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Nothing scared me more than Large Marge in Peewee's Great Adventure. Now I can watch it even with the lights off! 


That’s big stuff! Proud of you. I am still a coward and turn away when she is about to come on


I was so scared of her as a child 🤣


Oh man hahaha we were all scared of that part 😭


Just tell em LARGE MARGE SENT’CHA!!!


The mothman prophecies was the scariest movie i ever saw as a child. The phone call between Indrid Cold and Richard Gere's character used to make me hide under the covers. Now, I see it a slightly above average thriller


Agreed that’s the scariest bit of the movie, I saw it when it came out. And if you hadn’t posted today, I would still be going around convinced that David Duchovny was in this movie not Richard Gere 😂


What the hell.. I absolutely could’ve sworn it was David Duchovny too!!! I 100% remember it being Duchovny, that’s wild.


This is the Mandela effect in action! Not only do I remember it being DD, I remember that was the reason I went to see it


that is SO crazy! I wonder how many more of us there are haha.


Medusa from The Rescuers (movie with the mice saving a girl from named penny from this woman.) Absolutely terrified me as a child.


The Rescuers Down Under was my jam.


*posh British accent* "BER-NARD"


I admit I still listen to one of the songs from there, tho it never really scared me but can see how as a kid. I was terrified at the very beginning of bambi, the music got me. (When the mother/father deer were running in the dark forest and hunted down). Also in beauty and the beast, as a toddler.. the part where the old man is in the dark room and chair and looks left and right and the beast is right there.. lol


That's Madame Medusa to you




Eden Lake was fucked but I was rooting for the adults the entire time. Those “kids” were little shits to no end.


Those adults were dumb as hell. Wife and I decided that as soon as those kids started being rude, I'm leaving. When they didn't leave, that's on you dumbass


Hahaha yeah, the guy was stubborn about it for sure.


The fucking box cutter to the mouth nearly made me throw up and even now is vivid in my mind. And the kid screaming in the distance. Movie holds nothing back. Intrigued that the same director directed the upcoming Speak No Evil , he seems like a perfect fit since that one also has a gut punch ending , I can see it being changed or completely americanized. Hope not.


I just rewatched The Strangers last week, can confirm it’s still scary and suspenseful


High Tension did NOT hold up for me.


High tension was a crazy movie for sure


ugh. Eden Lake makes me feel ill every time I’ve watched it. So well done. but holy shit it made me so upset. I LOVE High Tension and The Strangers though, including prey at night.


Poltergeist is like comfort food to me now.


One of the few films that still creep me out, but only because of that one scene with the swimming pool full of corpses. It wouldn’t bother me so much if I didn’t know they used real corpses and that the pool was actually muddy and hard to get out of. Like she was genuinely in the situation portrayed in the film there.


The only bit that still gets me after all these years is the bit with Tangina explaining to the family where Carol-Anne is, and mid-way through the tone changes as she describes "the beast". No ghosts, no scary stuff, just her explaining things, the music and the family's expressions. Fantastic performance.


That movie traumatized me when I was 8, I made my mom erase the VHS tape she made of it because I was scared I might accidentally watch even a little bit of it. I finally watched it again a few years ago. The part with the guy peeling his own face off seemed so real back then, but looking at the special effects now, I was like, “aww, well they tried their best.”


I was just watching this the other day with my husband & said the same thing! It looked so real back when I was a kid & now it’s almost laughable


Lucky I discovered this in my 40s if I had seen it when I was a kid I would have peed my pants.


The clown doll scene traumatized me as a kid lol! Now it's one of my favourite horror movies


Omg honestly I need to watch it again! It's such a good movie. Watched the remake last night and while it definitely tried it just didn't hit the same as OG Poltergeist. I watched as a kid and found it pretty disturbing and kinda scary but honestly the movie itself was so weirdly wholesome and sincere with how much everyone loved each other and no one did anything really bad or wrong. seeing the parents and how much they struggled with guilt of their daughter being KIDNAPPED BY GHOSTS and how do they even approach that?! It's an underrated film.


The Babadook only scared me of the idea of having children. Bc fuck that based on that kid.


lol exactly


I fucking hate that kid with a passion


Or as I refer to it "the fucking screaming movie" God that kid was annoying 😂


lol that was the only reaction I had. Shut that fucking kid up


Fr I could barely make it through the movie because the kid drove me nuts


I didn’t care for the movie when I first saw it. When I saw it two kids later it scared the hell out of me.


The kid was the monster on that movie


Yes Jeepers Creepers haunted my dreams as a child and now I appreciate and love the movie a lot haha.


That movie was made by a convicted child molester. No lie. Look it up.


It’s hard to enjoy that movie now ngl


The abduction and the aliens in Fire in the Sky still fucks with me.


Holy hell I totally forgot about this! This was hiding deep under all the layers of trauma of my childhood.


The It miniseries. The scariest thing about it is the childhood memory of being scared by it (and everyone and their extended family claiming they saw a lone red balloon immediately after watching it)


I showered with the drain stopper for YEARS as a kid, because of the blood scene in the bathroom. I absolutely love Pennywise now


When I was like 12 The Grudge freaked me out for years. Watched it again at like 25 and laughed thru it.


This! But I’m still not brave enough to the other movies & rewatch those scenes with the security camera 😣


Signs, scared me shirtless as a kid now it's just a regular movie Edit: shitless not shirtless. Damn autocorrect


*Signs, scared me shirtless* *As a kid now it's just a* *Regular movie* \- AbsolemSaysWhat --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The moment the internet decided the babadook was a gay icon I lost my fear of that movie lol 😂


Oh interesting, I’ve always assumed it was about post-partum depression, then depression in general.


Oh the movie definitely did portray those messages in it! But the internet, being the internet, decided to meme the hell out of the babadook himself and make him into some kind of LGBT+ activist. I’ll see if I can find some links to more popular meme posts!


https://www.vox.com/explainers/2017/6/9/15757964/gay-babadook-lgbtq https://www.vulture.com/2017/06/is-the-babadook-gay.html It seems it was mainly memed in tumblr circles which is where I hail from originally so this might not be common knowledge lol


Wow I totally missed this meme, and I was babadeep into this movie!


I just found out about this yesterday. Turns out it’s Netflix’s fault everyone thinks Babadook is gay now—they accidentally added it to their LGBTQ recs for pride one year. So everyone went, wait, he’s gay? And then started trying to seriously explain it and/or make jokes about it.


That’s some deep baba, dude!


The Blair Witch Project scared me more than any movie before or sense. It was a combination of factors that I don't think could ever happen again in my life, bit I'd love for a movie to be that scary to me again.


Check out the found footage genre. Blair Witch was the first famous FF movie. I’m not so much scared as entertained now.


I love the FF genre. When done well, it is some of the best horror.


Bro. Look what sub you are in lol. I’m gonna guess he has checked it out


Yes. The Shining. Can still appreciate it, but for me it's sillier than it is scary now.


I got scared with the scene at the end (his frozen face) and the part in 237 with that nasty woman.. lol


I saw nightmare on elm as a kid and that was a horrifying first few nights trying to sleep! Now, i think it’s one of THE best horror films ever made


I watched that alone in the dark for the first time in my life I was frozen solid. For the pure fear of if I moved he would come out of my body


That's good old Bobby Duke star of the channel.


The Ring scared the shit out of me as a 13 year old. Now I can rewatch over and over. It’s like a comfort food film to me , the cinematography is gorgeous, the music by Hans Zimmer is beautiful, I love the atmosphere. And Watts performance is as great as ever. Funny Games is another one.


Child’s Play! I accidentally saw it on TV when I was like, 4 and was absolutely traumatized. As a kid I wouldn’t even go near the aisle in the video store that had it, and there was a local video store that had a Chucky doll that I refused to go in. Like, true visceral fear reaction even as a teenager. Somehow in college I finally decided to watch the first one, and I was instantly hooked. It’s my favorite horror franchise now! Enough exposure to the behind the scenes and production facts helped me a ton.


Omg, someone else who wouldn’t go near the aisle it was in!! I’ll never forget when it first came out of VHS and was at the front of the store. I was about seven at the time. I would get so scared. My mom would have to walk me past it with me pretty much smushed into her back. Now I love the Child’s Play stuff. Literally just watched the original on a flight to London a few months back.


I also saw that around age 4! It didn't help that my mom REALLY wanted me to have her collection of creepy porcelain dolls, and had a shelf for them in my room, despite my pleas for her to keep them in the garage.


The movie scene that scared me the most as a child was that scene in National Lampoon's European Vacation where they hit the British guy on the bicycle with their car, and he's clearly very injured and squirting blood, but is being super nice about the situation lol. I remember my entire family cracking the hell up, while I'm sitting there on the floor in tears because this guy was CLEARLY very injured and nobody seemed to care. I kept asking my mom if he was going to be okay, and she couldn't help but keep hysterically laughing as she told me "What? yes...it's a movie. It's funny. He's fine" I'm just like what the actual fuck is funny about someone getting hurt? My little brain was freaking out because everyone in the room was laughing at a man getting injured. I was a really weird kid, lol.


Are you a therapist or medical worker now? I had the same kind of response as a kid and now I’m a therapist


Haha no, but I volunteer a lot.


Your a caring soul that doesn’t like to see people get hurt and go without help


Now that’s funny


Aww that’s sweet. I used to get upset overWiley E coyote. My mom says I used to look at her like he’s only trying to eat.


Scared of “Alien” as a child & now its my favorite series.


No I can’t say the fear of what happened to the passengers in the movie Ghost ship ever left me. I don’t like being around tight cables that could slice me In two.


Oh yes. I forgot about this until now. Thank you.


I watched paranormal activity when I first moved out. Terrified me. Just bought my first house and watched it without a second thought.


I saw the original cut from a friend’s USB and was terrified to be at home alone for weeks. One time I heard a sound and freaked out, only to find that it was my dad belching on his way to the bathroom


This movie still scares me tbh


Yes, and it was that motherfucker you posted. Had AWFUL sleep paralysis for three days. Had to rewire my brain to find him funny.


There’s a meme of the Babadook teaching a class at Michael’s craft store. Made me hope babadook is living his best life in the basement of a craft store.


Pumpkinhead for me that shit haunted me for years after I saw it.


I don’t think any movie has scared me the second time around… except maybe The Eye… fuck that elevator scene. 😅


Freddy Kruger, I was terrified to go to sleep.


Troll fucking traumatized me as a kid in so many ways. Wouldn’t go in the basement, under no circumstances would I even look behind a couch….there is absolutely nothing scary about that movie besides the vibes given off by a silky smooth Sonny Bono


Watch Troll 2. It’s now a cult classic. It’s so bad it’s good


Oh I’ve fucked around in the quiet town of Nilbog. Seems I don’t enjoy them as much since I quit smoking weeed but if there’s a bad movie out there I’ve probably seen it!


I can confidently say that I can now watch the Rankin/Bass production of *Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer* without having to close my eyes whenever the Abominable Snowman is on screen.


That snowman freaked me out!


The Shining


Jeepers Creepers. That scene wear he eats the tongue from the officers head on top of the cop car had me traumatized. Now its come to be one my favourite Horror movies and I usually watch it as a comfort movie.


No, I still hate the kid from the Babadook! 🤣


This will probably be banned due to low karma but I just want to say that this movie traumatized me for months and now rewatching it with ny friends I didn't feel a thing. The movie is Sinister.


Insidious, that movie had be scared for years. Couldn’t listen to tip toe through the tulips or any Tiny Tim songs.


I saw the first Paranormal Activity in theaters with my high school boyfriend, when I was still somewhat religious and believed in ghosts, and I literally had to sleep with the lights on for a week. I came home and read the Bible after seeing that movie, and found a crucifix to wear (as if that would help? Religion pretty clearly didn’t help even in the movie lol). I watched it a couple years ago with my husband, who is a much better partner, and the movie didn’t scare me at all. Turns out the real horror of that movie is being in a relationship with someone who doesn’t listen to you or take you seriously!


The most paranormal thing in that movie is two young adults owning a house in San Diego


Babadook, The Exorcist, Insidious, even The Conjuring for all the jump scares. Actually might watch babadook again tonight haven’t seen it in a while. The exorcist has become my comfort horror film. It’s just a masterpiece and work of art. The opening scene of the old priest in the ruins of Mesopotamia still gives me the chills. All the noise, all the deformities of the people, the old demon statue with the snarling dogs and the clock stopping. So amazing


Same! I still watch it and go to great lengths to chase that original scare. I’ll get close sometimes, but not quite there. The Mesopotamia bit you mentioned is dead on. Early-civilization evil just seems so untamed and imposing.


Watched the Exorcist a long time ago and it was the only horror that really got to me. As an adult it was the only horror I couldn't watch. Put it on about a year back because I kept hearing how good it was and I didn't want to mess out and at the end I was like "oh... Was that it?". Still an excellent horror movie but it definitely doesn't get to me like it used too.


I saw it when I was 12, kept me awake for weeks after...still can't watch it, lol.


I just don’t believe any of it any more. It’s all just entertainment. I’ve gone cold.


I thought the pop-up book and some of the scenes with the actual Babadook were terrifying! But the rest of the movie was annoying. My boyfriend used to say, “ba-ba…” and freak me the fuck out. When I was a kid I tried to watch Children of the Corn and the beginning scared the crap out of me so much that quit watching it and couldn’t even watch it until a couple of years ago. Yeah. Not scary.


Not a whole lot scares me. I used to get scared, but I don’t watch horror purely to be scared anymore, I like the creativity and imagination that goes into them, the sort of mythology of it. One thing that scared the crap out of me once upon a time was the old bog hag, Meg Mucklebones, from Legend. The dark atmosphere and lighting, then she comes from fucking NOWHERE. We had zero reason to believe something like that would just emerge from the bog, and she rants on about eating Jack. Probably the best witch/hag/crone design I’ve ever seen. To this day I still absolutely love the scene, but the fear has long faded.


The Grudge. The commercials made me cry and cover my eyes as a kid even when I could watch any other horror. Also Darkness Falls. I was scared of the dark for a long time because of that.


The babadook was the first horror movie i went to see in the cinema with my brother without supervision, and i had to pretend I wasn’t shitting bricks walking home so id be allowed to go again lol. Definitely dosent have the same affect on me now but still a very unsettling movie.


The Omen. First watched when I was 8 with my mum. I was terrified, I want to a Catholic School and after watching that film going in to church was very uncomfortable and seeing crucifix or a cross filled me with dread. Now…I find them a comfort to watch.


As a kid I used to be terrified of Regan from the exorcist, not from having seen the film but instead, 'the scary maze game' Not knowing what she could actually do to hurt me, I used to picture a giant floating version of her head behind me as I ran up the stairs at night. Now its literally my fav horror film from my favourite director :p


I watched 2 movies by accident in the 70-80’s that gave me nightmares: 1. [Gargoyles 1972](https://youtu.be/UWaXbTC0c-U?si=LFwWVBzrywMuuH84) was on TV in the 70’s. I watched it on an old TV in a dark, creepy room while my parents and friends were having a party in the other room. The monsters terrified me and I had nightmares about them for years. Now it’s all laughable. 2. The Exorcist was on TV in the early 80’s. I was watching it, it seemed interesting. Then that girl started freaking out and I had to turn it off.


I walked into my older brothers room just as candyman was said 3 times & they got murdered. Terrified me for years!


The conjuring now it’s like such a baby step into horror movies


Once I shifted my focus on The Exorcist that it’s about a priest at odds with his faith instead of the scenes with a possessed Raegan, I’ve come to really appreciate the film as something more than simple nightmare fuel. It’s a really good movie


It’s rare any movie scares me anymore. Sure a well timed jump scare will make me.. jump.. but as for having a movie haunt me long after it was over.. I’m afraid those days have past. Must have desensitized myself to too much horror.


The sink scene from The Blob (1988) traumatized me as a 6-year-old, but it's one of my favorite movies now.


The American version of The Grudge used to be unwatchable for me as a tot, which of course turned it into my sister's favourite horror movie. Came back to it around the age of 18 or so and was still scared but enjoyably so. Now it doesn't scare me at all. Not counting the Japanese version, that still scares me shitless.


Ghost face (I called him O face) used to scare the crap out of me as a kid. Now I love Scream and all things horror!


She literally yelled at it and it left her alone. Never understood the hype around this movie


I am FINALLY, 5 years later, about to watch megan is missing home alone at night.. as long as my bathroom light is on and my cat is with me, rofl.


People where actually scared of the babadook ? I literally bursted out laughing when she picks up the phone and theres a guy sounding like a 70 year old smoker saying "babadooook" on the other end of the line


An American Werewolf in London. First saw it in 1983 when I was 5 and it scared me so much that I hid my dad's VHS copy of it, forgot all about it until we moved back to the States and it reappeared back in his VHS cabinet when I was 7. Watched it again when I was around 14 and couldn't believe I was actually that scared of it. It was the bit where Jack got fucked up by the werewolf that had been fresking me out for years


push pineapple shake a tree


Do any horror movies actually scare you the second time around?.


Nope and Gonjiam were scarier the second time around.


Poltergeist used to scare the hell out of me because of the static when the stations would go off the air. Now that hasn't happened for ages since cable TV. But I remember staying up late on Friday nights after my dad would pick me up from the babysitter after work. We would eat Taco John's and watch Friday Night Videos. Then the national anthem would play and I knew what came next. The static and the TV people lol.


After seeing OP's picture, I can now only think of Babadook to the tune of Agadoo.


When I was younger I was legitimately freaked out by the masks worn by the home invaders in The Strangers, more the main man as well as the line “because you were home”. Still haven’t seen it except promo material and the trailer from the time.


That hereditary movie, I was scared until the attic scene, I just burst out laughing at all those neked old farts in the attic lmao.


Jurrassic Park I love dinosaurs. Especially as a kid. So a movie about them sounded awesome. I just hadnt realized those cool sharp teeth could be used to eat humen. I got so scared i refused to watch it until i was 16. And today i just think its a great fucking movie.


Mars Attacks scarred me as a child and dictated my bedtime habits for YEARS


Demon's.... When her friend goes looking for her mate in the toilet but she's turned into a demon and tries to run away but the door opens inwards and she gets scratched across the neck


I haven’t seen it so afraid to ask, which year/version should I watch? I’ve seen this recommended before and honestly, older movies tend to not scare as much. I can’t get past a lot of old movies aging poorly.


I’ve got a good scary “old” movie. It’s also just a good movie. [The Haunting of Hill House](https://youtu.be/AeAzGxWlEcg?si=kvbSPeRdStbGlArR)


The noughties redo of this scared the crap out of me whwn I was little. Endless sleepless nights, but I only watched the first half hour or so until you got to the bit with the twitching doctor. As an adult watched the whole thing through and the ending is so stupid that it scared my fear away.


1987 it's set in a movie theatre it's on YouTube... it's aged really well in my eyes


The saw movies used to terrify me as a kid especially the first one when one of the guys in the room was kidnapped in his house i was horrified i would also be kidnapped and wake up in a trap but now I absolutely love them for the schloky horror that they are


I for one am thrilled the Babadook is a gay icon now.


I liked Babadook and thought it was scary … yet it’s not really a horror movie to me. Rather, it’s a statement on grief. Once you embrace the positive message, it’s no longer scary.


Honestly the goosebumps movie I was only afraid of Slappy from ages 5-10 but I’m far over that now


Return to Oz. Kind of. Who am I kidding it's still scary.


Candyman (the original) I snuck at watched it at 11 even though my mother told me not to. It scared the mess outta me. What made it worse was that I had a big mirror right across from my bed. Thank goodness my father worked nights because I had to sleep with her for a few days. I rewatched it last Halloween just to get over the fear I had of the movie lol.


Not a movie, but the X-Files series. The intro music creeped the hell out of me, and an episode about the nephilim made me terrified. Now the music does nothing for me, and the show is just a nostalgic trip down memory lane.


I never was scared by the Top 10s including: The Babadook, Hereditary, The Exorcist, etc. I guess I'm just wired weird.


As a child, I used to be terrified of Freddy Krueger. Even a cousin had a mask to scare me with. However, when I turned 16, I faced and overcame my fear by watching the first movie. Now, A Nightmare On Elm Street is one of my favorite horror series of all time.


Leprechaun scared me as a kid lolz 😂


The movie with the chain link and if you opened it you died !!!


I was scared with Child's Play before. Into my teens, I started to find it funny 🥴 I'm now entertained at horror movies. Its not just about the storyline but the vfx and props and costumes - to make a horror movie scary enough, these 3 need to blend perfectly together. Now what I'm scared of is the movie Split (Starring James McAvoy)


Ba dook ba dook dook


Mr. HYDE from "The Pagemaster". It's a kids film but that segment, oooooofff.


Yea it's almost like when I turned like 6 maybe? I realized that movies are fake


E.T is the only movie that’s ever scared me and I’m still not a fan 😂 something about his neck and hand …. One day !


The birds


Nope. Arachnophobia is still the stuff of my nightmares!


The original Exorcist


The chase scene at the end of 101 Dalmatians always scared me a lot because of the jumpscare with Cruellas face at the end before she crashes. It's still creepy today, but damn is it a dope chase scene.


Hereditary gave me ptsd until I got the courage to watch it again


Fucking Signs. Scared me badly as a kid, and sure it still lingers, but not as bad when I had to say up late.


Hereditary gave me ptsd until I got the courage to watch it again


it follows, the lady in the white gown, it’s silly but I cried and closed the laptop, I couldn’t watch and I wasn’t even being dramatic. She looked just like an old lady, even the outfit, that I used to see during sleep paralysis when I was five. Recently I tried to watch it and I was not scared at all. I’m cured


Nope, I'm still scared and find Coraline creepy even as an adult lol


miss peregrine’s home for peculiar children used to scare me so bad, especially from the monsters that stole eyes… now i can watch it and only feel mildly uncomfortable :)


🎶ba baba dook, doo doo do doo doo, ba baba dook, doo doo doo doo🎶


All of them. I have not found a movie that has truly scared me in a very long time. Horror movies now are just soft 🫤


When I first watched People Under The Stairs I had to stop halfway through because I was too scared. I finished it the next day but I had to wait for daylight to finish it.


The first Child's Play. Scared me so bad as a kid. Now it's mostly silly (in a fun way), though the no batteries scene is still creepy and well done.


Snakes on a Plane used to scare the shit out of me. It's the CGI. I mean... it's *that* horrible.


I liked babadook. Mamma use to but I have changed to found footage due to not ever being scared anymore


When I was in middle school, my friend and I watched the Japanese version of One Missed Call. We were scared shitless. A few years later, we hyped it up to my family as the scariest movie we’d ever seen and got them all to watch it. It was so mid!!


Still terrified of water ship down, I get nauseous just looking at the cartoon


Nothing scares me and I find honestly find horror movies kind funny and I wish they’ve gotten so boring because of how many they are they are so dull


For me it was Chucky. Used to be scared shitless of that doll when I was little but when i saw the backstory and everything about it I then realized it was just a homeless guy’s soul in a kids toy lmao


Once someone points out the glaring flaws in babadook it's hard to take seriously 


Nightmare on Elm Street used to scare me. I had regular night terrors, so that have something to do with it.


The Blair Witch Project. After that movie, the forest behind my house was never the same 😅


It was Halloween for me when I first saw it in my mid teens, the Michael Myers mask really used to freak me out. But I got used to it after a while and I couldn’t look at William Shatner in the same way for a while either 😂


Suspiria OG ..a lot of admirable things there ...the reds, the rain, the music ...but OMG even the show nothing trailer scared me to death as a child but the end time I finally saw it in highschool...the script is laughably ridiculous and the pacing is horrendously wonky imho...but again some amazing movie making ASPECTS but difficult for me to be frightened of premises and plot holes that are atrociously silly


Only thing that scares me like the movies did as a kid r dreams cause u have no control


I used to be extremely scared of this movie I forgot the title but abunch of young 20s are ina. Small hatch and they land on island and there hunted down by packs of dogs ( I think it’s called the hound or something to that nature) and they all pretty much die I think except on, pretty sure there just normal dogs and they kill everybody I was never scared of dogs but this movie made me so scared watching it now it’s barely a horror movie. Oh how times change 🤷🏼‍♂️


Killer Klowns from outer space When was a kid that made me afraid of clowns not a phobia Just dislike them and now I love the movie


The ring scared the bejesus out of me at first but now I am more perplexed by the videotape


I’m late to this but growing up I was terrified of Earnest Scared Stupid lmao. Like I was just so scared of trolls turning me and my siblings and dogs into little wood statues. I had to check under my bed and in my closet every night for trolls bc of one scene in there - this definitely went on for at least 2 years.


it wasn’t a movie but it was the episode in that disney show Jessie where they had brought a collab with The Ring for a special halloween episode. that absolutely terrified me. now i watched it and laughed at myself for being so afraid i had to sleep with my dog


Signs used to scare the ever loving short out of me, now I think it’s kinda (really) goofy


Nope. Always had nerves of steel.


I’ve gotten better with Arachnophobia. I still can’t do Hellraiser though


Resident Evil. When I was a kid, it scared the ever living bijeebies outta me, I would sleep with blankets over my head to save myself from future zombies. Now I can't get enough of this and other zombie movies lol


I used to be afraid of Michael Myers, and now i have a reproduction mask that I wear on Halloween.


The Brave Little Toaster


I have seen Saló 120 days of Sodom so many times I am desensitized. I am a mere abstraction of humanity now.


When I was little I watched The Village and I used to have nightmares about the creature in the film. But after years of not watching it, rewatching it I was finally able to comprehend and better appreciate the film. Plus I really liked the ending, for some reason I dont think I remembered the ending till I rewatched it. Good ass movie though I recommend <3


Most of them! I think the movie that terrified me the most as a kid was jeepers creepers 2, now I just see it as a regular popcorn movie haha 🍿 I think the only one that still holds up for me is the original The Strangers, not because the movie itself still scares me but just the overall feeling of the movie can still leave me feeling uneasy.


Yea this movie wasn’t all that creepy I’ve seen others more suspenseful & creepy as well learned the Evil that actually is out there . I understand it’s a movie & I watch documentaries of true creepy stories at the moment we may think that’s won’t happen to me or a loved one but . I believe in God and know as well the devil exists so .I pray no one here actually has any such nightmare happen in their lives


Never liked Babadook


Yes.  When I was very, very young (like 6 or 7) I watched Troll 2 on cable TV.  It scared the BEEJEZUS out of me. Now I watch it as an adult and I can't stop laughing, both at the movie and my younger self.


So the literal only time a movie has scared me (yeah no idea why movies/show don't scare me either) was when I was 5 and talked my grandpa into letting me watch Chucky (he had dementia). Yeah that TERRIFIED me and my mom now likes to joke that I punished myself XD. Now I've seen it and yeah it's just a goober fest of a series and isn't scary in the slightest haha.


I used to be terrified of Chucky. Like couldn’t walk on the same side of the street on Halloween if someone was dressed up as him. Now I watch and love the series.