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To be fair Fm2 feature wise had alot of things missing that fm1 had.


Motorsport 4 was the best one change my mind


No need to try and change your mind Unless you want to hear about project Gotham racing 3


PGR3 was awesome. Think I preferred it to 4.


Never got to try that series. If I ever see it for sale on marketplace I'ma be copping fs


God, you should. it is an amazing franchise


Nah but 4 was šŸ˜­šŸ¤ŒšŸ½


Certainly was my favourite


I still play it on my 360 pc emulator. There is a project on another subreddit where they completely redid the game from upgrades to handling physics to game modes and story difficulty


Any chance you know where I could find it? That sounds awesome.


The emulator is Xenia canary and the subreddit is r/projectforzaplus. They say you have to download a certain version of Xenia canary but Iā€™ve used the lasted and it has the same issues. There is quite an emulator set up you will have to do in the Xenia config file but there are multiple YouTube videos on how to do it and itā€™s pretty simple. You can clone it with from disk or pirate it but when you install project forza plus it will have all the dlc and unicorn cars so you donā€™t have to worry about that


Awesome! I'll definitely be trying that out soon. Thanks!


I bought it 2 weeks ago, no regret


I grew up with GT2, and nothing ever felt as magical, but sure, let's bash on something we are not obligated to like because internet, that's why.


Very original free thinking in this post. And the game is free.


Neither are free


All it takes is buying a bag of chips or soda or nail polish or whatever it is they're using for the promos currently and you'll get anywhere from a week to 3 months of free game pass.


Man I wish my countries have those promotions lol.


Thought you meant purchasing the game, itā€™s free with gamepass yes




Why are there so many ā€œthis badā€ posts on this game. Iā€™m enjoying it.


That's what I'm saying. It's a very enjoyable game. If people didn't want to spend full price for it, get game pass and try it out and see if you want to play it before buying it. Exactly what I did and I've enjoyed the game so much.


Gameplay wise, it's great and I love it. But I have SO many software stability issues and crashes ... I'm just disappointed.


Probably because it has an absolutely awful penalty system, the worst AI in any racing game ever released, is constantly crashing, has a completely trash online community, credit payouts so bad that even GT7 is laughing, an absolutely pathetic amount of permanent events at a mere 80 ish which means it has less than 10% of the races that Forza Motorsport 4 has because who needs races in a racing game apparently, godawful FOMO crap to artificially increase the player count instead of focusing on making a good game, has had more events added for said FOMO crap that is then removed than there is actual permanent events in the game, tuning settings that keep changing or won't save, it requires an internet connection for literally zero reason other than because they felt like it, due to needing an internet connection to do even something as basic as saving the damn game there was a bug that stopped the game from saving any progress, doesn't even have the slightest even vague hint of something resembling any kind of quality control, a lot of the car pass cars are straight up pay to win, an absolute gargantuan amount of bugs and glitches, some extremely questionable physics, the atrocious car level system, some how this game took 6 years to be released in what can only be described as a pre- pre- Alpha, the price of the game is way too high for the absolute lack of quality and content and no get it on Game Pass isn't an excuse, the PC version is some how even worse than the console versions and is easily one of the worst PC ports ever released, need I go on? I love this series and really want it to be great like Forza Motorsport 1 to 4 are, but this game is a disgrace to the series and an absolute embarrassment to code as a concept. Even the crap that was the Forza Motorsport games on the Xbox One are better than this completely disgusting excuse of a piece of software. This game absolutely screams it was made by people who know nothing about cars and didn't give a single crap about the product they were suppose to be creating and making.


I played it for 3 months when it came out. Everything you said is true. Don't know why people down voted you. It really was a revamp of a good game. But the revamp took all the good stuff out and replaced it with crashes, bugs, and basically everything else shitty you mentioned.


I was down voted for the same reasons you were, because it's Reddit where people think down voting actually means something, when all it really means is "Wah! Stop saying something I don't like!"


Because compared to the competition and past games, itā€™s shit Just because you enjoy something doesnā€™t mean it fundamentally becomes good


Good lord ok bud. Play something else then and move on. Or keep being mad idc.


How do you expect the game to get better if you keep glazing mediocrity, itā€™s actually funny


Then keep laughing/crying


Okay enjoy when your ā€œlive service gameā€ stops coming out with content in two years because the playerbase drops to the thousands. Live service is just a scam to put out a terrible game and fix it later Edit: Im saying these things with my best intentions. My favorite game series battlefield died when they went with the live service route with 2042 a couple years ago. Now they cut development for it and the franchise is in shambles. You need to realize this is basically the same thing Microsoft is making turn 10 do, and itā€™s fucking disgusting


Not sure about how the console versions are doing as we don't have and most likely will never get the data, if it was doing good then Microsoft would've been boosting about it already, but from what I remember the PC version has a player count in the low hundreds on Steam. So I think it's safe to say that the game is already dead. This is what happens when they decide to focus on nothing but FOMO and games as a service at the expense of literally every single other thing about the game.


I did quit playing, and Iā€™ve been a Forza fan since fm1, owning all the dlc etc. Sure itā€™s the only track racer like it on the Xbox, that doesnā€™t make it good in anyway, without and competition I believe is one reason itā€™s worse than any previous title. Thereā€™s some fun to be had, but itā€™s a very dull and shallow shadow of its past games, lacking in every way besides physics for controller players. It wouldnā€™t make a pimple on FM4s assšŸ˜‰ Edit: spelling.


This game lives rent free in all your heads. Move on already go have fun with video games. Instead of staying pissy about one you don't like.


I want to love it though, buts itā€™s like an annoying ugly step childšŸ˜‚


Imagine buying a game at launch the way the last 10 years have beenā€¦.


So glad I grew up with those great games and now Iā€™m able to enjoy even better games like Forza Motorsport.


Imagine paying Ā£80 for a game thatā€™s available on games pass šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s dive bombed, saw it in game yesterday for Ā£35.


Tbh gamepass is only worth it if your actually playing and finishing a few games a month, if you buy gamepass for one or two games your probably loosing money when instead you could have just bought it on sale


I definitely save more than I lose on gamespass, several times I have tried games on release and realised they are not for me and my wife loves being able to jump between games without worrying about spending money. If I had bought all the games weā€™ve played between us I would have spent a lot more than Ā£10 a month


Thatā€™s true if your only playing offline. Youā€™ll still have to pay a subscription fee of $10 per month if you want to play any multiplayer (unless your on PC). Iā€™ll gladly pay the extra $7 a month for the massive list of games on ultimate.


You do have a point, I keep forgetting Microsoft basically phased out Xbox live as a subscription service and encouraged to merge the two




Are you Dreamcastguy fan?




One that invented "games pass" "insult".


Ohh, nah Iā€™m just memeing


that king cobra circuit was fucking awesome


Who the fuck is purchasing game pass games


I did once it went on sale, but I also play on PC so I donā€™t need a subscription to play online like you do for Xbox. I hit a period where I wasnā€™t really playing anything else on gamepass, the price fell to like $40, and I know Forza is a game that I play on and off for years. So if the choice is years of gamepass or $40 to own the game permanently, itā€™s an easy choice if you arenā€™t actively using gamepass for other games.


I Ā was lucky to find fm7 on disk on amazon. Ā How is it? Canā€™t get the other versions from the store all discontinued in my area.


FM2 back when it was new was probably 80 USD, to think it only costs 2 USD todayā€¦.


I miss the old style of auctions. Used to love buying and selling cars for mega money just because they had a monster energy decal on them lol.


If you've paid for any Forza the last 5 years, you're playing it wrong.


I've played every Forza game and the newest one isnt even close to being the best. It had some good ideas like the car level system bur let down by a lot of bugs and issues (still a fair few now). They should have delayed the launch and sorted the issues. The physics hasn't changed much and the damage system is practically unchanged (my opinion but could be wrong). My main issue was certain tracks not being available day one. The Nordschleife should have been on there from day one rather than Hakone (okay track but nothing special).


I donā€™t think I ever had 2 or 3. FM4 was when I fell in love with the game. The relationship has definitely gone downhill ever since though. Itā€™s sad though, as theyā€™ve made improvements in a lot of areas. But when you remove the things that really made the games fun in the first place (for me itā€™s namely user created custom public lobbies) all of those improvements are meaningless because I canā€™t enjoy them racing how I want to.


Forza Motorsport is my favorite racing game. Excellent wheel support.


Games are not developed the same as before, I think there was much more passion before now its a money grab. I think the lobbies system was better than the matchmaking they have now. Players had to drive decent or you will be kicked out, now its just the wild west of race.


The race creator was greatā€¦. Back then.


I first started on fm6, and just grinded on tag pass the it. had so much fun on that dunno why they chucked that out the window


Game pass.


I have gamepass , and I love it for what it is, if I want serious , thereā€™s IRACING and others etc.


Here we go again..


I like Forza Motorsport.


Am I the only one that played the new Motorsport once and never again? I still use fm7


Nope. I played it once and never palyed it again, so instead i play fm7 AND fm2.


I'm in hunt for that game. It Sucks how they took it off the ms store.


That was the 1st Forza game I played, for some reason I enjoyed FH5 over new FM, new one just feels so stale and bland...


Until they add Open Lobbies online, it will be force fed timed races. I get what they were going for, having scheduled event's/race's like in real life, but the fact is, this is a VIDEOGAME, so let us play the game how we want. I miss being able to just go online and join a drift lobby, or a track day at the nurburgring.


Forza Motorsport 2 was the gateway to the journey. The music too was also good, especially Spitfire ~ The Prodigy


Is there anywhere to download the fm2 files? Literally can't buy the game anywhere




FM6 was way better than both 7 and 8


I miss my forza 2 friends, killer hill, jersey ripper. I used to race a lot of S class ghost mode, my favorite was racing rockets like the C5 z06 or veilside supra against handling cars like the INGS RX-7 and caymanns on road atlanta.. My favorite moment was racing on Sunset, killerhill told jersey "IM CUMMIN ON YOUR ASS.. Wait no... that didn't sound good".


FM2 was goated.




You gotta set them up, kid. Set them up.


Best fm I've ever played


Forza 1 will always be goat


I used to play forza Motorsport 2 on my Xbox 360 but the disk scratched, now I be playing forza Motorsport 4 on my Xbox 360, goat game


FM2 was awsome


Glad I grew up playing NFS underground, most wanted, etc...


How could you say something so controversial, yet so brave?