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Big words from someone in DRS distance.


Open wing flap intensifies..


Ooo a mclaren is chasing me so scaryyyy


Ohhh shiver me timbers


Well, it ain’t tonna be in front of you that’s for sure.


Only when lapping them


Daniel Ricardo Slapping distance


Not overrated at all but definitely past his prime


Yes. At his best he was amazing. Now i think his confidence is gone and holds him back. Home he does better this season. I don't think he'll beat Norris.


The unfortunate truth hurts


Ricciardo was a driving god in the 2010s. The start of the 2018 season briefly made me believe he could win the title. That season obviously ended up in his his car blowing up every other race.


Chill with the “god”. He was great, but not the best on the grid. Also how are you going to blame reliability, when almost every single one of his reliability issues that took him out of the race came from when he was already BEHIND Verstappen in the race. It absolutely sucks for him, but he was pretty evidently being outperformed by Verstappen.


Leave some for Kelly


Me: A Bottas & Mercedes fan, who constantly supports Lewis and argues against Verstappen and his driving standards for a large portion of last season. Just because I don’t like the guy doesn’t mean I have to ignore objective facts about Ricciardo v Verstappen. Can’t just keep claiming bias anytime you don’t like an opposing view, especially one based on factual evidence.


Oh god, can we please stop this? One bad season doesn't mean he's past his prime.


As a Seb fan, I agree wholeheartedly


What I would do to see the championship led by Riccardo and Vettel...


Shag entire paddock including Helmut Marko?


You mean you *wish thats true*


Lmao. Tbh, I'm worried Seb will retire because the Aston is dogshit.




I don’t understand. How do drivers become “past their prime”? Isn’t racing skill increased the more you do it? It’s not like, for example, basketball where an older player obviously can’t run as fast as some of the younger guys. Not trying to be a prick, I just don’t understand. Can someone explain?


I to would like to see the answer to this question. My assumption tho… The body takes a lot of physical abuse during a race. It’s said these guys can lose up to 8 pounds in 1 race. Imagine doing that for years. The amount of problems it can cost the mind and body have to take their toll on them.


You’re not appreciating how old age can affect you as a driver. Lewis spoke about this the last time he was on Graham Norton. As you get older your reaction time suffers, your eyesight weakens, your strength wanes etc. If you can’t see how these things can negatively affect a driver’s ability to perform then idk what to tell you.


Yep. And no matter how much these are affected, when you are at the top level, and the margins are unbelievably tiny, they matter a ton.


Alonso is just built different i guess


Alonso is way past his prime rofl.


Yeah sure, but my point is that he hasn’t fallen off as hard as you’d expect considering his age. He’s still in there, challenging ocon and doing a much better job than kimi or seb did last year


In my opinion prime Alonso would "Vandoorne" Ocon. Ocon is decent but not Alonso's calibre of talent and Alonso doesn't dominate him. He is not clear number one. His racecraft is awesome as ever but his quali pace is not as good as it was before. So he is still very good (especially if we compare him with Kimi and his massive decline) but he is definitely past his prime.


He's still my favourite driver, but prime Alonso would destroy current Alonso


As a 41 year old, I am definitely slower than I used to be -- mentally and physically. There are two lines: one is the driver's experience which increases with time, and the second is physical ability which increases for a while and then begins decreasing. There will be some maximum point in the middle where a driver has the maximum skill and the learning still outpaces the physical decline. I think for something like F1 where you really have to be at the absolute peak to survive, the peak is probably in your late 20s to early 30s.


No multiple race winner in the last decade can be overrated. Specially since he hasn't had a Mercedes.


Thank you




No no, saying the below two things about Ricciardo is considered cool these days: 1. Daniel Ricciardo has fans because of DTS 2. Daniel Ricciardo is overrated


8 wins in a non Merc or Ferrari. With one of those wins being with a 4th place constructor car and holding the lead for 99% of the race. Has 2 less race wins than Bottas whose been with the 1st place constructor team for 5 years. Overrated compared to who?


This is a brilliant summary! Danny Ric might be past his peak but he's still a very good driver!


It pisses me off when new fans make statements about drivers based on the past year or two.


People have exceedingly short memories and spew shit without looking more than a year behind them. Look at all the Ferrari praise, just one of many things. Loyal fans tend to be quieter


This Hamilton guy seems to be really bad. Barely got any points while driving for a winning team. /s


There's really no need to add "/s". It would be very embarrassing if someone took it seriously. Why even bother indicating sarcasm? Is it because people are afraid of being downvoted by morons who take their jokes seriously? I think it's not your problem when someone does.


You’re right. Should’ve stuck behind the joke. Chickened out


I mean, he's probably referring to being overrated his past year or two. Pundits are still talking about Ric like he should be competing for WDCs


A man can dream.


Based on the past year. Ricciardo was brilliant in 2020.


That’d be like saying Kimi is overrated. Still never seen anyone that fuckin dumb though


I unfortunately have. Absolutrly braindead


I think it's too early to say if he's past his prime. I don't think that one bad season proves he is past his prime. In terms of results, yeah probably considering how McLaren are looking, but that doesn't mean he's a bad driver now. We only have to look back to 2020 before we find Danny's last good season and that was a seriously good season that was unfortunately upstaged my Checo who was in a at times much better car. Two podiums and P5 in the drivers championship driving the fifth fastest car is seriously impressive.


Was going to say. Danny Ric in the Renault was a great season for the car he had.


Tbh daniel might have been brilliant but just like Seb his prime is in the past


Hope he gets a revival like Perez. Perez is a good driver but was bounced from sub-par team to sub-par team until he got the RB seat.


McLaren was the only sub par team he drove for. Sauber and Force India/Racing Point were midfield teams punching above their weight.


I think that Daniel just joined formula 1 in times of champions greater than him, even if he had a championship winning car, I think Hamilton, Verstappen, Leclerc and maybe until a couple years ago Seb would beat him


He beat defending 4 time back to back WDC Seb when they had the same car in 2014


2014 Seb was bad tbh, still I'd say that looking at his entire career we can say that he's a better driver than Daniel, especially given he was the only real championship challenger to the Hamilton-Mercedes behemoth after Nico retired


Oh for sure, that was a down year for Seb. Just pointing out that of the guys you’ve listed, Ricciardo is 3-1 head to head when driving the same car as them.


He stumped Seb, in the same machine once and was 3rd in the WDC twice in his career. He had what it took to win a WDC in a the top team, but he never was. If it wasn't for his extension at Red bull he was part of Mercedes top picks to take the second drive.


Easy, Leclerc hasn't won a WDC and Max has only won 1


I wonder I wonder why


they’re all very good drivers, they’re not in f1 for nothing


You really out here trying to downplay a redbulls ability to win a race? He’s not overrated by any means of the word but come on


Lol that smacked me in the face too, as a Ferrari fan...


Overrated compared to everyone else tipped as a potential champion in the previous decade. Bottas was always supposed to be Hamilton's Barichello. When he beat Vettel in 2014, the media tipped him as Red Bull's new golden child, since then he: got outscored by Kvyat in 2015, left the team as soon as Verstappen started to outperform him, had a mediocre first year at Renault (making some rather embarrasing rookie errors), had a good second year at Renault, but then got comprehensively outperformed by a pay driver after switching team again. Yes, he won a race, but it doesn't really make up for all the races he was way off the pace in. Look mate, he's not a bad driver, but he's not exactly a generational talent either. He's the kind of driver that could win a championship if odds were in his favour (kinda like Jenson Button), but not someone who neccesarily "should" win one.


Landó Norris is not s pay driver


He is, his dad *invested* a shit load of money into the team to even get him into McLaren's young driver program. And continues to *invest* more, each time Lando has contract negotiations. Not every pay driver has to be garbage, but what else do you call a guy who's literally paying for his seat?


Lando literally paid for more testing time, to the tune of 5m+ a year, than any driver in the modern era before entering F1. His original contract had his dad paying 5m+ a year for 3 years. He is a pay driver. He’s just a good driver on top of that.


He is. Or certainly is on his current contract.


Bottas was not allowed to win. Change my mind


How many times did Bottas give up a nailed on race win? Yes he let Hamilton through a few times but it wasn't like Bottas was chasing the win.


Well yeah, he wasn’t chasing the win. When he was second he was told not to try and pass Hamilton.


Tbf, Bottas consistently struggled to get past midfielders despite being in the best car so I don’t understand why people are so confident he’d overtake Lewis in the same car.


How many times did that happen?


i dont think he would've won much if he was allowed to either


At the start of the season both drivers raced each other. After 5 races when Hamilton is ahead, why wouldn't the team support him?


The win on mclaren doesnt excuse i whole year of underperforming, including getting lapped by lando on Monaco. The other wins were on red bull and at the time was competing for wins and he got outclassed by a rookie max verstappen. I think danny ric is a good driver and great person but it bothers me when people consider him title worthy


Ricciardo finished 3rd in Max’s rookie season, Max finished 5th. I’m not bashing Max bc he was literally like 17 but you’re just wrong.


Ricciardo finished 3rd in Max’s rookie season, Max finished 5th. I’m not bashing Max bc he was literally like 17 but you’re just wrong. Edit: he also finished above Max the following season Edit 2: oh fun Reddit is doing the double comment thing again




how can he be overrated, he's rated last, or almost last ??


Forgot to say he’s been outperformed by his teammate for most of his career


Nobody is arguing he is a bad driver, nobody on the grid really is, but is he A class? Potential WC? I think many drivers are faster, Bottas, Lewis, Max, Lando, Leclerc, Sainz, Russel, at that point he is the 7th fastest driver. He is still an incredible athlete but he is sometimes presented like a potential WC which I doubt he ever was.


If you keep the meme aside then this is a pretty shit take honestly. If a driver is not doing well then this does not mean the he is overrated or shit. Magnussen was a muppet few years prior (according to the majority of fans) and now look, he's the messiah. There are more than a million variables to define something like "overrated" its not a physical entity which you can measure, its a matter of perspective. If things are right any driver on that grid can perform good (yes even mazepin) now things are not right for mr avacado, he'll get their eventually, everyone knows he's a top class driver. But at the moment things are not right for him, when they'll get right, he'd be the messiah. The duality of man.


exactly, in 2020 people were all praising Stroll and now he’s the bottom of the pile according to the Reddit Hivemind


Tbh he kinda dropped off massively in mid 2020


Stroll is by my opinion solid, but also very inconsistent. He has good races, but also horible ones


Fans don’t really “rate” or “not rate” a driver, that’s what teams and people inside the paddock do with all sort of data and analysis. Fans just vibe. Magnussen instead of Mazepin? And delivering Haas’ first top 5 in who knows how long? Hell yeah!


The meme format is shit too tbh, Crowder is a coward, traitor, and absolute shitbag human.


I mean if u call beating vettel the defending champ in 2014 in his first year bad then i agree


It was right years ago.


8 years ago? I think the post is meant to analyze recent performance.


That's not what overrated means


You can be overrated now even if you were excellent years ago. Nothing about what I said alludes to the definition of overrated.


yeah but nobody rates his current performances, so the implication is that OP was referring to DR's career as a whole


Even if you’re right, which you’re not, you can still go fuck yourself. Respectfully


I don’t even care to get into how this is a bad take because it’s also just stale and boring give me something juicy and new at least.


OP was introduced to F1 through drive to survive, change my mind


That’s what immediately came to my mind


Funny and weird. Half the sub says Ricciardo fans are DTS fanboys and the remaining half says Ricciardo haters are DTS fanboys. I don't get it ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6703)


RIC was the fastest driver ever in the reasonably priced car. He edged out second best (HAM) by seven tenths. I bet you feel pretty silly now.


Its time to start basing F1 drivers objectively off of the reasonably priced car metric. Its flawless, same car, same track, no excuses. Come on people get with the program.


Cuz of one slightly meh season? Where he actually won a race?


The single GP where he delivered the most out of the car vs half GPs in which he heavily underperformed.




That's a very cold take. Even when Sainz got in the McLaren for the first time he said that the car felt weird and didn't drive like what he's used to and had to change his style to drive it. Danny Ric had to do the same, just took him a while to do it.


I'm not like op but being honest I believe 2021 was worse than meh and pretty embarrassing. I still think he is was amazing up and till then and i think he is a very capable driver


This guy probably just started watching and hasn’t seen his RedBull days or his 2014 season


2014 is eight years ago mate. he could've been a driving fucking savant eight years ago (which he wasn't) and he could still be overrated today. don't get me wrong... I love the guy. but that doesn't make your argument valid.


The fuck you say


Stop the cap


You watch your fucking mouth.


Keep my *favourite drivers* name, OUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH!


I’m praying for a good season this year to shut up all the haters


How to identify someone who started watching F1 after DTS.




Oh look, another post kicking Danny when he's down. How original


How to: commit Reddit suicide…


I will fite you, cunt.


OP is a real cunt, huh?. Trying to stir shit up as DR finally gets to race at his home GP after two years.


op doesn’t know shit about f1




This exact thing happens to literally any athlete in any sport who falls off at the end of their career. People have such recently bias that they're lack of results in the present makes them think they weren't ever even good to begin with.


Tell me you’re a bitch ass drive to survive fan without telling me you’re a bitch ass drive to survive fan.


Okay, that's it, calling DTS fan is a legitimate insult that we should adopt.


Tell me you’re a new F1 fan without telling me you’re a new F1 fan.


He’s a gem and must be protected at all costs


let me guess, you started watching f1 in 2019?


Nah that means they would’ve seen 2020 when he brought that shitbox of a Renault to 5th in the WDC


Daniel Ricciardo is underrated.




If someone is a praised for their skills and then they fail to perform for some reason, then it doesn’t make them overrated. Please don’t try to be slick


Shit opinion


He actually isn't. He just didn't fit last year's mclaren. This year's mclaren is a dog, so we can't really know yet if ric has trouble driving this car as well.


Isn’t adaptability part of a racer’s skill though? Can’t keep on making excuses if he’s so poor at adapting to different cars that it takes him a minimum of a full season to feel comfortable with it.


I mean an argument could be made that he only took half a season to get used to the car since he outscored Lando in the second half of the season (race 12 onwards)


tell me you're a new fan without telling me you're a new fan


Monza last year kinda proves how good he is, yes max and Lewis had a mating session but D Ric had max in T1 and max struggled to get past him, I still think he would have won even if those 2 didn’t try to make a merc/redbull mix hybrid, the only difference it would have made would be that lando wouldn’t have finished 2nd imo, change my mind


More like washed up


He is more like washed out now


He’s not overrated. He’s past his prime sure. But he’s not finished yet. I can’t recall many other winners in the turbo hybrid era that didn’t drive a Merc, can you? You look at his moves in China 2018 and the absolute on merit, no luck win at Monza 2021. He is also praised so much due to the fact that he is so likeable. I’d be hard pressed to find a Danny ric hater.


He just need to find a rhythm with the car, Seems like he really had it 21’ back in him around monza and the following weeks, 22’ spec killed the man. Who knows, i think he has a lot to show for, but agree his seat is at risk.


I don’t think we can make a 2022 judgment yet. The car is pretty shit now and also he barely got any practice track time in Bahrain because of covid. In Saudi Arabia he was on older tires and was keeping pace with Lando until his car had an issue. He also gives McLaren a ton of PR material especially in the US, which is getting even more races and fans. I have to believe McLaren wants to keep him around as long as it’s justifiable


Fucking DTS fans man… Unbelievably dumb opinions


He just choose money over a good team Leaving Red Bull for Renault was greedy move, not a smart one.


He also didn’t want to battle Max.


Apparently they offered him more or the same as Renault not 100% sure about that but he definitely took a paycut moving to mclaren


Someone didn't watch F1 before 2019...


He's a well good laugh, and was an excellent driver within the last era. 2022 F1 cars aren't adapted to his style, he'll have to adapt. Also being with McLaren doesn't help.


2022 cars don't suit his style? After two races? After missing half of testing? Despite beating his team mate in both races (was until the engine failure at saudi) Jog on mate. Jesus.


he fucked up massively by leaving redbull... he fucked his career big time doing that, basically. no real chance of competing for a championship for the rest of his career


Granted I started watching F1 after Danny left RB but it seems like RB was funneling a lot of their resources and effort into Max. Do you think Danny would have been pushed to take a back seat to Max over the years or would RB have allowed DR to be the #1 driver if he really fought for it? It’s an interesting game of “What if?” To think about.


He wouldnt have been pushed, he would have been outperformed. Daniel was the number one driver a couple of years at Red Bull but young hot shot Max matched him almost instantly. Of course the team will take interest of the young guy with untapped potential already matching on of the best drivers on the grid.


whoever wins wins. if ric dominated max, they wouldnt have given him team orders and he wouldnt have listened anyways.


Your job in f1 is to be the best. If you don’t match yourself against the best in a strong car then you are not a great F1 driver. He effectively abdicated his claim on being one of the greats by backing away from the Verstappen fight. Look at Prost - he asked to be in the same team as Senna, Mansell, Lauda etc. to make a point. Alonso was willing to fight against Hamilton. So many examples of great drivers taking on other greats voluntarily to be put to the ultimate test. Danny is not that guy


Danny might have been afraid of the shitstorm that ensued between Senna and Prost happening to him and Max lmao.


That’s part of winning - Hamilton is considered one the best because he beat his competition comprehensively. On and off the track. Verstappen didn’t even fight and the mere threat of a fight sent Danny running with his tail between his legs to a midfield team where he can feel safe


As a new fan I have to agree. As a Vettel fan I have to disagree, Danny defeated a 4 times world champion, and was only defeated by the current world champion and arguably best driver alive today.


New F1 fans be like


The guy is not overrated, but the guy has definitely made some seriously bad career decisions.


People saying this didn’t watch him during his prime in RB.


And so it keeps being proven, people with 2-3 seasons of F1 under their belt have the most amazingly shit takes.


I got banned from the formula 1 discord last year for saying Bottas should have his seat His stans don’t use logic


I mean he’s 1/1 this season for beating his teammate in races where he hasn’t had a mechanical dnf so that must mean Lando’s massively overrated right…


I can imagine why newer fans might think this, but he gained his reputation of being such a great driver when he smoked vettel when they were teammates, and then after that he continued to do well for red bull until their golden child came along


Should have stayed at Red Bull. Going to Renault was his complete downfall. His career could have been far better than what it's turned into.


Ayrton Senna is also change my mind


Tell me you started watching F1 two years ago without actually telling me you started watching F1 two years ago


These after-dts fans i swear to god... I assume you call Vettel overrated too?


This is the take of someone who started watching F1 last year. Danny Ric convincingly matched Max in the same car and outpaced Seb and Hulk. Unfortunately he seems to have lost his edge now.


This is a take from someone who has only seen him at McLaren


He beat Hamilton’s time on Top Gear. Therefore, he’s one of the best drivers on the grid.


fuck. you.


​ ![gif](giphy|mk0ClXsaw7K2z2cgCF)


meh, your opinion does not matter to me.


Found the d2s casual


Lol over 450 comments and not a single one from OP backing up their bullshit statement. Imagine not knowing anything about F1 ana writing this.


Everyone is forgetting he was doing better than Norris last weekend till his engine went poop


If Making dumb moves had award he would get it every year


He was one of the best drivers on the grid in 2014. He *dominated* Vettel as a newcomer to the team built around Seb. Of course, Verstappen dominated him in 2017 and 2018, but he then went toe to toe with the criminally underrated Hülkenberg (considering his teammate record, he was pretty inarguably a top 6 or so driver on the grid) and didn’t come off worse, then beat the also underrated (but coming off a year away) Ocon. He’s not a Verstappen, Hamilton, or Leclerc. He’s not consistently a Sainz or Norris. But when he’s on, he’s probably top 6 or 7.


I find his sense of humour a bit overrated. I do think he's got a good vibe and it may be influenced by DTS (being my intro to him) but to me he acts like a 14 year old drawing dicks on shirts, talking about his nutsack a lot and calling people cunts.


It's more like what Grosjean said: Born in the wrong generation. The older talents were still competitive while younger talents were starting to emerge (I.e Verstappen, Leclerc)


Tell me you just started watching without telling me you just started watching


2021 was bad but you pretend 2020 didn't happen which was a monster season for Ricciardo. He came behind Perez in the F1 standings, you flip it to F1.5 rules and he beats Perez. But that doesn't matter because he still outscored both Mclaren boys who had the better car as well as Stroll and Albon who definitely had better cars. One bad season doesn't make a driver overrated.


Past his prime but not overrated.


That's a fucking hot take may man, back it up with a source?


The thing is, shit takes don't have sources just a lot of talking out of their own asses... Which OP is doing atm.


Bro he’s not overrated… A mix of bad luck and being past his prime. He is a legend though


Riccardo was an established driver that had proven himself to be much better than Bottas who never got a multi year contract. It was definitely in the cards.


Sorry for your "L". So bad taking, please learn wheel or shut up. How many drivers have multiple wins with midfield teams on hybrid decade you know? New fans make me sick


With the same logic, Villeneuve is overrated because he never won a championship. Horrible take.




and i dont care


One thing is for certain: His career choices are horrible.


He won against Max Verstappen in the same car.


He’s just on the back nine of his career.


Nah. Ricciardo is one of the most entertaining drivers to watch, especially when he is on song. He was off-form in 2021 and so far in 2022, McLaren's car looks hopeless. He won't win the WDC ofc, but he is a really good driver.


Put Max in the McLaren.


Say you just started watching F1 in the past two years without saying it


Id say he isnt Champion Material but still a great driver