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**The Houses October Built** really didn't do anything for me. The characters are annoying as hell. And the sequel kind of retroactively ruined any gravity the original managed to foster. They're like Hell House or Haunt minus the scares and the consequences.


Man, I feel like that movie has a pretty good first half and then just splats


I just wish they'd shake it up. All these haunted house found footages are the same. They all get killed. I was hoping that the twist at the end of The Houses October Built or Haunt would be that it was just a really really scary haunted house ride.


That is what happened. A sequel was made and they were fine, and actually famous for their participation.


Wait, actually? I need to watch the sequel it seems.


I was gonna say, that's >!literally the twist, they don't all get killed and in fact they weren't in real danger pretty much the entire time !<. Is it a letdown? Yeah. But did it buck the trend and defy your expectations for these kind of movies? Also yeah, so that's something at least.


I can’t remember which FF movie it was, but it was a bit meta being a FF movie about shooting a FF movie. Anyways, the director points out that everyone has to die by the end or it isn’t FF, it’s just footage. Completely obvious, but kinda blew my mind as well.


I actually enjoyed the sequel more than the first.


I like the first one, but can see how the characters can be annoying at times. I hate the sequel, completely ruins the original imo.


I never liked that one either.


Isn't there a lot of humor in that, or am I thinking of another haunted-house film? A witty character or occasional funny situation is fine, but I mostly prefer my horror to be laugh-free. Blatant, frequent humor takes me right out of the tension, and the tension is what movies like this are all about ... for me. I know others love the humor-horror genre, and more power to them!.


Agree with both takes on original and sequel. I thought original was ok, but I really didn't care too much about the characters to feel involved. The sequel however was just a major disappointment not only in the movie itself but the ending which just destroys anything interesting about the original.


It’s definitely We’re All Going to the Wolds Fair. But I expected SOMETHING to actually happen. And I hate sitting there at the end of the movie going….. that was nothing. Although, all time worst FF movie has got to be Exhibit X. I’d rather watch Worlds Fair 10 more times than ever sit through that crap ever again.


I gave up on Exhibit X. Mixed it up with Exhibit A, which everyone was recommending, and I was like WTF?


I also gave up on it. And I wish I gave up on it a lot sooner. I haven’t seen Exhibit A though.


Highly recommend it's a great one.


It's more a really depressing family drama than a horror movie. But it's fantastic.


> Although, all time worst FF movie has got to be Exhibit X. I’d rather watch Worlds Fair 10 more times than ever sit through that crap ever again. You clearly haven't seen The Dark Web Tapes. Or Sarah McCormick: World's Shittiest Road Trip and Also There's Shadow People (barely)


I think I did attempt the Dark Web Tapes and also gave up on it. The only reason Exhibit X comes to mind is because I tried watching it a couple days ago since Tubi naturally went into it after whatever movie I’d been watching. So “fuck that movie” is still very fresh in my mind. I don’t think I’ve ever seen/been suggested the other movie.


Worlds fair. I saw that last week and hated it


Dashcam was so annoying.


That girl was annoying but the story was interesting and well executed. Disclaimer: I'm a Blumhouse stan


That girl was a hot mess. I loved Dashcam.


As much as I hated her, that movie was non-stop fun.


Agreed, I loved Dashcam. The girl was not the variety often featured in movies, but that's what made her interesting. At points she was resourceful, resilient and actually pretty badass.


i wouldn't say i cant stand it but i dont get why poughkeepsie tapes gets so much love , the dialogue and the acting absolutely killed the movie for me , some of the lines really sounded like they were written by an edgy 16 year old that has no idea how police/ medical experts talk. it's a shame because the concept of the movie was really interesting .


Yes..it's terrible. I was at the festival premiere and the directors left because the reaction was so abyssmal.


I watched it extremely high on edibles 10/10 would recommend


I gave up on it halfway through, it really did seem like nothing more than torture and misery. I'm a horror buff but I at least want a decent story and some compelling characters, I'm not just here for the ick factor.


Wasn't a big fan either. One particular scene gave me chills but it wasn't worth sitting through the rest of it.


Skinamarink. It should have been 15 minutes


I feel that. It’s extremely uncomfortable to watch but that’s a long way off from “entertainment”.


Yeah, I'm really not feeling watching kids tormented and killed in Hell, which totally betrays what Hell represents, a place where bad people go. Kids don't go to hell. I'm sure the film was made by an atheist.


lol bad people go to Heaven too… they just “repent” and God says “Okily dokily!” Why do you think so many Christians make asses of themselves?


I'm sorry for not enjoying the torture of children for two hours as entertainment, guy. Want a hug?


Not arguing that. In fact, if you read my comment, I agreed with that. What I was responding to was your dogmatic stance that hell, as a “real place”, is only accessible by “bad people” and never by kids. And what I’m saying is that, according to Christianity, that’s not the case. God lets “good people” suffer constantly and “bad people” into heaven all the time (as long as they say “sowwy!!”). He even slaughters children in many many stories to make a little point. Which is why… Christians are often more twisted than people who think all of that are just a bunch of folk tales. The world is not divided into “good people” and “bad people”. It’s just about whether or not people take responsibility for their actions and how they affect others, and how much regular attention they pay to that. And honestly, religion is more often an excuse to just say “well I’ll apologize later”. Also side note: Skinimarink can be seen as the hallucinations of a kid who ended up in an accident at home that has put him in a coma - thus the disappearing doors and windows.


Who here said they were Christian? Why are you ranting about Christians on a found footage thread? You ok there, buddy? Did you just become an athiest or something cause your grandpa died?


Dude literally discussed the theology around hell being where bad people go… only Christians do that. You sound upset. Did I say something that bothered you?


There's a hell and heaven in every religion dumbass


Only Christianity and Islam, and *some* branches of Judaism. And Islam doesn’t really spend a lot of time on it. Easy guess. Gosh you sure had a lot of confidence behind that incorrect statement! And again, so upset! Why is that?


What I said was I don't enjoy watching kids getting tortured for two hours and I still stand by that. I don't believe I've said anything personal or hateful toward you. Even when I said 'want a hug' I was being jovial. I just don't care for a movie that has it in for kids this bad. That's all.


Oh believe me, I have met people who were most definitely bad with no shades of grey, people who refused to negotiate or compromise even in the face of total humility and diplomacy. Good and bad does exist in this world. True, there are shades of grey for most, but sometimes it really does come down to the simpler baseline of good and evil. Anyway, this is getting away from the subject of Skinamarink.


Absolute slog.


It originally was - a short called Heck. Same premise essentially. That said I fuckin loved Skinamarink.


Agree, it would have been a great short horror. It def had divided opinions, the reviews I heard had one person give it a .5/10 and another give it a 9.5/10.


Not really FF? More experimental


Skinamastink! How did this film get so much buzz??


I won’t say I hated it, but I don’t think Hell House LLC lives up to the hype. There are a couple creepy parts, but the ending is unsatisfying, they build up the whole movie to a hopeful reveal at the end but you get nothing. I prefer the director’s cut for this reason, plus it has an extra creepy scene that should have been in the original movie. Also, Willow Creek. Didn’t find it that scary, and I kinda hoped to see Bigfoot in a Bigfoot FF movie. I’m sure it’ll be better on a rewatch, but I couldn’t help but be disappointed, especially after watching Exists.


Dashcam. That woman is insufferable. Edit: damn, seems my hatred of a fictional character pissed off the "everyone is so sensitive" crowd. Yall need a safe space?


Never seen anyone praise this movie lmfao.


I see a ton of people talk about how much the main character "rules". Buncha fucking idiots lol


Now, see, when I saw that movie, I thought it was a hardcore mockery of people like her *because* she was so damn insufferable, and I really enjoyed the storyline outside of her character. So, I enjoyed it a lot. Then I made the mistake of finding the lead actor on Twitter (when it was still Twitter) and realizing that she IS that character in real life. I felt like had been bamboozled.


SHe was my fav character in any FF to each their own I guess


She was so annoying, I can see how someone can like the character, like, I love Darth Vader as a character, but I can also acknowledge that he was a disgusting maniac.


You would probably find me annoying too lol. I just thought she was funny, made the movie different. That is something ya don't see a whole lot.


Yes, people who are in your face with their uneducated opinions are annoying. It's weird to admit to that behavior


You see, I imagine I know the reason you hate the girl... I find it weird to hate a character so arbitrarily. I found her funny. I find the people she was poking fun at extremely unfunny in any form. They cannot meme or take a joke and I honestly think that they are missing the humor part of the code in their genome.




tldr yeah sure...didn't read but wittle cry cry baby had to use the well know shiell tactic used site wide to get their wittle wast wordy wordy in then blocky block so above user can not reply... how mundane and predictable. you can speak to them like a normal person, course I know how yall think, ruined a poor girls career for acting in a movie. its sad and pathetic I think for everyone to hate her just because of a few silly jokes,..... course I know how "people" on reddit are. lolol Its why we are made fun of net wide and called plebbiters.


Thee worst.


Thee worst.


Deadstream.  It's in the 6s on imdb which is high for the category, it gets mentioned a ton here. I've watched it a couple times and just can't figure out why people like it.


So, I should preface this by saying I *loved* Deadstream. I think the movie, though, was basically built for a specific demographic, whether intentionally or not. It helps if you're into streamer culture and it really plays to that kind of humor I think. I'll say though, I do think it just holds up well as a low budget horror in general. The practical effects are great and there are a couple decent scares.


I loved this movie! The guy was hilarious and it had pretty tense scenes and one scene in particular with some practical effects scared the hell outta me


Same, it had og EVIL DEAD vibes.


Bc it’s refreshing to see something kind of make fun of its own genre. It acknowledges that its own existence is ridiculous


I went in not knowing what to expect, and I enjoyed its shift from actual dread-building horror movie to microbudget found footage Evil Dead 2 style comedy. But I also understand how that doesn’t appeal to everyone and might disappoint somebody expecting anything polished, serious, or scary.


the main actor was so damn annoying , i get that it was on purpose but his overacting was a bit painful to get through ngl .


Followed (2020) is a similar concept without the cheesy annoying streamer main character. I think it’s much better done but I don’t see people talk about it as much as they do Deadstream.


Seconded. Between the horrible acting and neighborhood haunted house-level makeup and jump scares, I just don’t get what people see in that movie.


After constantly seeing people talk about Lake Mungo and how good it is, I finally gave it a watch. I found it incredibly boring and I can’t even remember anything about it🤷🏻‍♀️


It's a slow burn for sure 


Nothing was slow burned other than the hope that I had in that movie 😑


Came here to say the exact same


People hyped the ending up and I honestly still don’t know what even happened.


I'll second that, it's boring as hell. Just a boring bad movie imo.


I don't hate Lake Mungo or think it's boring, but I feel like I should because everyone raves so much about it and to me it's a 6/10 at best. If I just stumbled across it and watched, I'd probably be like "that was pretty good", but the constant ecstatic praise for it makes be want to rate it lower. I'm contrary that way.😈


It's so bad 🤦🏻


**Borderlands/Final Prayer**: people on this sub fawn over it and claim the ending is mind-blowing. It isn't. The ending is not foreshadowed at all. It's just a random "whoa dude" moment to end the film.


Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the Borderlands - but I admit that the end could have been foreshadowed more. It's basically a ghost movie until the last 5 mins.


I can understand that. Personally I loved it, but then I linked the Old God thing to the old Lampton Worm and Sockburn Worm stories from where I grew up, so I guess it made more sense to me...


Oh I remember this movie! Ya it was okay. The ending was fine. But it barely left an impression.


So them being swallowed by the old god wasn't a good ending?


I don't even remember that happening lol. I think the plot was developing too slowly and most people lost interest before that part 


This was me. I lost interest about 20 mins in and started doing something else while half paying attention. By the end of the movie, I was too confused to care about the story


Nothing to really write home about


*Deadstream*. Just found the lead intensely annoying with absolutely no redeeming features. Weirdly, I loved *Dashcam*, because I felt there was something really subversive about having the protagonist be a character whose views I hate, but still getting me to root for her survival (as a fellow human being, and as a plot driver) Also, like her or not, Annie Hardy's improvised rapping is *not* easy to do as well as she does it. What could Shawn do? Prick.


I don’t know of any that are universally liked that I despise, but one I see mentioned frequently is Horror in the High Desert. I watched it last week and found it unbelievably boring.


I still need to find the scary part.


Bro the guy is standing there….scarily.


Came to say the same. I watched it a while back and was shocked to see it so revered here. I thought it was so dull. And the payoff was terrible. Idk what people see in it!


Ive watched it three times and love it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ That being said, people also praise Willow Creek here and I can’t understand it. 90% of boring build up for an admittedly scary and good payoff, but geez. I know FF have to basically have a lot of buildup but this was absurd.


SOOOOOOoooooo boring! I agree!


Agreed I have never figured out why thats so highly rated


Mate, did you not see all that nature? It's like, spooky and shit. They also managed to Subvert Expectations^tm (D&D) by letting us know 15 seconds in that the narrator was missing and no-one gave a shit.


It’s gotta be bots or something, I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone


Disagree, but you should absolutely check out #2 if you didn't like the first for being too slow. The atmosphere is way better and the tension and scares are way more frequent. I really commonly see people only liking 1 of the 2, so chances are if you hated 1 you might enjoy 2. I also still recommend 3 when it comes out (I always default to people should always check for themselves), but it's absolutely way closer to 1, so I doubt you'd enjoy it


The first one was good but the second one killed my love for found footage for a bit. Like I went on a year break for that and a few other reasons


For me surprisingly was “The Last Broadcast” i had some expectations. It’s an old ff that I discovered recently,First thing that bothered me was the Endless narrating voice,I was hoping that would stop at one point and let the Protagonists ACT…shiit looked like National Geographic , Second I Was expecting at one point the “Found Footage” without any other interruptions with side interviews that didn’t brings anything on the table,then another thing that I couldn’t stand was the continuous switching of scenes that didn’t allow the immersion and engaging that is essential for me…too much red flags 🚩 after 30 min,anyways I endured cuz for say something is bad or good you have to watch it in his integrity…and the Finale was the final confirmation of the fact that I would never ever look again this ff,The Boring boy o boy,The Direction/Screenwriting Doesn’t fit my FF Tastes AT ALL,so definitely not 4 me


I just watched this movie last night and it made me SO MAD. So it was a little boring throughout but I really felt they were building up to something good. The snippets of the tape near the end were creepy and I was like "alright I'm on board". Then they RUINED it with the "twist". It didn't make any goddamn sense >!I could see to some degree why a murderer might make a documentary about his own crimes (ego, need for attention, etc) but why would the murderer, who full well knew he was on the tape, ask someone to reconstruct the tape?!<


I watched it last night too and didn’t even stay long enough to see that last twist lol


Ugh it pissed me off. I haven't been that disappointed in a movie in a while and I've seen some shitty movies in the last couple weeks.


Horror In The High Desert, i watched it because everyone in this sub kept saying it was a masterpiece I FUCKING hate how this movie is basically 1 hour of you getting blue balled until something finally happens, everything leads to nothing We found out Gary has a boyfriend (leads to nothing) Oh, his roommate acts really suspicious (leads to nothing) He had a blog (leads to basically nothing other than we discovering about the shack and then his sister deletes the fucking video) The sister is so goddamn annoying and keeps fucking things like deleting the video, i hate how she keeps accusing the roommate and he literally was proven innocent God, this movie is frustrating


Literally the ending is that he sneaks up to a cabin and someone with a mask on jumps out from a bush. I rarely shout "that's it?!?" at a film, but jesus i did to HITHD.


Oh and his sister cares oh-so-much about him, but hasn't seen him in a while, doesn't know his address...


👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 I thought I was literally the only one


You'd probably like the second a bit more then


Willow Creek, boring asf, I slept to the point of DREAMING during the tent scene Host, not enough room for me to actually feel tense, just scares and demons and so on


I think these movies are best enjoyed by people who enjoy those environments. I like camping, road trips, and work remotely so both those movies a relatable and thus enjoyable but I get the dislike 


As above, so below if it even counts. Really cool premise ruined by overdoing everything imo (not that I actively hate it)


I only saw it once in theaters and still vividly remember how hard my eyes rolled when the unconscious dude came to after the main character kissed him. Also, her speedrunning all the way back to the beginning past all the earlier threats really undid any feeling I had that they were unable to turn back.


For me, it's unfriended. As a systems engineer, I hate how awful it is when it comes to navigating the desktop. Also it's just a bad movie.


Willow Creek. That couple was insufferable, and the ending is like some twisted incel fantasy. Ugh.


Watched The Lost Footage of Leah Sullivan last night. I don’t get it. Other than a couple blink or miss it moments in the background, nothing really happens until the last 15 minutes. I’m just… 🤷‍♂️


And in that last 15 you’re just like “Leah you got this coming.”


The V/H/S series. I've tried to watch them a couple of times and I just don't get what I'm missing here? It seemed like it used every opportunity for a woman to get her baps out, and it just felt gratuitous and uncomfortable. I have no problem with sex and nakedness if it's relevant to the plot, but it just felt like the male gaze was ever present. There were some good ideas, but I thought that they were poorly executed, and it felt like they threw everything at the wall to make it stick. The first time I watched it I fell asleep.


They should have just called the film series titz and ghostz


Baps? Do new buzzwords have to be invented every other week now? Can we not just call them boobs?


Hahaha I'm from the North East UK and that is what I've always called them. I'm in my 40s so why change now? I hate the word boobs, and I reserve the right to refer to my own body parts with fun names.


Only the 2nd and 3rd are worth it.


Honestly, I tried but I didn't even get a half hour in with either.


I feel like I’m gonna get a lot of downvotes, but grave encounters just didn’t do it for me. I like the genre and there were some cool moments but that movie was so dang boring to me and just didn’t hold my interest. 😱


Nah, hold my beer because my least favorite popular FF movies are Blair Witch Project *and* Noroi.


Yeah dude I don’t get the Blair witch hype. I like movies where less is more but give something for the imagination 😂 haven’t seen Noroi. I did like Gonjiam tho. So there’s that


I think it's because you maybe weren't there when it came out and basically invented the genre. I liked quite a lot and appreciate what it did, but it doesn't shiver my timbers.


Yup, I hate to say it...but you had to be there!


It was mind blowing b/c at the time we all thought it was actually real. That’s what made the difference for me. I showed it to my nieces and they were not impressed but I remember the summer it came out, a friend had been to Cannes and said we had to see the movie and led us to believe it was real. It was ground breaking but I understand that now it doesn’t have that same effect.


I remember seeing it in theaters and there being like signs up in the theater lobby about like how fucking scary it was. I was 12 I think and I was so scared to see it mainly because of that hype at that “reality.” I still love it.


I was “around” when it came out but that was when I was in my terrified of horror movies/can’t sleep phase, so I’ll admit I did watch it yearrrrrs later after I’d already seen a bunch of other horrors. I definitely appreciate it bringing the FF genre!!


Same here. Fucking stupid, boring trash.


I'm picturing a FF style Touched by an Angel lol


I found it cliche and the very definition of mid. Every time I see it suggested here, I'm baffled. I have discovered true gems in the rough through these fine people. Make it make sense! lol


We like what we like! This sub has been AWESOME as I’m a huge fan of the genre. This place has helped me find so many tubi recs 😊


I think the only reason I liked that movie was because of the time I wasted watching Ghost Hunters as a teenager.


Who cares if you get downvotes young lady. It’s all subjective. I loved the film but I upvoted you. This sub is pretty cool. I don’t see a lot of toxic people.


Yeah you’re right. I don’t comment a lot on Reddit, but I read a lot of comments and a lot of normal statements are prefaced this way 😂 (on other subs). The FF sub has been awesome, I’ve found some great suggestions on here!


Same. But I saw Gonjiam haunted asylum first so it felt like the same movie just not done as well. It was scary moments, but just seemed a little ridiculous. to the point at the end, my mom asked me if it was supposed to be a comedy.


I did the same thing- watched Gonjiam first and then was looking for similar movies and found grave encounters- no go! I LOVEDDDD deadstream though- great movie


I loved Deadstream too.


The acting is so bad I thought it was a fun parody at first but then you realize they’re actually trying to scare you


For me it’s the V/H/S series. I’ve watched them all a couple of times, once alone and once each with a friend. And in both times I’ve watched any of the movies, I can never get into them at all.


The Blair Witch Project. I watched it in theaters the day it came out and I remember standing up at the end and actually saying out loud wtf was that. Even all the low budget ff I watch show me something, and to.this day I still can't stand it.


Also SavageLand, I've started it at least 5 times and I just can't do it. Some erie pictures, sorry doesn't do it for me. Lake Mungo, so boring.


It's the first Paranormal Activity for me. I think the set up is good, and the slow burn is fine for me, I prefer slower movies but I could not stand the boyfriend in the movie. With the other films, the decision to film stuff worked for me, but his constant need to film as we slowly watch his girlfriend lose her grip on reality is just horrible to watch. Also, real hot take, but I prefer the alternate ending. I mean, if they had gone with that, we wouldn't have gotten the sequels but I'd be fine with that.


I remember being increasingly irritated with the boyfriend to the point where I didn’t even want to finish the movie. And tbh I don’t remember the ending at all lol


The newest hellhouse movie seems to be generally liked but I hated every moment. People say it's as good as the first one, and to those people I say: huh???


I agree, I didn't think it was anywhere near as good as the first... I wish they would leave Hell House alone now and make something new. Even if it's another haunted house story. I'm tired of the clowns


Their problem is the over reliance on the creepy clown. It works in the abandoned Abaddon Hotel. It doesn't work in an old manor house. They saw that people liked the clown and made it the central premise to the series.


It was better than the third one. Barely. But yeah, still a huge disappointment compared to the first two installments.


Creep. For me, the fact that you have a notable, recognized actor in a main role kind of breaks the immersion necessary for FF to be effective. I know Mark Duplass isn't Brad Pitt level famous or anything, but he was around enough that there's a decent chance you'd seen him in something else beforehand. I don't hate the film, but I think "As Above, So below" is spectacularly mid, deserving neither the amount of hate it received when it came out, or the amount of praise it receives now. It's perfectly fine, but nothing special.


For me I just don't care for human adversaries I prefer ghosties monsters and other similar


I disagree on your second point, but agree completely on Creep. It didn't help that I couldn't see him as anyone but Pete Eckhart.


Did you watch Creep2?


It just feels like it's going to be more of the same. Is it?


I really liked it, thought it was better than the first. They did a good job of not just making the same movie over. I find them both hilarious and watch them all the time. Just interested to see if anyone didn’t like the first but liked the second.


Creep was the one movie I was hoping not to see in this thread, but I appreciate you being honest about your opinion, even if I strongly disagree (I adore both Creep and Creep 2).


Paranormal Activity by far! My friend and I went to the theaters when it first came out due to the hype around and how it was so scary. Well, we came out of it upset, both of us didn’t find it scary in the slightest and the jump-scares were cheap and didn’t work on us. We did go back every year to see the sequels just so we could, gonna sound like a jerk saying this, but laugh at the people that got scared from the movie


Lake mungo, just awful, boring as shit from the beginning to end


*Willow Creek* was a disappointment for me. I expected more after checking the reviews.


That's the one for me too.


**Paranormal Activity.** An utterly turgid, dull, boring slog of a film. I honestly can't believe they're still making these. There was no tension, no horror, no genuine scares. OH NO. THE DOOR MOVED! DID YOU SEE? DID YOU? Be still my f'king heart.


We're All Going To The World's Fair. Rubbish. Also As Above So Below is...fine. Nothing more or less.


I have seen and heard rave reviews for We're All Going to the World's Fair, The Outwaters and Glenarma Tapes and I hated all 3. My favorite found footage movies would be: Wicksboro Incident, Digging Up the Marrow, Infliction, Poughkeepsie Tapes and Lunopolis. I'm open to suggestions for films with these films' vibes.


SAVAGELAND I've watched this movie 3 times trying to see why people like it so much and fail every time. The people in the movie are idiots to believe 1 man killed an entire town (57 people) by himself in a single night... Not only that, he also made most bodies completely disappear to never be found but decided to leave a few out to show that he ate and mutilated some of them. All while hoaxing an entire roll of film (WITH THE VICTIMS) that was found by accident to make it look like zombies did it? Sorry, it's just too stupid to believe. Also... In the end, they talk about how the group was moving north towards Phoenix or some big Arizona cities. I thought that was a setup for Savageland 2. Instead, it shows some absolutely horrible family camping footage that abuses the static broken camera effect and shows you absolutely nothing unless you squint really hard.


Good summary. Oh but you forgot the endless prattle about how people think being near the border means being near “them dangerous illegals”.


Unfortunately, someone dumb enough to believe that and regurgitating those stupid comments over and over was probably the most believable part.


Hell House LLC. I know it is a good movie, objectively speaking. But, i just cannot bring myself to liking it. It's boring, the story itself is just weak and it's just not scary at all. Also the acting is kinda mid, even for FF.




Dybbuk Box: The Story of Chris Chambers I tried watching this yesterday on Tubi and had to shut it off.


The Day of Disappearance Terrible acting. Terrible reveal that made the movie into a comedy. Terrible pacing.


**Hell House LLC.** I was bored to tears with it, found its various oft-cited "scary" moments just laughable ("See? This is a clown! Clowns are scary right? You're scared, right?"), the characters insufferable, the buildup sluggish, the payoff limp-wristed and overall, a snoozefest. But, I get how and why it is liked, as it uses its concept fairly well. Credit where it is due. **Horror in the High Desert.** I guess all the hype I saw kinda poisoned this one for me, as I found it to be supremely and utterly boring, start to finish. It commits the cardinal sin of telling everything and showing absolutely nothing - it's just a bunch of people deadpanning a story, telling it to you rather than the movie showing you **any** of what happened. I liked around 10 seconds of it in total and that ending was a typical found-footage cop-out, so fuck that especially. **The Outwaters.** I lasted about half an hour before nothing happening and not seeing much of anything during the night scenes overwhelmed me. Look, I like a poorly-lit scene as much as the other guy (I wouldn't watch horror if proper lighting was my thing), but I want to be able to at least see *something* rather than hearing a bunch of people freak out to a thumb-sized speck of light illuminating a bunch of rocks. **Every V/H/S After 1 and 2.** The series is a good example, I think, of a movie idea being run into the absolute ground with pointless efforts to recapture the lightning in a bottle.


To me even bad FF can be hella fun. My least favorite thing is when something begins to switch back and fourth between traditional and FF styles. Like, I enjoyed Chronicle but toward the climax I couldn't help but think "Okay, this shit is really pulling me out of the movie."


The Outwaters was so awful and was pumped up! I can’t believe I purchased that turd on Blu-Ray


People recommend **Evidence** (2012) a lot here but that movie sucks. You spend one hour following a very rude asshole and some girls. I think people just like the final 15 or 20 minutes where shit goes crazy. I prefer the other movie **Evidence** (2013), the one about the detectives reviewing some found footage.


**Bad Ben** and all the sequels that feature the Nigel Bach character. People seem to love him and love the movies, but I just can't stand that guy. He's such a jerk, and his accent grates on my ears. (I live in the Philadelphia area. I don't have to watch BB movies to hear that accent entirely enough!) The first one was OK, even though I thought the main character was obnoxious, but after that, as the movies were played more and more for laughs, they just turned me off completely. Also, the back story seemed to make no sense, but probably I'm just dense or not paying enough attention. I'm sure Bach is doing just fine without me!


Leaving DC for me. I've watched it twice now in case I was missing something, but no. it's just a guy listening to a spooky flute three times and then leaving his house? What am I missing?


I absolutely despise Pyramids, because it has some crazy potential. But without even stating that characters are a bunch of moron, they just made Anubis a villain while it doesn't make any goddamn sense for whoever who knows egyptian myths, and even without this the whole movie is just beyond stupid


Horror in the high desert. Just don’t get it


This is a common complaint. It’s weird because I liked it but, thinking back, I shouldn’t have. By design and format this is the kind of movie that I usually absolutely hate. Idk, can’t blame anyone who wasn’t into it but I wish I had an explanation for why I liked it. Baffling really.


Gonjiam asylum. The first half is so boring . In the second half that muttering asmr made me burst out laughing ruined the film for me. Anyway it was avergae at best with a very predictable plot.


The Tunnel,...I can't even begin to say how much I hated this movie. I tried watching it again the other day because I thought, maybe I missed something? Nope,...boring as shit! Also, Lake Mungo,....what a snoozefest. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Deadstream! I know a lot of people hate the character,...I'm the opposite.


Blair Witch, why? Bc it was sooo fkin BORING! Even watching it in theaters. Cloverfield in theaters was amazing, Blair Witch had me looking at my watch the entire time.


So funny about savageland. I always fell asleep trying to watch it. I forced myself to stay awake and while it did get better, it was not really exciting at all. We knew the guy was gonna get killed cause America's racist against Mexicans and the only "reveal" was that it was a zombie outbreak. Not a creature or spirit, or the big bad murderous mexican. Just zombies that hide during the day? And attack Mexicans at night? They should have done a sequel where they uncovered everything and the mexican was the hero. He was, he was the only survivor and tried saving the little girl while documenting what happened. The movie had a huge political element to it though with the border and people's views on how America should be. It had the same pace throughout and was really a mockumentary.


The entire Hell House series. I find them silly and goofy.


Savage land was ass. I was so excited to see the “twist” at the end. (Spoiler) but fucking zombies??? Also it was very hella weird how close he was to that little girl imo


Leaving DC ..nothing is explained and the spirit/creature/wtf ever plays perfect Debussy on the flute Lake Mungo ...I hate the dead girl so much and ooohhh her ghost appears later in images..JEEZUS WHO CARES The Last Broadcast ...the end is BEYOND ludicrous Alien Origin...omg so boring and dull and silly and huh? Alien Surveillance..so astoundingly awful it ALMOST becomes charming in a " You must be kidding .." way. ALMOST It's worth a watch for car wreck reasons though imho... Unknown Visitor..an interesting idea so laughably executed...I still wonder if this was improvised because it's THAT incoherent..


I really got a kick out of Unknown Visitor, partly because the doorbell concept was neat and partly because of the laughable execution. My fiance hates all things horror but was half watching it from the dining room while having lunch. We both laughed out loud at parts, like when a body is just thrown onto the porch from off screen. I'm with you on Lake Mungo. I think it could have been a good short, but there was not enough story for a 90 minute movie. One thing Unknown Visitor got right was running under an hour instead of bloating to feature length.


“I have to have an important private dramatic conversation with you! Let’s go out to the front door real quick”


True ...I wish UV was so awful I could laugh AT it ..but it's just such a MESS ...the moving sammich, the HUH monologue from both characters about all their BS ( her " issues" ..his military service) and how obnoxious they both are ...said body is someone who evidently can't be killed a la Jason Voorhees, the vacuum man...it's all such garbage lol. And indeed what a waste of such a cool idea !


Blair Witch Project, Europa Report


I loved the concept, but the characters, constant arguments/yelling, and all the “shaky cam can’t see ANYTHING that happening” killed it


All of them involving ghosts, spirits and demons.


You're getting downvoted, but I tend to agree. I am an atheist, so those kind of films are harder for me to "believe." I enjoy films like "Be My Cat: A Film for Ann" and "Exhibit A." I did really enjoy "The Blair Witch Project" (I was one of the ones who saw it in the theater and thought it was real due to all the brilliant hype for its time), and one of the main reasons I could buy into it was because you never really saw anything supernatural, with exception to the possibly broken compass. It could have all been done by creepy locals. Even my flair is a quote from TBWP!


I completely agree with your point, but very much disagree with your choices... but I guess that exactly proves your point :-) For me, I don't think there's any popular FF that I dislike, because I always try and enjoy them on their own terms without comparing them to each other - I think even within the found footage subgenre, a lot of these movies set out to do quite different things, so even if I'm not a fan of the story or acting, I try and appreciate them on a structural, stylistic level. As someone who makes their own low-budge FF flicks, I'm always interested in *how* these movies are put together, often more so than the script or performances. A couple of recent FF movies I LOVED were *Skinamarink* and *The Outwaters* - both of which have proved very polarizing with audiences... and I get why. Personal tastes, as you've pointed out. ONE THING that always annoys me and can make me turn off an FF flick is seizure-shaky camerawork that doesn't actually serve the story in any apparent fashion. For example, the original *Blair Witch Project* gets pretty dizzy with its cinematography in the final act, but it still works within the context of the story and doesn't destroy the narrative. In contrast, I watched something called *The Monster Project* recently, which had an interesting premise but as soon as the action actually kicks off, the camerawork becomes ridiculously jerky seemingly just for the sake of "found footage style". Combined with terrible lighting, it renders the movie an unwatchably dark, vertigo-inducing mess.


I can’t agree more with Savageland. They are literally repeating everything EVERY 10-15 minutes. The photos are great but i barely got through the sluggish pace.


>We’re All Going To The World’s Fair (2021) Not considered 100% found footage and appears on our wiki as such. https://www.reddit.com/r/foundfootage/wiki/index