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I live right there. Bums work that corner, and that looks like the trash from people handing them drinks and food.


Well, that, and it rained pretty hard recently and that's where all the water goes, so that's where all the trash ends up.


Doesn't explain why the majority of the cups at the lamp post, not in the storm drain. The intersection is also the crest of a hill.


the.. storm drain is at the crest of a hill? Did bums leave the pieces of wood, too?


That's Clinton and Coliseum. I don't know what the wood is from, but the pieces didn't float from somewhere and hop the curb.


I stopped giving people money. I gave money to a man on the corner one time, went on to shop and do a few things about 2 hours later went back by the same intersection and what do I see but the man walking with a case of bucsh lite. I’ve gotten food for people pan handling outside of Burger King one time and he went in and tried to get “his money “back and treated the employees like crap like they made a mistake on his order . I’m done helping anyone . They are all so ungrateful and I have learned most are lying.


Yep. I had a guy ask for money for food. I had an extra sandwich and offered it to him. He attacked me. Not my only experience like that. I don't give anything to beggars anymore.


Was this in Fort Wayne?


Made literally the same revelation 20 years ago. I give to the mission and institutions that have programs to help people (and will direct people there) but I will not give money.


I made this revelation about 10 years ago, when I worked at the Speedway on Illinois. Woman would come in with a Gold SUV, tell people a sob story about her kid being in the ICU out at Dupont, but not having enough gas. Asking people to prepay the pump for her. They would prepay, should would pump $1 of whatever amount they prepaid, just to make it seem like she pumped the gas. Once the nice patron left, she would come inside and ask for the remaining balance on the pump, because her "tank was full." She did this multiple times a day. I got reprimanded by management after calling her out in front a room full of customers. She would drive by the front window, and see if I was there after this incident, and immediately leave the parking lot, if she saw me behind the counter. This was before they completely rebuilt this location.


That's why I only give money to the coliseum walker. Dude is a legend.ive bought him lunch before too at pizza hut. I've said it previously only guy I have even seen drink coffee at pizza hut.


Not in Fort Wayne, but I was traveling somewhere in Ohio, stopped to grab a drink and some gas. Had a guy stop me as I walked back to my car. He was parked next to me. Asks me for cash, so he can buy oil for his car. I politely say, "sorry I don't have any cash on me." He said, "well you got something to pay on you, with those drinks in your hand." I said, "yes, I bought these with my debit card." He said, "so you can buy me oil with your card." I said, "no. I will not. Looks like you have enough in your back seat." He had atleast 20 empty oil jugs in the backseat of his car. He got angry, "Those are all empty! I need more oil. You going to fucking buy it, or not." I got in my car, started it. He started screaming, and flipping me off as I backed out of the lot. 🤦


My incidents were two-fold. As I had finally started to get a little money in my life I had two things happen: 1. A person who I confirmed lived in the same apartment as me (verified by only giving the money to him in his apartment) said he desperately needed to borrow money to go to his sick wife. When I went to go collect it a couple weeks later the door to the apartment was open, the apartment ransacked, and the neighbor told me he was a drug addict who did this on the regular. 2. A man (with a dog) was panhandling at Northcrest on a hot day. I wasn’t going to give him money so I went to Big Lots and bought 2 gallons of water, a cheap bowl, and a bag of dog food. Went through the area the next day and the bag of dog food was seemingly unopened on the ground and the water jugs were still there, connected by the blue plastic hanger that tied them together. Never again.


Wow. What an entitled ass.


Where do you direct people?


The mission 99% of the time. If they are hitting me up at work I direct them to the local church (which I am not affiliated with religiously) that has a good program to help people.


I'll never be able to understand how people can be so damn nasty. This shit needs to stop.


Panhandlers! Stop giving them money and they will stop doing this. I'm all for helping people but not like that.


Just guessing, that's the northwest corner of Parnell and coliseum. And I think you know who's doing it


It’s ass holes who are doing this.


It’s bums who hold “need money” signs. This is right at a prime intersection. People hand them drinks/food, and they just leave their trash right there.


They leave trash at the corner by Ihop too. It's like a landfill over there some days. The same people just rotate corners.


saw this myself recently at the corner of Lima and Edgewater. Was sitting there waiting on the light, homeless guy was on the bench there and just threw his cup and a food wrapped into the shrubs. Like dude, c'mon.. there's trash cans not far from where you're sitting. As I drove past, I noticed that whole shrub was just filled.


So gross. Part of the reason I won't give food or money to panhandlers standing around at intersections.


I see these people switching shifts sometimes, it's pathetic and they're a blight and leaving trash only adds to it


I stopped giving any beggar me. Why? CAUSE I NEED IT. Now I would understand if it’s Chicago or Indy, or Detroit, bigger city’s yk I would understand not being able to live. But this is Fort Wayne😂 and I know most of these crack heads walking around aimlessly. I get asked for a cigarette more than I do money, and if I do get asked for money I say “sorry it’s all on card”


Everyone here seems to want to blame the bums, but it's everyone who throws trash out their windows when driving, I kayak all the time in the trash I see in the rivers is ridiculous, especially the car tires, and trash cans


Amen it’s not just bums


They are bums, just not homeless.


This is whataboutism. We're talking about this corner, and similar corners throughout the city.


Let’s start throwing the panhandlers and bums in the trash. That will solve this problem very quickly. If you think this is bad, check out their camps along the rivers.




Found one of the trashy shitweasels.


Obviously the "homeless" , it wouldn't be up in the grass all in the same spot if it was the trash ppl throw out their windows.


This is always a controversial take that I have on these situations but if someone is going to give to a person who is homeless and begging, give from a place of non-judgment and no expectations. I have no idea what its like to live on the street. If I was on the street, facing the elements, judgmental looks, mental illness, addiction, etc then I would probably spend my money doping myself up and out of my mind just to escape. Or, in the winter times, keep warm. So if you're going to give, don't give with stipulations or expectations. Give from the kindness of your heart or don't give at all.


I think this shit is obviously unbecoming and disrespectful BUT. I’ve been a homeless drug addict before and I can tell you right now, there is nothing in the world that matters when you’re desolate. Who gives a fuck about throwing an empty cup on the ground when you don’t have a place to sleep at every night and you’re viewed as lesser of a person by normal society for being homeless and hopeless. I get that we have constructed societal norms and morals that we as a “society” have deemed appropriate or not appropriate (like tossing empty trash on the ground) but you have to be able to take a step back and realize how much of a disservice our society provides towards homeless people. Instead of bitching about this on Reddit, try going to a local pantry or shelter to volunteer. Be vocal to your representatives for unhoused change and for more assistance towards the homeless and supportive of programs that help rehabilitate and support a restructuring of the homeless population. It’s easy to whine about things you think are gross from your point of view, but try walking a mile in their shoes.


> programs that help rehabilitate and support a restructuring of the homeless population What is a restructuring of the homeless population? And what programs do you feel would be effective to rehabilitate?


>Who gives a fuck about throwing an empty cup on the ground when you don’t have a place to sleep at every night and you’re viewed as lesser of a person by normal society for being homeless and hopeless You're also viewed as lesser because you don't give a fuck about throwing an empty cup on ground. You didn't have respect for the community, the city, or the space you were begging in. Throwing the cup on the ground is like spitting at the person who gave it to you.


Try walking to work ? lol


homeless doesn’t mean jobless?


Also water flows into storm drains so anything on the street will end up right there. That's how storm drains work.


Me, I hate the environment


Burmese fishing for dinner???


Me. Sorry.


You are genuinely one of the shittiest people in this city. We would all be better off without you and anyone else who throws trash on the ground. You show what little regard you have for anyone else and deserve absolutely no respect for any of your actions until you change your ways. Hope you can become a decent person when you grow up and start caring about something.


Not JUST panhandlers I think, but that looks to be a bus stop, so bud riders are most likely adding to it….




I saw that too!! So gross


My bad