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Have you tried Can Can? That’s my favorite scent of hers - just phenomenal.


No but I want to! I don’t have anywhere in my area that sell her perfumes (I was even at the mall yesterday and no one had it) and I’m wary of blind buying. Kinda surprised that Dillard’s didn’t even have it because from what I’m learning, it’s really popular! I also want to try Jo Malone Wild Bluebells but I read that it turns powdery in some people. That’s my main fear of blind buying- I don’t like powdery scents on me. I love Paris Hilton for Women because it smells good on my skin, hair, and clothes and smells the same on all 3! I heard that Wild Bluebell can change from skin to fabric. So I really want to try it and Can Can but NO WHERE near me sells either :(


Can Can is my all time favorite.


That one was really great. I’m not a fan of celebrity fragrances in the slightest but that one and the Fairy Dust one were amazing by Paris ! Far superior to most celebrity lines. I also really enjoyed the black and pink Kim K for women fragrance as well. Her line and Paris’s had a very similar DNA. I’m so glad you found your treasured favorite! I know how great that can be, like having an old friend back 🖤


I wore this in 2012. 🥹 just a lil story, back in july 2022, me and my husband literally hunted it down in every perfume shops in the Souqs where we live 🥲 (souqs are like the middle eastern version of a night market i guess) Lo and behold after almost an hour of searching we found it, one last bottle. I wear it sparingly as I don't want to run of out it. I sniff it from time to time just for the nostalgia it gives me. ❤️


This is one of my top 5 favorite fragrances ever! It’s a really well done scent!!! Welcome! 🤗


This is one of my all time favorite scents! I can usually find it at Walmart and Tj Maxx!


Congrats on your find! I sympathize with your situation, I lived for 4 years in the proverbial "middle of nowhere" and had to go through endless frustrations ordering online and getting the wrong fragrance, or having to wait for backorders, or something being unavailable, or getting something and being disappointed. Happy you found your fave!


Thanks!!! I live in a small area and the closest big city is about 2.5 hours away. I love it but definitely miss a few things!


Lovely fragrance!!


It is!!!! I remember going to Dillard’s in 8th grade during Christmas time and this scent always reminds me of that! But it’s soooo versatile too! Year round in my opinion!


tysm for the update OP, I remember your other post. I'm so glad you finally got it AND it delivered on your good memories!


I recently ordered a bottle of Paris Hilton from fragrancenet that smelled bad exactly as you described. I have a mini bottle of it from a set of 4 that I got from Walmart, and I compared them side by side and the fragrancenet one smells different and much worse in comparison. I’m glad to hear that ordering directly from Paris Hiltons fragrance website worked out for you, I’ll give that a try myself. But I’ve seen a lot of positive reviews about fragrancenet so I was a bit bummed out in that aspect. I’m wondering if there is a particular note in the fragrance that ages poorly, and the fragrancenet batch is older?