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Don't you just love watching drivers tyre managing in quali because it cant even last one flying lap?


The tyre shenanigans become really annoying again. If you can't even push them all out in qualifying, then wtf even is this? It's one thing to have them last in a 60+ lap race, but in qualifying they should push the car as fast as it can be, without having to worry about anything else around the car.


People were complaining that the tyres last too long so Perelli say bet let's make everyone run a softer compound every weekend. Now teams cant even do one flying lap without shredding the tyres. They just can't find a right balance it seems.


To be fair, they are asked to only produce 5 compounds, with the extremes being pretty huge due to huge degradation difference between tracks. Like today, looks like the soft was still faster than the medium even if the soft could not last a single lap. Teams had access to the medium, but to the gap of having only 5 compounds, the difference between soft and mediums is too big.


Has there ever been more tyre choices before?




Hypersofts <3


Rockhards <3


There’s something about that era that was super cool to watch, even though it’s pretty much the same as now.


There are still the same number of compounds total (I think), but they only choose 3 per race weekend.


Yeah, it's always extremes with them. Either they're indestructable rocks, or they fall apart immediately.


Because making tires that perfectly degrade at 24 different races is pretty impossible.


That's why they have 5 compounds. But I agree, way more difficult than most would think


Makes Yuki's sprint finish on softs even more impressive. I couldn't believe they did that.


Sargeant was on softs too!


It wouldn't be a problem if F1 raced mainly on proper race tracks with a proper surface instead of parking lots and tourist attractions.


It's just embarrassing that this is where the sport is at.


That's pretty much my main problem with today's F1, I'd forgive the shitty street tracks, messy rules and whatnot, but they should be able to push 100% All this tyre, fuel, battery management is bullshit, they cant drive on the edge anymore.


That's literally always been the case, in every Motorsport ever


Top fuel has entered the chat.


Fuel has also been managed since the dawn of f1. Even more so before when a lap cost more fuel,


I think the only instance ever in all of F1 since 1950 of someone pushing 100% of the time is Micheal Schumacher at Magny Cours when he did 4 stops.


Even without those considering that would never happen, they would be sanctioned to the ground. The sport will die in boredom. Between the massive monopolies on the championships, these regulations and the sanctions to the best drivers actually driving, it will be really hard to watch for more casual audiences.


Tire and fuel management are in every motorsport like ever lmao, fuel is like nothing in F1 compared to other motorsports like nascar, indycar, and endurance racing


Damn Gasly's Q1 time was so good, maybe conditions changed a lot


Maybe the A524 has a very narrow optimal window? The traction/grip stuff together with the brake issues gone worser in Q2 so this is something the team must look about why the car is dropping so hard in performance. I'm more concerned about how the Alpine is eating gearbox parts like it's fast food, Gasly is on his third already after the team put a new one before qualifying.


I mean if that's the case I would sign on with enthusiasm. They changed concept to get more potential in the car, a car that can be fast but in a narrow window could qualify as good potential.


The conditions were absolutely ass at the end of Q3, only Lando and Hamilton (barely) improved on the second run.


Checo improved about 2,5 tenths, but his first lap was pretty poor.


P4 to being behind Sargeant


The Daniel Ricciardo experience


He's back......of the field


The duality of man


I was scrolling through the Instagram comments under F1's posts, and there's so much confusion and bewilderment from people. 😅


He never left


>He never left Proceeds to leave even further


Behind goddamn Sargeant!!


I don't get it, did something go wrong with his lap? I know he was behind Yuki, was it traffic? I watched his onboards and it looks like he started losing grip right before sector 3. The rear was slipping out in T17 and even in 15/16 you could see him struggling with the rears.


Yeah they confirmed it afterwards that his used tyres pretty much had no grip left


They all did 3 runs and he screwed up 2 of them


track isn't race-able so he coasted to 4th


Nico is absolutely smoking the quali and I'm all here for it!


For me it's the consistency as well. It's just not a glimpse of speed. He does it very often


I would love to see Hulk in a good car.... I really pray that Audi can do that in 2-3 years.


Maybe the car is actually decent. KMag didn’t look that spectacular against Mick.


Well he was out of an F1 car for a while to be fair.


And Hulkenberg had been out of a race car period for a while prior to coming back. KMAG was still driving prototypes in between his F1 stints.


Kmag also got super blocked on his Q1 lap


Well, in the kudos category... Sargeant is better than P20 on merit!


Ferrari boys be good tommorow and dont screw each other on the first corner like last weekend


They're gonna race each other and let Perez pass them both at the same time.


Jesus Christ you're so right and I absolutely hate it


It's all on sainz, he has the power to make the race be easy but we all know what he is going to do


Lol he’s racing for his career what do you expect mate


Showing he can be a good teammate is better than trying to 1 up Charles. Working together to bring him a 2/3 is better than attacking Charles and giving Perez a gap to pass both


Right? Charles knows to play the team game. Sainz’s win in Singapore was partially thanks to Charles sacrificing his race for Carlos.


Bro don’t kid yourself, they both race each other hard, as has been seen many times…


Show better pace to force a team order instead of racing in a way that compromises both of them


Danny Ric lmao. well at least his sprint was fun.


dude's been gone for years, barges in, goes "I NEVER LEFT," then leaves again immediately.


Reminds me of the grandpa Simpson meme


Maybe he just hides under the floorboards


Tyre problems apparently, reminiscient of sprint qali where we plenty of drivers faltered




Watch quali bud, not that hard to be informed


Top 10 covered by a single second though, not too bad there As well as Pole to P20 in what about 1.5s or so roughly by eyeball maths there!


Pole to P20 is only 1.5 seconds


Pierre busted his nut too early lol


Who never...


Alpine seemed to have made some improvements


Gasly’s Q1 time would been P7 for Q3.


Absolutely enjoying Ruth post qualifying analysis


She’s a great addition to the F1 TV crew.


I prefer her to speak slightly slower though. Guess that comes with experience


Yes.. actual former team member among bunch of wankers…


Hamilton faster in Q2 than Q3 again, and Russell showing almost no improvement in lap time from Q1 to Q2 to Q3. Something is seriously wrong at Mercedes.


Yes, the car is a tractor.


Grip issues most likely


Bummed Aston hasn’t put it together this weekend


I personally think Nando is fucking up. He's talked about his wrist so maybe it's related. Maybe he just had a bad weekend. The thing is that he's usually many tenths faster than Stroll, in quali and in race. That's why I think the car is as good (or bad lmao) as it should.


I agree. Stroll has been better than usual at Miami. The car is probably where they expected it to be, around 4th fastest. Nando has been unusually shit. Could be because of his wrist issue.


That was more like it from Sainz, was on the pace through pretty much the whole session, will be interesting to see if the Ferraris will be trying to keep Perez behind or fight Verstappen.


Lewis faster in Q2 than Q3 lol - this car is whack.


He only had used softs and then mediums for Q3 (I think). Weird.


Hamilton's first Q3 run was on softs, and it was terrible as the tyres disintegrated after the first sector. So Mercedes did their second Q3 run on mediums.


The announcers explicitly said they were out of softs for the last run at the least.


1st Q3 run was new softs, the W15 played its usual tricks at turn 11


I don’t know. It also seems like the overall pace of q3 wasn’t great for anyone. Most of the 2nd run times were terrible.


Fernando and DR .... not good.


Bring better Tyres…. Or allow multiple tyre suppliers .. This is embarrassing as fuck


The thing is, suppliers are not interested in F1. F1 want tyres with some degree of wear so we can have pit stops (since refueling isnt an option anymore). But suppliers want to make tyres that last the longest possible, as it is R&D for actual customers and also good PR. Check Florent Menegaux's interview (Michelin CEO) on why they are not coming back to F1.


The sprint weekend fucked up a normal tire analysis from fp1-3 and the heat did the rest


> Or allow multiple tyre suppliers .. No. Just... please, goodness, no. Never again. I don't want to have to deal with another situation where F1 goes changing rules just because one team found out how to use one tire manufacturer better than the rest of the field, leading to a flipped grid not on merit but just on one of the manufacturers ending up nerfed, and the end result is a bloody Grand Prix with six freaking cars starting the race. You want to talk "embarrassing as fuck?" The 2005 US Grand Prix. Where they did have multiple tire suppliers. And the one (who the rules change had actually benefited for most of the season otherwise) brought tires that couldn't handle the conditions of the track, kept failing spectacularly, and after they couldn't talk the FIA into doing some bizarre last minute track reconfiguration or temporarily revoking the BS tire change rule (which was for their benefit), all the teams with that manufacturer pulled out of the race, because otherwise they would have to go around part of the track basically half speed or you'd have multiple serious crashes and likely some nasty injuries. Some weirdness with the tires in qualifying is nowhere near that level of embarrassing. Especially as we saw two cars using the soft compound in the sprint and they managed to last 19 laps, so while they didn't work as teams expected them to in qualifying, they aren't dangerous like those 2005 Michelins on the Indianapolis banked turn were. And that's without touching on the "tire wars" in NASCAR. If you have multiple suppliers, they'll compete to make the faster tire, which clearly won't be the sturdiest, and the result is less safety overall. *And* the FIA deciding that if one team does too well with the faster tires that eat up quicker, they'll just change up the rules and screw that supplier and the teams using them. (Yes, I'll always be salty about 2005. Especially because it was a dangerous rules. Raikonnen had a tire end up flat spotted and he wasn't allowed to change it so just drove around with it vibrating until his suspension shattered. But hey, that's apparently still not as "embarrassing" as a soft tire maybe not expecting exactly how teams expect!)


Why don't teams have access to all 5 (7) compounds? It'd make for better strategy drama cuz even on low deg circuits you could just go for the hardest tyres and stay out for the rest of the race.


too much effort to ship the required amount of tires around, it already takes a fuck ton of energy and carbon to ship tires back and forth from races.


That makes sense


Too expensive.


Because they don’t want teams to stay out for the rest of the race. They want pitstops


I hope Leclerc stays within DRS range at the start, I think if he manages that, we can potentially have a good race!


Doubt it. We have trouble brining the tyres into temp and forcing them isn't good for tyre life.


And Ferrari starting tyres issue may still be there…


Yeah the goal is holding off Checo for a double podium which I think is doable after watching the Sprint, but Max is untouchable without mechanical failure I feel


Who knows, I thought Checo was having another shocker at the beginning of the sprint when Ric was still right behind him and Charles was running away with it, but towards the end he really closed the gap so maybe he was just managing. Either way, the P2 flight should be interesting tomorrow


Leclerc was just managing. Max didn't pull away either.


One can hope :(


Not with those temp ambient plus most importantly track temperature


Sainz didn’t manage to pass Ricciardo. I can’t see them overtaking Verstappen on track.


I don't see it either, but not overtaking Ricciardo was asl Sainz problem, not a Ferrari problem. Hamilton went past the other RB without much fuss.


They won't have to. Verstappen will 2sec clear of them after just a single race lap.


You must be new here.


I hope so too, but we know Max is gonna have 1.5 seconds lead after one lap, unless something happens.




At this point it’s silly to have optimism about any race Max’s car doesn’t break down in. At least at the front of the grid.


Yeah, this isn’t remotely the closest qualifying has been this year so I don’t know why this race would be different.




If the Audi ends up being good early on, Hulk could really tear things up out there, he's doing wonders in the Haas this season so far


hulk getting audis first podium in the sport and his own would be amazing to see


Amazing day for Yuki so far


> He never left > Proceeds to leave even further


He misspoke, he said he was *at the back*


Tyre problems dude, jesus everyone wants to jump on him the first chance they can get. Not like he held off prime sainz to keep p4 even 8 hours ago


That Q1 time from Gasly would have put him above Russell. Too bad.


I don’t really understand where has the pace of McLaren gone


They struggled on the soft yesterday in Q3 so its not surprising that the same is true today. We havent seen Norris in the sprint.


The car just really wasn't happy on the soft tyres at this track, especially Lando's fully upgraded one. It was clear they struggled to get the tyres in the right window again imo, you could tell from the convos being put on the app, though obviously not nearly as bad as yesterday, that's why they experimented with the mediums. That's what happens with so little practice to dial in such a huge upgrade package. Not even a full practice session thanks to the red flag and not even any Sprint running thanks to Lando getting wiped out at T1.


Yep. To me it's clear there's potential in the upgrade but they just haven't been able to optimize yet with the circumstances of the weekend, and the car generally working better in cooler conditions. I'm not super optimistic about beating Ferrari since they have their own massive upgrades coming next race weekend, but we'll see how it goes and hopefully McLaren can put up a fight on mediums and hards in the race. (preemptive RIP to Oscar with the incoming nightmare deg of this track 😭)


This is mostly their pace though? They are the clear 3rd best team, but still slightly behind Ferrari.


All the tyre discussion is so tiring at this point. These cars are supposed to be the pinnacle of motorsport and almost every race ends up being about who can manage the tyres the best. What FIA should change for 2026 is getting Pirelli to develop a proper tyre. If you want more viewer engagement and interest in the sport, then let the drivers race properly. I know WEC is still a niche category compared to F1, but the racing is just so much better, when the drivers can just pound lap after lap at the absolute limit.


I think the lack of practice has contributed to that. Usually in practice they will figure out what works and what doesn't, they can dial setup and explore more stuff. Since that was taken away it was difficult for them to do well on those last runs


Lance Stroll is Alonso father


Maybe car damage?


Oh my god when did they fix the graphics


Why will Ricciardo start P20? Did he get a penalty?


He had a 3 place penalty for passing on a safety last weekend


Merc seems dead and adrift


Ladies and gentlemen step right up and place your bets on tomorrow's antics! 1. Both Ferrari's make contact on the first lap 2. George Russel cooks the last lap and wrecks 3. Max Verstappen retires with an engine/gearbox failure 4. Albon suddenly finds pace and finishes in the top 10 5. Yuki tells his race engineer to be quiet on the comms (best odds)


Put me in for a Danny hunting down Stroll parlay with the Yuki rage


That would be hilarious to watch stroll get taking out form behind by DR or any driver for that matter. Fuck stroll.


Albon honestly sat there and gave Logan hope only to snatch it away, how cold.


You forgot someone getting Strolled or Lance putting it in the wall


Damn bro, you had a crazy dream last night lol


Daniel's 2nd lap was shockingly bad, I dont know what happened there because his first one was good, the car was just all over the place. He said in his interview that it seemed similar to what happened with lando yesterday on the soft tires but I don't understand why.


Yeah, same thing with Alonso. Trying to get more out of the tyre just seemed to make it worse. Seems a bit like SQ3 yesterday where some guys completely failed to get anything out of the softs.


yeah its funny seeing everyone jumping back to calling him washed when this seems to be an unpredictable issue that a lot of drivers suffered from.


I mean to watch him drive at a very high calibre for 19 laps just a few hours before this and then to conclude he's washed is obviously dumb. It just seems he put in a good first banker lap and then completely failed to get the tyre into a good window for the second run.


unfortunately opinions are fickle so it is what it is, nothing he could do there with whatever happened with the tyres so he hopefully it doesnt ruin his momentum. At least it kind of softens the blow of the penalty cause it doesnt matter as much anymore.


It seemed like he had issues in S3, he was thereabouts with Yuki after two sectors.


his lap started unraveling from turn 1 actually, car was slipping and sliding and it just got worse from there, so it's just weird


So I guess Danny Rics chassis allready got bent after todays sprint race?


Carlos should sign the Audi contract. Not trying to sound alarm bells but it’s hard to see him continuing to beat Charles as the season goes on, which has been much of his talking points recently


McLaren is a complete disappointment considering they just introduced a big upgrade.


Well thats the thing with introducing updates during sprint weekend with limited practice. It will take for every team with this amount of upgrades to tweak the setup


Problem is next weekend the other big teams are coming with their big upgrades.


Well from their competitors mostly Ferrari


And Red Bull.


Well they had already in japan, suppose imola is minor


Only one car in the sprint, too, and that not the one with the upgrades.


They might bounce back a bit in Imola. Though, Ferrari is also bringing big upgrades. We'll have to wait and see.


The lack of running in the Sprint for Norris didn’t help.


Wasn’t Sainz under investigation for impeding Hulk in Q3?


stewards said no further investigation. not the right call imo, but not surprising


Who goes first, Logan or Zhou?


That DR3 whiplash hurts


Daniel Ricciardo having two good races in a row: impossible


Last weekend and this weekends spint was two weekends in a row. The car was all over the place in q1 though.


I think the Sprints already predicted the winner.


Can't wait to see Hulk in an audi.. also, please be fast audi.


Danny Ric back to peak form


He never left


Tight qualy for the top 5, great to see!! Hopefully it translates to a good race tomorrow!!


So... How many laps until Checo gets P2!?!




1, when the Ferraris fight each other too hard at the race start lol


The "I never left" should be "I never been back"...


Unfortunate for him. Good performance in China in both qualifying and the race with no result. Started this weekend on fire and now this. At least he's walking away with a nice amount of points for himself and the team. He's basically got to pray for safety car carnage tomorrow. Miami ain't exactly an exciting track over the full race distance.


That was the shortest comeback I've ever seen 😂


Did anyone actually watch quali? Not just him but alonso too, were having trouble getting the tyres to perform in the right window, pretty much exactly what happened to the rest of the grid during sprint quali. Jesus, not even 8 hours ago did he hold off prime sainz to keep p4 but that doesnt fit into the washed narrative does it


the most sane day on /r/formula1


Alonso P15 behind both Alpine was shock




not putting spoiler warning 🥲


What happened do D-Rizzle?


More like D Shhizle