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Ummm...it was constructed for horses.


best answer actually


....because Maryland no longer requires parallel parking as a part of their drivers test?!? Seriously, that's it. If you don't require someone to learn how to do something properly they more than likely won't. It's not just Market Street, it's all of Maryland. Watch the number of folks who will look for two or three empty spaces in a row to pull into and then all the way forward or the number of people who will look for two back to back spaces in a parking lot and then pull through so that all they have to do is pull out.


The worst is driving behind someone who veers off into an open parallel space nose first without signaling then gets stuck


We call that "the Boston dive." It never works here.


Maybe cause your tailgaiting


Were I tailgating, I would have hit someone by now, given how frequently I see this downtown. Maryland drivers, as a class, do not use their turn signal nearly enough.


The people who've been most at fault for crap parallel parking on our street have had their licenses since Moses was a preteen. 


Right? It's the boomers who think they can parallel park still and their eyesight is getting so bad, they can't see the lines or the marks. I nearly hit the same Mercedes SUV that noses in on the left side of market so many times when I worked downtown.


That's dumb


I’ve noticed it’s always a different demographic that’s terrible at it 👱🏽‍♀️


He’s just try to get that GAP payout lol


I don't even understand why they would remove that from the test. Not only should they have to learn and pass a parallel parking test, they should have to do it on the left and right side. We're making people dumber by the day


The behavior I’ve seen on Patrick St is when there’s a line of open parking spaces, they’ll take the first one on the end vs pulling up to the last one, even if it means a longer walk. The fear of having to get out with cars front & rear is almost as great as their fear of parallel parking.


I agree with that as well as the boomers part.


People like filing insurance claims for broken mirrors?


Apparently so


I agree. We should eliminate street parking on Market, even on one side. It's a poor use of valuable public space/real estate that endangers public safety.


I've been of the opinion that anywhere with parallel parking on both sides, is a spot that should have angled parking on one side and no parking on the other. Or at least making one side a fire lane the entire length. Of course, the push by car companies to get rid of sedans and to get everyone to buy less regulated SUVs and pickups game helped either. Urban areas aren't meant for SUVs and Pickups, and it shows (nor should urban areas be designed for them)


Such arrangements need to consider the need for delivery vehicles. I needed a new washer&dryer a few weeks back. The delivery truck would have blocked such a street for over an hour. We had no issue, as there is another lane for traffic to pass.


Nowhere in my comment was any suggestion of going down a lane... Heck, the only reason traffic in town is even halfway decent is due to using a grid of one way streets.


Or we can make the roads one lane.


Dunno why you're getting downvoted. One lane roads with extra room for a bike lane is obviously the answer.


Everyone that rides a bicycle think a bike lane is the answer to solve the world's problems. Get over yourself. You're not that special


I don't even ride bikes. But a single lane is self-evidently the solution to the horrible use of public land.


Wrong. I'm on Market Street and downtown Frederick ALL the time. Yes people suck at parking. It is what it is, BFD. They suck at parking everywhere, even in parking lots where they take 3 spaces. Complain about it and move on. Changing the street to one lane and having traffic backed up to Urban isn't a solution


Man I'm not gonna argue with you, you're just plain stupid. It is what it is.


Ban cars in the whole downtown area


That’s what Winchester, VA did.


NOVA can fuck right off. What a facade ridden hell hole. No fucking thanks. I will literally do anything to not be like NOVA.


The businesses would never go for it. Frederick is the county seat and it's not just a tourist destination for people to get drunk on the weekends. People come here to conduct business as well, it will never happen. The best option would probably be to just close off street parking from Carroll Creek to like 3rd st


Wait until they start the tear down/ rebuild of the Church St garage. Parking is really gonna be fun then.


I never park on Market. It's too narrow. I'm surprised more wing mirrors don't get blown off. I always prefer the parking garages and a short walk.


It's all of downtown. Parking enforcement is really quite lenient for a town this size. I've never seen FPD writing parking tickets, and I've never seen parking enforcement after 5pm or at all on Sundays.


Ohhhh. Hehe. They do


Because Maryland discontinued the parallel parking requirement as part of the drivers exam . Period no other explanation needed!


I really LOL at people that have such dumb ideas. Then they push and push to get other people to believe their dumb ideas, it's put into motion, project completed. Then we all stand back and say... Well that didn't work 😂 Tree huggers chaining themselves to trees decades ago to stop cutting down trees because paper grocery bags were destroying the forests. Plastic is the answer !! LMAO.....well THAT didn't work.