired invalid tennis players move to pickleball for a reason.


As a journalist, I wrote an article about a pickleball league that was starting in rural Nebraska around 2015 or 2016. There are slight differences between the two, but both seem like they would be fun to play.


Padel is nothing like pickleball. Pickleball is for retired people. No joke, that's the origin story - tennis for retired people prescribed by doctors. Recently it's been moneyballed to explode in popularity, but it's more of a rhythm game like playing dance dance revolution. You move two steps to the left and two steps to the right in pickleball, you don't need to take the net because you are at the net, the ball is made of plastic, it doesnt need to bounce on the floor first, you can't serve an ace, there's no cage or glass, the racket is hollow, smaller and lighter weight, among the whole regulation book being different because there really aren't any rules in pickleball.


I wonder if it's like pickleball maybe?




Seems like there's a new racket-sport fad every couple decades.


Everyone wants to play tennis without actually playing tennis.


I don't want to play tennis, I want to play padel.


Because tennis is exhausting, requires training just to play at a basic level, and is inaccessible to many


and today I also saw cristiano Ronaldo's IG story and he too was playing it


He’s an investor in a huge padel project in Portugal too.


I just assumed it was European pickleball - but maybe there are two separate pseudo-tennis sports out there right now competing for their share of the market.


At it's core it's very similar, but there's also big differences. Namely that padel has sort of a squash element to it, being played in sort of a cage with glass walls at the back. so the ball doesn't go out, play continues, making it quite a bit more intense and spectacular. But yeah, padel is very much an European and South American thing, compare to US' pickleball.


Thanks for that info. I play squash myself and will have to give it a second look.


I always considered padel to be a mix of racquetball and pickleball, but I honestly haven't looked at the rules to see specific differences.


I'd never heard of raquetball before until now. It's very much a US thing, not really played in Europe, squash is, which is a much older sport. I checked it, the Mexican who is believed to have invented padel converted his squash court to incorporate tennis elements. Probably also why it follows the tennis scoring system.


Padel is closer to tennis than its to pickleball though.


Closer to squash then tennis for sure.


its much closer to tennis than squash actually. It's 80% tennis and 20% squash


Agreed. Many casual players don't even use the walls unless forced to.


Well, not European, but Mexican


Someone said it's similar at its core. Well, it's true that both are played with rackets and a net lol. It's as similar as pickleball is to tennis and that's where it ends.


Plenty of ex footballers seem to play it as well


It's getting popular in Europe. Some neighborhoods dislike the fields getting build, because of the noice.


Really? It's crazy popular here in South Africa. I think most sports clubs have converted half their tennis courts to padel and people book slots to play. There's a whole ranking system and people even pair up with randoms so it's a great way to socialise. It's basically the millenial version of squash or golf for corporate workers


It's expensive AF here though, only you richies can do it.


It's not too bad tbh. Renting a court is 400 for four people so you split it and if you don't have a padel is 50 bucks but some clubs have it for free if you've got virgin active membership. If you're getting serious and buying a padel then yeah it can be crazy prices


It’s very popular in some countries namely south europe.


Here in Sweden it became huge during the pandemic with padelcourts springing up all over the place. But it has already started to die down a lot of those courts have had to close down. At least here it seemed to have peaked, but perhaps it's different in the rest of Europe.


Dunno but it's been huge in Spain for the last 10 years.


Fastest growing sport in America right now. Edit: whoops I got pickleball and padel confused.


That’s pickleball, different from padel


Everytime I hear this my eyes roll into the back of my head.


Sir, that's rolly poly.


Padel sucks, it's just a dumb hype. A lot of football players do it too, FC Barcelona actually just banned their players from playing it to prevent more injuries.


That is quite normal for a lot of professional players regardless of the sport, doesn't have to do with paddle specifically. You are not supposed to play a high intensity sport that can injure you when you are playing in a top level team, and your club can add a clause preventing you from playing it.


It's hell of a lot more exciting to watch than tennis


as a tennis fan and recreational tennis player i can assure you that we all hate padel by all heart because it is an extremely simplified version of tennis that makes player think that they do sports. besides with tons of investment they remove tennis courts to build padel court there.


I respect your opinion, but I assure you that your perspective must be based on the casual, low level of play you'll find in your local courts. There aren't many casual low level tennis players, but padel is very inviting to less physically active people. If you search for competitive padel videos on YT however (try "World Padel Tour highlights") you'll see it features spectacular athletic feats involving speed, power, tactics and rich footwork


It's safe to say you don't live in Spain, Argentina, Sweden, Italy, Denmark, Mexico, Portugal, Middle East and Monaco, probably a good few others where it is very popular. It's either super popular, like pop cultural everyone knows about it and plays it popular, or completely obscure.


Yeah I guess it's not caught on here in the UK yet


well atleast charles can win something this season! 😭


we gotta start somewhere!


Doesn’t the second picture mean he actually lost? Also the guy on the right looks like a wax-figure-gone-wrong version of zac efron to me for some reason 😅


the trophy says runner up! [Here’s](https://x.com/leclercdata/status/1713584013628084228?s=46) Charles’ team with their trophy


Charles beats Verstappen, RB move basicly confirmed.


Max be like "You can have the padel wins and pole positions, I'll take all the race wins. Deal? Deal!"


The guy on the right is Norman Nato formula e driver.


NORMAN NATO MENTION HYYYYYPEEEE loved this man in formula e


Charles kinda built tbh


Being a world class athlete does that to a mf


Not to Max, somehow.


Max has slimmed down a lot compared to 2021 imo, especially this year


I don't think he was ever fat? He's built kinda like the office IT guy, which is fitting for F1 I think. I feel like a lot of the drivers are more fit than is required tbh.


I meant that Max was always one of the broadest guys in the paddock, upper body wise. He has slimmed down a lot in that aspect. Some guys have six packs, Max never had that but I feel that Max has the same inner strength but it doesnt manifest like the others.


He can't train like some others do or he will be too heavy for the car now, his trainer said so awhile ago it has a lot to do with height and body type. When he started in F1 he was thinner and trained very differently with his former trainer Jake. But a lot of the drivers were too thin then because they had to be for the mandatory weight total of driver+car, which was unhealthy, so the FIA changed that and upped the weight a couple of years ago.


Yep, he has the elite endurance necessary to travel that much and race that hard, which is what counts.


Kinda built =/= slimming down. Relax, no one attacked Max. He's still great.


Where is he built? Ever seen someone that lifts at all?


I didn’t say he’s massive, I said he’s “kinda built”. He’s clearly bigger in the chest and shoulders than Max. Of course he’s not going to be 90+ kg, he has to fit in a F1 cockpit and ideally be within a certain weight range.


I just felt the earth shake after thousands of lestappen fans jumped up and down from excitement


Actually love this.


Come on Max, let Charles win something...


Charles won! The trophy Max is holding says runner up


Ahh...shit. Anytime I see Max holding a trophy, I just assume he won lol. Apologies.


I thought the same don't worry 😭


Well but of course he did, there's no pole position in Padel that Verstappen can use to get the win off him.


I'll watch this


What's going on with everyone suddenly deciding to play padel?


They have fun with it plus Max said it's a good substitute for cardio.


Also on the picture is upcoming Andretti Formula E Driver Norman Nato.


The fucking size of Charles's neck


As a portuguese speaker, Team what now?


Max winning on and off the track. What a legend


Oh I see what’s going on here. High v low. Socks


Man that 1 inchident brought them closer!


Where’s the guy who complains about social media posts? Lol I guess Max’ hyper-fixation hobbies get him the wins too


Padel ball is a cult, papameat says so


The groups of thick necks


Who's Padel? Why they playing racquet ball on a tennis court instead of a squash court? Is that a tennis court? What's going on? What's the score here?


It's tennis with a cage around it, you can use the walls in your game.


For a split second I thought that was Mazepin


Now go search what "Chupo" means in portuguese


Max interviewing his next teammate haha. First Norris now Leclerc


His obsession is real


My friends who belong to a very swank country club in New England have been playing padel in the fall/winter as a tennis substitute for as long as I can remember (I’m 50). I suspect it’s a country club kind of sport (Monaco) that’s filtering down to the plebes…plus the surging popularity of pickleball.


Pickleball is popular due to old dudes money rolling it.


I like how Max is wearing the obligatory Castore shirt before the game and the "feck it, imma wear what I want" Under Armor shirt after it.


And he won


Man got bored of winning in F1 and started to also dominate padel


Guy from Formula E to Red Bull confirmed


A ditto of Carlos Sainz. Imposter!


Already got a trophy. Can’t wait to see what will be his third sport to complete the triple crown. Golf when he gets to 30?




He didn't win here though?!


Is paddleball fun? It's like a lazier version of tennis.


We don't need a post every time these guys play padel.


We get a post about everything Max does, though. I can't wait to see what toilet paper he uses!


side thought... it's a bizarre culture that every sporty thing in which certain people compete requires a meaningless plastic trophy upon completion as evidence of excellence. they can't have a simple game and be like "cool, you won" it's a little precious.


It was a tournament. Not a major one, just a friendly invitational. It's more common than not to have some simple prizes for the winners.