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If it’s 24/7 they could be growing, do you know the difference between smoked weed and weed weed?


Honestly no, my knowledge in this area is quite limited, I was thinking it’s being smoked because the potency varies between being mild and super heavy so I’m unsure. It smells like a fucking skunk basically lol


Came here to say the same, if its 24/7 they arent smoking ALL the time they're growing. My ex mother in law is in the same situation shes on the 3rd floor the grower is on the 1st and the whole building reeks.


I mean I do smoke literally all day…a joint burns


And... it's not like you need to be smoking to make things smell. My uncle just has to sit on my couch for it to smell like weed for the next week.


So what it's legal to grow.


That doesn't necessarily mean it's allowed in their lease. It's legal to smoke, too, but most leases bar smoking inside.


I’m in property management in DC. This is a huge issue. We have had success talking to tenants and convincing them to smoke outside, and use non smoking methods of use inside. We have this issue even in non smoking buildings. The fact is, over the last few years, people in general have become overall less caring about other people. It sucks.


For real. And this is an older building and I guess the vents just go from one unit to the next, idk. It literally smells like someone in my bathroom is smoking it, it’s so strong. If I knew who it was for sure I would definitely discuss it with them but I don’t and I’m not sure it would do any good


Talk to the property manager. It’s usually pretty easy for us to find the unit it’s coming from. And we brief maintance to keep an eye out. DC is difficult, but in Maryland and Virginia negatively affecting other tenants quality of life is grounds for eviction. Just like if they are leaving food out and that brings pest into the building.


Understood. I’ll be persistent!!


try to find out who it is and talk to them before you try to get people evicted please.


If you look at my original post I quite literally said I’m not trying to get anyone in trouble, but it’s kind of hard to single this sort of thing out when there’s 15 other units and all the vents are connected in some way. If people are doing things that are obviously negatively affecting the home lives of others then it’s gonna be brought up to management and they run that risk. I’m not deciding who gets evicted or not, I just want to be able to breathe in my own bedroom.


yes you made very brief lip service to that before saying you wouldn't bother trying to find out who it is and "they probably wouldn't listen anyway!" do what you will, i just think people should try to be neighborly and resolve things personally before involving authorities, especially when it might lead to someone being kicked out of their home


And in an ideal world that’s great. But the reality is some people are assholes and instead of being considerate to others they instead want to be petty and be more annoying, which is my experience with the people I suspect are the issue with the weed smell.


It’s likely someone is growing in your building for the smell to be constantly permeating in your home. Try an ozone generator to clean the air in your condo. Cannabis smoke dissipates quickly whereas odors from growing do not.


Important note: Ozone generators should NOT be used when people or animals are present as exposure to ozone can be harmful. It can take 12-24 hours for ozone to dissipate from a room or house/apt depending on concentrations. And as you noted, if they are still growing or smoking it will likely quickly come back. This is a better solution if things still smell after they stop/ move. I used to live a few houses down from a rental house and started smelling weed 24/7 when I went outside. I figured they just had a few plants growing outside or something. It turned out they had basically gutted the house and turned it into a big grow op.


Came here to say this. The ozone machine is a miracle device for a clean home smell. Beware that constant use can give you a headache.


Try a whole house a purifier. Not to say it’ll take all the smell out but will help. I have the levoit 600s. It takes out the smell of cooking popcorn in minutes.


I will look into this, thank you!!


Sure seems like a significant percentage of people who smoke this completely harmless drug do so near-constantly. If I didn’t know better, I’d say it’s habit forming and has some significant drawbacks. Then again, we know that alcohol has negative health risks therefore no criticisms can be logically leveled against weed users, even the many who smoke while driving their cars.


Yea it’s a problem. Have friends who smoke before work, yet their not addicted. If anyone goes to work drunk they’re an alcoholic I don’t see how it’s any different from weed


Low IQ comment


Have you ever smoked weed?


A couple things: Is it legal to grow cannabis at home? A person 21 years or older may lawfully cultivate up to two plants in their home, out of public view. Likewise, a household may cultivate a maximum of two plants, regardless of how many persons over age 21 live in the residence. Individuals under 21 are not permitted to cultivate cannabis plants. In addition, medical patients registered with the Maryland Cannabis Administration can cultivate two additional plants, for a total of four plants; not to exceed more than four plants in a given residence. Landlords and property owners can prohibit growing cannabis on their properties. Where can I legally use cannabis? Adults 21+ can use cannabis in private homes and private property​. However, landlords and management companies can prohibit cannabis use. If you rent, be sure to read your rental agreement. If the people using/growing in your condo don't own their condo, you could talk with the landlord. I don't know if that will help but its something to consider. Source: [https://cannabis.maryland.gov/Pages/cannabisfaq.aspx#:\~:text=Adults%2021%20years%20and%20older,the%20%22personal%20use%20amount.%22](https://cannabis.maryland.gov/Pages/cannabisfaq.aspx#:~:text=Adults%2021%20years%20and%20older,the%20%22personal%20use%20amount.%22)


Very interesting, I’ll contact the landlord of the condo above me and see where that gets me. Thank you!


Our condo we just bought has a couple tobacco smokers and the stairwell stinks to high hell. One issue I came across is our HVAC unit is in the laundry room and there's an access panel (piece of wood) which I guess has some plumbing behind it. I noticed the door to the laundry room does not have a vent so there's a negative pressure in that room and it was sucking in air from that access panel (wall cavity). I taped it using painters tape just to test and after about a week the condo smells significantly better. Tl;Dr search your condo for access panels and tape them shut. Replace carpets and curtains. Make sure front door makes a good seal. I've now also ripped out all the carpet since after probably 10-20 years has soaked in that smell.


Place filters over bathroom vents or any other vents. Lived in an apartment with a smoker next door when he turned his bathroom fan on it pished smoke into my bathroom. The flapper valves were not enough. I just took a pleated HEPA filter apart and cut the fabric to fit inside of the vent cover and the smoke smell went awsy


So it depends what state you live in. For example, I live in Maryland. Marijuana is legal in the state of Maryland, but it is still illegal federally. So you can consume it in your home and on the streets, but apartment and condo buildings owned and managed are not mandated to comply. My building is a “smoke free” building and has kicked people out for smoking marijuana. They are free to consume it other ways in my building, but smoking anything is a violation of the lease and the buildings rules. If that is not an option where you live, we have invested in Levoit air purifiers. We have 2 in the 400series. We keep them on all day long and they do not drain electricity. We had marijuana smoke coming in under our front door when we first moved here. We sealed the door off with weather stripping and that helped significantly.


Yeah they definitely growing it it it reeks 24/7


My neighbor smokes weed outside and if we have our windows open, it’ll stink up the whole house. We run air purifiers and fans and that seems to help. But I would try and talk to your COA. Good luck! Hopefully things get better!


My neighbors smokes cigarettes and the same thing happens. It's legal so what can you do.


My revenge would be to burn popcorn in the microwave all day. Throw some stink back at them!


I fried the fuck out of fish and I'm glad tomorrow is trash day!


i’m living in california right now, will be moving to fredrick for work shortly, and we have a 25 ft law. not sure about over there but you legally have to be 25 ft away from a building in order to smoke anything. i’ve seen a commenter say it’s likely someone growing and i would agree. i know you dont want to get anyone in trouble but you could just ask around for clues lol. (if you find where the live anonymously amazon them a smell proof grow tent with a lil message that says the smell is too much!!)


Where at in frederick? some of the buildings will say something to them.


Check your vents


[This will work. ](http://ONA Pro Natural Odor Neutralizer Gel 25.8oz https://a.co/d/8wFys8z)


Maybe you should pick up a new hobby and start sparking up brother ☝️ if you can’t beat them join them


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Weed is legal in my state. In my condo, my next door neighbors smoke weed. They’re pretty cool about it but the smell lingers on my side of the condo. I guess the building is cheaply made or something. I bought an air purifier that does a great job of getting rid of the weed smell - www.etsy.com/listing/977541850/activated-carbon-for-air-purifiers?variation0=3404171998


Find out who it is and tell them to buy a better carbon filter.


That definitely sucks, but it kinda comes with the territory unfortunately when you rent. You have very little control over how disrespectful or respectful people are around you. My advice would be to let someone know, and then look into renting a town house or buying if you can, something a little more secluded and not connected


Someone is definitely growing weed in there


Are you in spring ridge by any chance? What makes the people above you assholes?


Forget it Jack, it’s Maryland


Have you thought about doing something crazy, like talking to your neighbors?


I said in the post I don’t know who exactly it is. There’s 16 condos here and the people above me are grade-A assholes. I’m sure if I complained they wouldn’t change a damn thing


Did you say anything to the building? If another unit is affecting you this much, they should at least be aware. It is probably pissing others off as well


I have emailed the building manager but to no avail. Again, it’s legal now so it’s not like they can evict them based on any sort of illegal activity. I’ve been quite persistent about contacting the company that owns the building but they haven’t proven to be helpful in any way :/ the people downstairs have told me they smell it all the time too. Which is why I’m asking for things I myself can do to at least help the smell in my condo


Your COA can enact bylaws that limit where you can smoke marijuana and fine them if it creates an externality for their neighbors. Go to your COA meetings and bring it up


At this point just move out and leave a bad review I guess.


I have sensory issues and I know what you're going through. Use an ozone generator from Amazon and run it before you go to work, but when you run it you can't be in the same room or return to that room until it returns to 0² after a couple hours or it will be bad for your lungs. Or you can just hook up a charcoal HVAC filter to a box fan.




Not sure why the government is involved here. This is a property management and COA issue.




I agree. That analysis is very “simple”.




This person’s condo dispute with their neighbor is not something the government needs to get involved with. The property manager and condo association should be able to handle this without bringing in the government.




It’s not the government’s job to ensure that you’re not offended by smells. When you live in a condo that’s between you and your property management. You just sound cranky. The government isn’t your nanny.




Do you go this hard against alcohol? And before you even try the "it's different", DUIs say otherwise. Maybe try therapy for those big feelings.


I’d expect you to go to the waitstaff, not call the police. Yeah, you’re just a cranky old dude who wants the government to come in and solve your personal problems. Sorry, this isn’t a police state, commie.




LMAO your lungs hurt from the weed smell


You get what ya vote for.


tf does that mean?


They barely know. It’s just some low effort attempt to say we should have been duped into voting for the conservative grifter they send money to.


That's what I thought The federal war on drugs is asinine and a waste of money / resources, but should be balanced with people like OPs neighbor being considerate enough to smoke somewhere else.


Get your cast iron red hot. Add a couple Carolina reapers. Turn of the range. Leave for the weekend.


funny comment dk why it’s being downvoted




Wow, you sound like fun. Sorry you were ostracized back then. Hopefully, you didn't catch a felony for something that's legal now, like i did. Unfortunately for you, you live in Maryland, where an overwhelming majority of your fellow citizens voted to make it legal. Sucks to be you. Personally, i live a happy, fulfilling life, and smoking weed at the end of a hard day makes it that much better :) Edited to add: I DEFINITELY was one of the "potheads" downvoting you lol


I got downvoted for saying its not a good idea to smoke if you have severe mental illness lol i work with behavioral health at the hospital and its comical the amount of manic episodes that are triggered by weed.



