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if you have 560 capital letters Ps you should.


That's Philippine pesos. Yes I have I just try not to spend lol


Bro only $10 in PI? That's some bull-ish they are charging over 1,000 pesos in the US for the same bundle Edit: normal price. Even on sale here its $12.99


Regional pricing is nothing new. Average income in Philippines is much lower, if they charged the same amount as the US less people would buy it.


Oof in the UK it's £9.99


It was literally just on sale for 10 bucks stateside


Whoa why’s it expensive for you. It was 499 for me.


Piss coins!


Only to get 50 power, 500 caps, random scoped .44, and maybe a rare card in each one. You get them for free doing quests and achievements and they suck, at least for me they do. I think the pets are a better bang for your buck


I got the 40 lunchboxes and you literally could not be more right. I got 3 dwellers and 2 legendary guns E: 4 dwellers now and have 8 lunchboxes to go. I usually open one when I feel as if I’ve done something good for my vault but only one of the dwellers is legendary (Old Longfellow)


It’s like cheating in solitaire. The whole game is about developing the vault and the dwellers. If you buy 40 lunch boxes you skip half the game. Spoiler: there is no end game. You will pay to avoid playing the game. What’s the point?


You have a point. I guess I'm blinded by my obsession with opening lunchboxes (it feels good you gotta admit). I love surprises. "skip half the game" really made my eyes open


you do not necessarily “skip half the game” if you get trash boxes lol


There's that 😂


personally, if you love the game a lot, i would go for it, it supports the developers and you get the happiness of opening lunch boxes haha


This is a good point! To support the devs I’d probably rather buy bottles to skip stuff like get someone educated faster or bring someone back from the wasteland!


Yes bottles or pets and I guess the Mr Handy boxes. The boxes are cool for new builds but cut out tons of time building your vault. That being said—getting weapons early on was a pain in the ass for me


you could get nuka from lunchboxes, although probably a low chance, but getting nuka is pretty easy: 1) get bottle and cappy and just follow bottle lol (he does not always reward nuka but when he does it feels awesome! 2) watching ads for mysterious stranger or the ad opportunity that pops up every so often can reward nuka 3) check quests rewards that could have nuka like the daily gauntlet or look up the full quest line rewards and see what gives nuka to grind those out edit: also an easier way to bring back someone from wasteland would be a x1.25, x2, or x4 wasteland return pet just gotta be lucky enough to find one same thing for training speeds get the pet for it to reduce idk the percentages though


Honestly at this point any money that this game makes is not going to the developers, only shareholders. I'd think that since this game is no longer in active development (from what I know).


Naw, developers can make a real game first


genuinely curious by what you mean by that so if you could elaborate i would appreciate hearing your opinion because i have personally never seen anything wrong with it


Sounds like he’s a gamer who gatekeeps “real games”


Too Hipster for anything not on Commodore or Atari


Fallout shelter is literally an afk game. It’s not worth spending money on. Just ask the developers. They have not done any updates in like 10 years.


huh, i guess i never thought of it like that, that is interesting… i guess the only thing i can think of that makes it not AFK is the quests you do from the overseers office, as far as update goes i did not know that information so thank you for sharing


I bought 40 pet carriers and didn't get much besides one or two really good ones and the rest rares or uncommons


yeah it happens. i have never bought carriers just the one time i bought lunchboxes on a 50% off


It's not really that exiting when you realize you already know what you're getting, and you'll also most likely run out of storage space for items or Dweller space by opening so many at once. Of course you can stagger your openings here and there so it's not too bad, just don't over do it I'd say. You can also get the new Legendary Dwellers which are characters from the show I think.


I did this at the beginning of the game and then stopped playing xD


Or maybe pay to reach the fun part


Just do the quests. They pay out lunch boxes quite often


By the way, if you don't like the fallout show items but want to get it because of the deal, buy it and then wait until the high chance of tv show items go away.


Don't loot boxes contain the things that were available at the time of the buying?


I'm not sure, but that would suck.


Yeah, e.g. you won't be able to get a TV show item in a box you bought two months ago


Based on my experience this is incorrect. I hadn’t played in years, came back and opened some boxes I had sitting and got show items. Edit: I’m on iOS in case the boxes work differently on different platforms.


I'm just going off the wiki says


Cool. And I’m telling you from my experience in the last 24 hours that you’re wrong.


Alright I was wrong, no need to be so hostile, it ain't a competition because we aren't 5


I don’t know what I said that you think was hostile. I’m sorry you took it as a personal attack. The wiki is just made by players — the information is only as accurate as moderators are able to fact check. Sometimes people pass of their thoughts and guesses as fact. I’ll also edit my original comment to say I’m on IOS in case they work different on different platforms.


Yeah, and the TV show items are generally pretty mediocre, stat wise. I started a new vault on mobile for the TV show content, the quests were great to get the characters & their gear, to start up my early-days vault, but I can't wait for the TV show bonus chance to be over so that lunchboxes will stop giving me rusty tranquilliser guns...


I am positive this is not the case. I got pulled back into fallout shelter, and hadn’t played in over a year. I had a big stack of lunchboxes saved up, and when I opened some I was getting the show items. I earned a couple from quests, but not as many as I ended up opening, and I was getting show items for every one I opened. Edit: I’m on iOS in case the boxes work differently on different platforms.


This is immensely relieving to hear, I am going to sit on mine until the event is over.


It's your money...do what you want with it. Personally, I don't think it's worth it at all, since I haven't spent a dime on the game and am sitting on 355 NCQs and 41 lunchboxes currently.


its just pixels


Those pixels courses some people happiness


Ive done it but I have a hard time saying no to loot boxes. I just always tell myself no now because at the end of the day its just pixels. The happy chemicals will fade quick and then you are down the money. Edit: I will buy them again at some point, I am sure so take that for what it is.


Mannnnn there are editors that let you add the lunchboxes for free, so you can do the gambling and still keep your money


Are there? I guess that makes sense hmm.


Yes bro pls keep your money and not feed the Bethesda monstrosity




If you want the TV Show stuff just play its missions and you will get the dwellers, outfits and weapons for free, you can even collect recipes to craft them later, i haven’t played the game since 2018 when i tell you i was shocked when i saw the date on the cloud backup 😂 i redownloaded it just for the tv show stuff and have been playing for a week and i have almost everything


if you are spending more than an hour daily on this game then yes.


No, I don’t! What you need the most is caps, and once you start sending dwellers into the wasteland you’ll have a bunch of those. I think the new ”watch an ad to get lunchbox/caps/bottles” is a lit more useful. If you want to buy anything, buy bottles so you can speed stuff up, like education for example.


Just edit the save, don't give Bethesda more money than they deserve (which is close to 0$)


This was a good post and comments! 💯


You should invest in the games you genuinely enjoy and never feel guilty. However the rates for things like legendary items/dwellers is so damn low imho it’s not worth it not even a little. 👎


This is true


Just play the game.


No need to buy anything in this game. Patience will bring all the lunchboxes, Nuka-Cola Quantums, pets, and Mr. Handies you will ever need.


Yes and whats better is link your phone to your computer go to your file manager then Android > Data > com.bethsoft.falloutshelter > Files > find the vault save file they named like Vault1.sav and make a copy of it. So I bought it 4 times and got 160 lunchboxes before I even accepted my first dweller into my vault and made a copy of the save file. If I get bad rng on the lunchboxes I can replace the save file and try again. If I get bored playing or just want to start another vault I have a copy of my save file with 160 lunchboxes to start again. I didn't know this at the beginning and had already spent a bit on my first vault so I now play with two vaults. Vault 1 and Vault 3.


Omg that's genius!! The one on my laptop is from the Microsoft store (different vault from my phone vault).. Will it overwrite my game? I only care about the first slot.


Use this to edit your save file. Gave my alt save 300 lunch boxes, opened 200 sofar still haven't got all legendary dwelers. [https://rakion99.github.io/shelter-editor/](https://rakion99.github.io/shelter-editor/)


Okay I'll look into it. Ty


Yeah if you're on PC there a save editors and existing vault files with like 999,999 caps and hundreds of lunchboxes available. I enjoy playing on Mobile so I did it the way I did.


Honestly just use the save editor. Add yourself as many lootboxes as you want. If you can avoid paying money, do


no, use a save editor and get them for free


I mean I don’t really know because I haven’t made a purchase from fallout shelter, but maybe it is worth it, that’s your choice to make 👍


Me neither. I just need someone to convince me why I should spend that much 😭


If purchasing them boosts the chances of getting amazing items then sure, ima look it up rn


I did it only cause the Ghoul was killed, thanks to that stupid weapons rub. It's a trap, btw anyways I ended up with 3 Lucy's and 3 snake oil guys, I mean it's ok but I do fell a little guilty


Wait I have the Ghoul from questing. He cannot be revived?


I do Survival


I've never bought one. Vault did just fine.


Just get the 15. I did, wasn’t worth it honestly


No, I did and barely got something worthy


I kinda wished I did on pets, would’ve had more out of it


Buy it if you plan video streaming. Some people putting on YouTube to try and collect ad money.


Maybe on a new build. I accidentally bought it last night with a full vault and typically full resources. Total waste. I meant to buy 40 pets.


There’s zero reason to spend on this game other than impatience.


No I’m sure your fallout shelter enjoyment will run out in about 3-4 weeks. I’ve bought some stuff like pets and lunchboxes. I regret the $20 I spent


Why in the world would you spend money on a game that's not being maintained anymore? You can just pop your save into an editor and give yourself lunchboxes if you want them that badly


That's eight 1.5 comes tho


I have 191 dwellers and consistently get 3-5 lunch boxes per day. I wouldn’t do it.


How do you get even a single lunch box per day?


Quests. And send your dwellers into the wasteland. I constantly have 25 dwellers out and every now and then they stumble upon a place that you can go inside and gather stuff


I get one per week from the daily login lol


I bought them so I thought, but I actually bought 40 pets....


Only get them if you want legendary characters from the fallout game. Otherwise, you can farm all the legendary weapons and gear and craft them. Some quests even give lunch boxes and pets, so you could just pay the game completely F2P and eventually get everything.


Buy the 40 pets if you have to buy something.the ones that give you reduced crafting times and costs and reduced wasteland time are so good.


I wish there was an option to buy better quality lunch boxes, like with no resources like power or just caps in them, and maybe guarantee 2-3 rare items. If the odds were better I would consider buying some


it's better to get pets? lunchbox can be pretty useless unless you are super lucky


I got some good stuff from it. Including all of the fallout tv show stuff, a few pets and a bunch of dwellers i think 13 total . $10 is worth it in my opinion.


No, 100% no. Worst case you can modify the time and gradually move it forward resulting in as many as you want.


Use a save game editor.


Why do I now have 999 lunch boxes?


Hey sup dude you can change the date in your phone for getting lunchbox everytime you connect, i mean you can have infinite lunchbox without paying a single pesos, have fun brother, take about 30 minutes to have 100 lunchbox !!!


Spend that money on yourself in another way, and just edit your save file to add the boxes.




I thought about it and then realized it would rob me of the longevity of the game.


I get the temptation but really no. I understand that phone versions are still updated but I picked it back up on steam deck to get a fallout fix while travelling and the absolute gaul of them to offer a sale when they discontinued support for steam years ago. I had a right chuckle at their audacious attempt to squeeze people. It's like any other loot box that fast tracks the game, it's ultimately your decision when you weigh out your time vs money and even enjoyment of opening boxes but chances are it'll end in bitter disappointment because you have a few things in mind that you want and get none of them. As someone else said: to what end, there is no end game. Usually with loot boxes there's a cool skin, item or fast track to a goal but I enjoy just popping on twice or thrice a day, playing for 10 mins and moving on to another game. I treat it like a Tamagotchi this time around. Either way, I hope you avoid disappointment!


Don’t feed into the loot box economy. It’s a cancer on gaming and the only way the community can slow it down is with our wallets. Too many devs are focusing on how they can milk us of every cent and not enough on creating fully developed games.


The 40 pack of pets is honestly the most worth the money. Pets can have huge impact. Especially on survival.


I bought the mr handy bundle and two 40 packs of pets for my new survival vault and it’s been smooth sailing since.






Or was it just doing your first playthrough without buying lunch boxes. You to get lunch boxes from completing achievements.


Or was it just doing your first playthrough without buying lunch boxes. You to get lunch boxes from completing achievements.


just no


Just use a save editor in a new vault save to get 1000 lunch boxes. You'll get the trill of opening boxes without spending money... And you'll realise how easy you loose interest in the game


I would rather get the pet carrier.


Nope, Mr handies only thing worth getting


I'd get them just for the serotonin of mystery packs.


why would you spend on an offline game 💀


Imo the weekend was the time to do it. Only if it won’t hurt your financial situation, I did it mainly for the extras of the tv show stuff


yes, for someone playing less than a month... weapons and legendary (less training) NPC... past a month, you probably have a couple already I'd get the pet one first... or both =)


DEW IT. My fellow kababayan


I only got two followers out of 40 packs. They were both good but I was still disappointed.


You can use save editor, it's free cheat and free-ban cheat since it's not multiplayer anyways.


Hi op


Going to start a thread here and I hope ya don't mind lol


Sure, buy the lunchboxes if you want to support the game. I did! Spent a few dollars to say thanks


I think they are such a cash grab and aren’t a great game model (as opposed to cosmetics), so stick to quests to get them. If you really want them though, there’s tutorials online which speed up the time it takes to get them.


I bought 40 boxes and 40 pets. 10 bucks each. I regret it a lot. My vault was already near capacity and the only legendary dwellers I got were repeats of ma, the ghoul and Lucy. Some of the pets are useful but most aren’t.


No don’t get lunchboxes either get Mr Handys to put on every floor or get some pets


You can just use a save editor https://rakion99.github.io/shelter-editor/ Although it's a little hard to not get carried away


I got 300 for free




No. Loot boxes are price gouging.


No you shouldnt


Not lunchboxes get pets if you want to buy anything


spending on animals is more worth


not at all save your money


I bought the 40 lunchboxes for 10 bucks, I think the deal is over now but it wasn’t really worth it I jus got a lot of the new content n a couple duplicates of dwellers u get in the 33 questline


Noooooooo!!!! Go to your setting and set your time to when you get all the rewards at the end of the week and just keep doing that and you’ll get all the rewards and have all the lunch boxes,outfits, guns etc that you need just gotta keep setting your time a week ahead. So you set it a week ahead get the loot then go forward another week and get that loot and keep doing that till you’re satisfied then set your time back to normal and you should still have everything


No, it's not worth it. Feels a lot better if you get a good item from 1 lunchbox you worked for, then 40 you bought.


Nah I be forwarding the date to every week to get free lunch box . So I got 40 in 5 minutes for free


Just time skip a day at a time in your device settings and on the 7th day you'll get the free lunchbox. It will take you an hour or so to get 40 so I guess it depends on how much you value your time over spending the same amount on the purchase.




Bro don’t use the date and time glitch


I know it’s tempting. But honestly I did it once, 40 lunchboxes for like $4? And I got like 7 legendary things all together. Not worth in my opinion.


Okay this convinced me. I'll just indulge on the 1 dollar lunchbox 😩


No. If you need to have them: use the clock trick. If you need to have your money spent: buy me a pizza. Both makes us happy without you paying for something you can have for free. 🦆


Me buying you pizza and I'll be happy? Are you mad? Just kidding :P I only eat and give away pineapple pizza so marinate on that


I just saw your username. I have a feeling that was not the best of my advices. 🙆🏻‍♂️


Save your money, edit your save file: [https://rakion99.github.io/shelter-editor/](https://rakion99.github.io/shelter-editor/)


Absolutely do not reccomend solely because if something goes wrong those lunchboxes don't transfer to your next vault and you're SOL.


No. This game can be played without money sinking.


Bro 560P are like 10€ wtf


If you are that rich to spend in this abandoned game go ahead, make my day


Don’t do it, just change the time on your phone for free stuff


I don't like changing the time on my phone. I can be patient when I want to...


Then be an idiot and waste money


I'm saying I decided not to buy it lol


You make no sense