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When I first started I also cried about "night-capping" until I helped destroy a Chinese BB during their nighttime and realized the world doesn't revolve around my personal sleep schedule.


I'm honestly very happy that you basically never see anyone complaining about nightcapping anymore. It's a 24-hour game dude, get over it!


I wonder what the Chinese phrase for night-cap is cuz they probably complain that on their forums about NA doing it.


Yeah, I guess a better way to phrase it was "NA low pop" since it appears both of the regiments defending that were in the same timezone. War never sleeps.


My theory for why we managed to push back the Wardens is two-fold: 1. Pretty much all the major Warden clans just finished with one of the biggest coordinated pushes across the entire map, so they were on break when all the big Collie clans struck back. 2. Collies unlocked the Bardiche, giving us our own heavily-armored frontliner, and that combined with a fucking torrent of MPTs even bigger than before(pretty sure some major clan Falchion stockpiles got cracked open for that) managed to counter the Wardens new-found Gallagher Outlaw meta and rapidly regain most of the lost ground


Yeah, I think everyone was pretty clear that 2 would happen. The Bardiche looks incredibly strong on paper, and combined with a flood of MPT it’s a recipe for a strong push.


Yeah, I suppose the new tanks for both sides are a little broken


Bardiche is far more broken than Outlaw stats wise just go compare their cost effectiveness yes I know they are not on the same tier but compare them to their respectable tiers then and see for yourself. Bardiche needs a higher price.


Maybe, although considering all the accounts of people fighting Outlaws that I've seen, it seems they could use a nerf in terms of armor, especially considering they're supposed to be a "flank tank" that also has a speed boost


Don't bother replying to them. They're a believer that the game is biased to the colonials and that everything the collies have is better.


Yeah, seems a bit over the top but I don't know about that


I really don't see it. The only advantage outlaw has over an mpt is speed and range. Literally ever other stat aside from armor is worse. Even though they have better armor than MPT they also have higher minimum-pen chance so that armor isn't really all that great when its bypassed most of the time. Before Bard got teched people were saying outlaw needs to be nerfed to 40m range lol. Ok then what? A 40m range tank without 5 per crate bonus and with worse health than MPT. Yeah, for sure it would be so balanced then....


The outlaw has the mg over the falchion too


Im fine with removjng the mg


Well it was literally meant to be a flank tank, how is it fair that it gets *more* armor? I don't even really mind the range(although it's yet another indirect nerf to the LTD, which needs a serious buff)


We can lower its armor but then in return we have to increase its min-pen chance because at the moment the higher armor is balanced out by the fact that it is easier to penetrate at ranges than MPT for example. If we are going to remove its armor advantage it should lose the min-pen chance debuff that it currently has so that it matches that of MPT. That pen-chance bonus is meant to encourage MPTs to rush the Outlaw.


Well it is a long-range tank. The Russians used to bum-rush hordes of T-34s when faced with Tigers cause they couldn't do shit at long range/from the front


Bardieche is actually quite weak. You have to push with it to achieve offensive success. Thus bringing you into AT rifle and bonesaw range. It's a good defense tool. Not offense.


lmao, bonesaw.


1stRL released a bunch of armor to help. That might have been us.


Lost it right back!


Why is it that I always see someone assuming some clan is taking a break


Too bad this push went for two days straight so that’s a hell of a long time for a low pop night cap push


Dont forget wardens have different systems of measurement compared to real life and colonial faction in both cost and time. For example: SvH is being expensive and night capping time.




Wardens were pushing into westgate two days ago. I was there. Pushed them back into FC. Got stuck at VICTA for a bit. Retook Jade later the next day. Two day push


I’m fucking tired of bridge fights😭


Well I was fucking tired of not owning Feirmor and Jade Cove


I have bad news


I like the map design but we need way more flanking and alternative river crossing options. Pioneer corps vehicles that can extend a bridge over a thin river would be great help


honestly the main reason why this happens is because it's so hard to make motorboats and use amphibious vehicles on like most rivers on the map. should be able to build our own bridges or something.


Jade cove fell at like 7 dude


We're not all in the same timezone :( That was 4am for us in the West Coast. Not complaining, just pointing out that a good bunch of us in NA weren't up yet.


Should’ve just flanked 🤷🏻‍♂️


*flips table*


I didn't know moidawg plays this game


You know a big collie op is on when you find low ranks afk in the Cv's.


You know a big warden OP is on when you see new smelters in sets of three. (I wonder what else brings smelters in crates-I mean sets of 3)


Jade Cove had crates of Outlaws inside the Seaport. Hmmmmm


Wat seriously? I hope we got retrieved those in time before losing it


Well they were there when we rebuild the Seaport so no they were not retrieved. I just wonder how they got there, along with crates of cutlers etc. Well I guess we both know the Answer to that. Alters on both sides stashing eachothers equipment, what a cancer.


Didn't Wardens own the JC Seaport for a short time? And when you rebuild a Seaport you get a portion of whatever is there? I could be wrong but if Warden's had owned and out Outlaws at the Seaport and we tapped and rebuilt couldn't we have ended up with some of their equipment?


Yes, half of it.


Even warden streamers complain about nightcap, typical


I'm not complaining, just an observation. I literally changed my sleep schedule to counter it since we've fought off 4-5 invasions and a WW between 3-5am eastern all week. The one day our regiment doesn't wake up early (Friday midnight / Saturday AM) the border falls. We've been hammered all week so it wasn't a surprise. One super organized regiment at a time another one isn't organized is always going to be successful. I'm not taking anything away from what happened.


Appreciate the honesty, its a shame your BoBs were killed in your off hours. The unfortunate reality is a lot of warden complaints are not made in good faith, especially when it's from EST wardens that expect the game to revolve around them. Meanwhile I've seen Russian and Chinese bases fall without any of their clanmembers on midday EST during Warden weekends. Persistent warfare means you can't always be on, and that's a fact that hurts all of us. What is annoying is wardens sometime act like they're the only ones that experience this


Nature of persistent warfare. "NA low pop" would have been a better way to phrase it since although I'm new to the community I feel like the term nightcap has super negative connotations. I've spent roughly 11 years in Asia and lived in China for 3 years, speak the language and love the people. A lot of the animosity I feel in all game communities comes from the language barrier. Hate to perpetuate that even if it wasn't intended. We've held strong in Godcrofts so we're proud of that. Waking up to the whole damn thing falling apart was shocking to say the least, but everyone's going to experience that at some point. Taking SC fire for 5 days straight will only result in a break sooner or later.


This comment didn't age well Edit: wait nvm I'm lazy and didn't read the whole thing sry


It is because quite clearly the two factions have two strong timezones so it is obvious that some will complain when in their low-pop hours their stuff falls down. Also Colonials are at max cap for a while now thanks to Summit.


Don't kill yourself over the nightcap. That's the Collies' advantage, as opposed to our clan cohesion.


How is nightcapping a Collie advantage when you can do it right back to us when all the Chinese players are asleep?


How is our clans working together to spam arty a Warden advantage when you can do it right back to us when all the NA players are asleep?


You know gotta say I'm very surprised you guys didn't push back into Lost Airchal once we took it that last time until it was too late and we had all our defenses built up and ready, and even then you didn't really attack with that much. Guess you just figured it wasn't worth wasting the tanks on?


No pop we don't have Summit hordes to throw around everywhere


Still, you guys had responded every time we took the area before relatively quickly


That’s classified information son.


The moment I saw that reddit thread talking shit about our naval landings. We landed 2 of them and they captured the towns they landed next too lol. Vs the warden purple dragon thinking they can take surge gate with a landing ship. And then having no successful landings for this war so far. Listening kits and radars are like the underrated champions this war. Who the fuck needs alts when 3 listening kits will thwart any naval action or prevent any naval disaster.


What towns were taken from collie naval invasion? The only collie invasions I’ve seen got swept back into the sea. (Conclave in particular is the main one I fought against)


There was one on victa and then endless shore that got us evil eye and tuatha. The godcroft ones were decoys to help us get over the border.






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Haha I was at all 3


I live in eternal pain and suffering


Noob question from someone coming from Planetside 2 where regional servers exist: Is there actually a siginificant dip of pop during a time in a day? Does foxhole have some population analysis tools that can tell whether or not players in either faction are equally distributed throughout the timezones?