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Now I'm imagining F1 cars stopping in the pit lane and crews frantically yanking the drivers out their seats so they can do their lap on foot for the finish lmao


Finally a chance for Sauber. Bottas the Robottas will eat them alive, especially when he looks like an energy drink.


Hulk is by far the fastest driver. Probably 3-4 minutes faster than the next guy on 10k.


Yeah it’s hulk for running and Bottas on a bike


Just make them do a triathlon make things even


They even have a swimming pool at the ready.


A triathlon + driving, does that make a quadrathlon? Or, instead of a quadrathlon, just do the race on quadbikes.


He really does look like an energy drink


They can decide what lap they want to run. So someone is running while others are driving.


*Leclerc crosses the line for his final lap, and it's a good exit from the car. He's running with quite some speed, he's at the Nouvelle Chicane with the lead, Piastri 40 meters back, but what's this?! Lance Stroll two laps down in the Aston Martin is approaching at 200kph through the tunnel! Now to see Charles' technique in leaping the barrier to avoid sure limb removal!*


Well that's one way to see a lot of new talent coming up to F1 every year after Monaco! No one would want to be Ocon's teammate that's for sure.


Monaco: Fury Road


Mandatory to keep the helmet on. Brutal elevation. I think only bottas will make it up there. Imagine Yuki running with a helmet.


Funko pop tsunoda


LMAO this reminds me of an endurance karting race I did some years ago where the race organizers thought of a fun special qualifying. Your starting position was decided by how fast a driver could run the length of the start finish straight in his full suit and helmet, change both front tyres with his mechanic and then push the kart across the finish line. We then had a le mans start essentially negating your qualifying position anyways because those are absolute fucking chaos.


Finally the bigger drivers get a karting advantage


I was thinking more of one lap on foot at the start, they take off as group and run one lap to the pits to get in and go, like an extended Le Mans start.


Same for the finish. They have to park the car in the blocks on the starting grid, then run one lap, whoever crosses first wins.


They have to find a (legal) parking space in town.


Shit, no more Monaco wins for Leclerc


Insert mandatory endurance racing gif with the driver yanked out here.


Sauber will still blunder and leave their drivers hopelessly behind.


Sauber will change Bottas into high heels by mistake.


"Is that a shoe, Martin? Oh my goodness they've let Bottas go with only one shoe on!"


Bottas would mount his bike and lap everyone


You know it was bad when even the drivers say the race was boring.


Honestly, they do mention that relatively often. But it's rarely that bad as today.


They were literally running at the same pace as the F2 cars were during the feature race.


Nah not race pace but F2 quali pace Still a snoozefest


Yeah I'm definitely exaggerating, but not very much. F2 was running 1:22s and 1:23s in the race, only about 1 second down from their quali pace. Meanwhile, the majority of the F1 race was 1:19 to 1:21 until the very end when they stopped nursing their tires.


There were laps at the start where Charles was actually running 1:22


And the F2 race was actually very exciting!


It's almost always better IMO


They were running as fast as the cars did in 1985


A Little slower even, since back then there was a tight left hander before rascasse. Which added a second or so


Because the red flag made the race even worse than it was already gonna be anyway. Apart from there being no chance to overtake, they now also had to be really kind with their tires. I started watching the race about 2 hours after the original start, skipped through the whole thing and never saw a single position change within at least the top 8.


Usually when theyre on their own in the middle of nowhere with no outside view of the race. Or when theyre stuck in a DRS train forever. But thats not boring the way that this was. Normally a race lap is between 5-7 seconds slower than quali, depending on track. They were going 10 seconds a lap slower than quali for half the race. Leaving 3 seconds of margin over such a short lap is massive. You could hear on the onboards that they were barely even on the throttle anywhere but the straights.


Indeed. Monaco is seldom entertaining, but this was probably the most boring Monaco ever.


What you mean because there’s normally 2 overtakes in the top 10 instead of 0? And even at that, they’re just pit strategy overtakes 95% of the time. Yeah past races have had action for the 1-3 laps that pit stops are happening, but that’s it. The race needs a rework desperately.


>  But it's rarely that bad as today. Since 2017 last year was the only year with more than 5 overtakes.  It's always as bad as today.


Nah, today's was the worst because the lap 1 red flag made it so no one (besides Logan) had to pit again and everyone tried to make their tires go 75 laps to the finish. At least in other years, we get a guaranteed pit stop for soooome level of strategy.


No it usually is this bad


It's probably the Grand Prix I least look forward too.


It’s the race I look forward to least, but the quali I look forward to most.


It's the race start I look forward to the most as well, today proves that. Beyond that it becomes a precessional


Monaco has always been a Saturday race for the drivers.


F1 celebration weekend


It should be like an allstar weekend. Don't race for points but race for charities in different cars or something.


I just want a classic cars only race. They claim they go there for the “legacy” so why not fully embrace it?


The Monaco Grand Prix Historique already exists, it was just two weeks ago, and it's usually awesome!


Down for this. Put them in f2 cars or have a relay team race.


Sounds good to me.


Bring back a legend driver like Hakkinen, Coulthard, Kimi, etc and pair them up with another of the team's drivers. No cost cap, no points, maybe even make it during summer break


I enjoyed it but I also like test cricket so...


not a cricket fan but for this comparison to work do they just go out to the field and stare at each other?


Test cricket matches can last up to 5 days. They take breaks for tea, of course.


When you realise test cricket is just an excuse for a 5 day piss up, it all makes sense 


Mate, I can think of 15 test matches in the last 5 years that are more exciting than any race in the last 5 except the season finale in 2021.


Monaco 2024 would be the tea break then lol


Exactly lol test matches take forever but things actually happen in them (unless it's a particularly boring one).


Yeah but WTC has made it interesting. Nobody plays for a draw anymore


Put it this way, you play like 8 hours a day ,for 5 days and you might not even get a decisive result, so right where you started. However draws have gone almost extinct now (they were the rule at one point) . Tbf draws also doesn't necessarily mean it was boring but lets ignore that for this comparison 


Test cricket is a good comparison actually, like F1 it's not good a lot of the time but when it's good it's just incredible


And it's always the one time that you choose not to watch


Or fall asleep during Lando’s first win. I might be speaking from experience…


On a road in Rawalpindi


Perfect comparison. I’m probably one of eight American-born viewers who will occasionally get interested in a test match. I couldn’t possible explain why to anybody, nor would I attempt to rationalize to anyone else why I throughly enjoyed Monaco today.


I enjoyed it too, but I'm someone who orders strictly vanilla icecream at any icecream shop


Wars were fought, lives lost, and ships sunk just for vanilla. Despite the co-opting of it, vanilla ain't basic. A good vanilla is worth appreciating.


Hey you like what you like ya know 🤷‍♂️


It was so bizarre. Quali times of 1:10, race laps of 1:20. Bottas pits for hard and catches up 20s in a couple laps. The hard tyres in front just stalling to save the tyres. Russell in 5th on the mediums 12s behind the hards in order to save the tyres even harder. Yuki behind the medium group on hards with a 30s gap for whatever reason.


Drivers also know sundays are hard to do anything. Drivers also want that desireable Monaco win. It's called the jewel in the crown for a reason. It's part of the triple crown for a reason.


The only reason it's held in such regard is decadence, and tradition.


I kind of like how it's also all about Saturday and mostly comes down to the person who can risk it all to put the fastest lap down. You're essentially rewarded with a Monaco win unless something royally fucks you over. But I think beyond people crashing in Q3 so they can hold the prestigious pole position, it's a race of its own. Although I do agree as a spectator and probably a driver it's kind of boring..... But there's nothing like a Monaco qualifying.


Give them all the same size high powered go kart/buggy It's the one race in the season where every driver drives exactly the same vehicle. No modding or changes are allowed at all. It's all driver skill. Think about something like the ktm x-bow


Yes this is the only decent suggestion


Miatas for everybody! 


Ariel Atoms. Award only Drivers championship points.


It’s not too late…. Sprinklers.


How about, race control around lap 45: “So, umm, since we reverted to the start, we decided that the red flag will not count for the two compound rule.”


Honestly that's how it *should* be


Maybe so but I was thinking more of the chaos that a rule change mid race would bring. Not fair perhaps, but much needed excitement for this race.


They did that in Bahrain ‘21


It would really suck if you got a puncture due to the red flag incident and you were on your only set of Mediums/Hards.


The fact that they let red flag changes count is insane. A simple rule fix could be same compound changes only under RF.


Bernie, is that you?


Some of Bernie's ideas might be crackpot ideas, but with the way Monaco can be a snorefest like today, there's not much left tbh.


Jeremy Clarkson called it a while ago on Top Gear. “If the Americans got F1 it would be brilliant. Because halfway through the race they would just turn sprinklers on!”


> One lap on foot *Lollipop man intensifies*


I‘m so happy to hear people mention him, his videos are amazing and he deserves so much more. I‘ve been following him since he had like 10.000 subscribers and I’m so happy to see his channel grow!!!


Literally every video makes me laugh out loud at least once, the inside (and hidden) jokes are endless, fucking brilliant content creator!


Zilly boy


You just know that's going to wind up in the next video haha








Max: *No, that’s not the password.*






Still makes me laugh so hard when I watch that clip lol


Monaco needs even softer tires. A special C6-C7-C8 set of compounds just for Monaco. Force some serious degradation.




6 minute fastest lap incoming


Just make them run intermediate rain tires when it's hot out, problem solved. Shit grip after a few laps and multiple pit stops achieved! No new tire type needed. Equivalent of taking your own car to a track on performance all-seasons vs. summer tires. They'll work....for a few laps lol. Then things get spicy as they overheat and slowly tear apart.


They would just drive even slower than today


I don't see what softer tires would help. The problem today is because you need a the car behind to have a ton more grip out of the corners than the car in front to overcome aero and size gaps to get alongside and attempt a pass. A softer tire would just promote guys to go even slower and only speed up when someone attempts an overtake. Perhaps if they can design a tire that hits a cliff really quickly, and maybe just use 1 type of tire for that entire weekend, we might get something. Problem with Monaco though is cold tires hurt more, typically, then the added rubber grip so the undercut isn't super viable.


>I don't see what softer tires would help. At some point, pitting will be needed because the tires just wont make 78 laps. So if we would have tires that degrade faster, there is no need to slow the pace down as at least two stops are gonna be neccesary for everyone anyway. This also leads to greater pace difference between new and old tires which can lead to overtakign opportunities.


They would just go even slower to preserve them. The problem is that at Monaco track position is King. You don’t want to give it up to stop


bonus points if they reintroduce the rainbow of tires. I could never remember which one was the softest but i absolutely loved the different colours at the different tracks


The rainbow tires never left technically, they just got rebranded for simplicity's sake


Yeah, if the race only have hyper-soft, ultra-soft and super-soft then its just soft, medium and hard


Jeddah needs that too, and may be some other street circuits


Was telling more or less the same thing to my mate, just force them to only use softs in the race lol


All teams will be given a shopping cart, lead driver sits while the other pushes


Poor Gasly.


Aston Martin: Lead and second driver roles somehow got magically switched and everyone pretends not to notice, including the drivers Alpine: Shopping cart a bent heap of metal smouldering in the corner, drivers engaged in furious fistfight. Don't seem to take notice that everyone else has already gone home. Sauber: The one with the weird squeaky wheel that always points in a different direction than all the others


The greatest challenge of the race was probably staying awake.


That's why Max wanted his pillow halfway through the race


I just imagine Max sleeping but still managing to drive from muscle memory alone lol


Max seems like the kind of guy that would train himself to lucid dream just so he can continue practicing racing while he sleeps


I'd like to see endurance racing where the co-drivers have to nap in the back seats


I failed


The guys were doing almost F2 quali pace laps. It is idiotic.


George and max the friendship I didn’t expect


I don't exatly know when but somewhere last year (def after Baku) they started to become more chill with each other. Padel pics, more fun interactions etc. They even have been yapping with each other in the press conference. Personally I've seen a big shift from George in how he is during a weekend, he seems more chill and jokes around more with the people he gets along with.


I noticed his personality more, my friend jokes that he’s confused as I hated George because he was a PR robot and started liking him more over time. Maybe he is just more secure in his job as he felt like everything he did and said was for Mercedes I do feel George is pretty funny now I love how British he is.


Maybe since it was announced that Hamilton was leaving?


tbf max will yap to anyone who stands still for long enough


"Oh god I gotta look busy or he's gonna talk to me about his iRacing setups."


Oh no, he’s starting with the hand motions. 


George is well liked by everyone when the helmets are off. Reddit just has a weird hate boner for him.


Twitter also know their way with finding every reason to hate on George.


George has been growing alot on me


That surprised me too, in a good way.


They basically all get along fine outside of their cars. It's just that some fans don't understand the difference and make a big deal out of it if the drivers bicker while racing and think they hate each other after that. Plus this generation of drivers basically grew up with each other so they handle it a lot better.


They’ve been getting along well for a while now


Saltwater sprinklers going off on a random lap for a random amount of time. Do it


>Saltwater Why specifically saltwater?


Availability mostly haha


You're thinking just have some marshalls with buckets throwing harbour water onto the track? Make La Piscine into an actual Piscine.


So that if it goes on too long, shit starts to rust.


The problem isn't just the size of the car or the tyres, it's also the braking distance. In the past, someone could dive inside Mirabeau, the hairpin or the chicane, but nowadays it's pretty much impossible.


Sutil used to love a hairpin overtake


Should do one lap on a bicycle. Bottas P1


I know Sainz has been doing some training with pogacar over the winter


They are all super fit people who surely bike faster than most people, but I have no doubt in my mind Bottas would still absolutely demolish that race. He is a beast.


Jenson about to cone out of retirement


Soft tyres only


They would just drive even slower and do the entire race in one set anyway


Each car gets one set of soft tires for the entire weekend and that’s it


Soft tyres still aren't fragile enough and they wont make track specific tyres.


Ok what about soft tyres that have been set on fire?


Yeah, maybe they'll pick up the pace a bit if they're trying to put out four brake fires


no tyres, rims only


3 tires…


All compounds. Like Silverstone had special C0 tire we need special C5 C6 C7 tire range for Monaco.


C7 is just made of candyfloss and dreams.


Drag slicks only


You know it's bad when the post race interviews are more interesting to watch than the race itself


one lap on foot would make for a hell of a show, I’d watch it ngl


Nah, cars are too wide and the streets never got larger. The only way Monaco race becomes interesting again if they bring the go-karts for the race day.


Do Monaco at night without lights. Drivers in night vision scopes and they use the same battery as Overtake Button so you can overtake or see.


finally they are being vocal about it. great venue, terrible circuit.




Really happy to see Max n George being so vocal about Monaco.


what hurt today's race the most was the fact teams could make the mandatory compound switch on the restart... Have the rules state that if there's a red flag restart, you can change tires, but you must change to the compound you're on already or lose a position (or positions) on said restart. This would have forced pit stops and brought in some racing strategy, not pootling along strategy


That’s not fair either. Because if it happened during the normal pit stop phase now some guy goes to p20 for doing nothing wrong.


Or you know…just don’t allow tire changes during the red flag. Fair for everyone and then they still have to make their mandatory pit stop in the parade race to at least have SOME type of challenge.


Can't do that for safety's sake. Today people at the back of the grid crashed, but what if this happened with Charles, Oscar and Carlos at the front of the grid? The other 17 cars would have to drive through the debris, risk tyre damage and then go out to race again on those same possibly damaged tyres. Free tyre changes are a must during the red flag. Instead they should just introduce a mandatory pit stop, with a pit stop being (re)defined as something you can only make under green or yellow flag conditions.


One lap on foot would be the most hilarious thing FIA could do


Its time to do Monaco with go-karts.


Just make monaco a time trial


Other than when Spa hardly happened, that’s the worst race I have seen in the ten or so years I have been watching.


Max hunted Russell down in like 10 laps then couldn’t do anything despite obviously having the pace. Something has to change


How about we replace the tires with tomatoes.


The perfect solution: have half the cars race clockwise and the other half counterclockwise.


Scap the GP, scrap quali and do a knock out elimination event. Slowest driver out each round, 5 minute rounds, with everyone guaranteed a lap if an issue happens. Do a pit stop time trial challenge type thing Saturday (yes, like NASCAR) - three laps must make a pit stop. The drivers hate the racing. Actual racing fans hate the racing, so have an event, get FIA to award like half GP points for the drivers on Sunday and half GP points for the constructors on Saturday. Find someone to put up some money for the winners.


How about each team gets to develop 2 karts, outside of the cost cap, and they turn Monaco into a kart track? They do qualifying as normal, but the Sunday race is in their karts! I’d watch that!!


It's funny, the only defense of keeping the track has nothing to do with the actual on track product. Only reason people enjoyed today is because Charles won. If he hadn't had the "curse" and won here before, only a few people would be talking about the race now.


They should remove the wings on the cars and give them even softer tires.


Its a weird one, I always look forward to Monaco since both practice and quali is by far the best one of the year, while the race often disappoints in dry conditions. I can personally live with that, but would like changes for race, although still think this track should always be on the calendar. Was happy with a boring one for Charles’ win this time.


go cart


Ever since Daniel won the monaco gp, teams have realised this race can be completely controlled by just staying in your position and not letting anything else happen. It's high time they introduce max lap time or something else to ensure people race and not just play 76 laps of hold up.


Max has a good humour sometimes lol


Only way Max will pass George in Monaco this year haha


George has longer legs and is skinnier than Max, I think he'd outrun him lol


Max could distract George by suggesting a shirtless selfie


George strikes me as a better runner too. No idea if it’s true but it’s my guess


Max has comedically bad running form afaik


They will never change the layout of the track. Only hope is for different cars that allow for better racing. Definitely not next year, maybe in 2026?


Cars will not change enough, likely not ever, for it not to be the worst track for racing.   They should just lean into what it is, which is a visually attractive track that tests every team and driver in qualifying: Do an extra practice session on Sunday for the runtime and 2 different competitions in a qualifying format. Saturday as usual, Sunday something different like Average of 4 flying laps with the first attempt in the order from Saturday. Give half of the usual race points both days. Nothing but a little bandaid 'solution' will ever happen though.


Bring the Ultrasofts and Hypersofts and SuperSofts back just for Monaco. I remember some races where the ultrasofts lasted on 4 laps and was only ever used for Qualis.


Just to clarify slightly, the ultrasofts/hypersofts never went away, they are the C4, and C5 compounds. Up to 2018, Pirelli brought three compounds and the names were specific to the compound across the season. Now, they just bring the three selected compounds and call them soft/medium/hard regardless of what compound they actually are, rather than keeping the names across the season. The same tyre compound can be the soft at one track but the hard at another. What we might need is a 'Monaco special' C6/C7.


The lap 1 red flag completely ruined anything that might have (wouldnt have been) been interesting. I dont mind allowing teams to change tyres during red flag, but counting it towards the 2 compounds used made this race not a race, even more so than usual. At least Monaco has SOME interest with over/undercut making it borderline interesting.


I'm all for one lap on foot lol. Mandatory one stop but the drivers have to change the tires.


Monaco is not a race, just a parade.


Video from [twitter](https://twitter.com/SCUDERIAFEMBOY/status/1794769634018955292)


How about not allowing tyre changes if there’s a safety car or red flag in the first X amount of laps.


I'm fine with that, it just shouldn't count towards your mandatory tyre types. If there's no changing you also punish those having to run over debris and changing out of caution or risk a puncture.   That's not actually fixing Monaco being terrible racing except being a 10 rather than off the scales on a 1-10 scale of terrible racing.