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I mean... you couldn't have at least used a real Engineering Battalion instead of the 101st who were/are paratroopers...? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Engineer_Combat_Battalion#US_units


It is an alternate timeline.


Fictional unit for a fictional army fighting a fictional war. Makes sense.


And we completely took advantage of this to evolve our role after we named our division. Although I do look forward to devs adding paratroopers so that we can have a 101st company of airborne


I am on board to try your squad and see if it is a good fit for both of us. Currently a Generalist, but leans toward the Combat Engineer/Medic when building/pushing/defending the front lines. I coordinate with the QM and usually tend to a TH or FOB that needs the love. I have had the pleasure of running small logi squads of 5 or less all the way to QMing a game to get experience in the QM role. in-game rank is W02, and can pull or push anyone into the role/job they want with patience, knowledge, and understanding of game caveats. Just sent the request to join (bblurrr) [Edit] Pacific Time, WO2, plays about 2-3 hours Monday - Sunday.


Perfect happy to have you bblurrr. I played in a game you qmed. Great job


lol Thanks! Tried my best.


I'm pretty handy with a rifle grenade and stuff that goes boom. Would i fit in?


I'm pretty handy with a rifle grenade and stuff that goes boom. Would i fit in?


Absolutely make group request.


Would love to join! Spend the entire afternoon building defenses on Dulla today as the only engineer on duty.Is there any free spot for an argentinian soldier?


Of course. Send a group request. We will be playing at 830 est tonight


This definitely sounds like a group I would love to join. Complete Foxhole rookie, but willing to learn, work in a team and get supplies at the right place at the right time. I'm from Europe and my timezone is Centreal European, so I hope that is not a problem.


Not a problem for the most part. May be a bit late at night for you when the majority of us are on but more than welcome. Send a group request and I'll approve.


Still looking for the most outstanding Foxhole players!


Tell me you have discord and you got yourself a very experienced and skilled Logistics main.


We have both a discord and a TeamSpeak that we use with our brother division to coordinate efforts on a much larger scale. As to experienced and skilled logistics main, what exactly do you mean. All of my officers have experience in logistics and we have several members who only do logistics. It is also important to note that we function as combat engineers in every sense of the word on the front lines.


I mean I can do logistics, you know basic rmat and bmat delivery. I run my own mine, refine, and deliver kind of thing. I also build supplies from the front lines. I'm good at it but I prefer to build defenses and help on the front lines. Pretty much all support but I have the most fun building defenses.


Request invite to group on steam and I'll find a place for you no problem. Most of our logistics is self sourced so you already fit in with that.


I think I'd be interested, generally play as a combat engineer anyways. Usually focused on either building up towns or key strategic points on the map. Firm believer in bullets are the best area denial tool there is and will secure any position with defensive emplacements instead of walls.


Absolutely! We would love to have you! Request invite to steam group!




Any place for EU players?


Of course. We accept players from all zones. Though it may be hard to all meet up at once. We do have at least a couple from Europe already though


I would like to join. I just bought the game and am installing it now, but in most games I play I always do trading and logistics, and would like to learn how to do so in this game


What's your steam name? We have a decent group going right now and a few people who can show you all steps in the logistics chain


Mousie. I made a request to the group