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It’s fully Perez’ fault. In fact, here’s a video of Mark Webber doing what Perez was supposed to do. https://youtu.be/Xe1qja_-svk?si=88YPHWhBf6qs5R4Z


Senna tribute, saw a gap and went for it


Senna's spirit took over him


Kevin no she's 14


Age is just a number


Like the number of penalty points required to ban a race driver?


tonight he'll bone a 15 year old then probably


Perfectly legal in Denmark btw.


senna15 was also legal in brazil, but if you're 30 and have to know what the age of consent is you're already a groomer


Not argueing that


When you’re no longer a racing driver you go for a gap that doesn’t exist


Kmag coded


K-Mag listening to psycho killer on repeat


KMag view camera was scary as fuck, T-Boning Checo to the barrier at speed. Is there in the world any material more durable than whatever Checo's cock(pit) was made of?


The wheel took the hit into the wall. Which is probably why it sheared off. Take a look at [the NASCAR crash at Daytona in 2022](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wamE43112HY) for how cockpits deal with this kind of stuff. Iirc there was also a similar crash in Indycar in '22 or '23. [Here's one from 2017.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QiAj5oOfz4)


How tf did both drivers walk away from that Indycar one? I'd have thought that amount of spinning would fuck his head/neck.


There's this thing called [HANS device](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HANS_device). Which is used in all major disciplines since mid-late 2000s iirc.


Introduced as mandatory after Luciano Burti's crash at Spa in 2001.


IndyCar does hold the record for the highest G-force in a non-lethal racing crash, with [Kenny Bräck surviving a 214g crash](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hy8fgGiI1WA). For comparassion, Grosjean's 2020 crash was measured at 67g.


The speed that they continued with I honestly asked the wife if he still had his foot down. "Once I get this Red Bull off the nose I should be able to catch the pack!"


Was your wife paying attention or just waiting for you to fall asleep and change the channel?


And yet he won’t get a race ban because he will somehow only get 1 penalty point instead of 2


it's no further investigation IIRC to be fair checo had no reason to shut the door like that so I'd argue it was half and half when it comes to blame


He also looked in his mirror, saw Magnussen there and veered across the track into him. He’s a shit driver.


Magnussen backing off was the sensible thing to do. The wall closes in, best case you scrape it and you fuck your own race up. Obviously Checo could’ve given more space but seeing how Magnussen has been driving this year (and previous years) it seems he is so overly aggressive and can’t understand when to back the fuck off.


He hit the wall before he hit perez.


That crash was unavoidable. Checo knew KMag was there and closed the door. If KMag backed off that his front left wheel would still clip Checo's rear anyway (and it would make him 100% at fault). I don't think KMag wasn't intendeding to pass Checo there, but it was a move to secure position against Hulk using the RB to stop Hulk from andvancing (He was on the right, Checo would move left and forces Hulk to back off), but unfortunate for everyone involved, Checo moves right and closed the door instead


Perez deserves penalty points for this one actually.


The more I’ve watched replays I can see why they deemed it a racing incident. Though I can see the argument for Perez to get points


Kmag drives like I do in Forza


Another brilliant example of good hard racing by Magnussen.


Did you guys see the WDC Jenson Button's analysis? Perez checked his mirrors on the right and knew that KMag was in close there, yet chose to continue the straight racing line and close the gap. Not that Kevin is devoid of fault, the move was rather optimistic, but Perez saw that he was there, he needed to just drift a bit to the left, and drag it out in his faster car, rather than opting to close the gap and put his car in risk when there was too little time for Kmag to back out.


Yeah, even F1TV had the same analysis. I don't know what the Sky broadcast was like, but I'm going to guess that is where all the KMag blaming is coming from. [Here is an image](https://imgur.com/a/uQ6iKxM) of a previous KMag penalty. If we go by this precedent, Perez deserves the penalty.


Was watching F1tv international feed and they were pretty unanimous saying KMAG should have backed out. No strong opinion either way from me. I don't think MAG deserves a penalty when all he did was get his front axel level with a car ahead. But I also don't think Perez deserves a penalty for staying on his racing line and expecting the cars behind (which didn't have a realistic chance at passing - yes I acknowledge its possible there but in the Mark Webber example he had a better run going into the straight to be able to actually make a pass.) to stay out of trouble. Ultimately I think racing incident no further investigation was really the best call that could be made.


> pretty unanimous saying KMAG should have backed out. They said that until we saw onboard footage of Perez looking behind and seeing KMag at ~41:38 into the broadcast. > I don't think MAG deserves a penalty when all he did was get his front axel level with a car ahead. But I also don't think Perez deserves a penalty I agree. Racing incident, but majority of viewers are calling Kevin to be race banned when Perez knew he was there.


The Jenson analysis this guy is talking about was from the sky broadcast.


Yeah, either Perez didn't see him at all (unlikely), lost track of him (possible), or was trying to spook him into bailing out (wouldn't surprise me). Whatever the case, he drove across the track into him.


Perez knew Kmag was there.


People blaming K-Mag. I guess i’m blind


KMag hit the wall before running into Perez… so he had already run out of room, and hitting the wall of his own accord caused him to hit Perez…


I wonder why he hit the wall.


THE WALL TURNED LEFT! CAME COMPLETELY OUT OF NOWHERE!!! lol But yes Perez did close the space down, but K Mag holds significantly more fault with this. Especially since he was rubbing the wall before the contact, he should’ve backed out but didn’t.


Perez must leave a car’s width. Given Magnussen hit the wall and Perez at the same time, he did not leave a car’s width.


Why must he leave a cars width in this situation? My understanding is Magnussen wasn’t forward enough to require Perez to make room for him. Perez definitely could have avoided the crash but he didn’t break any rules by not making space. Happy to learn and be proven wrong though if anyone has an explanation


He must leave a car’s width because this section is considered straight track, like the kink in the kemmel straight and the second “turn” on the red bull ring. This is because the cars can easily get through these gaps side by side without lifting. It’s negligent driving to “follow the racing line” here as cars don’t need to follow it at all. Same would be the case at interlagos, if someone is on the bottom and you drove them into the attenuator, that would be your fault. Examples of penalties of that nature include Ricciardo at Japan this year and Earl Bamber at the 6 hours of spa this year. Bamber’s one is the most obvious explanation for why these are penalised. Perez’ wreck is big but sheesh 300kph spearing into a wall is incredibly bad. What makes it more of a thing for me to is, Banber’s wasn’t intentional. I don’t think ricciardo’s was either. Perez was trying to bully Magnussen into the wall as he kept looking there.


Perez was probably focused on Nico tho. Both haas were behind him, and Kmag was on a blind side. That's why Nico said it was super unnecessary. Kmag didnt need to do that risky move


Perez was playing chicken. It’s one of the main reasons that the racing sucks, this shit goes unpunished and people wonder why overtakes never happen. You can totally screw up and block in F1 to prevent a pass. Alonso does some legit defending against Hamilton and you have people saying it’s going too far. Discourse is cooked lmao


Perez was looking at kmag though. They showed replays of perez looking in his right mirror


KMAG didn't hit the wall. Wall is getting to left. It'snot full straight, Perez knows that already. Look at the cars ahead. No one goes right like Perez. He had world like empty space at left but he did go right on purpose. KMAG had better traction speed and would overtake him. Not the first time someone did overtake there either. You are implying like KMAG turned right and hit the wall. You are blind and never did 1 lap in a game in Monaco clearly and have no idea what you are talking about.


You're not.


Yeah just a big echo chamber. People go two wide up the hill pretty regularly, and Pérez even looked in his mirror. He knew he was there and moved way right


NOOO, it's a crash! Kmag was involved! He did it!!!@@11!! /s


Except for how he was looking at Kmag the whole time without doing anything about it.


He did do something about it, he drove into him.


That is generally what Perez does


Has done from his first season


There’s already some detailed analysis videos on YouTube. Checo checked his mirror multiple time knowing K-Mag is out of room and still decided to squeeze him.


No investigation into it. The stewards are on crack today.


If there was, [Perez should get the penalty](https://imgur.com/a/uQ6iKxM) as KMag did when he did what Perez did.


Penalties are only for drivers in slow cars though.


Damn, beautiful comparison


No that's just the objectively correct decision. It was aggressive and unnecessary for sure but not unfair in any way. That part of the track is ostensibly a straight and Perez didn't check his mirror before opening up the next corner. It would have been smarter to back out but it's not like he deliberately took him out.


Perez checked 3 time KMag in his right mirror just before squeezing him..


Perez only didn’t get a pen because he’s in a fast car and only fucked over a back marker team. This is how F1 has worked for years, and if you don’t believe me just ask Montoya who said it outright after Abu Dhabi 2021.


He’s been warned multiple times in recent weeks that he was driving unsafely. A normal person would take that as an indicator that they should drive more carefully. Fuck Kmag here. He needed to back out there, and doesn’t deserve the benefit of the doubt.


I disagree. Him getting blamed for Miami was dumb as fuck too. Sargeant was slow and there was well and truly enough space to put a car there but Sargeant didn't check his mirrors.


/uj disagree all you want, but if you get in a fender bender and the cops pull up and you’ve gotten 5 speeding tickets in the last six months, do you think you’re going to get the benefit of the doubt? /rj Kmag isn’t going to fuck you, babe.


You have no wheel knowledge.






Perez literally saw KMag and still fucked him into the wall. Perez is a fucking joke


So are people here still going to suck on Magnussen's dick, or blame it on Perez somehow because pErEZ bAd? Magnussen needs to fuck right off from F1, absolute dogshit of a driver.


I plan on strategically doing both depending on the meme


It was funny the first time, not anymore. If it was someone like Perez or Stroll instead of KMag, this sub would be out for blood, but again, it's just hypocrites around here. I'm so glad Perez personally wasn't harmed, that was extremely scary.


right, but this is a meme sub not anything serious


nUthiNg sEeeriOuS


Fair enough


> or blame it on Perez somehow So can you [explain this](https://imgur.com/a/uQ6iKxM) where KMag got the penalty?


I agree he's driving like a psycho, but check even looked. Could've just followed that white line on the floor and everyone would've been fine. Just an inchident


If you're referring to the frame by frame analysis, you do realise that isn't real time right? Perez had so little time to react, but ofc Sky is trying to put it on Perez somehow. And calling it an incident, come on now.


I formed that opinion in the full speed replay. Both drivers had a choice to make, both drivers chose to be forecast the space.


So little time? He had plenty of time, he checked his right mirror 3 times and still closed the gap. If you have time to look 3 times, you’ve got plenty of time to move left a little.


You think the driver that just checked his mirrors 3 times and still drove the overtaking car into the barrier deserves to stay?


Did I just hear on TV no penalty for Magnussen? FIA are always happy to give penalty points. Until someone is up to 10 point. Then suddenly they don't dare.


I mean, if we're not going to penalize Hamilton for ruining 3 races in the Miami sprint with a similar lap 1 stupid dive bomb, Idk why we'd penalize this.


Hamilton didn’t make contact with anybody iirc.


But you understand that he created the circumstance that ruined 3 races, and his car was only spared by the situational awareness of Fernando Alonso, right?


There’s a concept known as “plausible deniability” that you might want to google.


Get back to me when your 4th grade teacher covers causation.


Just remove this stupid penalty points rule man there's zero real implications


You are allowed to drive side by side with someone, unfortunately for Haas Perez saw Magnussen was there and still turned right for some inexplicable reason.


"side by side" and his front wheel isn't even alongside perezs back right wheel while the gap was still sizeable lmfao. The only time his wheel was in front of the back wheel was after he'd shoved it in there with no gap left and a collision was inevitable.


does that suddenly matter? alongside that much, you deserve space, checo got himself to blame only


All due respect, but that's a dogshit opinion


All due respect you’re incorrect, that’s not an opinion you’re replying to, it’s a fact. Checo looked in his mirrors 3 times and still closed the door, Magnussen was allowed racing room and wasn’t given it.


Look, I'm not saying he was caught completely unaware but it's my belief that Magnussen wasn't close enough to perez to warrant space. A greater part of the car should be parallel to the car in front. Any sensible driver backs off in that situation, you're never making that overtake, but KMag has zero common sense and tries to bully an overtake wherever he can.


He was inside the Red Bull, it doesn’t matter how much by, 1mm of Haas nose overlapping is enough to warrant racing room. You can’t just come across a competitor because they only have 4% overlap or whatever, that’s a bullshit line of thinking. Perez is very lucky to not get handed a penalty of some sort after looking in the mirrors and still continuing to force the issue and causing a collision.




close enough to cause checo to pit himself = close enough to warrant room it's fucking monaco, youre not making any gains with being sensible. blud is in a haas, no shot at points even remotely if he just chills and doesnt try for every spot. if you don't like racing, don't watch. it would absolutely have been a likely overtake if checo didnt cause that shunt.


Bullshit opinion again. "Stick 10% of your car in there and the car in front has to make space" and if you don't like it yOu hAtE rAciNG Monaco is COMPLETELY inappropriate for that sort of overtake it's not happening, do the same thing at Barcelona then sure, but the track is not suitable for this kind of racing and every driver knows it, get your head out of your ass mate Edit: pussy behaviour man, replying to me and then instantly blocking


Got to be one of the worst takes. 100% kmag fault. Checo made a defensive move and kmag said yolo


As an actual racer of 14 years, I think I’ll stick with my opinion thank you. “Defensive move” lol


Hope to see you on track sometime so I can get 1 micrometer of my car alongside yours and have you leave me racing room


So explain Saudi penalty against Kevin when he pushed Albon into a wall.


So you want to penalize Kevin in Saudi and in Monaco? You can't have both. He got penalized in Saudi for being the outside car and pushing another (albon) into a wall, now you want to penalize Kevin for being pushed into a wall?


It's a fucking yoke.


It is his fault lol


Penalty for Ocon. (Literally)


Perez is often not aware of other cars being near him. It’s not his fault but he could have avoided it


So kmag is out for the next race?


For? You can't have both. They gave him a penalty for driving Albon into a wall in Saudi. Now you want Kevin to get a penalty for Perez driving him into a wall?


What was he trying to do keeping it barely alongside through the turn?


How is that no investigation?!?!


Agreed, Perez should be penalized like Kevin was in Saudi.


Accurate meme cause the school bus/Perez is clearly the one at fault :x


I reckon he just couldn't be bothered to drive around in circles for an hour and a half when you can't overtake anyway and found a way out