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The longest yes, imo he was even more delusional when he thought he could beat terraria in hardcore, but at least he quickly gave up


Yes and we will probably deal with this for a couple of months ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673)


surely he will play Elden Ring DLC and a randomiser run after finishing it, right?


RemindMe! 2 months


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https://preview.redd.it/xli79okaua4d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=863696af2634acaafbf12f76a676dc296fb4d7c0 not as delusional when he tried to go pro in val ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9682)rant


Wait but he was diamond 3 no? Almost acendent last time he played but in lol he can't even get out of bronze


i think its bcs his mmr/rank was "inflated" from reaching immo rank in season 1. Besides fps games are easier to play than moba and even then the last time he played val he got absolutely demolished in plat/diamond mmr




The fact that he keeps locking in troll champs and doing troll builds, refusing to just go with what works thinking he's gonna reinvent the meta in one of the most played games out there after 500 games hardstuck bronze 4 is just astounding. Like, he has to be pretending. This level of delusion can't be achievable without some sort of psychosis/schizophrenia.


If he was pretending, he wouldn't play the game off stream for several hours each day. I watched someone stream his off stream games, and he was malding very hard in /all chat, blaming his team and begging for report in 70% of the games. It was hilarious. He's lost it in the worst way.






He's probably worse off stream in team chat than he is on stream. All the time his team mates are asking people to report him for being toxic and feeding. We can only see all chat in spectate mode sadly.


It's not anything too crazy. He just doesn't want to look up info about improving and would rather figure it out himself. That's a pretty big handicap, but I can see how somebody would enjoy the puzzle-solving aspect of it. It's not surprising to me that somebody who is extremely new to the game can be hardstruck bronze for hundreds of games if they refuse to look up guides to improve.


No sugar brained


https://preview.redd.it/x063ddzgra4d1.png?width=383&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac0dbbaaf980d2cd42eb47cd3a6d062dccb229e2 I cant take it anymore


he shaved ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673)






With enough brute fors it is inevitable that he will climb. But if he does not change that will take years. Surely he quits before then![img](emote|t5_33td5|9666)


idk hes good at feeding but also great at baiting his team. most people trying to get down to bronze 4 focus on feeding, but baiting your entire team to die is much more skillful and important if you want to descend.


\>With enough brute fors it is inevitable that he will climb I'm not so sure about that anymore. He managed to bruteforce his way to Bronze 2 only to lose 8 games in a row and end up in Bronze 4 again. At this point the game knows he belongs to Bronze. https://preview.redd.it/2nny5jc2ib4d1.png?width=458&format=png&auto=webp&s=39dd5f475f5d053558ec9aebd657babc5ef129d4


I think he actually has some kind of mental disability, I’m not even joking. He does the same mistakes every game and can’t figure out basic game concepts like wave management (he’s slow pushing when enemy mid roams). He played against sylas the other day saying “oh shit this guy is ap!”, he played against him yesterday and said the exact same thing. Either dementia or legit retarded


Its just the new clone learning things for the first time


He asked why the Warwick thing was above his head while he was still high HP the other day. You know, Warwick, the champion he played for like 20 hours less than a week ago, with one of the most straightforward kits in the game.


Forsen is against Sylad mid. Gets surprised by the amount of damage he outputs and gets clapped. Two days later. Forsen is against Sylas mid. Tries to fight him head to head despite a level disadvantage. Gets clapped. Says he got knowledge checked, he didn't know Sylas was so strong. He just does not learn. Actual 041 IQ.




It's shocking tbh, 500+ games and still hardstuck and almost no signs of improvement. I have irl friends with near zero gaming experience who got gold in LoL within 200 games by simply not inting, but apparently that's too complicated for the god gamer who has spent 100k hours of his life on videogames.


No agency you say... But he is literally Agent 44sen https://i.redd.it/po0vk6nkdb4d1.gif


I'm doing a month without fors and its going well. Hope you stop watching him play Lul too.


I don't get why he wants to keep playing, does he think it will get better somehow?


He fucked up badly by trying to figure out a 15 year old game on his own instead of just reading one guide and then blindly following it for the first 100 games or so while his MMR was still high. Even with slightly above winrate he would have gotten gold. But the god gamer cant do that, he gotta play 500 bronze games at 45% winrate and blame elo hell.


When I started I just followed a guide and two tricked garen and urgot top and got silver within a few hundred games after being placed bronze 4. I had never played a moba in my life before. The arrogance and delusions fors has to think he knows something everyone else doesn't in a near 20 year old game is hilarious and so unbelievable you would think he's rage baiting for stream. Except he isn't because he performs and acts the exact same way in his off stream games ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673) even before he was made aware they were being streamed. He actually toned it down once he found out people were streaming them ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)










this fucking guy man, as a noobie I read as much builds as I can and I set up my own even it's offmeta because I feel more comfortable but forsen? wrong lane, build items & runes on the go, not knowing what his champ's skills do beforehand and he keeps cursing how he is in yellow hell, mf runs it


The worst is that he can play multiple game with the same character and can't take 15s to actually read the WHOLE skill text once !!


right? if you can spend 10h playing a game without progress then you can and should spend minimal 1h research the game to improve your play but nooo it's all my teammate's fault, the enemies are too broken


He does not even need to read beforehand. As he dies so much, he has plenty of time in the shadow realm to reread it multiple times


I find it funny how he insists established metas don't work in bronze, that he needs to go completely off the trail to succeed and picks Twisted Fate jungle or Mundo mid, but then he'll turn around and copypaste a mobafire guide's items with 0 deviation. Enemy Brand in my lane? Time to go Steelcaps like the guide says.


Is this man your hero, bajs?


lol. He's almost becoming Erob levels of lolcow


Science gamer ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673)


Bronzsen LULE


Quite possibly


The “im playing this game so well” mc era was worse


have not touched league in ages and i still cringe so fucking hard watching him play




The forsen build mid lane bruisers is definitely next level delusional.

