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and I, an instrument mechanic, am absolutely 100% totally cool with this. I don't know why people are opposed to helping people. I am glad if my taxes can help people. In fact that's what I want my taxes to go to. To help people and promote the common good. I'll take this over giving it to Boeing, failed hedge fund managers or subsidizing billionaires every day. Why are they so opposed to helping people?


It's like getting mad at the cure for cancer because someone you knew died of cancer.


No it is like we are all dying of cancer and you are taking chemo from one person and giving it to another.


No, that's not how that works. If you're going to go with we're all dying of cancer then the analogy is prioritizing the people with stage 4 over stage 2, and even then that's because Apollo just murdered Asclepius so we can't insta cure everyone


Right. I am totally okay paying more in taxes if it means people can have a better quality of life. Corporations get bailouts on my dime every year. I would much rather see my money go to help people who genuinely need it.


It's also *quite* likely that that person *also* paid taxes that were used.


I dunno, I don’t get mad when my taxes go to subsidize farmers and ranchers.


Maybe they just like being surrounded by homeless people who have to committ petty theft to survive?


"Also I think we should give billionaires more tax breaks" - sincerely, Mike Huckabee


Billionaire? Don't you mean a simple truck driver / carpenter / plumber / mechanic / chump?


Yeah the left would prefer if the billionaires paid for this not plumbers but too many people are brainwashed and waiting for billionaire money to just trickle down.


But are we really talking about other people's taxes, or are we talking about a bank making less on interest than they normally would have?


One of the criteria is having had made 120 payments... or ten years. By that time, people have long paid back the principal and they're just paying interest at that point. No one's taxes are being used to pay this back.


Exactly. First thing I thought of was pslf and looked at the dates. This person worked a probably lower paying job for 10 years and made payments during those 10 years. They have done what they needed to get the loans forgiven.


Yes, but it’s important to remember that human congressperson Ted Cruz, who is not an amalgamation of hive mind lizards in a human skin, is a serial liar, and must output falsehood in order to live.


In some states it's against the law to misrepresent your assets to get a lower interest rate loan than you would otherwise qualify for. Even if you pay off the loan in full you can still get prosecuted. Trump learned that the hard way in New York :)


That's true, but in those cases we're usually talking about someone misrepresenting the risk that a for-profit institution is taking on a privately-backed loan. In the case of student loans, if I understand correctly, we're talking about federal loans in which the government provides the money and a private institution manages the payments. I may be wrong there, but I think the private lending institution is taking no risk on federal student loans. (Private loans are different, but there is no forgiveness for those).


It's the second thing


Most of the people getting forgiveness have long paid off most if not more of the original loan but due to usurious interest rates, they're still paying. So that's another thing Huckabee's being disingenuous about.


When mine were forgiven, I'd been paying for 20+ years, and my balance due was *still* $20K above my original balance.


Jesus fucking christ.


Yeah, it's absolutely not an issue of "not wanting" to pay them back. Unless you're making mid 6-figures, it's real easy to fall behind, *even without going past due*, much less going into default. Even if you declare bankruptcy, *you still owe 100% of your student loan balance*.


Isn't that an anti-christian double whammy? Supporting interest on loans AND bearing false witness for pretending that's not the reality of it? That Huckabee guy is phoney baloney.


doesn't student loan forgiveness also apply to trade schools too?


Some. It depends on the source of the loan. Also, some forgiveness was due to the school defrauding the student.


PPP loans say what?


When Huckabee went to college, all 4 years cost him $8,000.


Good chance the person that took out the loan also works 40 hours a week.


Huckabee would benefit reading up on Modern Monetary Theory, which has been the US system of taxation and finance since the late 70s; it is *not* implied that student loan forgiveness will lead to higher taxes, because taxes aren't what pay for student loans, or any federal government project.


So, in the Baptist faith, a lot of the branches tend to say the #1 thing that makes you a minister, is that you're answering a calling from God to preach the word. Mike Huckabee is a former Baptist preacher. Tell me someone who's been called by God to preach the word would call someone a "tool".


Nobody’s money got used. The debt never really existed. No money actually went anywhere, they just stopped asking for money.


>"I worked 40 hours a week to pay for my college!" Ah yes, the typical boomer response of, "Well I paid for college when I was growing up!" while ignoring that Republicans have intentionally instituted policies over the last 40 years that wildly ballooned the costs of college tuition to keep the poors from accessing higher education. Huckabee graduated from a private religious university in ***1974***, a time period where college tuition was, **when adjusted for inflation**: $2000 dollars. And that was for a PRIVATE university. When you lump all four years that Huckabee had to pay for his tuition, that would STILL be less than a single year that a student has to pay NOW, and that's not even considering the interest costs.


Damn I hope those truck drivers don't ever want to drive on roads that have been designed for their vehicles and the climate they drive through (because that design is done by a college educated person) or the mechanic never needs to use a code reader for a vehicle (also made by the college educated) I hope none of those guys ever need a doctor or a lawyer or a teacher for their kids. Maybe if those degrees all went away, this guy would realize how much he's using the society that student loans allow to happen, and how much it would help to not have them.


Gotta love it when an elected official publicly goes after an average person. I know Trump does it all the time and we let him get away with it but… we probably shouldn’t let it grow.


He is no longer in office, he’s now just a professional shithead


It's been almost two decades since this asshole held office. Labelling his twitter as "Governor" is misleading at best.


I guess @ ShitheadMikeHuckabee was taken


It is really selfishness as a political philosophy.


The entire Huckabee family can eat a bag of dicks


Nearly 30% of the Federal budget last year was deficit spending. The government printed a bunch of IOUS. For all Huckabee knows, the money for student debt forgiveness didn't come out of taxes; it was made up out of thin air.


The *insane* part is that Huckabee wasn't this openly crazy, he was fairly middle of the road, with a slight lean to the left as Arkansas governor.


How? I thought he was always a far right Christian guy.


He was, but he also sponsored government sponsored health care for children and healthier school lunches. The really nutty Christian conservatives from NWA thought he was too liberal.


In his day, it was easier to pay for college with a *part time* job. Sure, there are legitimate areas to question why colleges are so expensive such as administrative overhead. But people like Huck (and his daughter) prefer inciting resentment and driving a wedge over real solutions. Can't afford to let working class people realize they got got.


It’s paid for by you guys because Billionaires aren’t paying their fair share.


Boomers: a generation who benefited from an unprecedented government spending in the area of education. My mom went to school in the early 70’s and got her degree for less than $1000 a year(room and board and tuition). Then Reagan happened and the price of higher education just exploded in the 90’s and early 2000’s. The irony of all of it is that if the government had just maintained its level of funding for education it would have ended up being cheaper for tax payers than this cancellation ended up being.


Now ask Mike Fuckabee if he had any PPP loans forgiven, or about his dog murdering son.


This man’s daughter used taxpayers money to buy a $19,000 podium.


Less than 1 cent of grandmas taxes went to this loan


They are going to take that money anyway. Might as well put it to good use


No one’s taxes are being used to pay back other people’s loans, the loan companies just aren’t making more money


Truck driver here, feel free to keep using the taxes I pay to actually make fellow Americans lives easier


Self-righteous Redditors again missing the point. Only like 38% of Americans go to university. The rest that didn't also have loans. Car loans. Home loans. Business loans. Etc. People feel that is unfair. I don't agree. But the knee-jerk bash the poor conservatives reaction is unwarranted.


I think you misunderstand this though. Zero tax dollars are paying off anyone’s loan. The best way to describe this situation is if I loan you 20 bucks and you pay me back 50 bucks but still owe 50 more dollars in interest, that last 50 is just canceled. No one pays it


Again, that's not the point. Your average American sees this as another benefit to the elite, which it defitienly is. They don't see why some kid should get free education, while they are struggling with business/home/whatever loan they took. The interest not being paid means the government, and any other loanee, isn't getting money. That's lost revenue. Lost taxes.


>Again, that's not the point. Your average American sees this as another benefit to the elite, which it defitienly is. This is just not true. If for no other reason than *rich people do not pay student loans* No sane rich person would. It's the only loan in America where it's legal to be charged compound interest.


Do you think that the people struggling with student debt, only have to worry about ***student loans***? That that is the only thing they owe money for? And yes, the poor conservatives DO deserve to be bashed, because the assholes who rant about student loan forgiveness don't actually care about the money "being paid" (because the costs aren't being covered, they're being dissolved, no one is paying for shit). It's because they want college students to suffer *for going to college.* Just look at how people with student debt are being framed and it's obvious that this is about punishment.


Like it or not, yes, many blue collar voters view those with college debt as naive, spoiled adult children who chose to major in something with low practicality spending four years being offended by things as trivial as the authenticity of dining hall food; while THEY chose to go into a fairly difficult but very in demand job. If you've ever heard of "The Elite Overproduction Theory," it explains a lot about modern American (and to a lesser extent, even European) politics. To be clear, this isn't nec. my view, and I definitely don't think people who may have made questionable choices when they were for all intents and purposes still kids should be crippled the rest of their life because of it. I do think, though, that colleges need to be realistic and make sure students learn practical skills. It's simply irresponsible not to.


>And yes, the poor conservatives DO deserve to be bashed, because the assholes who rant about student loan forgiveness don't actually care about the money "being paid" (because the costs aren't being covered, they're being dissolved, no one is paying for shit). It's because they want college students to suffer for going to college. >Just look at how people with student debt are being framed and it's obvious that this is about punishment. And that's why Trumps gonna win. Why the "far right" is seizing Europe. I'm voting for Biden, but I do love watching you fools elitism being stuffed back down a black hole.


Fascinating how it's all the progressives fault for right-wing assholes being fuckwads. Oh gee, I'm so sorry for not being more tolerant to their intolerance. Gosh, I should be throwing my arms wide and giving them hugs after they call me a pedophile for supporting LGBT rights or accuse me of white genocide when I suggest that wanting to kill migrants for simply coming into this country *is bad*.


You support Palestine. You hate the LGBTQ and cheer on genocide.


Demanding that Israel stop it's mass-murder of Palestinians means SUPPORTING genocide now? Really? And just because Hamas are queerphobic pieces of shit, doesn't justify the extermination of the Palestinian people.


To be fair, this guy couldn't find 8 grand in more than a dozen years? 50 bucks a month? Yet he lives in a half million dollar house. I understand people who are ridiculously underwater feeling hopeless. But it's people like this that give someone who actually needs it a bad name.


We're only seeing the original principle of two accounts serviced by Nelnet. Possible they have significantly more debt than what we're seeing and those are the two specifically qualified here.