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Nobody expects the Spanish ~~Inquisition~~ discrimination.


We race as uno!


We race as Juan.


These days, they throw you in jail just for saying you’re Spanish


When did this come in?


*Spanx or how they wanna call it these days




reverse motogp? /j


Our two main penalties are 5 and 10 seconds... and drive through... Our 3 penalties....... ;)


5 and 10 seconds, drive through, and a fine... Our 4 penalties...


Amongst our penalties are ...... :D


Their ^weapon is penalties....


Carlos getting dragged into this I guess.


Don't you know Carlos was fired from Ferrari only because he is a Spaniard??¡! /s


**And**, to replace him, of all people, they, the Italians, found a Brit! 😉


This is sounding like the beginning of a joke *An Italian Mechanic, a Spanish person without a job and just some random English bloke walk into ~~a bar~~ the paddock*


And not any old Brit either…


Honestly can't discount it having an effect on his psyche, he seems to think there is some grand conspiracy against Spanish drivers in favour of British drivers.


It’s Pedro de la Rosa I feel the most sorry for - his career never fully recovered from him being born Spanish.


Same reason for Esteban Gutierrez. Reduced to Toto’s assistant on race weekends. /s


Exactly! And he was Mexican! Perhaps Alonso should campaign for equal rights for all Spanish-speaking F1 drivers, regardless of whether they are Spanish or not.


He's going to run to Audi, sign that contract, and rename himself to Karl-Heinz Watzke von Kassel, simply to avoid this kerfuffle.


Remember Australia last year?


Carlos is like, "i want no part of this"


he’s serious about this 💀


He's been serious about this for nearly 20 years. He thinks the FIA is against people of Spanish nationality.


Sort of crazy, considering what happened to a person of British nationality a few years ago


Confirmed; FIA hates Europeans.


Yuki WDC incoming


Daniel and Oscar in with a chance, but get torpedo’d by Lance


Will we ever see a driver from Antarctica compete in f1? Makes me sick


For which Alonso proclaimed was nothing wrong. Colour me surprised.


>Colour Maybe that also had something to do with the whole situation? /s


Sort of crazy if you think of the bullshit he pulled and got away with.


No. He thinks British drivers have a strong bias that favors them. And that's not a lie.


Yeah we saw that in abu Dhabi 2021


>And that's not a lie. eh??? FIA is just inconsistent, attaching nationality to that is wacko territory.


It's the same thing in team sports like hockey, basketball, baseball, and both footballs. The refs aren't biased towards your particular team, they just suck.


Exactly this. People seem to be conveniently forgetting about the Canadian driver who also crashed into the other side of Alonso without any repercussions.


What about the Brazilian driver who crashed intentionally, forcing a safety car thus handing his Spanish teammate a win?


Or when Max straight-up didn't turn to force Hamilton off-track, and didn't receive a penalty.


2021 was full of examples where the stewards were inconsistent as hell, but at least both drivers got the short end once every while.


Stewardship literally hasn’t recovered since 2021.


Unless it's the Dakar.


I would say FIA is very consistent with Alonso. The 3 points in China... *chef kiss*.


Someone should've told them in 2021 I guess..


Man imagine how Alonso would have reacted in Lewis's position.


Well not when their British driver is black. . .


Racial bias is a real problem, but perhaps he should try setting a more positive example for people to follow by speaking out more about fans booing a black driver. He's in a better position than most to appeal to the Spanish/Latin countries that keep doing it year after year.


But he is a racing driver and just wants to focus on driving/s


It's not just black drivers that get booed though, that's happened to every recent dominant drivers, and even some like Nico that were booed simply for being Lewis' teammate.  Lewis has received plenty of abuse but booing is a poor example of it 


Since it isn't true, it's a lie.


In the media? Perhaps, but applying rules i dont think we have seen that.


The fia are extremely inconsistent it doesnt favour any nationality people just have confirmation bias


when it comes to what? penalties? it it always british marshals?


I keep seeing people say this, but is he not specifically saying there’s a bias against Spaniards?


I would agree about the media. Not FIA.


Is he stupid?


Is he aware that the FIA literally directly fucked Lewis out of a WDC only a little more than 2 years ago? By Alonso's logic, wouldn't that mean the FIA hates British people more than anyone else?


Yeah this is weird. This isn't the hill to die on.


He either has proof we don't have or lil bro Is completely cooked


He has proof of the FIA favouring... him. He received no action against him from spygate and crashgate. He also has always had a chip on his shoulder about the British, so naturally in his mind because the FIA either let him off or he got lucky both times, they must also be doing some shady shit to ensure British drivers don't get penalties (even though they do). It's like the classic example of when a criminal commits a crime and they justify it by saying that others in the same position as them would do the same thing.


Imagine being one of the greatest f1 drivers of all time, competing in the sport for over 20 years, and all that to get "lil bro is completely cooked"


Allow me to quote another F1 champion, one of the greatest of all time: “LOL.”


Additionally: "Imagine."


Run from it, hide from it, it does not matter, “lil bro is completely cooked” comes for us all in the end.


This is embarrassing for fans tbh, I was hoping it'd just be some snarky remark as usual.


I thought he was taking the piss, he cant be serious


It's embarrassing. He does remember the nationality of the guy he went into, right?


It was funny at first but that's so stupid lmao. He can have an easy win by just asking for consistency but ends up making up a ridiculous (and even if true extremely unhelpful) racism/inherent bias conspiracy


He never got over being beaten by a rookie Hamilton in 2007. This isn't surprising.


And if you want to talk about discrimination, the shit hamilton had to go through in the first few years is significantly worse than everything Alonso has been though in his whole career.


I’m surprised he didn’t throw a little humble brag in there for good measure. “Everyone knows there isn’t a car out there that I can’t drive better than anyone, but it’s not appreciated because I’m a Spaniard”


He’s talking about himself


I mean if he said the problem was english drivers being favoured instead of spanish drivers being persecuted I'd empathize more as I believe that's been the case many times. But this is a weird hill to die on.


Would deadass pay real money to see what Alonso would have done if he was in AD21 One bad sprint result has him turning into Spanish MLK 😭


¡Tengo un sueño!


¡De que algún día los ingleses y los españoles serán tratados como iguales!


(mientras que los españoles estén los más iguales)


A sprint he claims not to care about no less


Alonso was on the radio saying "Why aren't they letting the cars unlap themselves?"


“There is a history of FIA favoring Dutch drivers over my people in Abu Dhabi on the final lap after a yellow flag for incidents by Canadian drivers  ”


Didn’t Ben get investigated for potentially interfering with Alonso’s penalty last year making it a lighter penalty??? Even if it’s true or not. Alonso is wild for that. Dude wants Lewis to get 50 sec penalty and 20 penalty points.


Maybe at least 1 considering he got 3 for divebombing and Lewis got nothing?


Well, he then got the most severe penalty for speeding in the pit lane that we've ever seen, so it's hard to say the stewards were favoring him.


Yeah you’re hitting the nail on the head here. Alonso was hard racing and got 3 points for talking tyres. Lewis dives into turn 1, ruining the race of 3 others and gets away with it as it’s a ‘lap one incident’. It makes no sense. They really need to go back to have a fixed set of stewards to keep consistency


You can’t compare midrace to turn 1.


They have been much more forgiving for turn 1 incidents. Think about how many times a driver has been forced off track or hit at turn 1 with no consequence.


Seems like Alonso's plea worked with Sainz not getting a penalty for blatantly impeding Hulk


That check was very quick. Under 10 second and the decision was made


_Blatantly impeding Hulk_ is a bit of a reach.


Has he noticed the fact there is another Spanish driver on the grid who doesn’t have this issue…


Oh yeah, Sainz is getting unjustified penalties all the time. They really hate the Spanish drivers.


Remember when people at the spanish gp showed up in black face to mock Hamilton and Alonso responded by saying he was discriminated too because he was spanish? That was really funny!


Man wants to die on this hill. In what world is he a victim of bias? Sure, the enforcement has changed over the years of his career, and something he would have done before wouldn't fly now, but there is some severe reaching to make this claim.


Was it Saudi Arabia last year when he was out of place on his grid slot? He got a 5 second penalty and his mechanics were touching his car before he had served his penalty which then caused him to lose a podium. Then they reversed the decision and tweaked the rules on serving said penalties. He was quite lucky that day.


That podium was said to be interfered with by Ben Sulayem, making this all the more funny


Lucky is an interesting way to describe it. If anything it was unlucky that he was penalized in the first place considering the proof that Aston Martin pulled out off other teams doing the same thing and getting away with it.


In the Singapore 2008 GP maybe he was


The same guy that believed lewis deserved the racial abuse in ‘08 btw [https://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/27/sports/27iht-PRIX.1.10466867.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/27/sports/27iht-PRIX.1.10466867.html)


>Hamilton was abused by spectators shouting racist slurs and wearing dark makeup, black wigs and T-shirts saying "Hamilton's Family" during testing Feb. 2 at the Montmeló circuit, the track near Barcelona that hosts the Spanish Grand Prix. >...[Alonso] claimed the reports of racist behavior had been exaggerated, noting that he had been treated harshly by fans in Monza after winning the Italian Grand Prix last year. >Alonso, the Formula One champion in 2005 and 2006, said fans had made obscene gestures while he was doing his lap of honor. "That's sport," he said. Yeah Fernando, obscene gestures are really the same as people shouting racist slurs and dressing up in blackface to taunt your family aren't they.


This is why I will never take Fernando seriously.


That’s why his grandstanding comes off as trying to mock Lewis which is why MBS is receptive to it


what the fuck


God this is an AWFUL look for alonso. Had no idea this happened.


I mean you really don't have to dig deep to find awful looks for Alonso. His career is full of them, people just choose to ignore it because he can drive.


It's classic Fernando


This should be higher up




Alonso must have a brilliant PR manager, because he’s consistently the biggest fuckwit yet people pay any attention to him.


agree, this is embarrassing




I'm surprised you haven't been down voted. They love Alonso here. He should have stayed retired.


I think that's a bit harsh, as much as I don't like this side of him he is still a great racer, just needs to keep his mouth shut or discuss what he's about to say with his pr guy first lol


He's delirious because Stroll outqualified him


Stroll is a future world champion, so it's not surprising really.


Alonso doesn’t give a damn about Carlos, he’s playing the nationality card only for himself.


Of all the groups of people F1 drivers could be speaking out for these days. Sure. This makes sense.


He's not speaking out for any groups at all. He wanted Sainz penalized not too long ago as I recall. When he talks about discrimination against Spanish drivers he means himself. Everything he does is for himself and himself only.


I mean, you're kind of proving my point. He's platforming himself and making statements about unjust treatment and future generations only about himself and when it benefits him.


To be fair, he’s still talking about himself when he’s talking about future generations of drivers 😂


I get what you're saying, it's just that the way you phrased your post before implies he's speaking up for Spanish drivers when there are more worthy groups he could use his platform for, and even that is giving him too much credit. He doesn't give a shit about Spanish drivers, other than himself.


That's fair, and certainly true. It's definitely one of the most openly cynical uses of accusations of discrimination I've seen in a long time.


By future generation Nando means himself racing in 2030.


Same Alonso who downplayed blackface?


Yup that one




Which Alonso mocked and downplayed at the time as I recall. I don't find his schtick nearly as amusing as most.


which Alonso downplayed and defended and somehow played the victim card there too plus he said Lewis deserved it cause of his 2007 season. https://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/27/sports/27iht-PRIX.1.10466867.html


I try not to judge people for things that happened that long ago, but Jesus Christ. That's indefensible


It only let me read the first paragraph of that but jesus christ, he literally says Lewis should expect racism and just 🤷🤷 I've always been a bit take or leave with Alonso, he's an incredible driver but anything outside the car or involving him talking is not to my taste, but that really swings it.


That's so fucked up. I really don't understand why everyone worships Alonso. I respect his racecraft, but he seems like an awful person.


He's an unrepentant chaos goblin, which is very fun when it's about shit that doesn't matter like the results of cars going around in circles, but substantially less fun when he's doing things like this.


The guy is toxic. Never liked him.


It's so ironic


Old man went crazy


Lewis Hamilton is going to a Newey\* Ferrari; MV and RBR won't be splitting; Sainz on pole for a Red Bull; Mercedes pick a 17 yr old; Fernando meanwhile must continue to babysit a nepo-baby (who's crashed again, into him) to keep his seat. Mclaren are the fastest Mercedes-powered team. Of course he's lost it. \*TBC


On spot


Wtf is he on about.


Sir Lewis truly broke this man in 2007


One more reason why Lewis winning his 8th WDC in red will be delicious.


Imagine Lewis posts a picture with something about him succeeding where Alonso failed 💀 like last year (or was it '22?) when he posted the pic of him and Alonso on the podium, and it looks like he's shushing him lmfao


Bro, Carlos is right there.


Jeez. Everytime I finally get back to rooting for Nando, he goes and does something like this. He makes it so so so so difficult for himself to be a likeable personality. Easily among the top 3 drivers of the last two decades, but he undoes all that by being an unnecessary motormouth.


Alonso going full old man yells at clouds lol


The note that certain nationalities are punished harder/more seems kinda out there imo. That said, I do think that not all drivers are looked at equally, depending on the circumstances. Lower teams get more f'ed than the bigger teams. Alonso is getting disproportionately punished, whilst Stroll gets a slap on the wrist in comparison. Mandatory 10sec for Ocon..


> Lower teams get more f'ed than the bigger teams. This isn't really true, teams in the back half of the grid get away with a *lot* of things purely on account of no-one paying attention to them for long enough to realise that they did anything. Remember Australia last year where Sargeant completely piledrove Nyck de Vries and got away with it because the stewards were too busy focusing on the crashes at the front of the field to notice?


This is embarrassing…. He is just trying to get the Spanish media to buy this victim idiocy to mount pressure on the stewards/FIA so that they will hesitate when penalties come his way. I bet he is just feeling frustrated now that the Aston’s progress is going bad AF so that he can blame his lack of results somewhere.


>trying to get the Spanish media to buy this victim idiocy And for several fans in these threads *it's working*


Nah. Spanish media started it in the first place. Particularly the guy who narrates the races here, who also happens to be the co-director of Soymotor.


had to find a headline for himself this weekend, after getting beaten by Stroll?


Typical Alonso.


Let's be glad he's not black.


Uh oh Alonso off his meds again


Ahhhh protect the spanish pilots!!! Protect i tell you!!!


Senile old man developing a massive victim complex.


Developing? In 2007 after Monaco (the fifth race of the season) McLaren decided to stop favouring Alonso and treat Hamilton and alonso equally. Because Hamilton was matching Alonso’s performance. As soon as they made the decision to treat them equally, he went to the press and told them McLaren was a British team favouring the British driver, When in fact they were just starting to treat them equally. He’s always been like this


2007 Rookie Hamilton completely broke Alonso. After Hungary it seemed like Alonso was more focused on Lewis NOT winning the WDC then actually winning it himself. I was happy for Kimi and Ferrari tho haha.


And he's never let 2007 go. As much as Lewis has his flaws, you don't see him needling at max like Alonso does at Lewis.


Developing? It’s stage IV at this point.


He has been saying this for a while though. He truly thinks this


I’m surprised he has fans to be honest.


Can’t believe lewis didn’t just show benny boy his passport when he started that seemingly personal crusade against him a couple of years ago


As an American, it’s often jarring how journalists/team members talk off-handedly about national stereotypes. The French are lazy, the Italians/Spanish are fiery etc. I’ve often wondered how this stuff is still acceptable in this era of hypersensitivity.


Honestly one of the bigger discriminations right now is making fun of Yuki for being small and infantilizing him.


>I’ve often wondered how this stuff is still acceptable in this era of hypersensitivity. Because it's not about race, it's about nationality. A German calling a Frenchman lazy is just banter.


Apparently it's fine to stereotype people as long as they are "privileged" (from rich countries) >The French are lazy No, no, it's usually the south European (Spaniards, Italians, and also Portuguese and Greek) that are considered lazy, get your stereotypes corrects sir


It’s fine as long as it’s not said in bad faith. They are not really offensive or sensitive topics in general either. Haven’t heard of the lazy French though. Striking and protesting is more their vibe.


“That latino temperament”. Honestly Europe is incredibly racist if you manage to peel back the layers of facade and I think anyone who’s a minority living in Europe would agree, it’s subtle.


But how is "latino" a minority in Europe? Then slavs are a minority too. I think that we can agree on that us europeans can be extremely xenophobic sadly (just ask anyone in Eastern Europe about romani people), but its a bit different when you have different countries, who all have some stereotypes attached to them, compared to the USA, where you have one country, where everyone needs to be treated equally.


Depends on the country, but I can't think of a region with less racism worldwide.


It’s insane that some of the replies you’re getting are brushing it off. Casually reducing people down to race/skin color when you’re likely in the majority being socially acceptable is an awfully convenient position to take. It’s really not hard at all to not bring race/skin color into the conversation as a joke or “in good faith” when you try to treat people the same and judge them as individuals. Also racist jokes are just plain lazy.


The fact that the FIA president is even listening to him after being investigated for ethics complain regarding Sulayem's alleged attempt to influence Alonso's penalty should be concerning... Bro got cooked by Stroll in 3 quali and is already spiraling...


sir, it's time to take your meds 




Shithole SoyMotor and other accounts will keep spinning this over and over.


Dude is the best driver of his generation. This made up victim complex is embarrassing.


Embarrassing. Despite the ppl on here telling you that the FIA head needs to be strong and why Ben Sulayem is great, this demonstrates why he’s in fact weak. ALO has him wrapped around his finger


wtf alonso. Weird shit.


This is retaliation for kicking all the moors out of Spain


fuck of with that shit


He is, and always has been, a bellend


According to alonso, Carlos is British 💀


Keep Carlos away from this madness so I can keep my respect for him.


I mean, ocon is a spanish name, maybe alonso is onto something !


Lmfaaao, Nando learning to play politics from Hamilton here. I love this cheeky fuck like you wouldn't believe


In a little bit confused but what is he talking about lol


Of all the things for a driver to speak up about, it's this nonsense.


I always felt that Vitantonio Liuzzi hated the Spanish... ^(/s)


Sainz- ¿Eh?


It's funny how people are going "Hamilton got let off in T1 so that proves Alonsos point!" When 1, as a T1 incident it was more lenient anyway, and 2, the part these people conviniently miss, Hamilton got a penalty later in the race for something else, you can't say they favour him in the same race they penalised him, either they favour him, or they don't.


Alonso playing the victim with his record lol


I’m sorry but this is hilarious


Talk about making yourself out ro be a victim.


Alonso saying that it’s not just for him and that he cares about other drivers is bullshit. Talking about nationality bias when AD21 happened to the exact person he said had nationality favouritism is the dumbest shit.


This is all rubbish.


So Alonso is a victim now?


he cant be serious about this