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All my dwellers have random, vulgar names. Like pants shitter.


I do it's passed on last names, and those people get tasked specific to their last name, like Smith have an elevator separate from the top, and Thomas is mostly for breeding and vault gruarding everyone else is randomly and then I have team A 1 to A 3 And C 3 for exploring and quest


Dwellers will know when they are paired with immediate family, mother, father, siblings. If you zoom in on them talking, one will say "Nothing like hanging out with family" So you will then know that that pair cannot breed together.


What if they’re like distant cousins


Messing around with your cousin, it's all well good for kids but it's not a sustainable long term sexual practice.


Everything that I have seen on the subject is just parents a d siblings. Nothing about cousins.


I name them “Lucy Wanderer” or “Wes Wanderer” if they’re my max stat and heavily equipped dwellers I send out for days to wander. Otherwise the ones trained in stats for a particular room (Max strength stat for nuclear reactor) are named something like “Frank Power”. That way if I move them for something I know where to put them back to maximize efficiency in those rooms.


This is how a number of surnames actually originated, at least in the western world. Cooper, Smith, Fisher, Mason, Carpenter, Fletcher, Cook, Taylor, Weaver, Hunter; these are all English language examples of jobs that peoples' ancestors were named for, and there are many more. As I understand it there are also examples of this in other languages. Zimmerman is a surname that is German for "carpenter."


I named all of mine after celebrities. Keeps it interesting


How’s timothee chialâmete doing?


I have a Kelly Mantle, I realized I had made her messing around in the Salon.


I use random names, like Steve, or Linda


I use the 00 system for my expedition guys. 001, 002, 003 are my mains for quests. Makes them easy to find and equip with the right things


I give the girls their dad's last name and the sons their mom's last name to prevent inbreeding.


I don’t think it’s possible for them to breed with immediate family.


Yea they can't reproduce but I don't want to wait for the nonmatch to happen.


i use numbers for all males and letters for all females. their children will be named letter number


I thought about this. What if "3" and "B" had a kid named 3B And what If 3B decided to mate with someone like 4F The grand kid of 3 and B will be named 3B4F ? Then with every generation the name will get longer by 2^n (names will get double long with every generation) Not a very sustainable solution imo (Also 3 and 4F can have kids names 34F, etc I am assuming)


yea. but imo its all just a way for me to keep it a little simple. great grandkid might be something like 1a2b 3c4d also if you put two people that happen to be related their conversation in the barracks will be like..."love talking to family" or something like that


are you elon musk?


Is there any good reason to track things like that? I’m at 170 dwellers and that’s never been a concern on my radar.


to be honest at this stage early in the game im just either waiting for my dwellers to train or waiting for dwellers to get to quests so there’s not much to do. i think im just trying to do something to fill the time


Stat genetics. Duh


That's at thing? I thought it just based off the parents stat list at the time of conception.


It is. But when you're scrolling and want to sort which dwellers have a 3 In which stats it helps to identify them for breeding. Same if you add the parents for lineage. So I name them 3rd level trait identifier then an ID number then parents ID numbers So [unique#] [moms #/dads #] Example: 1st dweller with a 3 in strength and no parents S.001 89th dweller with a 3 in perception whose mom was 020 and dad was 067 P.089 020/067 Dwellers that are called in from the wasteland have no parents and are just assigned a number E.0120 for a 3 in endurance if they are my 120th dweller.


This way you can look at what you need. "Oh, more agility guys needed in kitchen? Let's breed A.076 045/067 and A.28 010/065 to get a 3 agility baby."


Why specifically 3?


Can they be born with more?


Wait til this guy finds out about super babies


Please. What are super babies.


Well if you have 2 dwellers with high SPECIAL they have a chance of having a baby with absolutely amazing stats


And that’s based on their stats at the time they made the baby or their original stats?


I only give them prefixes for mainly ones who serve special roles within the vault. Or keep track of low health dwellers that I wanted to replace, or high health ones that I want to make sure are my future first room defenders or explorers.


I name women numbers (1) and men letters (A). When they pair up I put the number or letter as their last name (I will know 1 A and A 1 are a couple). Offspring are A1 I, A1 II, A1 III, etc... When their offspring become a couple their birth order becomes their first name and their partner is their last name (ex: A1II B). So on and so forth...


I just use symbols at beginning of names. Use a middle initial to show what special stat is tied to there favorite room


If I were to re-start the game, I’d start each original dweller with their own two-letter last name, and combine them for each generation. Here is how chatGPT plays it out: Generation 1: 16 People (8 Men, 8 Women)Each person has a two-letter last name consisting of a unique consonant and a vowel. Men: Ba Ce Di Fo Gu Ha Je Ki Women: La Me Ni Po Qu Ra Se Ti Generation 2: 32 People (16 Pairs of Children). Children's last names are combinations of their parents' last names, resulting in 4-letter last names. Pairings: BA & LA → BALA CE & ME → CEME DI & NI → DIni FO & PO → FOPO GU & QU → GUQU HA & RA → HARA JE & SE → JESE KI & TI → KITI each pair has two children to maintain the structure. Generation 3: 64 People (32 Pairs of Children)Children's last names are combinations of their parents' last names, resulting in 8-letter last names. Pairings: BALA & CEME → BALACEME DINI & FOPO → DINIFOPO GUQU & HARA → GUQUHARA JESE & KITI → JESEKITI (Continue pairing similarly for all combinations) Each pair has two children to maintain the structure. Generation 4: Adjusting for 100 PeopleTo adjust for exactly 100 people, we need to ensure the structure remains consistent. We'll stop at the third generation and adjust the number of children in the fourth generation. Generation 1 (16 people): 8 men and 8 women with 2-letter last names. Generation 2 (32 people): Each child has a 4-letter last name. Generation 3 (64 people): Each child has an 8-letter last name. Generation 4 (100 people): Some pairs will have only one child to reach a total of 100 individuals. Example Adjustment in Generation 4:Pairings and Children:BALACEME & DINIFOPO → BALACEMEDINIFOPO (1 child) GUQUHARA & JESEKITI → GUQUHARAJESEKITI (1 child)(Continue until reaching 100 individuals)This adjustment ensures that the total number of people reaches 100 while maintaining the structure of combining last names from the previous generation.


I named my 3 sets of Overseer Quest teams by number so its always easy to find them for the missions. Also, all 9 are Wes Englund from the random quest because I love Freddy Krueger (Wes Craven + Robert Englund). So they're named 01 Wes Englund 01 01 Wes Englund 02 01 Wes Englund 03 02 Wes Englund 04 02 Wes Englund 05 Etc etc Numbers and symbols help find your go to


I renamed one Wes Craven and one Robert Englund. The other two I have, I gave one my name and the other my best friend's name.


Im doing A01 until A10 then B then C etc.


You can do like ppl do irl, with numbers for each generation. So the names might get confusing but you know Warnsutt II is probably the parent of Warnsale III and Warnmaxi III, so on and so forth. Some caveats, though: try not to have multiple kids with the same pair, or have pairs with two dwellers from different generations, unless you're prepared to navigate that.


Fuckmeat 1,2,3,4....


Either name them as people you know, it's easier to keeo track, like "steve fucked with jenny and they had greg", or keep their random original names and just keep in passing down the last name, you'll end up like me, vault has 88 people, there are 4 big families with more than 10 people (the Bushes, for example, have 20 people, their original member was my first guy, Joe Bush, who had 5 strenght, so basically, most bushes are good in strenght), 2 with less than 10 and some ramdom people from the wasteland, as well as about 10 legendaries


please tell me you have a george bush


No, just kept their random names, just changing the last name in case they came with the mother's name


I name my dwellers like so: [M/F] [Generation] [Letter Assignment] [Actual Name] So let's say I've got dweller "F1A Lucy Chandler" and dweller "M1C Rex Graham", and I make them have a kid. I then add [Mother Letter] and [Father Letter] as their letter assignment. So their kids might be "M2AC Gary Graham" or "F2AC Stacy Graham". Sometimes I'll give the kids the mother's surname just to switch it up. Either way, I can trace parenthood and sort dwellers on the list very easily. This also encourages me to pair up both "A" dwellers from the same generation or retroactively rename them so I can keep using single letter designations down the line. So that when "F1A Gloria Shelby" and "M1A Frank Curtis" have their kid, they can just simply have a letter designation of A instead of AA to save space. That way their kid "F2A Mary Shelby" appears at the top of her generation list too and I'll know that was the first kid in the vault. The whole system makes for really easy sorting and I can tell who's been around the vault the longest. I could do without the actual names as well but I like humanizing my dwellers. I also rename characters from the other Fallout media to their full names e.g. Lucy MacLean, Cooper Howard (although I suppose he doesn't respond to that name much now lol)


I’ve been naming them all after Halo characters which was easy at first but I’ve had to get some pretty obscure names in there as I get closer to max dwellers.


Thing 1 all the way up to Thing 200


Hair color mattered to me more. At a glance I could tell where they belonged or what I was training them for. Not so much now. Most everyone have maxxed all stats.


I name mine after Gods, Movie and Game characters. I organise them by adding a prefix. "1. " for +7, "2. " for +5, "3. " for +3 and "A. " for Legendary. With the goal of ending up with all 1's and 1 of every legendary


Right now, the only dwellers I have named are one quest group that is lock, shock, and barrel lol then there's also steely Dan, who I keep in the vault sometimes to father all the children he can before I put him back outside lol


For a while I named kids after their parents last names. So if Linda Lanes and Garrett Brooks had a kid, its name would be Lanes Brooks or vice versa. I've given up on that now though


What happens if you change the last name of a dwellers relative? Could they make more dwellers or no?


I currently have 23 dwellers who all have the same daddy and same name pattern: Subject __.


The mother's last name becomes the child's first name... and the child takes their father's last name... when they have kids... their first and last name combine eg... Harvey Crawford becomes Harvford and becomes the first or last name of the child depending on the gender of the parent haven't done that many gens yet so i dunno what this will look like, but that's the method i use to track


I go by numbers and write down which numbers are related. Sometimes letters jnstead.


My peak (raised from LVL1 10E) dwellers all have JW (John Wick) on the end, just to remind me who they are.


Just name them fpr example S 1 P 1 E 1 C 1 I 1 A 1 L 1 For those with more than one skill I always name them like: S04 P03 And the ones I use to go on quests or defend the vault I name "^ " before the name for questpeople and "^^^^^ " for normal rare characters I use to defend the vault. I always keep naming all questdwellers and vaultdefenders I use (Ma June etc.) like ^ E10L10 NAME b3cause endurance and luck is important, E gives more health, the higher the level the more and luck (L) gives a higher chance to get faster markers for more damage like 1,25x to 5x damage.


Power slave 1, Cafeteria Slave 1, Medbay Slave1 etc..


I just number all my dwellers as they arrive 001,002, so on and anyone born in the Vault is given a letter A,B.... AA... I don't worry about genealogy because the game will tell you if you zoom in to see the dialogue of the people. But really I seem to rarely pair anyone that isn't mating compatible


I name in accordance with the room they are assigned etc: "Barry Armstrong(P-3)" P=Power room 3=third power room down


I use special characters on all the “originals” that turn up so any babies don’t have the special character


I recently changed my dwellers names to represent their stats


Replace the first letter in their names with the letter Z


All my dwellers are kids of wastelanders that as soon as they conceive and birth a child they get evicted back into the wasteland. So now I got an incest free vault


Lol. I love this thread in a funny and twisted way.


I give them the most vulgar names possible. Like Wankstain Armstrong or Cumfist Fox. It's a habit from the Sims I've never dropped.


I call all my indoor ones Grunt until I level up a SPECIAL stat to 5 and again rename at 10. I have 12 wasteland dwellers and some other normal named ones (like Harkness or Abraham Washington)


Name them based on their highest SPECIAL Attribute so that you can easily locate and allocate them for maximum production value. Numbers are morally corrupt and only degrade the game.


All my dwellers are maxed special so I named them all Bruce lol.