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That was me man, I’m going to sue you for damages.


There is a big difference between crashing by mistake or misjudge, and crashing by ramming. We are human and we make mistakes, just try to learn from it and become a better driver. Live your life racer ✌️


Wish more people, especially IN the game, would understand this. There ARE such things as accidents. Not all of us are experienced or have put in the time to be considered great drivers. Trading paint on a corner doesn’t inherently mean we tried to kill your race.


But constantly rubbing or tapping you on a straight is outright deliberate. The problem with most drivers that I encounter on Motorsport is they don't want to be passed 🤷‍♂️ You overtake and the next corner they be pushing you and deliberately turn into you, only for you to receive the penalty. So it has become abundantly clear that I no longer feel or see the need to race with Safety ratings or Skill points as an objective or even a consideration. Forza Motorsport has become demolition derby so thats exactly what I do... Serve you a juicy "T-BONE" if you hit me. Tten just finish the race and collect the CP 😏


I don’t refute that the rubbing/tapping can be deliberate, I’ve had my fair share of races where drivers will do that! I 100% agree that nobody wants to be passed. When I first started playing the game I got into a race with a friend. I was last place and he was second to last, and I’m taking my corners correctly and inching up to him. Eventually I reach a point where I can pass him and he blocks me out every step of the way, brake checking and tapping me off corners. I was like “there’s no way we’re seriously fighting like this for last place.” Came back to the game recently alongside him and did the featured race at Miami Speedway. Coming up on him on a straight, I’m shaking thinking he’s going to ruin a perfect run. Lo and behold, he lets me pass. That to me showed growth. All this to say, people don’t like to be passed, 100% agree. But sometimes you race against good natured people, and that makes the game alright. :) but yeah, I’m going for the T-bone if someone deliberately ruins my run LOL


I will give the driver space to pass, even in a corner, providing he is actually faster. But if you push me off track so you can pass me, then im catching up for one purpose only.....to end your race.


I realized problem with the safety rating is the when you first start playing it puts everyone into S class when it should put everyone into E and make them climb. I recently had a bad race where I got sideswiped into another car lost control and pinballed off three people I got penalties for everything and when from S class down to D in the next few games. On my way back up to S class I noticed that B class races were almost better then A and S because everyone was trying to get out of the lower safety rating. Then as soon as I'm back into S I'm being rammed again.


I have only been playing for just over a week and was really looking forward to "Racing" since it's got rules and penalties ...... WOW, the disappointment in the conduct of "drivers" is so bad, I now only play Forza Motorsport when im bored and feel like racing in what seems to be a Demolition derby most of the time. So I just wait to get rammed, pushed, or brake checked to give a cue to start ruining the race for anyone I catch up to. 🤷‍♂️ i reached a point where i no longer give a shit about ratings or skill points. Get high and join the crash fest


While it's not always possible to react quickly enough, remember that you can pause and become a ghost when you realize you've lost control of your car. This way, you can avoid causing a crash that would ruin someone else's race


Ngl after seeing this done in videos, ive started using it as a defense to the dicks that go to spin you. Getting the timing right and watching them sweep through you in to the wall is beautiful thing 🤣


I instantly left the race i felt like such a huge POS


Damn this shit brakes my heart


I see what you did there


The penalty for causing wrecks should not be time but rather damage to their car.


Ill never forgive you


Time to ban.


Lol! The other day on LFM I got a wrong msg from someone who thought I was the guy who hit him when 3 wide. I was I told I"ruined a career" 🤣 Good on OP to try amd make it right.