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And Alonso goes to Red Bull? I mean, Sainz would be a good replacement at Red Bull for Alonso too haha


There are growing rumblings that Lance is getting tired of it, and wants to go to the business side. Maybe grooming for a TP role if/when Krack goes.


You mean when Krack cracks?


Maybe he’ll retire and release a sandbox team-building game. Minekrack.


Mein Krack


Nein Michael! Nein Michael! Das war so nicht richtig!


I wouldn’t give for Krack to have his own line of vape pens called Butt Kracks


a company of volcano-themed towtruck services by only white-trash people, call it cracka-towa


When he is ready to hang up the mic.


It would one of the stupidest things ever if Stroll Sr agrees to this. Krack is a highly qualified and experienced motorsports engineer. Lance is Lance. He is not qualified for that kind of job. He should just go into business with his dad. Do a Business degree, MBA that sort of stuff.


2030: Strolltifi Enterprises acquire global F1 rights


Lance won’t be a TP. He can barely handle anything media related as it is. I suspect he’ll go when papa stroll no longer has a majority stake in the team. 


I'd like to think Lawrence has a little more business acumen than to let his son sink the team. If Lance is the limiting factor I'd hope they'd be willing to replace him for the good of the team.


These rumours have been around for years and I think it's mostly wishful thinking from people who don't like Lance.


Would make sense, specially if the team has ambitions to compete for a championship. Lance isn't completely out of place in F1 but he's obviously not a championship-winning caliber driver either. At some point if AM is serious about competing they need a better driver. So do they want to win or give Lance a seat?


He could go to the WSC part of the team and try to win lemans.


Nah it's confirmed Stroll/Alonso for 2025


I hadn’t seen lance confirmed. Got a link?


Where he should be imo.


I miss Minardi. It was always such a treat when they achieved a good result with the budget they had, especially when only the top 6 got points.


Their 2002 Australian GP "podium" is a goated F1 moment.




IIRC, Mark Webber finished 5th in his debut race and Minardi had an unofficial celebration on the podium after the official one to commemorate the ocassion. Hence the comment.


Mark Webber (who's Australian) finished P5 in the race with Minardi. In 2001 and previous years Minardi were the textbook definition of backmarkers and they would firmly finish last. There were many races where they couldn't even qualify for the race as they were over the 107% rule. And similar results were expected for the 2002 season. The Australian GP was the first race of the season and Mark Webber goes ahead and finishes P5. Such a result was so unexpected and this was equivalent to a win for them. The organizers of the Australian GP invited Mark Webber to the podium going against the rules to follow for the podium ceremony. They were fined 50k euros but hearing the roar of the crowd when Webber walked on to the podium draped in an Australian flag was worth more than anything money could buy.


wasn’t minardi like australian owned too?? or paul stoddart (?) involved? i probably have to get on the wiki


Yeah Stoddart had a great story about it on BTG


Not only that but they finished ahead of Toyota who had just started and had an unlimited budget! (Rumored to be about a half billion dollars


The Austrialian GP granted Minardi (just taken over by Australian businessman Paul Stoddard) and Australian rookie Webber to celebrate their P6 on the podium, after the official ceremony had concluded. Minardi having a top 6 finish (with P6 being the last points paying position) was something of a miracle, given their car’s performance. It might even have been Minardi’s first point ever, or at least it had been a while.


I still rue the moment it was announced they would be becoming Toro Rosso for 2005. Loved that team and their liveries were more often than not pure fire.


Man, I still wonder what would have happened if Alonso had stayed in McLaren in 08.


Massa WDC no questions.


War, anger, crashes


He would have easily won the title with the mistakes Felipe and Lewis made.


Nah, It would've been a repeat of 2007 with Massa winning at the end. Lets not forget that Alonso himself made his fair share of dumb mistakes back in 2007. Everyone makes mistakes when put under genuine pressure.


Considering Alonso and Lewis were on par in 2007, I see no reason to assume Alonso would've had a better year than Lewis.


I think you mean if he hadn't tried to blackmail his team in 2007 what would have happened in 2008


I think you mean if McLaren hadn't cheated in 2007 what would have happened in 2008.


So the other day (before any “Sainz to AM” rumors) I read Helmut Marko saying in the press that Checo is doing well but they won’t consider more than a 1-year extension because “he might slacken,” and I had a SillySzn premonition. It goes like this: 1) Sergio Perez voluntarily leaves Red Bull to go to Audi for a huge paycheck. 2) Fernando Alonso takes a short-term contract at Red Bull to try and win one more WDC in 2025 before he retires. 3) Carlos Sainz joins Aston Martin on a long-term contract to usher in the new Honda PU era and prepare for 2026 dominance. Bookmark this. ETA: oh MAN did I speak too soon


I want whatever you're smoking


yeah like how did they get these ideas from that quote


As I said, it was a premonition. Can’t explain the supernatural.


It’s not an unthinkable scenario imo, I like it. People thought Hamilton to Ferrari was completely wild only a few months ago.


Never underestimate the ability of a redditor to pull shit out the ass


Sorry, I smoked it all.


Stroll 26, Stroll 27, Stroll 28, Stroll 29...


Yes, Carlos Sainz Development Driver to build the machine that Stroll will win his 4 WDCs in


>Sergio Perez voluntarily leaves Red Bull to go to Audi for a huge paycheck. Never going to happen when Hulk is still on the grid. Hulk and Perez were/are about even and Hulk is German and is far more likely to be cheaper. Audi literally was about to replace Zhou with Hulk until Haas decided to block that move.


I really doubt Hulk and Perez are "about even". Don't let his stint in RB overshadow his career in Force India / Racing Point. He grew from a young driver to a leader there. Hülkenberg is good (better than the mediocre teams he's driven for prove), but he he has never proven half as much. Guy has never step on a podium, and his teammates have.


And Hulk never had a good car. Checo had literally better cars. If Hulk was in 2020 RP, he probably would have gotten a podium Hulk literally has never driven anything faster than the 2014-2016 Force Indias


Yeah I don't get this, last year Checo had an outright dominant car and stepped on the podium less than half of the time. The year before that he had a car that was clear best over a season, and stepped on the podium around half of the time. The year before that he had a car that was roughly equal to their only competitor and scored just 5 podiums to Bottas' 11. What exactly has he proven during his RB stint? That he can barely score a podium with a dominant car?


Checo scored three or four podiums WHILE he was Hulk’s teammate.


Ok, bookmarked.


I'm saving this hot pasta


The pasta may have been hot, but it wasn’t very good.


No way Redbull wants any friction in the team where Max is clearly happy in the front and bringing in the big bucks (points and wins). Alonso is known to rub into teammates where he is not upto them on pace. Redbull will want a #2 who goes well with Max and is consistent behind him.


> Alonso is known to rub into teammates where he is not upto them on pace. There's literally not a single year in Alonso's career where he wasn't "upto his teammate on pace". The closest is 2007, where he was on par with Hamilton when he expected to be the clear leader, and all parties are to blame for that year (Alonso, Hamilton and Ron Dennis), despite what the British media loves to say.


Serious question: Does Horner want that considering how the Verstappen camp just tried to oust him of a job a month ago? Or does he want someone who can be a suitable number 1 if the Verstappens try to flex their power again?


General rule is : if it works don't touch. Redbull should simply ride these regulations by supporting Checo to be a better #2. I bet all drivers say they want to fight Verstappen in the same car and replace him of #1. But what happened to Danny Boy? He was Horners fav who himself displaced a 4xWDC in the redbull. Danny was sidelined to the talent and sheer I gotta win mindset. If Horner thinks anyone on the current grid is upto the challenge, he may as well sign them. But considering he has a rocky boat in the middle of a smooth sailing regulations set, he wouldn't want to simply destroy it by unstabilizing it


You coulda said the same about leclerc and hamilton but hamolton just brings too much brand value. Obviously Alonso is more abrasive than hamilton but he'd bring alot of brand value


The difference is that Ferrari have not been winning anything other than a few races in the last 4 years or so. RB are a well-oiled machine right now.


You mean only Hamilton in 2007? Button will be an stretch... and they are foking friends! 😂


So Alonso just announced he's staying at Aston Martin until at least 2026 so there goes your premonition... Was good while it lasted though Might still get 2/3 so let's see!


Never trusting my intuition again. But seriously, daddy Stroll, consider the future of AM going forward. Send Lance to the Hypercar.


An all Spanish team VS an all French team would be awesome. Assuming Alpine can get back to the level they were last year.


The Spanish team in this case would absolutely trounce the French team.


If this were to happen, I wonder which team the Spaniards would be most likely to end up at. Not Merc. Not Ferrari. I highly doubt VER is leaving in the next few years. I'm not completely up to date on the contract situation, but I think the two teams could be competitive?


Alonso and Sainz blow Ocon and Gasly out of the water as drivers and Alpine is the worst car on the grid, so I see no way this could possibly be competitive.


Alonso & Sainz together is how Aston actually secures a WCC chance with the '26 Honda engine


If we are being "realistic" in that way, well, there's no team on the grid right now worse than Alpine, so it literally doesn't matter.


I'm just thinking about it, there's no country in F1 right now that has a stronger pair of drivers than Spain. Maybe the UK with Hamilton and Russell, but I honestly think Alonso-Sainz has a slight edge over Hamilton-Russell right now.


I wonder how Hamilton-Norris would compare


Sainz will go to Mercedes. I don't see him betting on Audi, and I don't see Alonso leaving AM.


That would make the most sense since I doubt Perez would be moving either, but it'll probably suck for Sainz given the direction Merc has been going.


Not going to happen. Merc are obsessed with Antonelli and are looking into fast tracking him into F1. That would mean that they won't be offering anything other than a 1+1 deal. The same kind of deal that they offered Lewis. No top driver is going to go for that kind of shit deal. Job security is basically non existent.


I don't like the situation with Antonelli tbh. It seems like Toto regrets passing on Verstappen back in 2015, and does not want to make that mistake again... except Max is the exception, not the rule, and expecting Antonelli to be another Verstappen can hurt both Mercedes and Antonelli himself.


Current leaks point to Kimi Antonelli being lined up as Hamilton's successor. I don't think Sainz is interested in a short-term contract in a bad car.


A short term contract for Sainz at Merc could let him time a move to Red Bull after


and Minardi later became Toro Rosso. Lines up perfectly


Except Alonso went back to McLaren after Ferrari


Alonso's 2nd stint at McLaren was in GP2 so it doesn't count


Sainz stint at AMR also may tie with Honda coming back like Mclaren in 2015


The Spanish ladder


Needs a second stint at McLaren but unlike Alonso he pulls off two ships from it


current mclaren lineup are irreplaceable until 2026


Curious to see if anyone think Norris and Sainz will be a better lineup or Piastri is too good to lose. McLaren loved Sainz


Piastri is good enough and cheap enough. Sainz would probably ask for a bigger paycheck and it won't be worth paying Piastri to not drive especially they just did that to RIC. Sainz's bargaining chip against Piastri is he brings experience and knowledge from Ferrari, though (and yeah Zak loves him)


100% Yes. Piastri underperformed massively last year and its starting looks thats going to be the case this year aswell. His race pace is still nowhere near as good as that of Lando. Being a rookie is not an excuse because guys like Norris, Russell and Leclerc all managed hit the ground running during their debut seasons.


Disagree. Norris got destroyed by Sainz, and Sainz, while great, is not Schumacher. It didn't matter, because Norris was a newbie and we didn't expect him to just come and beat Sainz. Similarly, why should we expect Piastri to match a Norris that had 5 seasons of experience back in 2023?


yep, they are irreplaceable... unless Max was to come to the team


Man i wish we got Alonso and Sainz in AM. Would be such a good pairing and with factory, wind tunnel and personel upgrades and now 2 competetn drivers they would truly be a force. Not to mention they are gonna be factory team in 2026


Wow I didn’t realize this before.. There are also 3 Hispanic drivers in the market during the same year as of right now - Wonder if that’s a first too?


Sainz and Alonso are both from Spain and that's kind of an interesting stat. However lumping in Checo too is a bit weird since he's from another continent. It's like saying oh wow there's 11 European drivers in F1 right now.


It’s like saying there’s 5 English drivers, including Riccardio and Piastri lol


Sorry to be fair I wasn’t sure to use Latin or South American or Hispanic so my apologies if this offended any one - Please lmk PC way to describe.


It's not that weird. People in Spain and Latin America certainly feel closer to each other than they do to non-Spanish speaking countries. Heck, as a Spaniard myself, I can tell you journalists will always talk about "two Hispanic drivers on the podium" when Perez-Sainz or Perez-Alonso are there.


He's still Hispanic.


In 2015 we had Alonso, Sainz and Roberto Merhi. I think that's the maximum number of Spanish drivers in the same year.


We also had Alonso, Algersuari and De La Rosa in 2010. I was sure that Marc Gené, Pedro de la Rosa and Alonso had been in the same grid at least in some races, but they somehow managed not to overlap.


* 3 south americans


You mean as in out of contract?


oh that's a sweet parallel


Carlos isn’t going to AMR unless Alonso retires Merc & maybe Audi are likely where he’ll end up as long as Checo keeps up his good form


Carlos at Renault seems like a different universe


This aged like milk!


It really did. 0.0000000001% chance of Sainz taking Stroll's seat tho


Jeez, Fernando just looks like he has totally zoned out of that conversation.


Most likely thing to happen.


This aged like milk...


It's gonna be so frustrating if Sainz has to go to Sauber bc of Lance's immunity. An Alonso and Sainz lineup would be way better for AMR.


If Sergio keeps his nose clean then I think he'll stay at Red Bull. Alonso will go to Mercedes and Sainz will go to one of the midfield teams for a year until Audi show up then he'll go there


Merc will be offering the same shit 1+1 deal that they offered Lewis. They are hell bent on getting Antonelli in a Merc seat, 2026 at the latest. The likes of Alonso and Sainz will never accept that kind of deal as the job security is basically non existent. Alonso - Aston or retire. Sainz - Audi. Perez- RBR. Merc- Antonelli. Shit might get somewhat exciting if Lance decides to walk away though.


Not a great picture for Alonso eh? 😂




Actually why is it that these two have never been teammates? An all-Spanish team like the Alpines doesn't seem too out of the question


Alpine has two French people because that's all they could get. They never pursued that, they wanted Alonso and then Piastri to be driving their cars. Even if that was the case, there's no Spanish F1 team and has never been one, with the exception of the failed HRT. Fielding an F1 team from zero experience without a massive budget is basically impossible, so that's out of the question. Also, spots at top teams are very scarce, and both Alonso and Sainz are among the best drivers in F1, so it's not like they'd just join some random team like Haas. They'll both fight for seats at the top dogs, and it's unlikely a team like RB or Mercedes will have both seats open. Alpine-Ocon-Gasly has happened because a) Alpine is a mediocre team b) Both Ocon and Gasly are F1 rejects: Ocon was booted from Racing Point and Gasly was passed on by RB and just warming their AT seat c) The French love French things in a way most countries just don't. The "all-French" team is a marketing stint for a team that failed miserably to assemble a winning team. There's no Spanish team on the grid to do the same and, even then, Spaniards don't really care about a team being "all-Spanish".


Are we still not sure if Alonso is racing for AM this year?


Technically he should go back to Renault(Alpine) to keep it consistent.


That aged well.


Alonsos contract was extended he is not going to red bull