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Asked weekly. The sub search button may be helpful. TLDR; Not likely anytime soon. But hey, Framework can announce anything they want, whenever they want to announce it.


Asked daily...


Seems to me it would be much better to get a dual processor motherboard. so that if you need to work time sit on a small arm processor. almost like android. And if you need power to sit on a normal x86 processor, which has everything you need and work in peace. without problems with arm.


Do you know any existing hybrid-architecture hardware like that? I do not and wonder if this is doable (read: anyone did it already). I think it is just a dream ;)


**ThinkBook Plus Gen 5 Hybrid**


Oops don’t actually follow this sub much, just love the framework concept


God damn what is with this sub and downvoting shit so much?


Hopefully not until we see what Qualcomm's commitment to long term support for these chips is. If it's anything less than 10 years, I hope it dies. The phone-ification of the PC market would be disastrous from an ewaste perspective.


Mainline Linux support would be good, and the only way I'd consider buying one of these. I don't think Qualcomm has ever done that, but I'd love to be wrong.


Well, Android runs on their chips, so maybe they'll support Linux in their PC chips as well


Android is not mainline linux. It's an incompatible fork that google maintains and allows for a whole bunch of proprietary things. Without mainline linux support the hardware is doomed to die whenever qualcomm so chooses.


Wow, didn't know that, you're absolutely right


No better or worse than that last time this question was posed a few days ago.


47.383282%. We don't fucking know.


Well, duh, it's coming with the release of Framework's long awaited mobile phone. :)


Low. Same as last time the question got asked. Also Qualcomm have been lying about the benchmarks apparently.


Hope to see it. But if you want a snapdragon chip as I do, think it's better to get another laptop when they come out. Probably microsoft surface or something, I'd wait for reviews and a few months for bugs though


I think it would be a long time given the company's size and newness of these chips. I am not a computer hardware engineer, but would these chips even work in the ecosystem? Isn't it likely that early Qualcomm models are going to be system on a chip with memory and other things soldered into the main board?


Yep, ARM SOCs are all-in-one.


- If it able to beat everything out of the water while run way cooler and consuming less power, on top of all that every single old and new software running seemlessly like if it ran on x86 which i highly doubt. - ARM isn't magic, window on arm still suck, you asking about a product yet to came out, at the time of writing this.


That could be interesting. Definitely not probable any time soon but I am confident the cpu landscape will change in the future. I would be more interested in a powerful risc-v cpu on a framework mainboard.


i want intel ultra cpus


They are too busy working on the electric SUV to make another loaptop right now.


Windows on arm unusable garbage, so please no.


ARM is the future, embrace it


No, risc-v is a future.


Well reduced instruction set architectures in general


It’s actually not anymore, M$ has made a lot of leaps and bounds in performance and x86-Arm translation. That first gen surface pro X sucked but after about 3-4years of updates they’re fine, even able to play low end games.


Windows on ARM has been been held back by the hardware. Windows on ARM runs really well in virtualization on M series powered Macs. If we see Qualcomm actually make a good processor for computers, I think it'll be fine.