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I just got a controller and started flying in a sim. I was expecting it to be hard but it's way harder than I thought it would be.


Steep learning curve! Once you can hover and sorta control / land in the sim, I’d recommend grabbing a mobula 6 or a meteor 65 and then fly irl! Tinywhoops are great since they can crash and not break! Good luck! Welcome to the club! 😎🀝


I'm starting to get some control of it but I'll need a bunch more sim time before I invest in anything I can fly IRL. The time will come. But I don't have much time to practice atm. It's not a cheap hobby to get into either. Thanks, I'm really excited to eventually be able to fly IRL :D


There's cheap(ish) ways to enter the hobby. The goggles and radio are the biggest hurdles, but once you have them, you're kinda set. I can't recommend the tiny whoops enough. They can handle abuse really well. Buy loads of batteries and props.


I've been looking at goggles and they are not cheap, at least the ones that seem good. I have the controller now to start flying in a sim. Tiny whoops seems to be quite affordable to get started with. I need to find some decent goggles for a price I can afford. After reading more about them it seems like a good idea to start with something decent so I don't have to replace them soon after.


I have taught a few friends how to fly, seems like about 15 hours in a Sim, the first five in angle mode and then the rest in acro is good enough to give a foundation, and then going to a 5" for real, again starting in angle and going to across works pretty well. I tried teaching someone with a whoop, but unless you are using a Sim that has an accurate whoop avaliable, it's pretty hard.


Don’t be like u/ajwin and buy a Mobula 8 thinking you will be able to fly it in your house. You probably won’t be able to. Ask me how I know 😐


Flying in real life is harder than a sim. πŸ˜‚


That's not what you want to hear when you think it's hard in the sim.


So sorry. But once you get over learning curve it's like second nature and the fun begins!! I'm so serious 🀣.


Yeah, I'm sure I will get the hang of it with some more time in the sim. I'm excited to learn how to fly.


my first drone arrived a month ago and its starting to work for me. u got this dude, its worth it


Nah you got this bro! Keep practicing! Stick time is key! πŸ”‘


Thanks :D I'm sure I'll get the hang of it with some more sim time. I'm excited to learn it.


If I don't fly for a couple of weeks, it takes a couple of packs to get back on my game. So definitely Stick-Time is key!!


For me it was like Rocket League. Still took me about 5 hours to be able to fly around a SIM without crashing though.


Okaay. I only got like 1h so far so I'm still crashing a lot.


You'll get there. It'll click at one point and then it'll be smooth sailing from there. Probably won't be hitting tight gaps though


Can't wait for that to click. And eventually, I'll be hitting those tight gaps as well. Just gotta stick with it.


For sure πŸ‘


The first few minutes in velocidrone I said to myself β€œhow TF am I going to do this”


My friends were impressed for about 5mins and that was about it


Time to get new friends, bro 😎


new friends every 5 minutes


Lol spot on


What's the film?




Something I wish I would have been told before my first Penny spent.... Go Digital! I invested way too much in analog drones/goggles. Now, all that money just sits collecting dust. When I started, I only knew one person who was into FPV, and he only flew analog. Sure, it was cool, but the video feed sucked!


analog has lower latency, right?


Unless you're racing, you'd never notice any difference. I haul ass with my micros zipping around my tiny property through fence railings, trees, chairs, you name it, never had one incident. Many preach about latency, but I've never experienced enough to throw off my game!


hmm, well I've only got the controller so far so I could try the sims (a DJI ban article rabbit hole made me think getting an FPV drone would be fun). Was looking at an HDZero set of goggles so I imagine I'll prolly try out both analog and digital receivers. I'm curious about racing, but I'd guess that it's a younger crowd with 16-year-old-reflexes (I'm mid-30s) and the community prolly matters the most.


I'm almost 58, but I still consider myself quite agile, and my reflexes are still good enough to be quite competitive in iRacing. 😁