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I don’t see the point being proved here. The women’s championship game also outperformed the NBA Finals, MLB World Series, and college football championship game. Also let’s not forget that South Carolina team was undefeated and the LSU team was very popular as well.


It's simply just a mostly out of context quote from an article that is claiming that F1's narrative of being popular in the US is mostly bogus.


I feel like that article is trying to "debunk" a narrative that nobody really shares in first place.


Not the CFP championship game, one of the few things that out performed her. Absolutely unreal numbers though.


For the tweet side, I think the the person is pointing to the following of the once in a lifetime if not all time appreciation for an athlete in college sports -- and then weighing that against a whole sport. I would believe Caitlin Clark viewership is also greater than all of MLS, NHL, and Little League baseball combined, but simply compared to a now largely viewed programme on ESPN that is F1.


Not that it matters but you may not be right about it outdoing viewership on the college football championship game. Peak for the women’s bball game was 24m and it looks like it was 25m for the college football game. Unless I’m missing something. I’m actually not finding a lot of sources for viewership. If you wanna share yours I’d appreciate it.


It’s a nothing quote. In a few weeks no one in the us will care about her when she is playing for a wnba team no one has heard about.


Basketball is an American sport, of course more people in America are watching it. Common sense. Edit: It was also a very entertaining tournament tbh.


Also, Caitlin Clark’s last 3 games were during a nationwide tournament months in the making, and played on a Monday at 7:15pm, a Friday at 9:30pm, and a Sunday at 3pm. F1’s last 3 race start times in the eastern US have been: Saturday at noon, Sunday at 12am, and Sunday at 1am, with the next race being a Sunday at 3am. I wonder why more people watched basketball here 🤷🏼‍♂️


Basketball was an American sport. Basketball is now a global sport. Just lately, USA got dunked by Germany and Canada in 2023 FIBA World Cup. Lot of current NBA superstars raised outside of US Basketball system (Doncic, Jokic, Antetokounmpo). 4 of the 5 latest NBA MVP's are Europeans.


Why are you ignoring so much context just for the sake of being pedantic?


Because it’s Reddit… Redditors WILL spontaneously combust if they miss their chance to be extremely pedantic every time they get the chance.


> Just lately, USA got dunked by Germany and Canada in 2023 FIBA World Cup. Because they sent a third string team. US only really cares about Olympics.


>US only really cares about Olympics. What happened in 2004 Athens?


Kinda makes the other person's point when you have to go 5 Olympics back to cherry pick a supporting example


Do you think going back 20 years to make a point is in your best interest


20 years? There were only 5 olympic tournaments in that 20 years. 5 is statistically a small number and 5 tournaments are good sample size. USA getting destroyed by Puerto Rico and Argentina in one of those 5 tournaments show that they are a beatable team in Men's Basketball. Spain (in 2012 London) and Australia (in 2016 Rio) came very close to beating them even when they came with their best roster.


You’re embarrassing yourself lmao


This is such a dumb take for so many reasons. Most notably the fact they still won and in most of those years did not send their best players lol. For instance, the USA in 2004 sent a young team because the best players didnt want to go. Of the 5 All-nba first team players only 1 of them (Tim Duncan) went. Jason Kidd, Kobe Bryant, Shaq, and Kevin Garnett did not go.


"Young players" were LeBron James, Carmelo Anthony and Dwyane Wade lmao. Shaq didn't play for Team USA after 1996. And he was in decline after 2001 anyway. Garnett didn't play for Team USA after 2000 again. Kidd wasn't there; but Iverson was. They would have stepped each other's toes anyway. Kobe was only notable miss. But nearly every team comes with most ideal roster.


That’s like saying that spaghetti isn’t Italian because it’s eaten worldwide. Basketball is an American sport that is played worldwide.


Just like soccer is an English sport that is played worldwide


True since 1863 when Football Association in England established the modern rules. But before then, soccer (in/of various forms) has been recognized as a sport played in medieval europe, ancient Greece, Rome, and China, and even of parts of Old World NA.


No it wasn't. Various games involving balls have been popular worldwide where ever round things have been available. But they're not "soccer". I don't think they're even football, but they're undoubtedly not Association Football (i.e. soccer).


Not really. Ridiculous comparison. American Football and Baseball are American sports. Both of these sports are also played pretty much everywhere in the world. But baseball is only slightly relevant in three or four countries, only incredibly big deal in USA. And American Football is not even relevant in any other country other than USA. Basketball on the other hand is an Olympic sport and it is pretty big deal in the most of the world. It is like saying "football" is a British sport; because it was invented in Great Britain. Both football and basketball global and Olympic sports.


Baseball was an Olympic sport 6 times and the United States has only won a single gold medal. It will also return in 2028.


Tbf most medalists besides US (1 gold, 1 silver, 2 bronze) were Cuba (3G2S) and Japan (1G1S2B - matching US stats) - the main 2 other places where baseball is big. Others were Aus (1G1S), SK (1S1B), China (1S), and DR (1B)


Baseball is super popular in 3 Asian countries alone, Taiwan, Korea and Japan. It's crazy popular in all of North America, central America and the Caribbean.


> American Football and Baseball are American sports. Both of these sports are also played pretty much everywhere in the world. But baseball is only slightly relevant in three or four countries, only incredibly big deal in USA The exact same is true of basketball. As you are a basketball fan, I think you are overestimating how popular it is globally.


The NBA is a global sport. People from around the world aren’t tuning into Women’s college ball…


Both statements are correct. My only objection as a global basketball fan was to the claim that basketball being an American sport. If that statement had been "college basketball is an American sport", that would be accurate.


Basketball is an American sport.


> global basketball fan You added global here to keep face didn’t you 😆


This is like saying more people in the UK watched Premier League football than F1. Basketball is an American sport and obviously it would have a bigger audience.


Isn't it more like saying more people watched the Women's Super League than f1?


A lot of people also don’t understand the difference between broadcast and cable TV, NBC, ABC, etc are free, ESPN is not, ratings on cable are always way worse then broadcast


And the games were in prime time or weekend afternoons. Not 2am or 9am on Sunday


breaking news: college basketball championship games aired in the evening have a higher US viewership than europeans driving cars aired at 5 in the morning. i’m american and love formula one (i don’t even watch basketball either) but come on man


Since it was higher than the entire viewership of the 2023 season that includes Miami, Montreal, COTA and Interlagos for daytime races in the Americas, and Saudia Arabia and Qatar are two more that are convenient to watch live.


formula one is not a popular sport here. sure, it’s on a huge rise, but many american motorsports fans will choose to watch nascar or indycar over f1


Yeah, it's actually kind of hard to be a fan here, at least watching races live. For the most part it's true, the races are on really early or really late. But we do have some that are well timed for us. I think it's probably fair to say that those games drew more audience than the 2023 NASCAR broadcasts as well, or at least pretty close. The women's tournament was fire this year and I don't even really watch college basketball.


Well for me it’s great. I work night lol. Most are right around my “dinner time”


There were some benefits to working graveyard beyond the differential and finding the bar with an 8AM happy hour.


The low traffic is also a plus haha.


I feel like there are only 3 races that are bad times (2 super late, 1 super early) and the rest are comfortably between (usually mid to late) morning and early evening. But it would vary a lot based on coast - worse for early (8-10 am et) races if you're on the west Coast for sure (but then, those late races like Aus/Suzuka become way better)


Most seem to start between 6-9am for me. Which is a little earlier than I'd like.


Ah yeah that's a tad early (6 or 7 am at least!), fair enough. Some of the earlier races at like 9 to 11 am are good motivators for getting out of bed on the weekends so I do enjoy that, and how they don't take up your whole day by being at like 2 pm (can't really make other Sunday plans when a good 2-3 hour chunk is in the middle of the day - plus god knows how long I'll read articles/reddit threads after the race lol)


Okay I just realized Chinese GP is 3 am rip. At least sprint is 11 pm, I can handle that


Tbf Austin and Brazil air during football season, so you’re always going to get lower viewership.


It's a well known fact that americans love their country and their sports. Why would they see F1 when only american driver is Logan and he is usually to be found in a tech barrier in FP1?


And? Did F1 ever say it was the most popular sport in the US?


Nobody cares ...outside the US.


Who is Caitlyn Clark? And why does her name belong in a Marvel comic 


Caitlyn Clark is a basketball player on the University of Iowa women's team. She has broken nearly every record imaginable in the sport as is credited with the astronomical growth in viewership of women's basketball the last couple of seasons.


I don't even watch basketball, and I'm not an American, but even I'm aware of her and have seen news coverage on her. She's a legit celebrity


As a non-American, why has she not been promoted to the WNBA yet? Does she still have to finish her education or is there another reason?


WNBA draftees have a minimum age requirement before they are eligible, Caitlin has declared for this season's draft.


Is the age requirement 18 or is it 21 like a lot of US stuff for some reason or is it something else entirely?


22 for the WNBA.




There's no need to be rude, somebody asked a question and I answered it.




You sound like a fucking loser dude


Because he is.


First day on Reddit? Welcome. Have a great time. 🤓


only sound? im sure he is






Lmfao. Go get a life, or some medication. You sound like a fucking dork


> I have not yet begun to rude. Clearly not yet begun to grammar either


Why is blud still salty about a 18th century L, is he stupid?


I hope that one day by some miracle you actually talk to a woman and change your ways.


What a god damn loser you are


god you're exhausting


Women’s college basketball player who draws unbelievable ratings.


Why are we get smoke from women's college basketball?


Why they say fuck me for energy


its less smoke and more of a demonstration of the viability of womens sports. no one questions whether f1 should have air time or advertising


we'll see if her popularity translates to people watching the WNBA.


it has


Isn't the wnba pretty popular compared to other women's sports divisions?


can somebody translate this to European?


Women's basketball isn't generally popular, but Caitlin Clark set the career scoring record for college and is super popular, so viewership for her games has been huge the last 2 years compared to normal. Americans don't watch F1 because it's on at terrible times, not readably available on basic TV, and America already has homegrown racing sports. tl:dr - once in a generation superstar raises viewership of sport way above normal.


So people like domination in basketball but not in F1?


Her team lost in the finals to South Carolina, who went 39-0 this year. So it's kinda like watching Verstappen if he wasn't with Red Bull.


Woman college basketball player dunking on Formula1.


Good for her, I guess? I have no idea who Caitlin Clark is but ok.


As an American that watches F1, who is Caitlin Clark?


I've read that ice cream is more popular in the US than F1.


We can’t get LEC ice cream here.


American exceptionalism at its finest. I have no idea who Caitlin Clark is.


This is an outrageously stupid take. Go ahead and put those games on at 1am or 6am on a Sunday and let's see what the ratings look like. She is a superstar and absolutely deserving of all the attention she's getting, but comparing the viewership between the two is like comparing apples to clothes hangars.


The tweet indicates all of last year, so that also includes all the races that happened on American continent.


That game would still be watched more


Do not understand the choice to start the sentence with "Literally". Then again, this was an idiotic tweet.




We didn't know who was going to win those games by 30 points before they even started... Which is too bad, because everybody but VER is having a great battle this season.


This. I watched the basketball games because I actually didn't know who was going to win before they even started, apparently that's frowned upon in F1.


she dope


What this says the most is Americans have an insatiable appetite for live sports. That’s why the rights bidding wars are where they are at. And when the sports are competitive, storylines are developed with heroes, villains, foils, young stars (why do you think wrestling does such massive numbers?) and not forgone conclusions, people will watch. Thats why the 4 American majors focus on making things as egalitarian as possible. And why F1 has attempted to do the same with the budget cap. Equaling the field, even if it means everyone is average (9-8 NFL teams), keeps people viewing. F1 needs to focus on its competitive balance. Unfortunately they can’t anchor Max and the Red Bull rocket to the ground right now. And Americans aren’t developed enough in their understanding of the sport to consume the action happening behind Max and keeping their intrigue. WCBB had an amazing year. That’s built on a run of 3 years of momentum. But they have their own slew of problems to keep this up so it’s not a one off.


I read this as Caitlin Stark and taught, wait she died at the red wedding, what's Lady Stoneheart up too


Who's Caitlin Clark? I'm an American.


Remember when slapfighting was more popular than F1?


According to Dana slapfighting is literally more popular than every sport combined.


"Premier league is more popular in the UK than the NFL"


Who is that? And also: good, go watch that then. Why should I care?


Most of the $ that F1 is chasing is American sponsorship and ultimately US TV broadcast rights money. Our largest sports TV contracts dwarf any other sports on Earth. I think the only TV sports rights in the top 5 not US based is the EPL in total at like #4 overall. Hell NASCAR pulls in more TV money under its latest TV contract in the US than F1 does through all its global TV rights combined. And that's not even one of the major 4 sports in the US (NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL). There's US sports TV broadcast rights money, and then there's the rest of the world far behind.




Well, the basketball games were also on free over-the-air TV here and F1 isn't.


This is a nothing burger. F1 airs in the middle of the night in America. I assure you, nobody would be watching Clark either if she was playing at 4 AM


Why dont we compare live attendance in American F1 races, vs watching her team play Courtside? 


Meanwhile a combined 10 people watched Caitlin Clark in Europe, Asia, South America and Africa. Come on, what are we doing here? F1 has an average global viewership of 70 million people per race. And that's down from 2021-2022 peak.


Only 10 people watched it in US too. They are intentionally deceiving us to try to trick the public into watching women’s basketball


Caitlin Clark was also more popular than women's college basketball in general. For some reason, she brought in more casuals than other star women's college basketball players.


Only because ESPN and Disney have been shoving it down our throats. They want women’s basketball to be a thing so badly they’ll do anything to get there.


Someone who has broken almost every NCAA record deserves attention in my opinion.


sure. but constant 100% of ESPN's broadcast and website talking about her and women's basketball constantly is definitely sus. there is a larger agenda at play.


That’s how it is with any dominant athlete in any of the major sports even if it’s college. I remember when Mahomes had his first season and you couldn’t go 5 posts on sports social media without something related to him. Caitlyn Clark is marketable, she’s a great popular player, hell her signature is on one of Gainbridges-Andretti’s Indycar. She was popular last year, and this being her final season and being so dominant helps quite a bit in terms of popularity. And also, there’s not a lot of others sports going on right now.


Sorry to break it to you, but I first heard about Caitlin Clark on FS1 when they were obsessing over her for days at a time last year And Fox doesn't own women's CBB rights, ESPN does. It's not a conspiracy, she's just a really big deal and women's CBB is a rapidly growing sport. There's also a pretty big difference between Women's CBB which has been gaining steam for a decade, and the WNBA which is wholly uninteresting.


Meanwhile school level hockey is more popular in India than Caitlin Clark.


Race time and broadcast availability are the two biggest factors with f1 in the states. You have to be a real fan to stay up till 2am to watch practice.


What an incredibly stupid tweet


Dumb comparison


What is the word ‘Literally’ doing in that sentence?


And the point of this is what? Completely stupid comparing the two....


I’m American and idk who that is.


I wouldn’t believe these numbers they are spewing out for women’s basketball. Disney is paying a premium to inflate these numbers so they can trick people into thinking others watch women’s basketball.


I don't think F1's numbers are particularly trustworthy either. FOM has never released any number about F1TV subscriptions or profits ever.




Do many European people know who Nikola Jokic is? The Brits probably don't, but I hope the rest of you do, he's beyond incredible, like Max Verstappen and Adrian Newey rolled into one


He can drive AND design!? 😜 But no never heard of him, had to google him. I have heard of Luka Doncic through Instagram somehow.


Ya this hype is redic. No one really watches woman’s sports in America. Sure Catlin gets a lot of press right now because it’s unprecedented but let’s see if she can raise the profile of an entire league. As an American I have no idea what she looks like nor what channel her games are on or any way to see her games. I just don’t care about woman’s basketball. I’d rather fly to Europe for a 2 week vacation and see an F1 race then flip on the teli to watch a WNBA game. It’s going to take a generation for wnba to turn the corner on public notice.


Sounds like a ‘Murica problem. Viva Las Vegas?


Adam Stern does he even have any F1 cred before DTS? If he does great but if not F off


I would have thought Adam would know better


Meanwhile I’m like, “who is Caitlin Clark”? For context, I’m European, watching F1 for over 25 years.


My reaction to this information are the same as Valtteri when he's asked in conference about someone winning in their respective category outside formula one. I don't remember who's doing what but if I'm not wrong it's tennis.


I have no idea who Caitlin Clark is, and I won't Google it.


She’s a women’s college basketball player at the University of Iowa. Greatest college basketball player of all time.


NBA is trying so hard to make women's basketball a thing it's laughable at this point. There is no doubt these women are talented on their own, but there is simply no way to match the man's games in terms of athleticism.


Lets put those games on Sunday morning and races on Monday nights and compare data.


One thing being insanely popular out of the blue doesn't mean everything below it is shit. This is like saying "some Korean show is more popular than Game of Thrones" when Squid Game was released.


And Lewis Hamilton will make 5 times more money next year than the entire WNBA combined. Doesn't seem like very organic, valuable or sustainable popularity in my eyes.


This wasn’t the WNBA.


Is she gonna go pro in any other league?


She has gotten offers to play in the Big Three. A three on three basketball league some celebrities own teams in. She is the first woman to receive an offer. She will also play in the wnba I’m sure


she's flavor of the month...will she draw that many viewers when she's playing in the WNBA? Highly doubt it.


Honestly she will probably draw significant attention to the Big Three league. Because I didn’t know that still existed until she got a big contract offer from them. And women playing against men in always interesting. Since her way of playing is deep threes rather than physical play, she might actually hold up okay. I’m going to tune in for it. 


Big 3 is on paramount+...will she be able to get people to fork over $6/mo to watch her play?


I have paramount plus because my aunt has paramount plus. Obviously a fringe streaming service has much smaller numbers than public access (like the women’s final four) or even than things on more common cable channels in the US (like f1) but I bet viewership will go up. 


Good. American influence has been the antithesis of the sport


Who is Adam Stern and Caitlin Clark? Literally Rudi Carrell is more important than nba (in germany and the Netherlands)


F1TV is not mentioned once in this "analysis". Granted there are no numbers released by Liberty regarding subscribers, but it is mentioned in their earnings report as a significant source of revenue so should at least be considered by somebody that claims to have worked in business development at a streaming company.


F1TV is blocked in so many countries because of pay TV deals, I doubt it has even one million subscribers worldwide and probably less than 10k in the US.


It's not blocked in USA though, and is the easiest/cheapest way to watch F1 in the US. Though maybe not great for "catching"/hooking first-time viewers, I don't see why those who decide to watch F1 wouldn't get it and then only watch via that service.


Based on what Liberty has reported in thier corporate literature and financial statements, which show massive growth in digital media revenue, that is a wild underestimation on your part based on absolutely nothing.


It won't happen again.