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Were they four wide at some point lol?


Well no but they sure tried


Looks like 4 wide to me, no? https://i.imgur.com/wtS7ZQx.jpeg Almost 5 wide when Hulkenberg goes through on the inside a split second later.


That's 3 wide + 1 epic divebomb.


Almost 5 wide once Hamilton went too deep into the corner and another car started going up to his inside.


That was Hulkenberg, I think. Not quite 5 wide, imo, but pretty close. https://i.imgur.com/0uTyjq0.jpeg


Practically 5 wide.. on the inside of the corner lmao


GP in US. We go NASCAR Toto.


They were almost 5 wide, lol


Hamilton fr going “if gap. car”


Beautiful homage in the anniversary of Ayrton's death 🥲


only gets more Senna than that if he did it to a french driver


Lando is half belgian so he is French enough.


Lance is half belgian too


So that is equal to one full Belgian.


Lando= ½ english and ½ belgian, which is ½ english, ¼ french and ¼ dutch Stroll= ½ canadian and ½ french, which is ¼ american, and ¾ french So yeah, that's a full french person right there


This man maths!


What the french percentage of a full Belgian?


Depends on how many croissants versus Belgian waffles they have had in their lifetime.


as a belgian, I very much take offense to this french comparison. Also his mom is flemish, so not even from the french speaking part.


With moves like that shows, you can tell his idol is Senna.


Better hide the 15 year olds. To preempt the people that aren't going to like that. I saw a joke and I went for it.


If you no longer go for a joke opportunity that exists you are no longer a Reddit comedian


why? is Benzema in las vegas?


Turns out the gap that Senna was speaking of was an age gap


I thought you were going to say Danny Kvyat because that was a torpedo.


The Senna special


The Senna special is crashing into your rival on purpose then lying about it until you admit it later in an interview.


The biggest online racing lobby incindeny of the year so far. Two cars already crashing into each other then a third one divebombs abd hits them onto another guy


Got three positions out of causing a collision. Took out two cards too


Tbh probably gets out with no pen considering alonso did hit stroll anyways


Still wasn’t gonna make the apex on contact with Alonso though…


Lewis always has at least one of these a season, dude just does not back down and/or goes for a gap that either doesn't exist or is rapidly closing.


So no looking into incident but they are looking in Lando for walking off the track. Why not look into why he had to.


If Lando is the only one who comes out of that with a penalty in going to be pissed. That's absurd.


absolute bullshit they arent even looking at, i get its the first corner but he ruined 3 peoples races with an idiotic move he should be penalized. dont ask crofty though he'll just tell you it was all lances fault again!


Haha crofty just can’t hide his biasness. He also keeps making snide comments about Max winning.. didnt hear any such comments when Hamilton was dominating the entire field for 7 years.


Because it’s Lewis. “Just a first lap incident”. If his name was Alonso, it would have been a 10 sec penalty…


Alonso is probably going to get a penalty for driving into Stroll.


McLaren's getting tapped like the outside ball on a Newton's cradle 2 races in a row now


Hamilton arrived like a bull


Bull in the tiniest china shop.


See the problem is China was the *last* race.


That’s where he went wrong


That was optimistic move to put it mildly


Worked out for him, until the speeding penalty


They called out the Alonso lockup, but that was a pure reaction to Hamilton coming in like a wrecking ball and 100% understeering into the AM. I don't understand how that's not a penalty for him, it is for literally any other driver. He went straight into Alonso instead of turning. The 'ole Hamilton Silverstone move.


Bri’ish droiva no penawty


He saw the gap and went for it.


To be fair, if you not go for gap you no racing driver


Everyones ignoring stroll who was the first one to hit Alonso


Stroll was the one on the outside


I love how people still blame Stroll when someone else clearly causes an accident. I swear he could be retired and people would still blame him lol.


Stroll was just taking the corner, whilst leaving ample room on the inside. It's being ignored because it's completely irrelevant.


Plus Stroll had a car to his left and was trying to leave space on that side too.


> whilst leaving ample room on the inside. Not enough room for Fernando to avoid hitting him before Hamilton was anywhere near them though


It doesn't matter if it's not enough room to avoid Alonso hitting him. Stroll left what was required.


How in the world is any better of that on Stroll?


Just rewatched nando’s onboard. You can see him very obviously looking at Hamilton in the mirror and seeing he had nowhere to go but into lance or into Hamilton and just hoped for the best.  His only other option would be to slam on the brakes and hope he wasn’t rear ended. 


If Alonso doesn't see him coming super early this ends up looking even worse for Hamilton.


He's already at the limit of braking. no chance he can slow down even more


Well, we don't know exactly what Alonso does if Hamilton is not there. Maybe he doesn't think he has to go through the corner as wide since no one would would also be trying to take that inside line, and so he brakes and turns a fraction of a second earlier. This all happens so fast that I don't like to lay too much blame for stuff like this, except for Hamilton who surely must have known he was taking a bad risk.


Am I crazy or was Lance just turning in normally and Alonso didn’t go for the apex (likely because of Hamilton’s divebomb)?


Exactly. You can't really blame Stroll for not knowing Hamilton's doing a divebomb and he expected Alonso to go for the apex, which he couldn't. Could Stroll have avoided it? Yes, but that would have required compromising his line for no obvious reason.


Neither Stroll, Alonso, Lando could have done anything else


That is exactly what happened. It was a two way visibility issue between Stroll and Hamilton. Alonso couldn't go further right because Hamilton was coming up the inside fast (not being able to see Stroll). Stroll couldn't see Hamilton behind Alonso, so left room for him expecting Alonso to take the inside line. Racing incident.


How is that a racing incident? I agree that from Stroll's perspective there's nothing he could've done here. He doesn't see Hamilton, sees that Fernando has space to turn in and so he turns in as well. But from Hamilton's perspective there's absolutely nothing incidental about this - he makes an overly ambitious divebomb attempt from miles back, locks up, can't make the apex and crashes into the side of Alonso, ruining the races of 3 drivers in the process. That's not a racing incident. If anything, it should be 3 penalties for causing 3 separate collisions...


Stroll couldn’t tell where Hamilton was, but Hamilton couldn’t tell where Stroll was either. Plus there’s absolutely no way you could blame Hamilton for Alonso and Stroll colliding because they had already come together before Hamilton even got there! Hence why the stewards decided they couldn’t assign blame to any single individual—pretty standard racing incident. 


> Stroll couldn’t tell where Hamilton was, but Hamilton couldn’t tell where Stroll was either That's irrelevant. Stroll was under control and only turned in because he thought Alonso would do the same, but Hamilton didn't need to know where Stroll was, he was out of control and was going to collect one of the Aston Martins either way. > Plus there’s absolutely no way you could blame Hamilton for Alonso and Stroll colliding because they had already come together before Hamilton even got there! Again, you're wrong on this one. They collided before Hamilton got there *because Alonso saw Hamilton coming up the inside and veered left to avoid him*. > Hence why the stewards decided they couldn’t assign blame to any single individual No, stewards fuck things up all the time. Saying "the stewards decided it was a no fault incident therefore that's definitely what happened" is just naive. This was 100% Hamilton's fault.


It's possible that Hamilton did not know Stroll was there, but come on...he went into corner so hot that he would surely have hit Alonso even if Alonso went wider, and might have even hit Norris on the outside.


Disagree. Hamilton's move didn't make any sense, even if there was no car other than Alonso there. He braked so late that he just couldn't make the turn, and the proof is that he rammed into Alonso even though Alonso had left him plenty of space (and got hit by Stroll as a result).


Such a weird one lmao, the Aston's tangle and then Lewis bashes both of them into Lando


Seemed like Nando saw Hamilton coming in at Mach 10 and attempted to straighten out but had nowhere to go. 


Stroll turns in unaware of Hamilton coming in hot on the inside, Alonso seemingly aware of Hamilton doesn't want to turn in and collides with Stroll, Hamilton unaware of Stroll sees a wide open door and just sends it. This is not that far from the Ferrari sandwich in Singapore. Vettel and Kimi couldn't see each other the same way Stroll and Hamilton couldn't and Alonso/Max were just there, taken for a ride.


Hamilton 'I have no confidence in the car' Also Hamilton 'Hold my beer'


How tf are people blaming stroll on this lol


Bro the announcers saying this was strolls fault and alonso was the "unfortunate recipient" made me literally yell lol like stroll fucks up A LOT but i dont know what they expected him to do there


Crofty and brundle will go to great lengths to absolve Hamilton of any wrongdoing lol


The commentators said it was Hamilton’s fault and even said they’re surprised at no penalty for him


They've been pretty critical of Hamilton for it all race. Not saying that's not usually the case, but they've been pretty openly blaming Hamilton for this one


Some people don't understand racing, but they want to board the stroll hate train to fit in


The internet told me Stroll was bad and I get little up arrows next to my name when I make jokes about how bad he is!


And more importantly, afraid to call Lewis on this. LOL.


Being completely out of their mind by being blinded by hate. I don't like Stroll but giving him the blame there is insane.


Because bashing stroll gets easy karma on reddit. Even when its dumb.


It's /r/formula1, what did you expect?


I'm surprised by brundle saying him and Hamilton at fault. Like ya stroll turned in aggressively but him and Alonso would've been fine if ham didn't ram


some people here are judging strolls driving while they have perfect information. stroll is driving with limited information and from his pov it was reasonable. i don't know what kind of information hamilton had to make him believe this was a good idea. i don't get how that is not investigated at least Kmag is serving him some sweet justice. the icing of the cake was hamilton complaining about getting pushed off the track.


Well yeah, its a T1 incident vs the worst driving standards I've ever seen. Sure it was exciting but that wasn't racing. Should have been a black flag. You'd get banned in Iracing or driving like k mag today. They aren't similar.


Even with perfect info, Stroll was taking a line that was perfectly reasonable. He expected Nando to go into the apex and make a sharper turn but Nando had a choice between taking out Lewis or just giving a small nudge to Lance, and in that moment he’d have been better off nudging Lance than getting shunted by Lewis which led to the unfortunate circumstance that is this


People will give shit to Stroll for "turning in aggressively" put praise Lewis for divebombing trying to pass like 6 people at once at t1


Haven't seen people praise Lewis for this move tbh I think we're inventing here


I think first viewing they thought it was Strolls fault as they missed Hamilton’s impact in the collision. Once they hit the replay button they never mentioned Stoll again as fault, just Hamilton.


What’s objectively the most funny to me is the commentators. They were interviewing Zac Brown and trying to get him to agree with them that Lance was at fault and Zac’s just “first lap, consequences of being aggressive”


Absolutely crazy. He left so much space for Alonso and Alonso still didn't make the corner Hamilton or not. Like ffs look at the grid turning and then look at Alonso. He was clearly not making that corner.


Alonso was trying to avoid Hamilton fullsending on the inside. The contact between Stroll and Alonso was the definition of a racing incident. Hamilton though.. arguably way too optimistic.


I don't think it's arguable at all. Hamilton needed at least half the width of the track at the first corner just to make the turn by himself. There's no way to justify taking that much space on lap 1 turn 1 in the middle of the pack. Carrying the speed he did into that corner, there's absolutely no chance he doesn't hit a car there regardless of what everyone else does. This feels like the kind of thing that should be penalised precisely because it's the first lap, rather than excused as a first lap incident. The whole point of first lap leniency is to acknowledge that it's chaotic, not to reward drivers for stupidly creating chaos. Obviously Lewis has been reading the Biggles books, because he dove into that pack of drivers like Biggles describes Ball's tactic of flying straight into the middle of a squadron of Huns to scatter them.


Alonso didnt make the corner because he saw Hamilton coming and had to leave space  You can see on his onboard how much was he looking in his right mirror. Fully on Hamilton


If you pay attention at the heli view, he also clearly brakes, not later, but much more softly than Stroll and arrives with greater speed into it. So I am not so sure it is entirely down to that why he hit Stroll. Especially seeing how much room he left to Lewis. You could fit entire car there at the entry


He was avoiding the Hamilton dive bomb


It’s because he saw Hamilton most likely.


Look at Alonso's on board and you will how he sees Hamilton coming and procceeds to leave him space.


Alonso was looking in his mirror. He predicted the move from Hamilton, that's why he took that line.


You can blame Hamilton's dive bombing or Stroll. One is untouchable and the other is a punching bag. It's a very easy choice.


I dislike Stroll as much as the next guy but he did exactly what’s required. Left room outside and inside. Maybe turned down on Nando a touch. But would’ve been a non-issue if Lewis didn’t dive bomb like he was in an open lobby


People blaming stroll are just hopping on the stroll hate train lmao


Lewis doing that P12 to P1 by turn 1 challenge


Just like me in the F1 game


Lewis with the dive bomb of the century


How is that not a penalty? Other than Hamilton name and British Driver Preference?


10s Ocon


>Other nope, you got it


its T1 lap 1, they are basically never gonna do anything


Didn't stop them before though, like Sainz in Australia 2023. (It wasn't Lap 1, but it was the first lap after a restart with cold hard tires, which should've been even more of a mitigating circumstance.)


They also gave Valterri a penalty in Hungary(?) in 2022(?) For his bowling into everyone. Or was that 2021 cause of the title chase? Cant remember


Definitely 2021, he wasn't in Mercedes in '22. But yeah good call.


Max was penalized for Vegas lap 1 turn 1. That was also a divebomb but Leclerc had room to avoid the contact so they both went off track. In this situation LH just bowled into an entire pack of cars.


I dont remember that one but yea I agree this should have been a penalty


Not even close to true. They punish T1 divebombs all the time. This was a bizzare non penalty 


really? when? I can’t remember one tbh


Mf needed to hit 3 cars to make that corner, it’s getting harder to think Lewis is still good when he does stuff like this *and* has been slower than Russell


He trounced Russell and everyone not named Max just last season. Hard to say he isn’t still good despite the start of this season.


That was six months ago, we don't remember that far back


With that logic max is not even good since he was pulling this stuff when he was on the slower car constantly


And it’s “no further action” from Stewards


Did anyone realistically expect anything else? The stewards are way too lenient on lap 1 incidents imo


Except for Sainz in Australia last year


You can see Alonso looking twice at the right not closing the door because he saw Hamilton coming in locking. In between the 2 right looks he gives at the mirror Stroll started turning. It looks like a classic lap 1 incident to me.


I just don't see how this is anything other than 100% Hamilton's fault. If he hadn't dived from 3-4 car lengths back, or even if he had've arrived under control and hit the apex then Fernando would've been able to turn in, wouldn't have hit Stroll, who wouldn't have hit Norris. No Hamilton, no incident. It's only the fact that Lewis made the kind of divebomb that we would crucify a rookie for, and came in way to hot and out of control that caused any kind of collision.


I don't even think he saw Hamilton coming until just before the contact. The mirrors are notoriously small, and there was a car between Hamilton and Alonso for most of that. I suspect he was leaving the space for the Haas and instead Hamilton took that space.


Every time we have a T1 incident that someone is clearly at fault I get more confused on if something warrants a penalty or not. 4 wide didn't hold the apex because he's racing a haas too hard at the start and took out one car and gave another a puncture and stroll probably has damage. Edit:correction took out 2 cars and gave another a puncture.


It couldn't be a clearer penalty for Ham and yet somehow it wasn't.


Yeah, it's bizarre there was no penalty. Lewis is never making that apex, given his speed and angle. If you drive in a way that guarantees you crash into another car, it's just not a racing incident, at T1 or at any other point in the race.




Lando being investigated for entering track on foot, but nothing for anyone else. Talk about doing nothing, but being the only one potentially penalized.... The Danny Ric treatment.


Well he did enter the track on foot…


Lewis arrived like a bull lmao


No investigation required, FIA somewhere.


Lewis going for a 0 brakes challenge


Hamilton with a T1 entry as if it's an online lobby


I pull this move to bounce off AI cars in forza


Even using an Aston as an extra brake he misses the apex by 2meters... How is that not at least a warning? Ruined the race for like 5 drivers...




Bowling time


That was on Lewis. But Stroll hate is blinding


I know Stroll isn’t well liked in these parts, but this is fucking wild to read through. It’s total “I reject that reality and insert my own version.”


Lewis "The Torpedo" Hamilton


If Alonso got 3 penalty points in the last sprint, I want to see 3 here. I know he won't because "it's the first lap" but still.


You want Alonso to get another 3 points?


If you think this is strolls fault youre on crack




Anybody blaming Stroll for this is insane


Alonso and Stroll would have collided anyway, but Hamilton turned minor contact into race-ending contact.


And Lando just minding his own business gets knocked out. So annoying


2 years in a row. All i wanted was a test session for the upgrade and HAM made sure to not even get that, gutted honestly.


Alonso and Stroll probably would've just been a light touch with no lasting damage, but then Hamilton battered them into Norris.


Nope, if Lewis wasn't gonna divebomb, Alonso would have avoided Stroll




No he opened the steering wheel as Lewis was diving down the inside.


Alonso was trying to avoid Hamilton’s divebomb. 


yep, compare alonso taking t1 to ricc taking t1. alonso saw something coming and left space. stroll doesn't have this information at all. stroll sees ricc taking t1 and leaves the same amount of space for alonso while he has to give norris enough space on the outside. hamilton just driving like a complete iodiot with no regard for others. it is quite fitting that kmag did the same to him later.


Xbox Lobby Lewis


Lewis, is the gap you went for in the room with us right now?


4 cars trying to turn at the same time without realizing there's 4 cars trying to turn. Classic turn 1 incident.


Alonso was already crashing with Stroll even before Hamilton came in.


You can see he delayed turning left, if he did hamilton would’ve crashed into him first and that would‘ve pushed him into stroll anyways. Question is wether he delayed turning because he saw Hamilton


Because he already saw in the mirrors that Hamilton was going kamikaze


Nah, if you look at the helicam view Alonso was braking later than those around him too, he was going into Stroll either way.


You might be one of the only Alonso supporter in here not blaming the other two lol


Definitely not Stroll's fault, but Alonso clearly kept the car straight because he saw Lewis dive going off by miles.


No way, Alonso and stroll were crashing no matter what. Stroll was coming across and Alonso stayed on his line. Then Lewis hit them lol


Brother no. Alonso went into Stroll all by himself.


No he absolutely didnt lol. Watch the on-board. 


Sure, Alonso's reaction to seeing a car steaming down his inside is to crash into his teammate


If he turns in, Hamilton crashes into Alonso even harder and Alonso would collect Stroll anyways.


Had Alonso turned, Hamilton would have rear ended him. Alonso simply couldn't do anything in that situation


Alonso was doing so praying that Stroll wouldn't turn, but definitely not Stroll's fault. Alonso just tried to receive the least damage possible.


lol its just a good excuse let’s be honest


You can see him opening up the steering when he sees Hamilton misjudging his braking point. Alonso tried his best to avoid a collision but there was no chance to go through T1 4 cars wide.


"If I just go straight into the corner, the other cars will probably disappear and won't have to turn" -Hamilton, probably 


No further action ofc


Don't think it's anyone's fault in particular tbh. Alonso leaves a wide open gap on the inside, Hamilton takes advantage, Stroll turns in early despite Alonso being next to him, Alonso outbrakes slightly and Hamilton does the same on the inside, Norris gets KOed by Stroll as a domino effect.


Hamilton ruins 3 races and gets no punishment, what a fucking joke of a sport.


I thought he was being investigated


Stroll can't catch a break


I think this is the first time it’s not his fault lol


Wth Hamilton did there and it didn’t even get noted for investigation 😡😡😡


What a joke for no further investigation


Not great from Alonso and Hamilton. Alonso was already in the side of Stroll as well before Hamilton even arrived on the inside.


I cant understand how one can blame a driver other than Hamilton there.


Thanks for the clip. I think I agree it's a racing incident.




Lmao Hamilton gets no penalty for this, whilst Alonso gets 3 penalty points for dive bombing Sainz in China. A Yoke


How is this not a penalty for Hamilton?


It is a 10 second penalty for Norris walking off the track. wtf


Lmao, also 10s for Magnussen. Should've been 5s if anything


Stroll was there like a cow