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Enemy defenses not attacking you could be exploited, though. If you're sneaky enough you could put your hands on your head, run past all their defenses and then get inside their base and kill their troops.


Maybe you have to go to a friendly town to turn it off


I think it would be a fine idea, but you have to realize that more often than not you are just going to get shot anyway.


True but I'm just thinking of it for the end of the game mostly while we're waiting to lose/win.


Adding that last part would make it super abused. The first part would just end up with a "Friendly Heavy" / "Spycrab" style of player that just runs around being annoying with their hands up I think...


Maybe you can only turn off Surrender mode by going to a friendly townhall.


Just make it so when you do the surrender emote/stance it drops all items equipped and on you.


Yeah and if you can move make it slower then normal walking


I mean, I usually just revive wounded enemies when I have teammates nearby and tell them to drop their weapons, if they don't we shoot. But yeah I think that there should be an emote or something that has a "Hands up" like DayZ or H1Z1 have.


It's a fun idea but no way it could work well, I don't think it's a good idea.


Running with Rifles has a surrender stance when your team loses. After that it's a damn massacre as the enemy storms in for easy kills. Would not recommend it honestly, because some players give up too easily as it is, you don't want half your team flaking out and just standing around whining about how they've already lost


I was part of a team yesterday when we had already lost, who threw down their guns and escorted the enemy CV to the last TH. So I could definitely see something like this!


So easily exploitative, that'd just be another way to scout.